Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Wow I never thought I'd see the day I actually finished this. This is it and I hope you like it. I thought I'd go for someone else's POV for this one and thought this worked out really well. Well enjoy!

25: Epilogue

A small red butterfly fluttered before landing on a yellow flower, fluttering again as the wind picked up and the flower swayed in the breeze. Unknown to the butterfly something was stalking it, watching from the bushed with two bright blue eyes. It sat there drinking happily not knowing of the danger just three feet away. The stalkers body tensed as it readied to pounce, it's red ponytail swaying with the breeze.

"Kyoko!" The small girls while in mid-pounce fell forward scaring off her pray. The little girl of about 4 stood up, her blue-jean overall shorts smeared with dirt as well as her face and white t-shirt underneath, and looked over her shoulder angrily at a small brown-haired boy running towards her.

"Kyoko!" The small boy ran trying not to trip over his somewhat big tan shorts and green t-shirt in the tall grass.

"Seto! I almost had it," she yelled pouting. The young boy's face fell.

"G-men." She sighed, she couldn't stay mad at him. He was only a year younger, but when her cousin looked at her with those sad amethyst eyes she couldn't stay mad.

"It's ok, I'll get it later. So when did you get here?"

"Mom and dad just got here about ten minutes ago, they're going to be visiting this afternoon with your parents."

'Aunty Kagura and uncle Yuki visit us a lot in summer,' she thought to herself. 'But then I get to see Seto-kun even more,' she thought with a smile. She lived with her parent's at her uncle Shigure's since her dad really liked nature. While her cousin Seto and his parents lived more in the city because of their jobs. So they didn't see each other that often living on the other side of the large town, but she still loved her younger cousin to death. "Come on I found something really cool!" With that she grabbed his hand and took off into the forest.

"Wait, shouldn't we tell someone," he protested as she dragged him into the woods. He wasn't afraid but he usually didn't like his parents to worry as they often did, his first year he had gotten sick quite often and his parents had become overly cautious after that.

"It'll be ok, trust me!" He nod and started running so he was running with her instead of being dragged. He trusted his cousin more than anyone; she would never let him down. She evn knew some karate that her dad taught her. He had come over once when they were practicing and she was wearing one of those gis and looked so cool he wanted to try. But his parents wouldn't let him. And so he gave in and followed her to this mystery spot. She stopped suddenly making him crash into her but righted himself before his face met the ground. She turned suddenly. "Close your eyes."


"It's a surprise, close your eyes," she said giving him one of her biggest smiled. He did as she asked and closed his eyes and felt her hand as it took his and led him forward. They walked a bit more before she stopped and pulled him beside her. "Ok open!" He opened his eyes and stared in awe at the small pond she had found. The water was sparkling blue, crystal clear so you could see to the bottom.

"Wow, awesome!" As the words left his mouth his cousin left the land and was airborne as she did a swan dive into the pond. "Ash! Kyoko-Chan!" He waited worried for her head to emerge. Which to his relief did pop up a moment later. "Kyoko-Chan!"

"Come on in the water feels great!" He looked down hesitantly. "Come on, really. It feels so nice with it being so hot out." Going out into woods he didn't know, in a place he didn't know so well, with no one but his cousin wasn't scary. Jumping from about 20 feet in the air was scary as hell. "Come on Seto-kun. Please," she begged. He gulped looking down from his height again and to his cousins pleading face. He took a deep breath and took off his shoes before standing at the edge looking down. "Come on Seto-kun, you can do it!" He looked down before letting in another deep breath and jumping into the air and started screaming as soon as his feet left the land. He was falling fast towards the awaiting blue below screaming as if these were his last few seconds on Earth, which he was pretty sure they were as the blue rushed up and met him.

"Bulb, Bulb." He opened his eyes as he lost momentum and came to settle near the bottom of the pond. He looked up at the top of the water and how cool it looked with the sun coming down through it. He let out a small yelp under the water as he looked down and blue met violet as his cousin was hovering just feet from his face and smiled. She headed for the surface with him not far behind. Both of them taking in gulps of air as they came up.

"Wasn't that great," she exclaimed.

"Yeah, " he said enthusiastically.

"This way," she said and started swimming towards the center of the lake. He followed as his cousin swam towards the center and then amazingly stood up.

"What the…?" He followed and soon found his hands and feet were touching sand.

