Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Return of Spring ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Notes: Ok this takes place in the middle of April around Tohru's seventh month, just to let you know. Man I didn't think I'd get this out today. Once again I skimmed this for errors so if you find some, sorry. But I really wanted to get this out today so I can head out to my boyfriend's birthday party being held at my house! So yay and hope you enjoy! And no just because I was busy doesn't mean I didn't put a lot of effort into this, I always try my best! And thanks to all of you who review, you help inspire me to continue! So please enjoy!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 21: "Return of spring."

Tohru slipped on her school shirt before begrudgingly looking at her school shorts. After her fourth month came around they decided she would need to where something else, and her school sweatpants worked fine until spring finally came. So she went from sweatpants to shorts. She sighed as she began struggling into her shorts giving them the fight of her life. She sat back on her bed breathing heavily as she won the good fight. She sighed as she rubbed her hand over the spot Kyo used to sleep. After the incident at the main house they still tried sleeping together, but after the first few nights of waking up to a poof of smoke or Kyo yelling about almost getting rolled over on they decided it would be best to wait until after the baby. But it wasn't any easier. 'I'm almost there. In another two weeks I'll be in my eight month!' She hunched over as her stomach growled in protest at her not going to breakfast yet. She grabbed her bag and trudged down the stairs rubbing her sore back in the process. She was still going to work even against everyone's wishes but Momiji's father said if she could last until the eighth month he could get her on some maternity leave. But school and work, she didn't think she could handle it much longer. That's why today was the day.

She smiled as she greeted everyone sitting at the table and took a seat next to Kyo. Her stomach growled again and she blushed before digging in. She hated giving up her cooking privileges but in the last two weeks she had to get up an extra two hours early so she could cook, eat, and get ready for school and get there on time. So Kyo had taken over since he was the only one who could really cook decently. She stopped her chopsticks halfway to her mouth before grimacing at the thing held between her chopsticks.

"Tohru, you need to eat some leeks, they'll help with your backaches," said Hatori noticing her hesitation. It gave them all a shock that around her fourth month she suddenly spit out her leeks at dinner and said it just wasn't edible. Which Shigure had to comment on saying, "If we didn't know who the father is by now, we would now have our answer." And Shigure was repeatedly hit by an angry Kyo.

Tohru sighed and tried nibbling on it but dropped the nasty greens that wanted to kill her back on her plate. Hatori looked displeased but decided to give it a rest. Tohru looked up at the clock before standing and rinsing her plate in the sink. She came back to grab her bag when Kyo stopped her.

"Hey Tohru, where're you going so early, school doesn't start for another 45 minutes and it only takes us about twenty to get there," he asked pulling her a bit closer.

"Oh I'm soo sorry, I forgot to tell you. I'm going in early to ask my teacher's for the end of the semester assignments and maybe a study guide."

"So you're finally getting out of school? You should have done that last month!" He tried to control his anger but his voice was still agitated.

"I know Kyo wanted me to last month, but I don't think I would have been able to do all that work and study for exams with only two weeks to do it. But now since we're so close to the end I think since I understand most of it I have a better chance." She saw his look soften but he still looked agitated. "Please don't be mad Kyo," she said getting as close as possible without him transforming. "I know you're worried about me, but we'll be fine," she said reassuringly. It worked as he looked away in defeat. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek before turning to leave.

"Wait, I'll come with you," he said and rapidly ate the rest of his food and grabbed his bag.

"You shouldn't eat so fast, you'll get an upset stomach," she said worried.

"I'll be fine," he said opening the door for her as she called a goodbye to everyone. "How are you doing with practice? Did you find out when Kazuma-san will be giving you the test?"

"Yeah, he wants it to be in about three weeks before it gets really hot and could mess up my concentration. Man I hope I don't screw this up."

"Don't worry," she said taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. "Jus do your best, you'll be fine."

