Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Grains of Sand ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Thank you to the few people who reviewed my last two chapters I really appreciate the support!! I actually got this out o time and it came out the way I wanted it and I'm so happy! I hope you like it, and if you don't it's ok, just tell me about it. Any and all comments welcomed!@

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 8: "Grains of Sand"

The rain fell softly hitting the puddles and creating small streams of water of on the sidewalk only to be disrupted by an occasional shoe. Again a puddle was disturbed by a foot as a girl hiding under a pink umbrella walked by on her way back from the store, her grocery bag in hand. Tohru looked down at the bag once again to make sure she had everything. It would be six months tonight, six months since that first morning they were able to hold each other, since their first kiss. It seemed like only yesterday, but the days slipped by quicker and quicker, like sand in an hourglass. "So much has happened," she thought quietly to herself.

Sohma-kun seemed like he had gotten over the rejection after a month, even though that was still quite a bit of time for sulking, but things were back to the way they were before with them just being friends and that uneasiness she had had ever since she started living with the Sohma's was gone. It wasn't that she didn't like the Sohmas or Yuki in general, she just never knew what would happen if he ever asked her out or made a move and now she knew and they both knew nothing would happen between them. The uneasiness was gone and they could truly be friends now.

Kagura on the other hand had become more distant from everyone, she had visited Shigure's only two or three times since the incident and surprisingly enough it was to see Yuki or Shigure. She also seemed to have gotten rid of her hostility, no one had heard of her loosing control since that last visit to Kyo. Unfortunately Haru had begun to see Kagura as competition so they were not really on good terms. They had had a few spats but not a real fight, even though everyone was waiting for it. But after that Kagura had backed off but Haru still kept an eye on her.

And over the months Kyo and Tohru had grown even closer then before. Unfortunately neither could actually do much in public for fear of being seen or found out. But whenever they got to be alone it was all worth the hiding and ducking. It wasn't just the sex, but just being able to be close, to hold each other, and to just be together, something no cursed member of the Sohma house could ever experience for long. And tonight would prove just how lucky they were, half a year had already gone by since the blossoming of their love and they were still able to enjoy it. Yet they still feared Akito's wrath if he ever found out. Tohru shook such thoughts out of her head as she approached the dimly lit house, she had stopped by the store on her way home from work, so it was very late and she knew only one person would be waiting up for her. She smiled as she opened the door and called out in a soft tone, "I'm Home."

Kagura sat in the bathtub letting the steam roll around her nude form caressing her. She sighed and leaned back contently in the hot water letting it envelope her in a warm caress. Her muscles protested every time she moved part of her body too quickly. Last night had been great, but she was so sore and tired this morning. This had been going on for so long. At first she went to him for only comfort but as the days turned to weeks and weeks to months she wasn't sure what was happening anymore. She knew she was over Kyo, she knew when she had accidentally seen Kyo and Tohru kiss in the kitchen when they thought everyone was asleep, but that had been at least two months ago. It had been quite a shock at first and she had told Yuki but found out he had known for a lot longer. She tried to beat him up like she used to with Kyo, but it seems she had found her match, and eventually calmed down. 'When did I start to love Yun-kun?' She sighed thinking of her connection with the cursed mouse. 'When I loved Kyo-kun I was so determined and always wanted to see him, I couldn't stand to see him anywhere near another girl. But with Yun-kun? It's…' She put her hand to her stomach and sighed, 'it's different, could I really be happy with Yun-kun?' She let her face slide half way under the water. 'Don't kid yourself, you don't even know if Yun-kun likes you, as far as you know he still loves Tohru. I'm already cursed once over, why do I have to be cursed in love too?'

Kyo leaned against the wall in his room looking around lazily as the dreary light filtered into his already dark room. He heard the door downstairs open and close and Tohru's soft announcement. He slowly rose to meet her but didn't make it too far as he slouched over in front of his bedroom door. The door opened as Tohru entered and ran into him falling on top of him. "Oh Kyo! Are you ok?"

