Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: WOW, I got so many reviews in the last day that I posted. I seriously felt so inspired I wrote the next chapter in a day (believe me that is a feat!). Anyway thanks all of you who reviewed, I did take some comments into consideration, like how some people wanted to see the lemon between Yuki and Kagura but I didn't, sorry. But also keep in mind this is mainly a Kyo x Tohru fic (even though in some chapters you can't tell) but I will oblige every now and then. This chapter turned out more Kagura x Yuki then anything else but I like how it turned out and hope I can balance the two couples out after I didn't give much of Yuki x Kagura in the last. Sorry I'm blabbing but I'm so happy. I hope you like! Please review!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 9: "Confrontation"

"What are you implicating Akito," asked Shigure speaking up for the first time since Akito had arrived. "That these three have been up to something?"

"No, not the three of them, only one." Yuki visibly stiffened and Kyo and Tohru just looked baffled. Shigure looked over at Yuki, confusion written on his face as well.

"One," questioned Tohru.

"Yes, isn't that right Yuki?" Yuki leaned his head down making his eyes hidden in the shadows of his hair.


"You haven't heard the gossip either," Akito questioned Tohru and the rest of the room with a proud smirk on his face. "Our dear rat here has fallen for the good for nothing pig." Tohru gasped and looked to Yuki who still wouldn't face anyone. "Or so rumor says. What do you have to say, Yuki?" Yuki clenched and unclenched his fists in an attempt to keep himself under control. "Would our dear Yuki really fall for someone so violent and crude and not even very pretty, I would even go so far as to say she was ugly."

Yuki slammed his fists on the table and shot to his feet. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Don't you talk about her like that!" Everyone was taken aback by Yuki's sudden outburst including Akito who frowned once the initial shock wore off.

"So, it is true then Yuki? How long?" Yuki stood there not moving looking down at the table. "How long were you planning on keeping this from me?" Akito began to raise his voice and his temper as well. He shot up and grabbed Yuki by the front of his shirt pulling them face-to-face. "How long?!"

"As long as we could," was his soft reply.

"No, Sohma-kun!" Yuki putting his hand up held Tohru back and she could only watch in shock as Akito's first blow hit Yuki's face drawing blood. 'I don't care. I don't mind at all,' Yuki thought to himself. 'Better me then her. Kagura…'

Kagura clutched her chest suddenly. 'What was that?' "Yuki-kun." She turned suddenly as she heard someone come up behind her and jumped. "Oh god Haru you scared me!"

"Why would you be afraid of me," he said with a smirk. 'Oh shit! It's black Haru!'

"What's going on Haru? Your black, what happened?" He continued to smirk and took another step forward.

"You now exactly what happened," he screamed and swung at her, she ducked under his arm and scooted away. "You took Yuki away from me!" He turned to look at her with a gleam in his eye she had never seen before even when fighting Kyo.

"How could I take him away from you when he was never yours to begin with?" Something about all this wasn't right, something that was nagging her in the back of her head.

"He could have been if he wouldn't have went away. If he wouldn't have moved out and lived on his own where you could visit him at any time without Akito!" That was it! 'If he knows about me and Yuki, has he told…?'

"Haru, you told Akito," she yelled astonished. She just saw his demonic smirk and felt herself shudder in his presence. "Why? You know what he'll do to Yuki!"

"No, not if Yuki says he doesn't love you. If he's loyal to Akito and not you he'll be ok, Akito promised-"

"But he does love me!"

Yuki entered the main house quietly, but still left a dripping trail of water behind him as he walked the darkened halls. He walked in deep concentration trying to muster up what courage he could. He wasn't sure he could be as brave as he needed to right then and there, but he had to try. He stopped outside of a closed door just standing as a lake of water formed below his feet. He was startled out of his concentration when the door opened and Kagura nearly ran into him. "Yun-kun! What are you doing here at this time of night, and your cloths are soaked! You're going to get sick. You need to-" She was cut off as his cold wet lips found her hot ones and they mingled before her slowly pulled away. "Yun-kun."

"Kagura, I came here for you." She blushed a deep red but it was mostly hidden by the darkened hallway. "I need to tell you something important."

'Here it comes,' she thought gloomily. 'It was fun while it lasted, but I knew it would eventually end as he got over Tohru.' She kept her face as calm and collected as possible.

"It still hurts me to think about Tohru. But the pain is fading and I know I don't really lover her anymore." She held in the sigh that tried to escape. "And as the pain fades I feel something else." She looked at him questioningly as he went on. "Everyday I used to wake up in pain wondering why I was alone, why she wasn't there, why she wasn't mine. But lately when I wake up I don't even think about her, I don't. When I wake up in the morning…I." He hid his eyes under his bangs before continuing. "I think, 'I wonder if I'll get to see Kagura-chan today." She felt a tear trickle down her red cheek as he finally lifted his eyes to meet hers. "I don't know how you feel and I don't want to hurt you, but I couldn't keep it up any longer. I had to tell you. I love you Kagura." He sat there waiting. Even if it was rejection that awaited him he needed to know. He needed to know how she felt. He hadn't been able to confess his love in time the last time around, he made sure he was going to do it right this time.