"I know I just wish I had someone to spar with. And not Yuki!"

"But why?"

"Well I know if I practice with him he'll be holding himself back to help me, making me feel, well inferior," he said agitated again. "I know he's better then me but it still doesn't help when he has to show it."

"Isn't there anyone else?"

"Haru is too ify to try and spar with and I don't wanna ask for father's help, I know that sounds stupid, but it would feel like I'm cheating, I'm suppose to be training to pass his test."

"Why not Kagura?"

"Because she'd go nuts and kill me," he said nonchalantly.

"But she hasn't done that in almost a year. Come on the only reason she did that before was because she loved you. She has Sohma-san now."

"But wouldn't that be awkward?"

"Only if you let it be. I'm not going to let it be awkward when Sohma-san helps me study."


"Well he is the vice president," she said trying to quickly reason with and calm him down. "He knows the material better then anyone else and he helped me with my make-up exams that one time and his study guides really helped." She saw the look of disappointment that crossed his face. "I would have asked Kyo! But I know you're busy with your training and well, I-" She stopped herself and Kyo looked over to see her blushing.


"Well, that is, I-I mean…"

"Just spit it out," he yelled trying to get a strait answer out of her.

"Well, I-if left alone with Kyo, I don't think I would be able to study," she said her blush deepening. Kyo picking up a blush of his own as he finally understood what she was trying to say.

"Ah, we're here," she said breaking the silence. They made their way to the principal's office. "Thank you for coming with me, it may be a while so you might want to go to class so you don't have to stand and wait she said." She quickly leaned up and gave him a quick kiss before turning to go to the office.

"Kagura, you know you don't have to walk with me," Yuki said looking around him as if something was going to jump out at him.

"But I like walking with you Yun-kun," she said latching onto his arm. "She also looked around as if someone was following but she was looking around with a death glare daring anyone to try something. She came up to the gate with Yuki and handed him the lunch. She wasn't a great cook, but she still tried and it was better then his own cooking.

"Thank you Kagura-chan," he said and quickly kissed her even though he knew people were probably watching. He had gone from prince of the school to scandal of the school as his ex-fanclub quickly spread the news of his relationship around the school. They didn't really hate him, but almost all of them had given up on him…almost. He turned and waved goodbye before disappearing inside the school. Almost as soon as he was inside Kagura went on the defense and for good reason as a rock was flung at her and she dodged as he opponent came out of the tree she was hiding in and came at her. Kagura stood her ground as her opponent approached and quickly ducked the first attack which would have been a fist to her face if she wouldn't have ducked and delivered her own blow to the stomach sending the attacker back a few feet but the attack continued.

Kagura went to dodge an attack that was at her feet but was thrown off guard as the leg instead of sweeping under her went strait up and caught her in the stomach sending her back but she leapt back to her feet not one to be out done as she caught her breath. She desided she was done playing defense and went on the offense with a punch going to her opponents face but as her opponent went to dodge she pulled her punch and swept down low to knock the person flat on their back. Both took up fighting positions and Kagura was ready to launch another attack when the school chimes rang signaling class would start soon.

Both girls fell out of fighting positions and stared each other down.

"This battle is far from over Kagura Sohma," called the female voice.

"This battle should have been over long ago when you lost Motoko," she said dropping her last name, which she knew annoyed the girl greatly.

"'Til tomorrow," she called before turning and walking to the school.

"'Til tomorrow," Kagura said softly to herself before turning and walking back to Shigure's.

Tohru left the principal's office just as the chimes sounded and was surprised to see Kyo standing against the wall with his eyes closed. The semi-light drifting through the windows made this hair look like fire. Tohru blushed before shaking head to clear it and approaching him.

"Yo," he said catching her off guard. "How'd it go," he asked pushing away from the wall.

"It went ok, I need to have our teacher sign this slip saying she understands and then give her a day to get my homework together. So tomorrow will be my last day." Her voice caught, as her eyes got watery.

