Full Metal Panic Fan Fiction ❯ What music they make ❯ What music they make ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

TITLE: What music they make
SERIES: Grand Timeline
AUTHOR: TaleWeaver
DISCLAIMER: Sousuke Sagara, Kaname Chidori and the crew at Mithril were created by Shouji Gatou. I'm not profiting from this in any way. But the actual words used here are my own. The title is a quote from Dracula, by Bram Stoker.
FANDOM / PAIRING: Full Metal Panic! Sousuke/Kaname
RATING / CONTENT: NC17 m/f sex
SPOILERS: Everything up to date in the anime and novels. Spoilers for unwritten stories in the series.
SUMMARY: Futurefic. Some of the crew of the Tir Na Og have a beach party on Merida Island, but Sousuke and Kaname are more interested in a private party of their own. Written for 30_lemons theme #29 “Making sweet music”.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: The basis of the `Grand timeline' is this: after Kaname is rescued from her captivity, she accompanies Sousuke, Kurz, and Melissa on a long-term mission to assassinate the remaining members of Amalgam's high council. This is finished just in time for Sousuke and Kaname to go back to Jin High for the last semester of high school. After graduation, Kaname joins Mithril and she and Tessa together tap into their Whispered knowledge to design a military/scientific research submarine, called the Tir Na Og. Melissa is head of the SRT unit, with Kurz as her second in command. Kaname is head of the TnO's on-board Research and Development team; her designs are so consistently successful, Mithril High Command pretty much lets her go her own way. Her team consists of Maya Ibuki (mechanic and machinist) Aoba Shigeru (computer programmer) and Makoto Huygua (mechanical and structural engineer). If the names and descriptions of them sound familiar, I stole them from Neon Genesis Evangelion - but personality-wise, they're based on three of my favourite fictional science geeks; Kaylee from Firefly, Michael from Witch Hunter Robin, and Zelenka from Stargate Atlantis. (trivia note: in NGE's english dub, Aoba and Ibuki were voiced by Vic Mignogna and Monica Rial - otherwise known as Kurz and Kyoko!)
This is set roughly six years after the start of the GT series; Sousuke and Kaname are 23.
SONGS: in order “Moments like this” by Alison Krauss (Tessa sings rather like Dido); “Roll over Beethoven” by the Beatles; “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones; “Don't give up” the version by Shannon Noll and Natalie Bassingthwaighte is actually pretty close to what I imagine Kurz and Kaname sound like - I've heard it's about Falklands War veterans; “Leave the Pieces” by The Wreckers.
Silver Sands Beach, Merida Island
“Yo, we need more wood!”
“Got it right here!” a member of the bridge crew yelled, grabbing his crotch. Among boos and jeers of disdain, the drunk man was bombarded with empty cans until he fell backwards in the sand.
Kaname snickered as she grabbed more cans from one of the many coolers, two in each hand. That part time job of hers at the ice cream parlour had been good for something, at least. She walked close enough to the bonfire to feel the heat wash against her skin, and smiled at the sensation.
As she approached the huge fallen log they'd managed to drag out of the nearby forest - okay, that the guys on the maintenance crew had dragged out - she could hear Tessa's high, sweet voice soar up to the warm night sky.
Kaname's smile spread further over her face; not just from hearing her friend sing, but from sheer pleasure. This had been such a good day.
Mithril strove to respect the religious beliefs and cultural traditions of everyone in the fleet, and the Tir Na Og made an especial effort. As a result, every month had one holiday or another - Maya was on the Celebrations Committee, and Kaname had found herself roped into some astonishing and ridiculous stunts as a result. She still grinned at the memory of the look on Tessa's face when she'd made an unannounced visit to the Science Department on May 19, and found they were celebrating No Pants Day.
Oddly enough, nearly every Pagan and Wiccan in the Pacific fleet had ended up on the Tir Na Og, so the whole crew found themselves celebrating the solstices and equinoxes as well as Christmas, Ramadan and Buddha's birthday. As they had managed to schedule the Tir Na Og's six month maintenance overhaul to coincide with the Summer Solstice, the usual small party had mutated into a beach bash that involved over two thirds of the crew, including any family they had on the island.
Earlier today frisbee, volleyball, football, and cricket games had covered the beach, along with a couple of kite skimmers and surfing and windsurfing a bit further up the shore. But as the sun went down, more than half the revellers had drifted back to base, so that only about thirty people remained. They'd settled down to less strenuous activities, like drinking, dancing, and debating - a couple of which had almost turned to fistfights.