But what he found he wasn't ready for as she began to cry. "Kagura, Kagura-chan, I'm sorry, please I didn't mean-" Her mouth caught his in a breathtaking kiss holding them both in the moment before she slowly pulled away. "Kagura…?"

"I love you too," she said quietly.

"Then why are you crying," he asked still not sure if he should believe her.

"Because, I thought I was just helping you to get over Tohru. I thought you'd eventually just come up to me and say, 'oh well I think I'm over Tohru now, thanks for the help.' That's why I'm so happy for the first time that I'm wrong."

"That was the first time you've ever been wrong," he questioned doubtingly. She glared at him.

"Yes the first time I was wrong." He decided to let that go. Yuki sneezed sending little droplets of water scattering to the ground. "Oh Yun-kun you're still soaked through. You must be freezing."

"I'm fine Kagura really. Actually maybe I should be going now, it's getting late and-" He stopped talking as he found himself hauled over Kagura's shoulder as she carried him into her room and was glad no one was awake to see this. She set him on the ground next to her futon and plopped down next to him and immediately started taking off his jacket.

"Kagura, what are you doing?" She stopped in her pursuit to strip him to answer.

"You're cloths are soaked, you're not going to get any warmer sitting in them."


"Come on Yun-kun it's nothing I haven't seen before." Even as she said it they both blushed red. They had never talked about what they actually did before, they would just meet up, do it, and be on their way again or maybe take a nap before going. Either way he gave up resistance and let her strip him down to his boxers. "I'll be right back," she said before taking off with his cloths down the hall. He shivered involuntarily as he sat on the cold floor almost naked. He was about to get up and find Kagura when he door opened again and a green towel was flung at him and landed on his head. He began drying off and looked up as Kagura sat next to him.

"Thanks, Kagura-chan." She blushed but was able to mumble a 'your welcome.' She took his hand in her own.

"Yun-kun, you're still so cold." She looked at the futon next to her and pulled back the covers before looking at him. "Get in."

"What?" 'I finally confess my love to her and she wants to go right back to what we've been doing for months?'

"My futon is still warm from when I was laying in it, you'll get warmer faster." He gave her a questioning look but slid under the blanket and immediately felt the warmth starting to bring back the feeling in some of his body parts.

"Thank you again. I feel like kind of a nuisance though." She giggled.

"If you're a nuisance then what am I a catastrophe?" Now this made him smile.

"No your perfect. You're strong and reliable and always want to help other people. Even when you were hung up over Kyo you tried to help do his laundry." She blushed.

"Well I have gotten much better at it, I'm using the drier to dry your cloths right now." He paled suddenly and wondered if he'd be wearing a towel back to Shigure's. "You don't believe in me?"

"No no, it's nothing like that." She gave him an analyzing look but soon smiled before pulling the blankets back a bit and scooting in next to Yuki.

"Yun-kun you're still freezing," she said before he could protest. She pulled him into a close embrace trying to warm him up. He blushed as he felt himself beginning to get feeling back in a certain area. Kagura pulled back a bit to look down at her chest. Yuki looked down to see that her nipples were now hardening from the cold contact of his body and felt himself harden as he looked down at her small form close to his under the blanket. "Yun-kun…" Their lips met in a hot passionate kiss, their bodies wrapping around each other fitting together like a mold as they embraced.

His lips locked on her neck as her arms wrapped around his body, her hands trailing down his back feeling the cool icy feel of his body rubbing against her own making her moan. His mouth traveled lower as he lifted her nightshirt over her head and his cold tongue found her left nipple. She cried out as it felt like ice was being held to her nipple and arched her body up against Yuki's. Her breath was coming in pants and moans as he continued to warm himself up with her help. The warmer he got the cooler she got. His mouth found her right nipple and as she arched her body up his cool hand found its way down her waist and slid her panties down her legs to the end of the futon. She knew what was coming but that didn't prepare her for the icy feel of his fingers inside of her.

She bucked her hips and moaned his name as he slipped two frigid fingers inside of her hot depths. Sweat was pouring off of her body as her moaning and panting became more erratic with ever thrust of his hand. His cool thumb played with her warm folds and she responded as her hands slid his shorts down and found his hard but chilled member. She took him in both hands rubbing along it, up and down, feeling his cold hardness getting him to elicit a moan of his own. It was then him who took her hands away and removed his fingers from her, although she protested. He quickly replaced his fingers with his erection and heard Kagura nearly scream, that is if he hadn't muffled it with his hand. "Shhh…" She nodded but still had a hard time controlling herself. The feel of his hard cold member pushing inside of her hot depths. Two opposites meeting with friction, the cold meeting hot and chilling her in those places.

Yuki didn't have it much easier as he was still a little numb and just started getting feeling back in his body when he plunged into her hot depths. It felt like he was on fire, like he had just jumped into a hot tub after being buried in the snow for an hour. He was tingling and throbbing with pleasure all at once. Every thrust brought more feeling and pleasure to him as her steamy inner walls closed over his cold member.

