Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Teachers?! ❯ Geo Ducks with Sprinkles on Top ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but our OCs and plot damnit!
Okami: (hehe. I get to shoot people)
Jessica:glares you stole my line:pouts then takes out machine gun and shoots random reader who didn't review: That's for not reviewing! We only got 2:starts killing off Kuwabara fans: bwahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhaahhaha! And that's for not saying thank you damn it!
Okami: aww…..oh well…although I do appreciate the one who called us “your highness”. You are now loved by me and Jessica.
Jessica:halts her killing rampage for a moment and throws a gun at okami: would ya mind helping!
Okami: oh, sorry…shoots random person who was looking like they weren't going to review
Note: Right now were really high right now….:starts laughing evilly:evil spaz:
Jessica quickly picked up her stuff and walked over to Kagura.
Kagura looked over at Jessica.  “What do you want?”
Jessica sighed looking away innocently. “ Me and Bianca were just wondering if you would want a way to get rid of Kuwabara but I guess you don't want to hear it…oh well it was worth a shot.” And with that she slowly started walking away.
Bianca appeared behind Kagura. “Think about it. No moron to bother you. What do you have to lose?”
“….alright. Fine. JESSICA, GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE! I'm interested.”
Jessica smirked evilly as she walked back. “So you agree?”
Kagura hesitated, knowing that Bianca and Jessica were a little messed up. “Yes…I agree…”
Jessica's evil smirk widened “Ok. But it will cost ya! We have this Bra. No I don't want to here your opinion.. Anyways! This bra leads into another dimension!”
Kagura just looked at Jessica like she was hyped up on too much medicine. “you're
kidding, right?”
“nope!” Bianca chirped happily.
“Why the fuck would we make it up anyway?” Jessica asked.
“don't ask questions about it, now will you pay for it or not?” Bianca asked.
“just how much are we talking here?” Kagura asked.
“oh, well about…oh say…$100,000 oh and of course when your partner disappears you'll have to forfeit…” Jessica said as if it was the most normal thing in the world to talk about. I mean hey people get sucked into bras to never return all the time!
Kagura looked very annoyed. “okay. I'll send you a check in a couple days. My parents are going to want to know why I need this much money….so give me a break here.”
“fine. We'll hold you to that. Now if you would follow us before out teach naraku get suspicious…” Jessica said calmly while watching Naraku out of the corner of her eye as she turned to leave.
Bianca took off after Jessica and Kagura followed.
In the gym hallway
Bang banglet us like omglike out of like here!Bang banglike omglike do like what she says.Bam!YEAH!
“hm… did anyone hear anything?” Jessica asked.
Bianca glanced down the hallway. “no…It must be those boys picking on the nerds again…”
“hm. Yeah…that must be it.” Jessica mumbled not giving it another thought.
In their room
Bianca jumped onto her bed while Kagura stared at the room with wide eyes.
“oh snap…we forgot to put away the t.v.'s Jess….”
Jessica looks over at all the wide screen t.v.s…. “oh well” shrug “I guess we could always brainwash her…”
Kagura's eyes widened a little. “don't joke with me here. I'm paying you good money for this damned bra. Now tell me what I'm supposed to do with it.”
Jessica looked at her weirdly. “fine…though we weren't joking but whatever…all you have to do is put on the damn bra and get Kuwabara close enough so that you can grab him and shove him down your bra….that's all! Oh and we will be wanting it back when your done! It's still in the experimental stages…”
“yeah…the last person we sold it to tried to steal it and ended up gone…we think he landed on mars or something….”
Kagura paled, wondering if it was really worth getting rid of Kuwabara. The answer: yes. “give it to me then. I'll have it returned by next week.”
“ok…..Bianca where's the key!”
Bianca pulled the key out from her panties. “there you go.”
“….well that's a stupid place to put it…..” Jessica muttered under breath looking away and refusing to touch the damn thing.
“no ones going to find it…. okay…so they will find it. but not unless I want them in my pants…” Bianca said.
“Bianca….practically any one who looks somewhat good can get in your pants…and that's when you're not bored!” Jessica countered glaring at her.
“hey! I've been a good girl! I haven't cheated on Hiten in like….three weeks! So there!” Bianca yelled back.
“weird…..i could have sworn three weeks ago was the last time you came to my house…WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!”
“….well, that was when I was mad…and I was feeling lonely…so I kinda snuck out and had some fun….” Bianca looked down.
“…….ok then…….moving on! Bianca give her the key so we can move on!”
Bianca handed the key to kagura who took it reluctantly.