"Yeah…I'm fine," he said in a tired voice.

"Maybe you shouldn't get up, you aren't always in the best health when it rains and I don't want you getting sick and-" He cut her off with a kiss.

"I'm fine." He slowly got to his feet. "So what kept you? You're later than usual." She blushed.

"I wanted to stop by the store on the way home to pick up something special." He gave her a questioning look. "You know because you're not feeling good because of the rain and all and I wanted to make you feel better."

"There are other ways," he said with a smirk.

"Yeah but it doesn't always work when the weathers like this, remember," She said blushing furiously. He grimaced and stood next to the door.

"Well I don't want to keep you up after working all night so let's make up some dinner."

"Hope you're not too full from what I left you guys to heat up earlier," she said stepping past him and heading down to the kitchen with him following behind. He followed her into the kitchen to watch her prepare their midnight snack. She lit the stove and began dicing up some veggies for the fish when she felt his arms wrap around her. "Feeling better already?" She turned around and her lips met his in a passionate kiss leaving her head buzzing.

"I always feel better when you're around." Their lips met again but she pulled back as she smelt smoke and saw a towel smoking on the stove. She threw it in the sink and turned on the water.

"Umm maybe I should finish cooking before I cause an accident." Kyo rubbed the back of his head looking a little annoyed.

"Hey, you're not that bad, it's not like you're Kagura!" He immediately regretted his words as he saw Tohru stiffen, it was because of him that Kagura had become more distant and Tohru had lost a friend. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that I just-"

"It's ok, I know you didn't. I'm fine really," she said smiling. "Anyway the fish won't take too long. You can wait where you want." He took that as a hint to sit in the other room at the table. He tried not to talk about Kagura too much, he knew it hurt her. Ever since that night he had told Kagura he loved someone else she had become very distant and hadn't spoken a word to him or Tohru since. He could get over it; he knew why she was doing it to him. But he couldn't help the feeling of dread over why she was acting like this towards Tohru. The only reason she would do that is if she knew, and if she knew then at any time if she wanted she could go to Akito. They never did decide how or when to tell the two about them or tell anyone else for that matter. They just didn't want to ruin this happiness they created together, they knew inevitably that if Akito found out she would have her memory erased and be forced to leave.

So much had happened since that day, the day he first held her, their first kiss. She was still the shy overworked caring girl he knew before, but now she was more. She was someone to comfort and be comforted by. To feel loved and wanted and be able to love her in return. She had become a bit bolder when it came to sex and such but every now and they he would notice her blushing face that reminded him of who he fell in love with and still loved. He was brought out of his reverence as she came in with two plates of fried fish and veggies. She sat it in front of him and smiled even though deep down she was feeling a bit disappointed. She never really came out and said anything about them being together nearly six months but she tried dropping hints. Yet the smile on her face never faltered as she sat and ate with him.

She was surprised when she looked up to see him already done and quickly finished her own plate. She reached for the plates when his hand caught hers. "I just wanted to tell you…. I know you made this dinner for another reason…" Her breath caught in her throat as she blushed. His face was bright red, even though he had changed a lot in the last few months some things never changed. "And I wanted you to have something." He pulled out his other hand and placed something in hers. She pulled her hand back slowly and opened it to see a beautiful gold chain with a little cat paw print charm on it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held it up to the light. She looked over to see his face about matching his hair, his eyes hidden by said head of hair, and leaned over the table to hug him.

"Thank you Kyo-kun I love it. And I love you!" Her lips locked onto his as she was dragged down on top of him as he slid to the floor. She straddled his waist as their lips were still locked in a passionate kiss. They didn't know how much longer happiness like this would last or if they could stay together even after Akito. At the moment they were living for the here and the now, grasping at the grains of sand and holding what they could for as long as they could.

