Full Moon Wo Sagashite Fan Fiction ❯ Touch Me Not ❯ Prelude ( Chapter 1 )
Konnichi wa! I'm here with me first Full Moon wo Sagashite fanfic. At first I was planning on making it a Kodomo No Omocha fic, but I have sort of lost interest in that series and I thought in the end, this fic idea worked better for fmws anyways. If you a CCS fan and you are reading my Mistaken Young fanfic, don't worry that one is being worked on as well still. My writing spirit is finally starting to wake back up again. I just have to be careful as to not put it back to sleep again. That means don't expect me to put out lots of chapters so fast. My speed may get better in time but it's best if you don't get your hopes up.
In this new fanfic I kind of wanted to use one idea from the old Kodocha fic, but yet be completely different at the same time. It will be a lot more mature and won't seem so... yeah right like the girl would just go back to the guy like that, haha! It's hard to explain what I mean. I just hope you enjoy this fic. Now, on with the story!
Touch Me Not
By: Ongaku
Who am I? My name is just simply Mitsuki. Ever since I can remember, I have known and hung out with these two guys, mainly because of our families. The guy that was three years older than me was nice to me but not exactly open with anything. I would never know exactly what was on his mind and I couldn't read his emotions through his always-smiling face. The other guy was four years older than me, and just plain distant. He would never talk to me and there was something about him that told me to stay away, as if he really couldn't care less if I was there or not, but - just maybe - I was lying to myself or reading things all wrong, the only thing he really shared in common with the other guy was not being able to know what was exactly on his mind and his emotions were hid by a poker face.
When I was ten I had been friends with them for about four years. It wasn't much of a friendship though. I mean, it was two distant guys and one girl who was even more distant, plus the fact that there was quite an age gap considering that we were so young. Their names were Eichi and Takuto. Eichi was the one I talked to and who tried to make me feel like part of the group. Takuto was the one who never said a word to me. I always thought Takuto was the coldest guy I had ever met and I could never understand how a boy like Eichi could be his best buddy, but it was more than true. I always hoped Eichi would stop being friends with him. I felt that Takuto never treated him with much respect or friendliness. When I would mention this to him he would just smile and tell me that Takuto was truly not as bad as he seemed.
Now, you might be wondering `Why would a young girl spend most of her life with these two older boys?' It's simple; I was not one of the popular girls and never seemed to get along with the other people my age because I was different. I was kept away from the world most of my life, so I didn't know how to cope. Anyone who tried to be my friend was only attempting to use me for money or getting to know famous people. You see, my family was extremely rich and - on top of that - my mom was famous. So, of course, my mom would sometimes hold these fancy parties where lots of rich and famous people would come. So these people just wanted to befriend me so they could attend one of these parties. To me, the parties were a nightmare and I would try and hide out in my room. Except for once. That's how I met Eichi. My mom wanted me to meet a certain man and his son, which happened to be Eichi. Somehow that small meeting made us inseparable. It wasn't until later that I found out why.
As for Takuto, I met him through Eichi because the two of them were always hanging out with each other. What else can I say? I was at least glad Takuto didn't put up a huge fight with Eichi about me hanging around them all the time. In fact, he didn't say anything at all. I don't think he ever really noticed me.
Anyway, I once overheard a girl talking about me. She was wondering why I seemed so plain and untouchable when my mother was gorgeous and loved by everyone. She thought it was weird that I hated to be touched. That is the biggest thing about me. I don't like to be touched. I never really could figure out why but I would jump away from even the slightest brush of contact, as if it was a burning piece of coal. I would also avoid things, such as hugs, as much as possible. When people started to notice that, I became known as the "Touch-Me-Not".
When that started I would get laughed at and teased a lot. It was then that I noticed the only people who never said anything and who didn't care (or didn't act any different) were Eichi and Takuto.
Since you know that I met Eichi through one of the parties, you have to have guessed that he must to be pretty rich. His father ran some sort of company, and that is how he met my mother. I guess they were secretly in love, but I was too young to notice what was going on between them. When I first met Eichi, he showed a kind, polite, and patient aura. It was completely different for Takuto. Takuto was poor, rough, and cold. The only thing he may have had in common with Eichi and me was that he hardly ever saw his family. He didn't get along with them at all as did Eichi with his dad and me with my mother. Only his reasons were completely diverse from Eichi's and mine.
Takuto was strange to me and he really never seemed to change. He barely talked and, if he did, it was only to Eichi. I suppose I couldn't talk about being strange though, since I myself was one of the strangest. I would have to say the most normal out of our group was Eichi. Anyway, the three of us have never been apart since we met. That is really my only point to all of this.
Now here I am at the age of 19, engaged to Eichi, and still just as untouchable as ever. I wondered why Eichi choose to propose to me; if he felt it was something he was obligated to do or if he really cared so much about me that, even if he couldn't touch me, he would take care of me. I hoped it was the second one and I wanted to get over my problem so I could make my fiancée happy that he chose me.
Things ended up this way because of certain events. My mother died when I was sixteen and it was then that I learned a number of things. Like how my mother was the secret lover of Eichi's father, and that was the reason we were aloud to hang out all the time, despite our obvious age difference. I also learned that I really loved my mother and I grieved for months, but the biggest thing, and probably the shock of my life, was to learn that she wasn't even my real mother. I never knew I had family that hated me with a passion until after her death either. They made it so I wouldn't inherit any of her money by making sure my name was nowhere on her will. They probably had my mom sign all the papers when she was too sick to know what they were doing. Eichi's father took me in because of it but he died shortly afterwards. He was murdered, shot in the head. After that, I learned that his company wasn't really a normal one. It was a little dirtier than that, and Eichi was the heir, but I didn't care and I stayed with Eichi because he let me and because he was my only friend, my only family now. I didn't care if his father was a former leader of some gang.
Nothing really happened with Takuto throughout all this. He just was sort of there, and maybe I should have paid a little more attention to him, but I didn't. It wasn't until I had turned 18 and Eichi had proposed to me that I started to notice a change in Takuto. When he first heard the news he did something that surprised me and may have been the second biggest shock of my life. He looked right at me and said his very first word to me `Congratulations' before walking away normally, as if it wasn't weird that he had actually spoke to me. It was then I felt like something was terribly wrong but I couldn't figure out what.
Short huh? Well that is because it is just the boring prelude. Hehe The next chapter will hopefully be more fun. This is a basic boring intro to get you started. ^^