“are you sure I won't get AIDS or something from this?” Kagura asked.
“well as long as you don't fuck it you shouldn't….” Jessica stated looking at Bianca uncertainly.
“hey! That's not nice. That hasn't been-….well, I put it up whenever I had someone over, so its relatively clean.” Bianca glared at Jessica. “plus, I, or no one I have slept with has had AIDS.”
Jessica didn't seem to quite believe that knowing Bianca never checked the background of any of these guys but decided it be better if she didn't say anything so they could get kagura out and starting making plans for their next victim.
Kagura took the key and unlocked the box. She took out THE BRA and put it in her bag, then quickly left the room fearing the girls may eat her…or worse.
Once the door closed Jessica turned to Bianca. “you sure it wasn't just the spell against AIDS that kept you from getting it?”
“the spell helps….but just so you know, I do check background information…its just more fun to let other people think otherwise. Its fun acting like a whore…being a whore.” Bianca smiled sweetly.
“Whatever happened to winry?” Jessica asked all of a sudden.
“she was spying on Ed and Al trying to get information on them for our prank.” Bianca answered blankly as she continued to read her book.
(Jessica: We forgot to team her up with someone….-glares at Bianca- You were suppose to Remind me Damnit! -Starts random things around killing everyone around except her goal, Bianca- random announcer person Now pack to the story! -BAM- SOMEONE HELP ME!)
Jessica glanced at Bianca suspiciously “what cha reading?”
“porn” Bianca stated. “….naw, just kidding. Its bloody and involves gun and shit. I can't read it at night cuz it gives me nightmares. Its cool though.”
Jessica puts away blow torch “it is night….”
“….GODDAMNIT! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TELL ME THESE THINGS!” Bianca sat up and threw the book at her book shelf.
“I just did…”
Next morning
“GEODUCKS!” Jessica suddenly yelled out of nowhere sitting up quickly and falling out of bed. (look it up on google!)
Jessica turned to look at Bianca to tell her ideal-“WHAT THE HELL!” Jessica exclaimed grabbing a bat and started to attack Hiten. “GET OUT YOU DAMN SPY!”
“eh?” Bianca sat up out of bed to find Jessica wacking her lover. “what the hell? Couldn't you at least wait for me to be awake? And its okay, I invited him last nigh. So quit before you kill him or something….” She rolled over in bed and cuddled a stuffed penguin.
Jessica suddenly stopped dropping the unconscious hiten to the ground as she walked over to Bianca with an evil smirk dropping the bat and grabbing one of her feet and tickling her with out mercy.
“kyahh!” Bianca squirmed around and yelled between laughs, “GET OFF ME I'M NAKED UNDER THIS SHEET!”
Jessica smirked evilly. “I'm a girl to you know…it's nothing I haven't seen before….especially after all the times I've walked in on you….and your lover….”
Bianca rolled of the bed naked next to the still unconscious Hiten. “that's not fair!”
Jessica smiled evilly from her place on the bed. “Yes it is…..can I throw him out the window and into the principles wives room in only a thong?” Jessica asked pointing to Hiten.
“no you may not. You'll have to wait until either I'm not here, or he is out of the room so I don't see it. I have to be somewhat nice to my lovers….” Bianca shook hiten awake. “get dressed and out of here before Jess here stabs you with a spork.”
Jessica glares at Bianca before picking up hiten and throwing him into the principles wives room. “AND STAY OUT!”
Bianca sighed and threw his clothes after him, laughing. “You're soo nice Jess.”
“Well technically I didn't throw him into her room wearing a thong….” Jessica stated looking away innocently.
“ah well. It was amusing.” Bianca smiled and got dressed. “now we need to put our plan into action.”
In the principles room
“Oh…aren't you a hot one…let's have some fun before my husband gets back!” The old lady said tying Hiten to the bed.
“damnit old hag! Get off me!” Hiten used his demon powers to zap the old lady and get out of her room. He ran down the halls butt naked and red as an apple to his room.
And so the story of how the principles wife .ends……
Back with the evil people
“So is that all?” Jessica asked as she stepped back to examine their work.
“yeah. We're good.” Bianca said as she picked up her bucket and walked towards the door. “lets get out of here fast. We still have to get Elmo.”
“yeah…I love his fluffy tail!” Jessica exclaimed as she skipped happily after Bianca….making people wonder if she was high….
“too bad we're going to steal it.” Bianca smiled and laughed. “I can't wait. This is going to be so much fun, Jess!”
“You know it…..I guess there will be no hiding the fact that the whole octopus on the head was us after this….”
“we seem to have a thing for sea creatures…” Bianca stated.
