Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ New Years ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: I'm soo sorry this is out so late and it's so short! It's just a really busy week this week, Today is my friend's birthday, and Sunday is my birthday (19 Yeah! I can drink in Canada now!) and my boyfriend's birthday is next Thursday. So yeah kind of busy getting stuff together. Oh and sorry of there are some grammatical errors, didn't have time for a thorough read since this is so late and I wanted to get it out. But I hope you enjoy and have a fun weekend!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 20: "New Years"

"Come on we'll be late," called Kagura from in front of the four men. Tohru walked along side her as they made their way to the main house.

"Is it true though," asked Tohru. "Since essentially it's the year of the cat this year, they're letting him attend."

"Yeah I guess it means he's now really part of the family," gushed Kagura. "I'm so happy for him."

"Yeah this is something he's wanted his whole life," Tohru gushed as well. The two girls walked on with contented looks on their faces.

"You know, not only does he attend this year but this year is his turn to dance!"

"He gets to dance," asked Tohru who got a nod in reply from Kagura. "Wow, this is so great!"

"Yeah I can't wait! I've always wondered how Kyo would do when it came to the dance. Believe it or not most of the guys are very graceful when it comes to the dance, it naturally comes to them."

"Yeah but a lot of them have done it twice already right?"

"Yeah I guess you're right. But I don't think Kyo could do that badly. Hey we're here!" Kagura took off at a run for the main house where Rei was waiting at the door.

"Hello Kagura," she greeted to girl.

"Hello! You must be the nurse watching over Akito, you're Rei right? I remember you from the hospital. Thank you for taking good care of me and Tohru."

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me," said Tohru with a bow showing respect.

"I'm just glad you're both better. Especially you Tohru." Tohru absentmindedly rubbed the small bulge she had acquired as he third month approached.

"We gonna stand out here all day and freeze," Kyo grumbled before Rei stepped back and allowed everyone inside.

"Tohru," yelled a very familiar voice before a blond haired boy latched onto her and with a poof of smoke turned into a small yellow rabbit.

"Hello Momiji," she greeted hugging him. "It's good to see you again."

"It's great to see you too! I missed you!" He looked down as he felt his feet brush against her stomach. "Wow the baby is so big already! What is it?"

"I don't know Momiji, it's going to be a surprise," she said as she set him down to remove her coat and boots as most of her friends had already done. Tohru felt her hand shake as she went to take her coat off. She was doing a very good job of hiding how nervous she was but now that she was here…this would be the first time she'd see Akito since the accident. She felt herself involuntarily shudder.

"Are you all right," asked Kyo coming to her side.

"Yeah just the chill from outside go to me." He nodded but stayed close to her side. Tohru took a deep breath as their group entered the main house and made their way to the main chamber where the party would be held. "Wow," she said as she looked around at the brightly lit room with many of gold and orange looking decorations. Everyone was standing around talking and actually looked a bit happier then what she was told most of them were like from previous years. "Why are they so much happier," she asked Kyo in a quiet whisper.

"Maybe because this will be the last year we're cursed," he said stealing a quick kiss from her before excusing himself to the bathroom. Tohru never really felt threatened by any of the Sohma's, except maybe Akito. Even though Hatori assured her her health was priority one to Akito she still didn't want to get very close to him tonight. 'Oh mother what should I do? I shouldn't be afraid of Akito, it's rude after all he's done to make sure me and the baby are ok, but I can't help this…fear inside of me. I'm so ashamed!'

"Tohru." She jumped and let out a little yelp of surprise before turning to see an equally startled Ritsu.

"Oh Ritsu, sorry I was just thinking and you kind of startled me."

"Oh no I'm sorry! It's all my fault! Please forgive me! I DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE! I-" Ritsu fell to the floor as Shigure turned him off by pressing the off button on his side.

"Arigato," she whispered softly to Shigure. She turned as she heard somewhat of a commotion and felt her breath taken away. There stood Kyo in a somewhat golden orange flowing kimono with a sash. Even as built and lanky and tall as he was, it looked good hanging, no flowing off of his slim but muscular body. She guessed a lot of other people were shocked as well. 'Kyo, I'm so happy for you. You're finally accepted. You finally got your wish.'

The music started slowly as Kyo tried to get his bearings and rhythm. Soon enough, like Kagura said, he took to the dance naturally. His body swaying and moving with a power all it's own. Tohru briefly took her eyes off of Kyo to see others watching in awe as well. It didn't even seem like Kyo was dancing anymore, more like he was gilding as he moved lithely like he had done this a hundred times already. As she was watching him dance her eyes followed his every move. It was then she saw him; she had been watching Kyo as he took another movement to the right and something in the background had caught her attention. Akito. She felt her heart stop as he was also staring at her. But his look sent chills down her spine; he was looking at her, with almost a hunger. She felt herself shiver but was thankful when Kyo's form came back into her line of vision and was able to break away from Akito's gaze. It seemed like it ended too soon as Kyo's dance finally wound down and left everyone clapping. He walked over to Tohru.

"So, was I any good?"

"Don't you hear everyone clapping," she asked beaming with happiness.

"Yeah, but I wanted to know your opinion."

"You were great," she said with that huge smile still plastered on her face. He leaned down to give her a quick peck before turning to talk to Hatori who no doubt wanted to ask if Tohru was aright since she seemed to be getting either grumpier or weepier whenever he directly asked her lately. Kyo turned to talk to Tohru again when he noticed she was gone. He excused himself to go the bathroom where he didn't find her. He hadn't missed it, the way Akito had been staring at Tohru all through the dance. He made his way around the main house they were in quickly before coming to the conclusion she wasn't there. He went to the door and noticed her coat and boots were gone and quickly put on his own before dashing into the yard still in the robes from when he was dancing. He dared not call her name for fear of Akito overhearing. It was what Hatori had told him before Tohru disappeared. He asked if she was felling alright, but also wanted to warn him that Akito was thinking of making Tohru a permanent resident at the main house. He had all but given up as a slight patch of snow from the roof fell on him. He was about to curse at the roof when he noticed a loan figure sitting on it.

