Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Back to Normality, or so we Thought ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: I'm soo sorry this is out so late! Had kind of a weird work schedule this week and thought I'd have more time. Soo sorry. But I tried to fit a lot in in this chapter. I don't think I have a lot of notes for this chapter. I watched my anime and tried to keep most of the characters well, in character. I hope you enjoy this chapter even if it is late!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 17: "Back to Normality, or so we thought"

Tohru felt weird as she approached the school that she hadn't seen in weeks and felt her anxiety rising trying to recall all she had studied in the last few weeks. Yuki had drilled her in her studies constantly. Whenever she was awake and able he would get her to study for as long as he could. She looked over at Yuki and smiled. 'He's helped me so much, even though he needs to study he's taken time away from it to help me. I should get him something special for Christmas.'

She felt herself blush as she felt Kyo's hand take hers and looked up to see he was blushing and looking away. This was a new thing for both of them. They figured since the cat was out of the bag they wouldn't hide their relationship in public anymore. This was going to be a very eventful day. Tohru once again looked over at Yuki and noticed how uneasy he looked. Today would be the day the Yuki fan club heard the news that Yuki had a girlfriend. 'This may not turn out well,' she thought but continued onward. They had arrived early so Yuki could deal with his fan club before class.

"Are you sure you don't want us staying around to help," asked Tohru concerned. 'This may turn out very badly.'

"I'm sure Honda-san," he said smiling. "I've been meaning to tell them for a while. You need not get involved." She only nodded before turning and walking away still holding onto Kyo's hand. Yuki was about to approach his fan club when Tohru turned around.

"Good luck Sohma-kun," she called out quietly.

The Yuki fan club realized something was amiss when they arrived at school and found Prince Yuki to already be there. Another thing that made most of the girls squeal with glee was what they found in the classroom while looking for Prince Yuki, Tohru Honda and Kyo Sohma sitting together in class holding hands and blushing. Meaning Motoko the Yuki fan club president had to call an emergency meeting. The girls sat down and quieted immediately to hear the news.

"Fellow Yuki fan club members I have received important and excellent news! Our biggest problem for the last few years regarding Prince Yuki, Tohru Honda, seems to be in a relationship with Prince Yuki's cousin Kyo Sohma!" This got a round of gasps and a few applauds here and there. "Meaning Prince Yuki is now back in our reach! We have to think up new tactics and plans concerning Prince Yuki. Meaning we will have another emergency meeting to-" Mokoto stopped short as the door opened to reveal an actually nervous Prince Yuki. The room fell silence as all eyes were upon him. He cleared his throat before approaching Motoko at the front of the class. Her blush spread along her face and down her neck.

"I-I'm sorry for disturbing your meeting," he said a bit nervously. "Are all members present?" Motoko nodded dumbly unable to talk. "Then I have an announcement to make," he said getting a bit of confidence back in his voice and becoming the princely figure many saw him as. "May I," he asked gesturing to the stand Motoko was currently standing in front of. She once again nodded dumbly and moved back so Prince Yuki could take his place in front of the stand.

"I thank you for allowing me to speak freely here today. I want to make this quick. As tactful as I usually am I cannot think of any other way to say this then to just bluntly tell you what I came here for today. I thank you all for the many years you have been my fan club and know you have worked hard at showing your admiration and I thank you all." At this point most of the girls in the room were swooning and blushing like the giddy schoolgirls they were. "But," he said catching all of the girls' attentions and freezing them in place. "I'm sorry to tell you that I have found a girlfriend." All jaws in the room dropped and the room was deathly silent. "Actually I found her a bit over seven months ago." The jaws in the room hit the floor. "Well I thank you for letting me speak today, class will be starting soon. Bye." With that he left the room, quickly.

'God I never thought I'd be nervous about something like that. Then again those girls have been known to get extreme. They did break into the student council's office that one year. And the president Motoko, she even flunked a year to stay back and be president.' He gulped realizing he had good reason to be nervous around those girls when he was usually never nervous. He entered the classroom and sat down and did not miss the two lovebirds staring at each other from their desks. 'They've been together, including sharing the same bed for over a week and they still don't have enough of each other?' He couldn't help it as he smiled. 'Well at least Kyo doesn't have to worry about any fan club members coming after Tohru. I just thank god they don't know who Kagura is,' he thought as his smile fell. That's when he heard her.

"Yuki-kun," she said her voice sounding very dangerous. He looked up to see the eyes of Motoko, the Prince Yuki fan club president staring down at him with a creepy gleam in her eye.

"Yes," he asked trying to keep his cool. Just as she was about to say something the teacher came in signaling for all of them to take their seats. Yuki sighed in relief but wondered what would happen if they ever found out who Kagura was.

Tohru sat down in the shade under the tree their small group usually ate under. Uo was trying to get Hana, Momiji, and Haru to play cards with her with no luck. Tohru sat back unpacking her lunch that she was sharing with Kyo and noticed Yuki sitting there alone, with no lunch.

"Sohma-kun, where's your lunch?"

"Huh?" He looked up from his daze. "Oh I guess I was kind of nervous about the fan club this morning and forgot it."

