Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Once More, With Pirates ❯ Everything is Alright ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Oh, yea of little faith. I told you he'd be back! Thanks goes to Heist (again) for the encouragement, and the song title.
Everything is Alright
Tell me that you're alright; yeah everything is alright. Oh please tell me that you're alright. Yeah everything is alright. Motion City Soundtrack (Commit This to Memory)
“…And I can assure you, Q isn't finished yet,” Picard said to the group gathered in the Briefing Room. “In the meantime, those of us who have assigned duties are expected to continue with them as usual.” His eyes landed on his `guests' and he gave them a slight smile. “My sincerest apologies for your extended visit. We'll do what we can to make it tolerable, at the very least.” He got to his feet, and nodded. “Dismissed.”
As everyone filed out, he noticed that Scar stayed close by McKenna and made a mental note to look into it. With Security keeping him under surveillance, he had little worry that the killer would make an attempt on her life, but reports coming back to him led him to believe there was much more to the man than a need for revenge.
He put his curiosity on hold as Jet stopped in front of him. “Captain, I apologize for the absence of my partners,” the man said.
Picard shook his head. “No need, Mr. Black. I have your report of the events.” He sensed Riker come up behind him, as he added, “Commander Riker can debrief them later.”
Jet glanced up at Riker, and chuckled. “Good luck with that,” he said.
Picard took the moment to glance over at the knot of three men on the far end of the room. Mustang and Hughes were speaking to each other in low tones, but Havoc's attention was over by the ports. More specifically, the woman staring out of them. Marie Sioux had been genetically manipulated when she was a child. An illegal practice in Picard's universe as well as Havoc's. The difference was in Havoc's they were labeled chimeras and treated with prejudice.
The young Lieutenant's reaction when he found out was knee-jerk; but Picard watched as the debriefing went on, and saw someone struggling with what was instilled in him from the beginning, to grasp a different attitude. This wasn't the first such incident Picard had witnessed from them, either. They might be 400 years behind us in technology, but their minds most certainly are not.
And on the subject of brilliant minds, Picard thought, as he strode toward Mustang. He wasn't the least bit surprised when the Colonel looked up, and nearly snapped to attention. Picard couldn't suppress the slight smile when the young officer quickly remembered where he was, and shifted to at-ease.
Mustang nodded. “Captain.”
“A word with you a moment, Colonel Mustang,” Picard said. Mustang gave Hughes a subtle nod, dismissing him and Havoc, and Picard waited until the two men were gone. He took a quick glance over to the ports, and saw Sioux was gone, as well.
He heard the soft whish as the door to the briefing room slid shut, and knew that only himself, the Colonel, and Riker were in the room. He kept his eyes on Mustang's for a little longer, letting the moment drag out in the silence. He had to give the man credit. He knew what was coming, and waited patiently for it. He either has nerves of titanium, or he really is as arrogant as he professes to be.
“I understand you're quite the strategist on your world,” Picard said. “However, for the record, I must request that you allow my officers to do their jobs when it comes to handling Q.”
“We have quite a bit more experience in the matter, Colonel,” Picard continued. “And your actions today interfered with Commander Riker's own strategy.” He caught the subtle shift of the man's dark eyes from him, to Riker, then back; but the only change in expression was a slight creasing of his brows.
“With all due respect, Captain,” Mustang said. “I was unaware there was any strategy at the moment.”
“Yes, I understand. It was on a need-to-know basis. Unfortunately, considering the circumstances, it was too great a risk to let you know.”
Mustang nodded. “My apologies, Captain. I'll not make the same mistake again.”
With that, the official dressing down was concluded. Picard didn't need to add that everyone could possibly be back where they belonged now. Mustang was well aware of it.
He allowed himself to visibly relax, and a genuine smile spread on his face. He laid a hand on Mustang's shoulder and chuckled. “Off the record, that was… an impressive leap of logic. And I have to admire a man who can so thoroughly get under Q's skin.”
Mustang quirked a brow, and smirked.
Riker chuckled. “In order to catch a criminal, you have to think like one,” he said. “Captain, perhaps it would be a good idea to keep the Colonel informed from now on.”
Picard glanced back at Riker, then cast a thoughtful look at Mustang. After a moment, he nodded. “Make it so, Number One.”
“Mustang?” Riker said.
The Commander smiled and gestured to the door, and said, “Let's talk.”
The Colonel nodded to Picard, and followed Riker out of the briefing room.
Four people went down together in the turbo lift, and the tension was thick enough to cut with a laser. Jet glanced over at Marie, who was pressed against one side of the tight space; arms crossed and looking down at the deck. Then he glanced back at Havoc, who was on the opposite side staring at Marie with a whipped puppy look. Finally he looked over at Hughes, who just raised a brow, and shrugged.
As soon as the lift stopped and the doors opened, Marie was out like a shot; but Havoc wasn't moving. Jet sighed, threw his arm out to stop the door from closing again, and looked back at the Lieutenant. “Better go now,” he said. “While you can still catch up with her.”
Havoc blinked and looked at the other two men with badly feigned innocence.
Hughes chuckled and shook his head. “Look at it this way, Jean. There goes your one chance to a girl Roy won't steal from you. But you're going have to apologize.”
Havoc scowled, and crossed his arms. “Apologize? What for?”
“Doesn't matter,” Jet said. “She's pissed, you'd better apologize. You can figure out what you did wrong later.”