"Tohru," he said softly more to himself then calling to her. He made his way up a nearby tree and onto the roof. The loan figure seemed startled as she saw him approached but relaxed as she realized who he was. "What are you doing up here?" He sounded agitated but she had known him well enough by now to know he was worried.

"I'm sorry," she said bowing her head. "I just wanted to get out of there, I mean I liked the party I just-"

"Didn't like the way Akito kept staring at you." His words took her by surprise and it showed on her face. "Yeah I noticed too." She hung her head again. "I'm not supposed to tell you this," he said getting her to look at him again as he took a seat next to her. "But he wants you to move into the main house." She tried to plaster her smile on again but Kyo knew she'd rather go to school naked the rest of the year. "I won't let him," he said taking her in his arms and holding her to his chest.


"I won't let him take you away from your family and your friends, from me. He doesn't have as much power over us anymore. Just a few more months and we'll be free."

"But he finally accepted you into the family, what if he decides to remove you from the family? Please don't do it because of me!"

"Don't be stupid! He only accepted me because of you; I don't care if he removes me. Before all this I had nothing, I had my father and me who lived alone and the damn curse I had to deal with and sometimes Akito I had to deal with. The only person who cared was my father, and Kagura," he added softly. "But I thought if I was accepted by the family I would have a big family, and I would be happy, have something to fill the void. Dad could only do so much, and I love him for all of it, but one person alone can't fill the void. That's why I wanted to be accepted, so I wouldn't be the outsider, so I wouldn't be lonely. But after I met you, I found out I didn't need it anymore." He pulled her close so she was sitting between his legs with her back to his front as he laid his head on her shoulder. "You don't need a lot of people to be happy, all you need are a few people who really care. That's why everyone loves you, because you care about everyone."

"Kyo," she said softly resting herself against his warm body as they stayed up waiting for the dawn.

Tohru blinked as she saw the first of the night sky disappear to show the coming of the dawn. It's almost dawn Kyo," she said drawing his attention to the sky.

"Happy New Year Tohru," he said as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Happy New Year Kyo," she whispered before he took her lips in a passionate kiss as the first few rays of the sun washed over them. Tohru slowly let her arms wrap around him when *poof* she was holding an orange cat.

"What," Tohru asked still holding him out at arms length.

"What the hell," he said in a much more colorful hate filled tone. "What happened!?"

"I-I-I don't know, I just went to hug you. Oh god what if the curse isn't broken!"

"What if it's the baby," asked Kyo looking worried. Tohru started getting swirly eyed and looked ready to fall. "Hey don't get like that now!" She was now holding him to her chest as she strained to not fall. As much as he didn't want to call for help, he was pretty helpless right now and didn't want Tohru getting hurt. "Someone, get out here! We're on the roof! Tohru's getting woozy she might fall! Someone get out here now!!"

Kagura had just woke up in her old bedroom, which was now a guest room. "Why am I awake this early," she asked herself as she looked at her clock when she heard it. 'Kyo-kun, calling for help? But why? This must be bad!' She jumped out of bed and ran to Yuki's room getting him up for help.

"What are you doing awake this early? I mean we did stay up-" She hushed them and they waited, Yuki thinking she had finally lost it, when he heard Kyo too.

"What the hell? Go get Haori and Rei," he said in a commanding tone. Yuki didn't wait for a reply as he ran to the front door and threw his gear on running outside. He ran about halfway around the main house before he spotted them on the roof and was in for a great shock. 'Kyo changed into a cat again?!' And he also saw the teetering Tohru on the roof trying to keep herself up. Yuki quickly climbed the tree and clamored up the roof to where Kyo was now yelling at him to hurry. Yuki took hold of Tohru's shoulders and held her steady until he heard Hatori below asking if everything was alright. Yuki finally got Tohru back to her senses and had her grab Kyo's cloths and told her to hold onto him until they got on the ground. Which was difficult enough as she was still a bit off balance but eventually her feet touched the ground and she set Kyo down.

Hatori took her immediately to his doctor's office while Kyo dragged his cloths inside until he could change back and get dressed. Yuki waited for him to get dressed and even came with him as he went to see Hatori but was told to stay outside because it was a bit cramped already. The minutes seemed to drag on and on as they waited to hear if she was alright. Eventually Tohru came out with Rei behind her.

"Tohru," Kyo said jumping up. "Are you ok, what the hell happened," he yelled the last part of the sentence directed at Rei.

"The New Year," she said simply.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!"

"What she means," Hatori said coming out of the office. "Is that we checked Tohru over very thoroughly twice and found nothing wrong. But-"

"But then I though," cut in Rei. "The curse said that Tohru needed to be pregnant before the New Year. So you kind of had a one year window of opportunity available to you until the baby is born."

"So I'm cursed again," he asked sounding very downhearted.

"Only until the baby is born," said Rei. Kyo swiftly turned and went to go outside probably to sulk on the roof or break something. Tohru followed after him to try and calm him down. The next few months would be quite interesting.

Author's Note: Ok I hope to finish this up soon so I don't just drag it on, so after a few more chapters (like 4 or 5) I hope to be done. Thanks to all of you who have reviewed and helped inspire me to continue with this! Thanks to you all!