"You mean the prince told his fan club about the one who stole him right from underneath them?" Yuki frowned. "Ok ok I'm sorry, just joking with ya." Yuki was about to say something when his stomach interrupted him.

"Yuki you should really eat something. You can share part of our lunch," she said pushing the lunch box in front of him.

"No thanks Honda-san. I'm fine really, I'll just eat when I get home." He then had an eerie feeling as if he was being watched, but shook it off. "So Honda-san, how was class today? Were you able top keep up?"

"Class was great," she said enthusiastically. "I understood all of it and could even work through the materials. You're such a great tutor Sohma-kun. Maybe you should be a teacher!"

"Huh? Me?"

"Yes you," replied Tohru.

"She does have a point there. You do have some good study tips and know how to help others who don't understand the materials," said Hana softly surprising everyone.

"She is right," seconded Uo. Yuki was about to speak up when he heard his name being called, by a very familiar voice and turned to see Kagura running towards him, with lunch.

"Yun-kun," she called running up to the small group.

"Kagura, what are you doing here," he asked overjoyed to see his love and his lunch at the same time.

"You forgot your lunch Yun-kun, so I brought it by," she said plopping down beside him. "Actually I put a bit more in it and was hoping I could eat with you guys."

"Sure," Yuki said enthusiastically but had that feeling of being watched in the back of his head again and looked around suspiciously.

"What's wrong Yun-kun," she said taking his hand. He shook his head turning his attention back to the woman in front of him.

"Nothing. Well then let's eat," he said opening the lunch.

In the bushes three girls sat hidden watching over their 'prince.'

"Could that be the girl," asked the one girl to the left.

"It looks like it, she seems so familiar with him and she brought him lunch," said the one to the right.

"Camera," the girl in the middle commanded as a camera was handed to her. She began snapping pictures like crazy pausing once. "I don't know who the hell that is but she is going to wish she never heard the name 'Prince Yuki Sohma.'" She once again began snapping pictures as she commanded the girl at her right take notes on her appearance and the girl at her left taking notes on their conversation.

Yuki felt the same presence he felt before and couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. But he tried to brush it aside to enjoy his time with Kagura. "Wow this fish is really good," said Kagura picking up another piece and holding it in front of Yuki. "Try it Yuki." He felt himself blush but smiled as he opened his mouth and let him feed her. Neither of them had been so bold in their closeness for fear of being found out. But now that everything was out in the open they were able to relax and enjoy themselves. He knew this may not last forever and they may even eventually be punished, but he wanted to enjoy it. 'This may be my only chance to experience something as pure as this.' And then it was destroyed.

"Take your hands away from him you tramp," Matoko shrieked as she stood up from behind the nearby bush her two other friends standing up beside her to try and calm her down but looking pretty mad themselves.

"Calm down."

"Miss president please!" She shrugged off the two girls but stood firmly in her place. She restrained herself and it showed on her face as she turned and stormed off. Kagura watched her retreating form looking very pissed off herself. Yuki snapped her out of her state.

"I'm so sorry about that," he apologized. "I didn't tell them who you were so I was hoping to avoid something like that. I didn't think I would have to worry about them attacking you or I would have said something. I really can't believe she would do something like that. I should-"

"It's ok," she said softly amazing him, as she was known for her explosive temper.

"Are you ok Kagura," asked Uo knowing of her angry streak from Tohru.

"Really I'm fine," she said getting up to dust herself off. "Actually it's getting pretty late, class will be starting soon so I'll get going." She leaned down to pack up her stuff before standing again. "It was fun eating with you." She leaned over and gave Yuki a quick peck before turning to leave. "Bye," she said as she waved and walked towards the gate.

"We should be getting back to class. Math is next and that's what you've been having the most difficulty with isn't it Honda-san?"

"Yes. But I don't want to make all of you go back just because of me."

"We all need to review too. Not all of us want to rely on the make-ups being easier," said Uo looking over at Hana.

Kyo and the others stood up to leave as well, Tohru taking Kyo's hand causing them both to blush. Yuki looked back once more to where Kagura left before going back to the class.

Kagura paused at the gate looking back over the quaint little school that was slowly fading into the winter scheme, just before she got an evil glint in her eye. 'I don't know who the hell you think you are but you are dealing with the wrong Sohma!' She smirked to herself and headed back for Shigure's just as the first snow of the season began to fall.

It was after school and Kyo stood by the door leading out of the school trying to keep his hands warm. "Damn weatherman, didn't say a thing about snow today." He put his hands in his pockets as he continued to wait for Tohru.

'Man I hope everything will be ok.' Tohru decided to stay after school and explain her new circumstances to the principal and try to talk to him about alternatives too if she couldn't graduate on time. She still had to tell her grandfather. Kyo groaned at the thought. Her grandfather was one of the nicest people she had on her side, but the rest of her family… He felt his frown deepen at the thought of them. She was going to do it today but there was no way he was letting her walk all the way over there in this weather. 'She'll just have to wait.' He turned as he heard footsteps approaching and saw Tohru walk out, smile still plastered on her face.