“Yeah….but it's more fun with them!...”Jessica stated already plotting for future victims…
“Stupid line…why hell are there so many people…stupid over population of humans…in the way of my food…” Jessica grumbled thinking about certain preps that had gotten loose and were taking a long time to move….
“aw, chill out. We got here early so we could steal Sessho's fluff. Its not so bad.” Bianca said as she glared at the preps in front of her and Jessica that were giggling at an orange for no apparent reason.
“can't we just use are powers to get the food and get out of here?” Jessica asked hopefully turning her puppy dog eyes on Bianca.
“we're not supposed to Jess…” Bianca took another glance at the drooling preps as a boy walked by . “but this is an emergency. So lets get the fuck out of here before they start a flood in here….”
“YAY!” Jessica exclaimed clapping, ignoring the odd looks she got as she took off full speed stealing all the food they needed and getting to the table before anyone should even blink and waited for Bianca as if nothing happended.
Bianca just walked past the preps trusting Jessica to have gotten her something to eat.
“Here you go!” Jessica stated throwing a Chicken burger at her from her place at the table.
Bianca caught the burger and sat down at the table to eat. “wait a second…this is fish. We hate fish.” Bianca glared at her FISH burger disapprovingly.
Jessica glared at her own fish burger with pure hatred and disgust as she picked it up and threw to the other side of the cafeteria not noticing as it fell into some ones bag or that she had accidentally put a spell on it….
Bianca picked up a piece of fruit. “so, where is elmo?”
Jessica blinked in confusion for a second. “Oh right! Elmo um…let me see…” Jessica said as she closed her eyes and scowered the cafeteria with her mind. “He's outside.”
“okay. Lets go steal some fluff then.” Bianca smiled a happy smile that was most certainly evil.
“ok!...but we should hurry…those guys I told you I thought were involved with Koenma having been following s lately.” Jessica stated glancing over her shoulder cautiously.
Bianca got up and her and Jessica walked outside and found Sesshomaru sitting under a tree with Bankotsu, Touya, Hiei and Hiten.
“oh shit…this is bad…2 of the spirit detective people are there….” Jessica muttered from behind Bianca.
Bianca and Jessica walked around the boys and to the other side of the tree. Bianca sat down and began to use her powers to let out a calming aroma that lowered the senses of the demons on the other side of the tree. “okay, they should be easier to sneak up on now” Bianca whispered.
Jessica nodded in understanding deciding it best not to talk as she turned away from her friend and starred into nothingness as her eyes became clouded over and an odd symbol on her forehead as her mind searched for Jaken once she had found it she made quick work of any shields he had risen to protect his mind and quickly directed him to Sesshomaru with the orders to steal the hair off his tail.
Her eyes cleared up and she turned back to Bianca giving an affirmative nod.
“I'm not sure how well my aroma is going over. I can still sense that they are aware of things. I'm going to go distract them a little more…don't want Jaken to get caught too early.” Bianca said.
“please don't strip…at least keep your panties on….” Jessica muttered.
“….I'll pretend you didn't say that…” Bianca glared at Jessica and walked around the tree to go… “distract” the boys.
Bianca jumped around the tree to say hello only to fall flat on her face in Hiei's lap. “OW DAMNIT!”
Jessica peaked around the tree only to see Bianca's face in Hiei's lap “just because I said don't strip doesn't mean give them a blow job!” Jessica yelled coming around the corner.
Bianca looked up at Hiei. “hehe…um….Nice package you got there.”
Jessica started to back away slowly as Hiei got up his hand on his sword and he was glaring murderously at them.
“what did I do!” Jessica yelled hiding behind Bianca.
“don't hide behind me! He's gonna kill me!” Bianca screamed at Jessica. “Hiten, please do something! I tripped!” Bianca turned teary eyes onto Hiten.
“hn. Baka ningens” Hiei muttered as he took his hand off his swords going back to leaning against the tree with closed eyes deciding they weren't worth the trouble of killing them.
“WHAT THE HELL! I'M NOT STUPID!” Jessica yelled stepping around Bianca and getting into Hiei's face completely forgetting that they were trying to keep him from killing them…
“AND WE ARE NOT HUMAN EITHER YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Bianca yelled moving to stand next to Jessica, her eyes turning red.
Hiten just watched the two girls, wondering if it was even safe to get next to them. He settled for sitting next to Sesshomaru and watching the show.
Suddenly they found a sword at both of their throats. “shut up baka….ningens” Hiei whispered in a deadly voice next to Jessica's ear but they both heard it and it only made them angrier…it even made Jessica forget that she was just about to yell at Bianca for being an idiot and giving their cover away!
