Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Teachers?! ❯ Chaos Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jessica: We don't own anything but our OCs!
Okami: it is sooo sad! But to make up for it we wrote this fic.
Jessica: You're to nice Okami! Besides are you sure they will come out of this with whatever is left of their sanity:glances over at okami:
Okami: we will just have to see about that. Anyway here's the story.
Jessica: We will not be held responsible for any side effects that take place when you are done reading so just deal!
“Damn it! Come on we're going to be late!” Jessica yelled as she continued to dash up the never ending stairs. Is there even an end to them?
“Hold on! Not every one can run as fast as you Jesse!” Bianca screamed as she sped up the stairs after Jessica. How does she run so fast? It's not fair!
“I know that! But hurry up! Push yourself past your limits! I don't care what you have to do, but we are not going to be late on the first day! So damn it, Hurry up!” Damn it! We only have one minute left! “On second thought if we're late and we get in trouble I'm going to kill the damn teacher for punishing us after all this trouble!” she growled.
Both girls ran up the stairs and dashed into the classroom numbered 405 and ran straight into the evilest teacher of them all! Mr. Takanaka! Bianca stumbled back and glanced apologetically at the teacher, who just glared at her and told her to take a seat. Jessica on the other hand had been pushed into a shelf and wasn't the least bit happy about it and ready to beat the idiot over the head until he apologized or he would end up dead! Didn't really matter to her, all she cared about at that moment was getting her revenge on that bastard.
Bianca took a seat towards the back of the room next to a nice looking girl named Sango. Sango was wearing black jeans and a red t-shirt that said “touch me and die” I could get along with her, she thought.
As for Jessica she was still glaring at the teacher with her famous dragon glare trying to decide what way she should kill him or if he should just become her new torture dummy. Finally deciding she should wait at least till lunch before she killed someone she decided to follow Bianca's lead and went to sit next to her in the back. She glanced over to her left to see who else was sitting there only to see a handsome looking boy in a pair of baggy jeans and a tight purple muscle shirt….. But he just didn't look safe…. I should have sat somewhere else.
Looking down at his name tag she quickly memorized his name. Miroku, huh? Best try to stay away from him as much as possible………
Bianca quietly started to talk to Sango. “Hey, my name is Bianca, I just moved here from America. Who is that boy that my friend is sitting next to? I have a feeling that he is up to no good.”
“Oh, that's Miroku. Your friend just made the biggest mistake of her life. Miroku is the biggest pervert in all of Japan. That's why all the girls try to stay away from him.”
Bianca gulped. No way was Jessica's temper going to stay intact sitting next to this boy. She could practically feel the perversion coming off of him in waves.
“BAKA HENTAI!” Jessica's yell pierced the air just as the other students took their seats. “You stupid fool! You're as good as dead!... Oh wait never mind that would be being merciful! I'll just have to go with torturing you until the day you finally die you little pervert!” she yelled at the crater that was now Miroku. Who the hell is this pervert! He's almost as bad as the ones back home…….
Bianca sighed. This was going to be a really long year….
“Jessica, Bianca you have both disrupted my class long enough! Go to the Principles office right now!” The teacher roared.
“ All ready going Mr. I think I rule the world! Come on Bianca! Let's get out of this stupid hell hole!” she stated with venom dripping from every word as she walked out.
Her head popped back in “ oh and where is this mysterious secret principle office you speak of?”
“OUT NOW!” he yelled as he threw the overhead at her.
“Geez! I'm going already! I was just trying to get directions…” she mumbled as she disappeared from view again right before the overhead made contact right where her head use to be…
“You missed!” could be heard from down the hall….
Bianca picked up Jessica's books and stormed out of the classroom. Before she left she flipped off the teacher and told Miroku to watch his wandering hands or else Jessica just might cut them off.
Over hearing Bianca from her place down the hall as she leaned against it waiting for Bianca to catch up she couldn't help the murderous thoughts that swarmed her mind.. One being- I'll do a hell lot worst than that! Let's she how big of a pervert he is when he's de-maned!
Bianca walked down the hall to catch up with Jessica. She gave her books and then searched the maze that was the school to find the ever elusive principals office. They must have been walking for twenty minutes when an on campus police officer took both of the girls to the principal's office since they were having problems.
“Thanks officer.” Bianca said as the officer walked back into the courtyard, leaving Jessica and Bianca alone in the principal's office.
“Remind me again why we went through all that trouble to find the principal just so we can be punished some more by yet another power crazed adult!” Jessica said her eyes twitching from annoyance, still not completely calmed down from Miroku's earlier crimes….
The girls walked into the office of the principal only to be hit on the head with black board erasers. The white chalk effectively getting all over their new outfits.
“What the hell!” Bianca yelled. Nobody messed with her clothes and got away with it. Bianca looked around the empty office, looking for the bastard that dares to ruin her outfit.
Jessica was calmly observing the damage to her NEW clothes that SHE had paid for! Not a good sign! Looking up slowly she glared up in the direction they had came from. “ You damn bastards better come out her right now you little cheats before I'm forced to blast you out! And trust me you don't want that because I've had one hell of a bad day and anyone who gets in my way is going to be sentenced to a very painful death! So if I were you I would come out right now!” she yelled as her brown eyes turned black from her anger…. She was now officially pissed and ready to kill!