"Hey Tohru, it's ok. I mean you're not leaving that much earlier, you'd only have a few more weeks left anyway," he said trying to comfort her.

"I know but it never really hit me until now that this is my last year, after this I'm on my own. I may never see some of my friends again."

"It's ok," he said patting her on the back but wishing he could hold her. "I mean you know you'll keep in touch with Uo and Hana, and then you know you can never get rid of Sohma's. You won't be alone; you'll have all of your friends. Just because you can't see them all everyday doesn't mean that they're not your friends or that they don't care. And I'll never leave you." She wiped her eyes as she looked up to catch a glimpse of his smile.

"Thank you Kyo," she said.

"Hey Tohru," called Uo running up to meet her friend. "You guys late too?"

"Late," they both shouted and realized class had started and ran after the blond.

"So tomorrow is your last day," asked Hana calmly as she took a bit of her rice ball.

"Yeah, it just kind of snuck up on me," said Tohru taking a bite of her shrimp.

"It's gonna be too boring without you around," said Uo. "And then Kyo will be complaining all day and no one will get anything done."

"What the hell did you just say," Kyo yelled almost breaking his chopsticks.

"See what I mean," said Uo. Tohru giggled at her friend's antics and was glad that she had such great friends.

"Prince Yuki," came an all too familiar voice to the group. "How are you today," said Motoko sliding up to sit next to Yuki.

"Fine I guess," he said sweat dropping as this was becoming a daily occurrence.

"I was just wondering, I made too much for lunch again, and wondered if you'd like some."

"Thanks but I have some lunch already," he said showing him the lunch Kagura had made him. 'Damn she found me out,' Motoko thought as she saw her rival's new strategy.

"Yes but look at that poor quality," she said pointing to a misshapen rice ball. "I'm sure that my lunch is much better," she said trying again.

"Actually I helped make those," he said pointing to the rice balls.

"Well a man is supposed to be the protector not the one who sits over a stove cooking all day. Why not try some of mine?"

"Actually Kyo can cook quite well," said Yuki surprising the fan club president. "And he's training to be a teacher at a dojo." 'One, two, three strikes your out,' thought Uo with a smirk as she watched the young woman slink off in defeat. Tohru giggled as she watched on, knowing she would miss this.

"Thanks for walking me home guys," she said to her small group of friends who walked her home and stayed for a while and were now taking their leave. She wasn't so surprised Uo and Hana would want to walk her home but when Momiji and Haru wanted to she thought something was up. But it seems they just wanted to spend some time with her. It was still a bit creepy as the two Sohma's turned to leave and she thought about them returning to the main house. Akito was still at it. After the incident with Kyo on the roof Akito had called all of the current residents of Shigure's house to his chambers and suggested she stay at the main house. Tohru was afraid she would be living there until Kyo and Hatori both spoke up on her behalf and when it looked like they were fighting a loosing battle Shigure spoke up sealing the deal and keeping her at his house, at least for the time being. But he had called her two other times and tried a few other times to just drop by and ask them to reconsider. And just as she thought Akito went back to shunning Kyo after she had turned down his offer. But Kyo didn't seem to be effected by it, so she tried not to let it get to her.

Uo and Hana hung back to speak to Tohru. "Tohru, we wanted to know, are we still on, you know, for seeing your mother in a few weeks?"

"Of course! It wouldn't be the same without you!"

"I'm sure your mother is really happy for you," said Hana with a slight smile on her face.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me."

"You're going to be a great mom too, ya know," said Uo.

"Yeah," said Tohru rubbing her stomach.

"Well, see ya tomorrow," called Uo as she and Hana stepped off the porch and waved. Tohru waved back and felt like all of her troubles were leaving as well.

Autor's Note: Bad? Good? Not sure? Man I'm hoping to wrap this all up quickly or it may become an epic! Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Thanks to all of you who enjoy and review this!