"It's a sand bar," she said as he followed her to meet in the middle of the underwater island. He saw something shiny out of the corner of his eyes and picked up a small twisty shell.

"Wow, pretty," Kyoko said admiring the shiny shell.

"Here you can have it," he said handing it to her.

"Really?" She said her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Really," he said with a nod. She smiled as he put it in her hand and soon found her arms around him in a warm embrace.

"Thank you! It's so pretty," she said and put it in one of her pockets and zipped it closed. Just then a cool breeze came by sending goose bumps running up their arms and legs. They both looked up to notice the sun was starting to go behind the trees. "We should get back," she said as she started swimming towards the far shore bank. "This way," she said as he already started sinking back down into the water and following her. They both made it to the bank and quickly grabbed their shoes and made a mad dash for Kyoko's house as the sun was now behind the trees and the forest was getting dark quickly. They made it back to the clearing where the two had met up just as the fireflies made their presence noticed.

"Wow, look!" Kyoko looked to her left where he pointed and noticed one of the little flickering bugs. She put her fingers to her lips to signify he should be quiet as she slowly crouched down and crawled over to where it was currently blinking on a weed. She sat there a minute watching it blink a few more times before it blinked once again and she pounced.

"Kyoko-Chan?" He walked over to where she had been a second ago and nearly screamed when she popped out of the long grass her two hands wrapped in a kind of fist.

"Look!" She slowly opened her palm and looked down to see the little glow bug blinking helplessly on her hand.

"Wow!" They watched it take flight only to appear a second later on Seto's head. Kyoko giggled.

"I think it likes you." He watched it blink a few more times before taking to the air. "Visit again soon," yelled Kyoko as they both waved goodbye to the firefly. They looked up to see the moon shining brighter by the second as the sun blinked away the last rays of light.

"We need to get back," said Seto even though really didn't want to but figured his parents would worry.

"Ok, come on, I'll race yaw!" With that she took off.

"H-hey wait!" He yelled running after her through the tall grass. He caught up quickly though; even if he was shorter they both knew he was better at running out of the two. She grabbed onto his arm trying to pull him back and trying to sprint forward. "No fair!" Her only response was a giggle as they both wrestled to get to the house first. As they came out of the tall grass and tumbled down near the back door giggling the familiar figure of their parents came out to greet them.

"Seto-kun, where were you, we were worried sick," said his mother the first to speak.

"You shouldn't worry so much Kagura, Kyoko knows where she should and shouldn't go around here," said Kyo defending his daughter.

"You're both soaking wet, aren't you cold," she asked still worried as she noticed the disarray of her son's cloths and the bit of algae clinging to his pants.

"No mom, we're fine," said Seto with a grin on his face.

"Don't worry Kagura they can both get a warm bath before you leave," said a rather large Tohru as she stepped forward to hug Kyoko. "Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah! We went to the pond! And there was a really pretty shell Seto gave me, then there were fireflies in the field, and then we raced back and it was a lot of fun!" She took a deep breath before hugging her mother's large stomach. "I can't wait to be a big sister," she grinned. "Then I can take the baby with me too." She'd been all for a new sibling as soon as her parents had told her and couldn't wait to have someone to take on all these trips when Seto couldn't be around.

"I know honey, but you have to wait until the baby is a little older before you can take it out on big adventures like that."

"It's ok, I can teach it other cool things! And Seto can help too!"

Seto himself had been a bit jealous when he first found out but recently he had other things on his mind. And as a child he decided now was the best time to voice these thoughts.

"Mom, can I be a big brother?" Kagura looked down with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Maybe sometime, but not right now ok?" She said trying to not look back at Yuki who she knew was trying not to laugh.

"Maybe for Christmas?"

"We'll work on it," said Yuki, which got him a look from Kagura as he continued to grin.

"For now the two of you need a bath," said Tohru as she ushered them inside.

"Yay! Come on," said Kyoko as she grabbed him pulling him inside. "I got bubbles," was heard as the two made their way up the stairs leaving their parents to watch them, smiling as the sound of their children rang through the house. Tohru looked up just as a shooting star ran across the night sky. She felt Kyo's arms wrap around her and smiled as she finally remembered that one night and how her wish had come true.

AN: I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. I started out writing this because of lack of fics and never expected it to get this long or turn into this but I like it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and maybe one day in the distant future when I have time I shall try to take it upon myself to write again. Until then, ja!