Havoc looked from one man to the other, groaned, then pushed his way out of the lift. “Marie!” he called as he trotted off after her.
As Jet let the door shut, Hughes said, “I didn't know you were married.”
“I'm not.” He glanced over at Hughes, and smirked. “I live with Faye. That's bad enough.”
Hughes rubbed at the back of his head, and said, “Good poi—“
The lift rocked, pitching both men to one side, and the lights flickered. An instant after that, a wave of energy flew through the lift.
As soon as the wave passed, the red alert klaxon started, and the lift powered back up with the lights dimmer than before.
“Well, that was interesting,” Hughes said.
Havoc had to admit Jet and Hughes were right. He just didn't have to admit it out loud. He trotted down the corridor calling her name, but she refused to stop. He was hard-pressed to catch up to her; he didn't think it was possible for anyone to merely walk as fast as she did.
When he finally did reach her, he grabbed her arm, and spun her around. “Marie, wait.”
“I'm expected down on the planet, Jean. I have a job to do,” she said, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Can you give me two minutes?” he asked. He bent down, and looked up at her, trying to meet her eyes; giving her his best `irresistibly contrite' look. “Please?”
He had enough time to see a smile tugging at her lips, before they were both slammed into the bulkhead by a wave of energy.
The energy wave burst up through the deck of the bridge like a bubble, and spread out, grabbing Mustang as he exited the Briefing Room and shaking him like an electric jolt. Sparks snapped and small fireballs jumped from him while he was in the grip of the energy, causing anyone near him to jump back. Then, as soon as it had him, it let him go, dropping him to his knees.
He fell to the deck panting; the sounds of the red-alert klaxon, and orders for reports sounding like they were far down at the end of a tunnel. He felt strong hands helping him up, and he grabbed on the rail. “Edward,” he gasped. He pulled himself up, and sought out Picard. “Captain… that was an alchemic rebound.”
“Captain,” he heard the smooth voice of Data say as black spots filled his vision, “the Colonel is correct. The nexus of the energy wave originated from sick bay. In Fullmetal's room.”
Alphonse was in Engineering when the wave hit him. He'd been bent over Radical Edward's shoulder, deciphering some of the codes from the information they'd brought back from the planet's surface. All he knew, was that every thought was scrambled, and he felt real, genuine fear for the first time since his soul had been bound to the armor. The last thing he saw were bolts of static electricity leaping from every part of him…
Scar felt like he was being torn apart, piece by piece. He fell against the bulkhead in the corridor, and slid down to his knees as a shredding agony went through his brother's arm. Q had rendered it impotent, but Scar saw the faint glow of the tattoos that had been there before. He heard a terrified shriek, and looked up. McKenna had been right in front of him, but now she was nowhere to be seen…
“Worf, warn the planet,” Picard said.
“Impact with the surface in 5.322 minutes, Captain,” Data said.
“Engineering, damage report.”
“Believe it or not, Captain,” Geordi said over the comm, “The only damage sustained was to the console near Alphonse when he was affected. No vital systems, and the one console is just minor.”
“Captain,” Worf said. “I have a report that Scar was also affected by the energy wave.”
Picard spun. “I thought Q rendered that arm of his impotent?”
“It's possible that he still has alchemic abilities,” Mustang said, as he held himself up by the rail on the upper deck of the bridge. “But without a transmutation circle, he can't perform.”
“What about McKenna?” Picard asked.
“She is no longer on the ship, Captain,” Worf said.
When Spike saw Faye slumped limply against the bulkhead not moving, a thrill of fear shot through him. The wave had passed, but he remained low as he scrambled to her and gently felt for a pulse.
She moaned and slowly opened her eyes. A relieved smile lit his face; but when she blinked and started to focus, he quickly hid it. “Hey, you,” he said. “You okay?”
She nodded and rubbed the back of her head. “Stunned, is all.”
Activity behind him started in earnest, and he could hear Dr. Crusher order the life support equipment to be disconnected. At that, he snapped around. Crusher turned to him at the same time and the look on her face was shock, but there was a smile along with it. “He's coming around.”
He faced Faye again, and laughed. “Damn, Faye. You never do anything half way, do you?”
She smirked and sat up straighter, but didn't bother trying to get to her feet. “You should know best.” Her eyes met his, and her smirk became a soft smile. “Go. He's probably going to want to see you.”
Spike nodded, and got to his feet. By the time he reached Fullmetal's side, the boy started flailing, and bolted up with a wordless shout. His gold eyes were wide and terrified; and he was panting.
“Welcome back, Pipsqueak,” Spike said.
His greeting had the desired effect. Fullmetal blinked, focused, and instantly went ballistic. “Who the hell are you calling so shor—“ He stopped in mid-rant when he realized that the limb he was trying to swing was no longer attached to him. He looked down where his arm and leg should be, and turned a deep shade of red. “WHERE THE HELL IS MY AUTOMAIL?!” It was then he noticed the sheet that had been covering him had slipped down a little further than he felt comfortable with, and he yanked it back up, with the red of the exposed skin going even deeper. “AND WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES?!”
Crusher took a step back from the force of Fullmetal's fury, and looked up at Spike with amusement. Spike only smirked, and said, “Not much of a morning person, are you, Ed?”
That comment only served to start a fresh round of ranting from the boy, and Crusher chuckled. “He's going to be just fine.”
“What are you people?! A buncha perverts? Don't leave a guy a pair of shorts, even?!”
“Yeah, but are we?” Spike asked.