"So, how'd it go," he said stepping into her view. She looked a bit shocked as he stepped out in front of her but quickly calmed down. 'She's really taking that low stress thing to heart,' he thought.

"It went great! He said that if I actually need to get out early he can ask my teachers for a few study guides a few weeks ahead of time and have me take finals early. I know that all I have to do is pass, not ace it. But I really want to try my hardest." Kyo looked about to protest. "But I know I can't stress myself out. I'll be ok Kyo don't worry." He quietly took her hand and started leading her towards the gate.

"Let's go home before the snow gets any worse," he said but stopped as he felt her hold back.

"But I thought I was going to tell my grandfather today."

"Yeah but it's snowing and getting colder outside. You don't want to get sick."

"I know, but I just really wanted to tell him today. I mean grandpa would really want to know and I've been putting him off for so long and I-"

"Ok ok," he said trying to calm her down as she looked on the brink of tears. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled up at him.

"Thank you Kyo-kun."

Kyo got an uneasy feeling in his stomach as they approached the building they had rescued Tohru from that fateful day she had come to permanently live with them. He just grasped her hand tighter as she walked up and rang the doorbell. It was a moment later but Tohru's aunt answered the door.

"Oh, can I help you," she said clearly annoyed.

"Oh I'm sorry for bothering you," Tohru said automatically going into panic mode. "I came by to see grandpa." She looked Tohru over and then scrutinized Kyo before finally stepping aside.

"I'll get him." They were led into the living room where her uncle was sitting on the couch reading the paper and she saw her cousin watching TV from another chair. They took a seat on the same couch as her uncle and watched as Tohru's cousin continued to flip through dozens of channels never stopping for more then a second. Tohru was about to ask her cousin if she was looking for something when her grandpa entered the room behind her aunt.

"Grandpa! It's been so long," she said going over to greet him and leaving poor Kyo on the couch alone with her relatives who he really didn't like.

"Yes it has. Are you ok, I heard about the accident, I know I wasn't able to visit much but I prayed for your health daily."

"I'm just fine grandpa! I really enjoyed when you could come and see me! I know you can't get around much so it's no problem really!"

"You look much better. But you are so cold dear. Please do bundle up more as I think this winter may be a harsh one. So my dear what brings you here." This totally stunned Tohru as she tried to find the right words as her face turned a deeper shade of red.

"She has an announcement," said Kyo trying to break her from her trance. This caught the interest of her other relatives.

"An announcement," asked her grandfather waiting intently.

"Well yes, you see I am dating Kyo-kun," she said gesturing to the orange haired youth sitting on the couch."

"That is so nice Tohru," he said enthusiastically. "He seems like a nice young man," he said softly. "His presence reminds me of your mother's." Tohru felt a smile come to her lips.

"Well that's not all," she said smiling and trying to bring up as much courage as she could. "I'm pregnant." Her cousin looked shocked and her uncle scowled. She heard her aunt sigh.

"How could you do such a thing in your last year of high school?" He aunt asked her holding her forehead.

"It's ok, I talked to my principal today and worked out an arrangement," said Tohru still sounding chipper.

"Yes but you shouldn't have to have an arrangement. You are so much like your mother. Most women wait until they're married," replied her uncle. Her cousin watched the scene with interest as Tohru's smile faltered.

"And an unwed teenage mother. You barely support yourself as it is. How will you support a baby," asked her aunt.

"Well mother made it work. I know I can," she said trying to hold onto her courage. Her aunt shook her head again. Kyo was about to stand up and defend her and tell her relatives exactly where they could stick it when her grandfather spoke up.

"When are you due?"

"Huh? Oh, in June."

"June, what a wonderful month. May is the month in which spring turns to summer and June is the first real month of summer. I wonder if you'll have a little girl with small tuffs of hair like you did when you were little."

"Father," her aunt said trying to cut in.

"Can't you be happy? This is a joyous occasion. If you think otherwise then your outlook on life is a very grim one I don't wish to see." Her aunt just scowled and went to do dishes in the kitchen.

Tohru sipped on her hot chocolate lightly as steam rose to warm her nose. The window was covered in a bit of frost as she stared out at the falling snow.

"It's really coming down at there," said Kyo also sipping on his hot chocolate.

"Yeah it's been a while since I've seen it snow so much," said Tohru turning to face him. "Thank you again Kyo-kun for letting me go to grandpa's today to tell him. I feel so much better knowing I have his approval." Kyo felt a few comments rise to his mind about her other relatives but kept them in check. He'd been doing that a lot more lately, little by little he had tried to calm down and not to snap at Tohru as much. The months went by and it wasn't so hard to think before speaking.

"No problem, you're grandpa is a good guy." Tohru beamed at him. He scooted over to sit beside her and slid an arm around her as he slowly turned off the light leaving the moonlight hidden in the snow to be their only light.

Author's Note: Once again I'm sorry this is so late! I hope that you enjoyed and please review! They help me to make sure I'm not wandering off the story or making someone really out of character. And thank you soo much to those who review! Thank you!