After Tessa's voice faded away with the final notes of Aoba's guitar, Kaname handed her a can of soft drink. She immediately cracked it open, flashing Kaname a grateful look, and slugged back half the can. Kaname simply grinned, tossing another to Aoba, and placed the third in the sand at her feet to keep for Sousuke, whose low tolerance for alcohol was notorious among their chosen family.
As she opened her own can, Kaname heard Kurz' voice from behind her. “Nice playing, Shigeru! But watch as a real musician plucks the strings!”
Aoba sneered elegantly as the blond XO of the TnO's SRT team came up to the log, a battered acoustic guitar slung across his back. The programmer moved further along the log that doubled as an impromptu bandstand, and let Kurz take his place.
Kaname moved and swayed to the rhythm, bopping her head in time as Kurz belted out a Beatles tune that had everyone inclined to dance up on their feet and moving, followed by a Rolling Stones song which had half the surrounding group singing along.
As Maya and Makoto, who'd been hitting the tequila and vodka respectively, wound up with their feet tangled and collapsed into a laughing heap on the sand, Kurz laughed, “Okay, people, maybe we'd better dial down the mood a little. How's about a little post-wartime memorial?”
The sweet, poignant notes came from his nimble fingers, and everyone within earshot fell silent to listen as he sung about being taught to fight and win. During the line about changing his identity, his eyes caught Kaname's, and he nodded to the place next to him.
Kaname grinned and began the female singer's part right on cue, sinking down onto the hard wood beside Kurz even as her voice reminded him he had friends. They'd sung together often over the years, beginning with that karaoke session during Uruz team's initial watch order over her, back in high school. Hell, she, Kurz and Melissa had even performed as a trio professionally as a cover during the Grand Tour.
As she sang the final lines about believing in a place to belong - knowing that she had found it, with these people - she felt her husband's gaze on her and smiled.
As Sousuke wheeled a barrow full of ice and beer bottles to add to the coolers, he could hear guitar music coming from the beach. How odd was it that he immediately recognized Kurz's playing?
After surrendering over the barrow to one of his fellow SRT members, he moved around the roaring bonfire, blinking to adjust his vision, and automatically began to search for Kaname. It was easy enough in this case - he just followed the sound of her voice.
She and Kurz finished to a round of applause, and she smiled in his direction. She murmured to Kurz and held out a hand to Tessa. As Kurz started strumming away, his wife and his captain started singing together, much the same way they had years ago at the Tuatha de Danaan's first birthday party, Kaname's full-bodied voice supporting Tessa's more fragile notes without overpowering them.
As the chorus started, Sousuke absently reached up a hand to his chest, where his wedding ring hung on a dog tag chain, wrapping his fingers around the circlet of cool metal. He watched Kaname glowing in the firelight, shining with happiness and contentment, and once again felt a surge of pride that he was the main reason for those emotions. As the music went on, and Sousuke continued to watch Kaname, he could feel that warm sensation in his chest; it was very familiar now, but always seemed rather odd - like his heart was increasing in size. Like that `Grinch' character in the movie Ayame made him watch every Christmas that he and Kaname spent with the remnants of the Chidori family.
As Kurz strummed his way through the bridge, the feeling seeped downwards, to become the beginnings of desire. As he watched Kaname's beautiful face, Sousuke realized that he needed to get Kaname somewhere private and soon, because his loose cargo pants weren't going to hide his rapidly increasing arousal for much longer. He'd long since stopped being embarrassed by the fact that just looking at Kaname in the right mood could send his libido soaring, but that didn't mean he wanted to share the fact with all and sundry - enough people had consumed sufficient alcohol that they would happily comment on the fact, and he didn't want to waste time teaching them better manners.
As Kaname and Tessa were roundly applauded by everyone in the vicinity, Sousuke seized his opportunity. “Kaname, are you thirsty? I could use a drink myself.”
Kaname smiled, and something indescribably sweet lurched in his chest. “I got you a Coke, Sousuke, want to split?”
As Sousuke rapidly searched for another excuse, Kaname looked to his left and frowned. “Hey! Who stole my can?”
Melissa Mao shrugged, “Sorry, Kaname, you should have said something before.” His CO grimaced and added, “Already added the JD, Sousuke - sorry.”
“It's not a problem,” he reassured her, hiding his gratitude. “Let's go, Kana.”
At the sound of the diminutive form of her name -which he normally used only when they were alone - Kaname's eyes narrowed slightly, and a familiar spark began gleaming in the chocolate depths. “Sure, Sousuke.”