Yuki walked quietly along the road he had traveled probably over a hundred times. He didn't know what was drawing him to the main house. He wasn't sure if what he was doing was right but he couldn't help it, he just didn't know what to do anymore. 'Why did everything have to happen the way it did. It was fine just a few months ago, the three of us were friends, just friends, and I still had a chance. Then everything turned upside down, and now I have to worry about Kagura.' He stopped to shake the thoughts from entering his head and continued walking. It was pretty late, he was sure that no one would be awake at the main house. He just wondered if anyone had noticed him leaving Shigure's. 'Probably not. Everyone is asleep except for Honda-san and she won't be home for a while, she shouldn't even be walking alone at night.'

Once again he sighed as he remembered things he had lost and missed. He no longer loved her but the throbbing pain from love lost was still present in his mind. Not as bad as it once was, but it still caused a dull ache in his chest. He pulled his jacket closer in the chilled rainy night air. Fall was slowly turning to the winter to hide itself before the snow melted away leaving puddles just as the rain was now. What does the snow become when it melts? Puddles, that's what; puddles that were once the puddles of the rains in spring. The spring that led to loss of innocence and heartache and comforting, like the season is weeping for so much everyone has lost. If that were true then the pain of loss would soon be a new wound on his scarred soul. 'So much has changed in the last six months, but so much has stayed the same,' he thought as he saw the main house come into view.

He involuntarily shivered at the thought of Akito. Going against Akito was like going against god and Akito was sure as hell ready to smite someone whenever they went against him. The pain and suffering for the cursed member of the family would be long and painful while it would be swift and no more then like a needle providing medicine for the innocent outsider. 'Kana had been lucky, after her experience with Hatori and Akito she went back to her normal life and had even found happiness again and married. Hatori though…I don't think he'll ever be over her.'

Yuki felt something in the pit of his stomach tighten. He wasn't sure if what he was about to do was the right thing but he felt it needed to be done. 'Something like this needs to be laid out in the open. I can't keep it inside me anymore.' With one more deep breath he quietly opened the front gates to the main house and entered.

"Are you sure about what you say you saw," asked Akito lying on the floor of his room in his loose Kimono talking to a person shrouded in shadow.

"Yes I'm sure," came a soft masculine voice. "I saw the both of them together just the other night. It was sickening."

"Yes, quite. Let them enjoy themselves for now, for what will probably be their last night together. Enjoy the last few grains of sand that is their happiness before it passes through their fingers and returns to the desert it was taken from."

Yuki pulled his coat tighter around himself as he slipped out of the gates of the main house and made his way back to Shigure's. The gray early morning light signaling dawn would soon be here hastened him to get back sooner. 'After what I said last night I'm glad at the response I got, at least now I know where everything stands. Especially where we stand.'

No one noticed Yuki's absence the night before and enjoyed a relaxing Sunday morning free of rain giving Kyo some renewed strength from being cooped up the last two days all tired and dreary. The three men sat around the breakfast table as Tohru brought in the food on a tray and passed it out.

"Another wonderful meal, only a goddess could cook so good." He received a glare from Kyo as Tohru blushed but that didn't stop him. "Such a fine cook and housewife should make me so happy." And with that Shigure was on the ground wondering why he was now staring at the ceiling through blurred vision.

The three people still at the table looked up as they heard the front door open and two figures walk in. The first figure they saw was Hatori who took off his shoes and moved into the area where they were dining. The second smaller person proceeded to take off his shoes and entered behind Hatori setting everyone in the room on edge.

"Hello Yuki, Shigure, Kyo, and Tohru," he said dragging Tohru's name on a bit longer then needed and got stiff looks from everyone at the table. Kyo and Tohru both felt panicked by tried to hide it. An unexpected visit from Akito couldn't be good. "I was nearby and thought I'd stop in, get some breakfast and maybe some tea and maybe discuss some gossip that had fallen upon my ears. Some very good gossip at that." He stopped to smile as a drop of sweat ran along the side of Tohru's face and down her neck where it stopped at the gold chain around her neck. "Would you like to hear?"

Author's Note: Good? Bad? Come on I need some comments!! I can't write if I don't know if anyone's reading and especially if they're not liking it! I don't care if you hate it, just please tell me what you think!