Bianca nearly screamed when the door opened and a young girl walked in. she had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a black skirt and a white tank top with combat boots.
“Oh, sorry. I'm looking for the principal, seen her around? She has to sign this referral.”
“Uh, no. we came in here for a … similar reason but all we got was some fucking erasers on our heads. Does this happen often?” Bianca asked. Now not so mad about her new clothes.
“That sounds like the work of Ed and Al. they think they are totally cool because they skipped a few grades and can do some fancy alchemy. I'm Winry by the way.”
“Nice to meet you” both girls said in unison.
“Anyway if those to Jackasses just tried to prank us… does that mean they are issuing a challenge!” Jessica said curiously her eyes sparkling with excitement as an evil smirk spread across her face. She was practically beaming!
Uh ohBianca thought. I don't like the look on her face
“Those stupid heads…. I'll kick their scrawny little asses the next time I meet them.”
“Winry…. What dorm do they live in….” Jessica asked with a blank look on her face.
“Oh their in dorm 205….. Why?”
Perfect… she though as her eyes gleamed with evil intent and the evil smirk returned to her face as she used all her speed to get past Winry and into the announcement room locking and barricading the door behind her.
“Huh? Where'd she go!”
“Testing testing 1 2 3 Everyone in dorm 205 are now officially required to enter a contest of pranking! If I find out someone tried to skip out on it….. Well let's just say you'll be begging for death before I'm even 1 done with you shall we! Anyways I'm sending my gang to gather everyone into the dorm lounge that is in dorm 205 for further info and rules! You don't come we'll send assassins after you so make it easier and just do as you're told damn it!” She said sweetly her voice rising at the last part. “Thank you. That is all. Sorry for the interruption. This gathering will begin immediately so that there is no time for anyone to escape! Remember this is a fair game or as fair as it's going to get with pranking and cheating and lying and all that other shit! But remember we're here to kick everyone else's ass down to hell! Oh and this will be in groups of 2! Randomly picked so have fun! Bye!”
meanwhile in the class down the hall, Sesshomaru was staring at the intercom. His pencil slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. Hiten was laughing so hard he was on the verge of crying, Kagome and Sango were staring at each other like the world was going to end and Inuyasha was ranting on and on about psychopathic women.
In the class across the hall Bankotsu was staring at the wall as if nothing was happening, and Jakotsu was having a giggle attack. Kagura and Kanna were quietly talking about the new girls and how they sure knew how to make friends quick.
In the back of a class room near the only window stood Yusuke laughing out loud at his half sisters idea of making friends and turning this place into hell for the adults and heaven for the punks and fighters and thieves and all that shit.
Kuwabara was running into the window not even noticing until he broke through and went grassing down to the rocky ground ten floors below…. Hiei just smirked and muttered something that sounded a lot like “hn. Baka onna.”
Kurama just looked on in amusement while on the inside he was already plotting for every single possibility…
Keiko was starring at the intercom in pure horror her thoughts along the lines of- There goes what was left of this school. And, why did they have to show up!
Shizuru just looked mildly interested though she rather be somewhere else drinking or smoking, but what the hell!
Yukina just looked up at it in confusion as Botan looked on worried what Jessica would leave in her wake this time….
Koto looked riled up and ready to go and already had her mike set and ready to go…. As for Juri…. Well she looked as if she had just been sentenced to death…..
And Keri just smirked, her eyes gleaming mischievously as she plotted her plans…. This was going to be interesting….
So let the games begin!
Meanwhile back in the counselor's office Ed and Al were starring with shock at the intercom. Never had anyone taken one of their pranks this serious… both of the boys were wondering if the girls were mentally stable. This was going to be a really long year…
Meanwhile in the announcement room…
Jessica smirked as she leaned back in the chair her feet resting on the desk as she closed her eyes the evil smirk still in place. “And so the game of lies , betrayals, thieving, and destruction begins…. This should be interesting with this unique group..”
End of ch.1
Review if you want us to continue! Because if you don't we won't! and if you want to know how Jessica looks read one of me other stories! It's not that hard ya know!
okami: As for my character Bianca, she is an elf, but not very athletic. She has really long straight black hair and green eyes. Her skin is slightly tan. She is tall and slim.
So this is my first fic on my own. Please review and no flames or else I might blame you for my cause of death.
Jessica: Oh Bianca let them flame! I'll kick all their asses to hell! Besides it'll be fun! Besides we already said after you read this fic anything that happens to you isn't our fault… or did I forget to mention the big picture… oops my bad! Well if you decide to flame what happens to you is your own fault :is sharpening sword:
Okami: ooohhhhh big swords are scary! Are you going to kill all the people that flame?
Jessica: Oh no never! I'm just going to torture them till I get bored and then leave them for dead! Now what is this I'm hearing about you doing this fic on your own.. hm?
Okami: oooppsss… hehe … would it help if I said “I love you”?
Jessica:…… Anyways! Bye! Until next time!... that is if you review!... :glares: and you better….. I'm able to see how many people have been here after all…. I'm watching you! So you better push the damn review button!