Sousuke moved to her as she stood, and they wandered towards the coolers hand in hand. After getting a cup each and swiftly draining the contents, Sousuke led her up the beach, where the surfers had based themselves earlier in the day. Being nearer the breakwater, the waves were more powerful here and the crashing produced by the pounding surf should cover any noise.
Kaname danced ahead of her husband, laughing softly. She knew exactly what he had in mind, and just hoped that no one else had had similar ideas - after having Wraith surveil them throughout the first six months of their sexual relationship, Kaname found absolutely no appeal in the thought of witnesses.
The beach seemed to be clear, but just in case, Kaname threw an inviting smile over her shoulder and moved off the shoreline into the small dunes. Sousuke stayed a pace or two behind her, a tiny smile curling the corners of his lips. As soon as they'd reached a little hollow, mostly hidden from the main beach but large enough that the three-quarter moon cast light instead of shadows, Kaname turned to face Sousuke, to find his arms already halfway around her body.
Sousuke held her tightly as his mouth came down on hers. As the kiss deepened, Kaname could feel his erection against her stomach, even through their clothes, and the tingling between her legs became a sweet ache.
“Mmmm,” Kaname murmured in pleasure as Sousuke nibbled at her neck. “It's been too long since I've had you inside me.”
“We did make love last night,” Sousuke chuckled, trailing kisses up and down her throat. “My memory of the incident is very clear.”
Kaname sighed and her torso arched against him. “Like I said, too long.”
Sousuke chuckled again, but this time his voice had an undertone of dark satisfaction, as his hands slid under the waistband of her cut-off jeans to cup her backside, pressing her groin more firmly against his own. His hips rocked against her several times, before his hands reluctantly left in order to strip her sleeveless, midriff-baring T-shirt over her head. As it landed in a patch of light, Kaname saw with amusement that Sousuke's gaze was locked on her breasts in their spandex covering. She'd realized early on that Sousuke had a thing for her most feminine curves - when they were intimate, he never missed an opportunity to cup her breasts or mold his hands around her backside.
While she had several bikinis, most of them small - including a skimpy white number she'd had since a certain infamous summer day in their second year at Jindai - Kaname was wearing the most conservative of them today. The bra of this set was underwired, but had thick shoulder straps and back, reinforced for minimum bounce.
As she tugged at Sousuke's T-shirt, he kicked off the sneakers he'd worn to collect the fresh lot of beer, then held still as she worked the fly of his cargoes and slid her hand inside to find him straining against the loose fabric of his swim trunks.
“Is that for me?” she asked teasingly, as she massaged him firmly.
Sousuke let out a groan, hands gripping her hips for balance, before panting, “Only for you. Always for you.”
“Damn right,” Kaname nodded in satisfaction, giving him a last, loving squeeze before reaching for his waistband, and sliding his trunks and unfastened pants off in one shot.
As his last clothing hit the sand, Sousuke was already working on the button fly of Kaname's denim shorts. Kaname shimmied out of them to reveal her bikini bottoms, boy leg style that rode low on her hips. While she saved all her most flattering and sexy swimsuits to provoke her husband, she never failed to receive compliments on this bikini - probably from the fact that its colour exactly matched her hair.
As Sousuke's hands reached around her back, Kaname grinned mischievously and slid through his grasp, dropping to her knees and reaching for his burgeoning erection in a single movement. As Sousuke's hands fell to her shoulders, Kaname bent her head and gently laved the tip with her tongue. The noise Sousuke made was very gratifying. Driving her incredibly composed and self-disciplined man out of control was one of her very favourite things in life. After circling the weeping head with her tongue, Kaname closed her lips around it and started to suck. The noise Sousuke made this time made her press her thighs together in reaction. She wasn't going to last very long this time. Hell, neither was he.
“Kaname, my knife is within reach,” Sousuke told her warningly. “Remove your clothing or I'll remove it for you.”
He'd made threats like this before - she'd lost a bra, a camisole, and three sets of panties before she learned that he only made this statement when he really meant it.
Normally Sousuke relaxed meltingly when she did this, but obviously she wasn't the only one reaching boiling point more rapidly than usual. Letting his penis slide from between her lips with a popping sound - and a near growl from it's owner - Kaname struggled to her feet as she reached behind her to undo her top. As the clasp gave way, she breathlessly teased, “Why Sousuke! You do that, you'll have to spend the rest of the party watching my breasts move under my shirt. Knowing that I'm not wearing anything underneath my shorts.”