Kagura couldn't last much longer as he began thrusting harder and deeper, the head of his erection diving deeper into her warmth sending her closer and closer to the edge. It was all over though as one of his still chilled hands found her pink folds and his chilly lips locked around her nipple. The chill inside of and surrounding her body was briefly forgotten as her own inner warmth was released and she clamped down on Yuki who soon lost it himself. His cold hardness buried and held deep within her heated confines. He stayed there as her body milked him dry of his seed and his coldness. He lay beside her panting as sweat trickled down his body.

"I love you Yun-kun," Kagura whispered softly as she got her breathing under control.

He smiled in the darkness and kissed her softly. "I love you too Kagura-chan." They lay there holding each other for what seemed like forever before Yuki noticed the stars starting to disappear into the sky and they both got dressed (Yuki got as dressed as he could with his towel and boxers) and made their way to the laundry room where Yuki found his warm cloths and quickly slipped into them as the stars started disappearing like sand in an hourglass. They said their goodbyes quickly but not without a long kiss and a thank you from Yuki.

As Yuki left Kagura wasn't the only one watching his retreating form, Haru watched from the shadows as his black self took over and waited.

"You're lying," Haru yelled and charged forward again, but Kagura blocked and once again darted away. 'If what he said is true…oh Yuki.' Her hand went to her chest again clenching her heart.

"No I'm not! I have to get to him, Akito will kill him!" She turned to run towards the gate but Haru darted in front of her and blacked her path.

"Where do you think you're going," he asked still smirking. 'Yun-kun, please be ok.'

The tension in the room mounted as Akito struck a second and a third and a fourth time. 'Why? Why is Akito doing this? This isn't right! He's being punished…because he loves Kagura. He loves her,' thought Tohru as tears started forming in the corners of her eyes. 'Love shouldn't be punished!' "Akito stop," yelled Tohru drawing his attention away form Yuki.

"Tohru don't," Yuki yelled trying to stop what he knew was coming, what was bound to turn WW III into an all out massacre. Akito turned to hit him again but was stopped by what came out of Tohru's mouth next.

"If you're going to punish Yuki for loving Kagura, for loving a cursed member of the family, you have to punish me to!" The gold paw on her neck bounced and sparkled in the light as a tear slid down and passed it. "Akito I love Kyo!" Everything happened so quickly but it felt like it was going on slow motion. Akito's pupil's dilated as his hand was pulled back. Shigure was making his way towards Akito as Kyo tried to put himself in front of Tohru while Hatori tried to hold the bleeding and already somewhat battered Yuki from going after Akito as well. Just as Akito's fist was inched from Tohru's face a large crash resounded through the house and Kagura came crashing into the room, the door and other pieces of the wall and door underneath her crumpled body. Akito's attention was diverted to the girl long enough for Kyo to pull Tohru behind him.

And time once again became normal. Akito was still looking over at Kagura as Yuki got up form the floor and ran to her, only to have Akito backhand him into a wall. He got up again ready to fight Akito when Shigure finally arrived to hold him back as Yuki made his way to Kagura. She was a mess, she had a cut lip, one eye was already black and swollen, she had cuts scrapes and bruises all over her body and not all of them could have been from the crash. Yuki's eyes narrowed as he looked to the hole where the door used to be to see the outline of Haru coming towards them. Kagura's hand grasped Yuki's to get his attention. "He knows about us…he told…Akito. He is…black." She then coughed only to have a bit of blood stained her hand. Yuki slowly laid her back down and turned to Haru. But Akito had taken the diversion to lunge at Tohru but Kyo was still in his way and so Kyo stumbled back a bit as Akito's fist made contact with his face slamming it back. "You all think you can defy me," he yelled and broke a nearby pot, the pieces flying up and cutting Kyo's arms and shoulder area. Tohru cried out as Kyo fell to one knee holding his left arm that had a piece of the pot lodged in his shoulder.

She saw it coming. Akito was so mad; his hand went for a broken piece of the pot. 'Kyo-kun.' He lifted it as Kyo tried to pull the piece in his shoulder out. Yuki, Shigure, and Hatori looked on in horror as Akito brought the jagged piece up over his head, his own hand bleeding from holding it so tightly. She saw it coming. The sharp jagged piece being launched towards Kyo's other shoulder, she couldn't let it happen. She saw it coming, and did the only thing she could think of. The piece of the pot in Akito's hand lodged itself in Tohru's upper abdomen just below her ribs as she pushed herself in front of Kyo. The room fell silent as she gasped in pain and Akito staggered back astonished. It was still silent as Kyo lunged forward to take her in his arms, in front of everybody and not transform. The silence was broken as Kyo held her in his arms and she gasped for breath as a bit of blood trickled out of her mouth. The silence was destroyed by Kyo's yell of pain as he held her and cried, his first tear falling upon a small golden paw around her neck.

Author's Note: First of all I want to shout how happy I am, everyone really thought Yuki blabbed, hah my evil way of making him look guilty when he wasn't worked! Anyway I know this was a lot more Yuki x Kagure then Kyo x Tohru, but it wasn't really fair to leave them with all these loose ends in their relationship before the big plot twister comes up here (yes there is a plot!). Anyway I hope you enjoyed and please review! Thankies again for those who did!