“What rest of the party?” Sousuke rasped, peeling the spandex over her hips. “If I'd had to use my knife, I'd simply take you back to our quarters from here.”
Kaname kicked her bikini bottoms on top of their discarded clothing and grinned in response. Together, they sank down to their knees in the sand in one of the uncannily coordinated movements they tended to perform without planning to, in emergency situations or especially heated lovemaking.
As Sousuke began to tilt her backward, Kaname sat bolt upright, “Sousuke, we can't! We'll never get all the sand out of our hair, and everyone's going to know what we've been doing. Not to mention the other places we could get sandy.”
“Affirmative,” Sousuke agreed. Lust making him curt, he tugged on her hips and added, “All fours, then.”
While Kaname tended to come faster in this position than any other, it wasn't one of their favourites. Not only did they like drawing out their lovemaking as long as possible, but Kaname and Sousuke had learned very early that watching each other's expression as they pleasured each other was a huge turn-on.
Even as she moved into position, Kaname looked over her shoulder. As she wiggled her hips to make her backside sway alluringly, she panted, “C'mon Sousuke. What are you waiting - oooh.”
Right in the middle of her appeal, Sousuke surged deep inside her with one stroke. Kaname's hands dug into the sand for purchase as he set a hard, face pace. As his pounding strokes made her pant harder and moan, his hands moved to her inner thighs, supporting them at the same time he pulled them further apart. Her back arched, and the tip of his erection hit a particularly sensitive place.
“Yes!” Kaname hissed. “Yesyesyes.” She wasn't sure how she'd managed to become so very hot so fast, but she sure as hell wasn't complaining. “Give it to me, Sousuke - more!”
She heard a snarl from her lover's throat and smiled to herself. Snarling meant that Sousuke had split the layers of civilized behaviour that Kallinan, military discipline, and then herself had helped him to craft. Her chosen mate was a savage at the bone, and when he descended to that level during sex, he did the most incredible things to her. Not just once, either. When they were finished here, he'd take her at least twice more before dawn. She'd be lucky if she could sit on a hard surface tomorrow without feeling it.
His gasps and her sighs rose in harmony into the night, the slap of skin on skin adding a counterpoint to their melody of desire.
Kaname gripped her hands into fists, the sand rasping along her skin, even as Sousuke's erection rasped against the sensitive tissue of her core. He was hot and hard inside her, so big he lightly stretched her inner muscles, and she couldn't hold back a broken cry as white-hot pleasure danced along her nerve endings like lightning. Sousuke groaned in response and leaned forward, resting his torso onto her back as his hands slid underneath her. As Sousuke started rolling her hardened nipples between his fingers, Kaname gasped in pleasure and pushed her hips backward, trying to impale herself upon him more deeply.
Sousuke snarled again, the force of his hips pounding against her backside increasing until she couldn't hold herself up anymore and collapsed onto her elbows, the long length of her high ponytail flopping over her shoulder to whisk back and forth in the sand. His face turned into her neck, and she felt his tongue drag over her skin, licking off the sex-induced sweat. That was all it took, and Kaname screamed as her climax slammed through her body. Sousuke didn't stop moving, thrusting back and forth inside her even as her inner muscles spasmed, drawing out her orgasm. Making her body demand more even as he fed the need he'd lit within her.
As Kaname panted helplessly, oblivious to anything but her own body and the places where his slid against and inside her, Sousuke sat back on his heels, using his grasp on her breasts to bring her upright, legs splayed wide across his thighs. Kaname moaned in approval, her head lolling back against his shoulder as the hard length of his manhood rubbed directly against the most sensitive place inside her. As she wrapped her right arm around his neck, her left hand went down to rub her clit. A few strokes later and she was coming again, hard.
This time, Sousuke let himself join her, and they slumped against each other in the afterglow, their breath tearing through their lungs.
Some time later, Sousuke huskily murmured his wife's name.
“Wha? Oh yeah, that's me,” Kaname muttered.
Sousuke bit back a grin of satisfaction - while their lovemaking was always incredible, it wasn't often he made her forget her name - and rasped, “We don't really have to go back to the party, do we?”
“Hell, no,” Kaname retorted breathlessly. “After a performance like that? I just want to go back to our guest quarters. Let's see if we can break some furniture. Or we could just see if you really can fuck me through the floor.”
“How about both?”
After a few seconds, the silence of the night was broken by an amused, “But you're going to have to slide out of me, first.”
Her reply was a snarled, “Fuck.”
“Well, that IS the idea, Sousuke.”