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME YOU BITCH!” Jessica yelled holding up one of those metal folding chairs up over her head glaring evilly at Hiei.
(meanwhile Jaken was stealing fluff from Sesshomaru's tail.)
Bianca held out her hand and the tree grew a bow and leaves fell from the tree, forming arrows. She notched one and had it pointed at Hiei's chest. “back off now fucktard.” Her eyes were glowing crimson red now. Boy was she pissed.
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes and got up. He walked between Hiei and the two mad girls, effectively stopping their little fight. “you all look like fools now quit before I kill you.” He glared at the girls as he said that last bit.
Jessica eyes turned to look at elmo's tail only to see that the tip was balled “Hahahahhahahhahhahaha. You hahaha look hah more haha like a fool hahaha than we haha do!” and with that Jessica fell over laughing.
Bianca looked down at Jessica and then to where she had been looking. Her eyes turned back to her normal color of purple as she burst out laughing.
Everyone turned their attention to Sesshomaru and saw the poor state his tail was in and Hiten burst out laughing as the other two smirked evilly.
“Damn Sesshomaru, what happened to your tail?” Hiten asked between laughs.
Sesshomaru moved his tail so he could see it. “….” His eye twitched with anger and he grabbed Jessica by the throat and held her up. “what did you two lowly bitches do to me?”
Jessica's eyes twitched as they flashed to a sapphire blue. “One I'm not the one who is a lowly bitch elmo, it's you! Two I didn't do shit. Three put me down, and four WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE PICKING ON ME YOU BITCH! JAKEN'S THE ONE WHO DID IT!”
Bianca smiled evily watching Jessicas little…bitch attack. “she's telling the truth. You can probably smell the little fart on the ground over there still.”
Jessica continued to glare evilly at `elmo' “yeah, so stop being an idiot and put me down before I kick you where the sun don't shine and then remove it!”
“like you could ever pose a threat to me. You still can't even fully control your demonic powers.” Sesshomaru roughly let Jessica go.
Hiten smelled the ground where sesshomaru had been sitting and ended up throwing up. “she's right. You can smell that little shit. And it ain't pretty.”
Blink blink. “I'm a demon….What kind!” Jessica ran up to Sesshomaru and hugged him.
Bianca could only stand there she was so surprised.
Sesshomaru glared at Jessica. “you are touching me. Get off before I remove you.”
Jessica glared up at him as she held on tighter. “not till you tell me what kind of demon I am!”
“you are being difficult. But if you insist on this…” He bent down and sniffed Jessica. His eyes widened a little. “you smell like the dragons….and like cheetah….”
Jessica eyes widened in Happiness as she jumped up and threw her hands around his neck knocking him over. “Really! Tell me more about them! Please?” Jessica said in her best innocent and sweet voice with teary puppy dog eyes.
Sesshomaru looked at the woman attached to his neck. “if you will never touch me again, I will tell you anything you want.”
Jessica looked slightly disappointed but that quickly change back to her normal mischievous look. “so if I suddenly get another question and come up to it you have to answer?”
“…to answer your first question, the dragons are a race that have long been believed to have been extinct they use to live in another realm completely away from any other so that they didn't have to deal with humans or demons alike for they hated both with a passion, it was forbidden to mate with either and if one did the child would automatically be killed and the mother and father would be exiled. Other then that, no one has much information on them. You are probably the last person with dragon blood. As for the cheetahs, they are known for their speed and their psychic abilities. There aren't a lot of them left. They are a pretty rare race. That is all I know. Both of your blood lines are very rare and secretive.” Sesshomaru tore Jessica off him and walked off, his now bald tail swinging behind him.
Jessica layed there on the grass for awhile before jumping and yelling. “YAY I HAVE DRAGON BLOOD!...i wonder if I can fly…..”
Bianca was busy making out with Hiten and didn't hear Jessica's little celebration.
Blink blink… “Bianca….get your ass back here before you get yourself pregnant!” Jessica said in a dangerously quiet voice ready to drag her off if she didn't hurry.
Bianca looked at Jessica. “I don't wanna…” she went back to Hiten.
Jessica picked up her bat and walked over to her and hit her over the head knocking her head and quickly grabbed by the back of the shirt and started dragging her off waving bye to Hiten. “maybe you can have some fun later….when I'm NOT around!”
Hiten sighed. “damn I hate that bitch.” He watched Jessica drag Bianca off.
Jessica stopped long enough to throw a brick she found at his head before continuing on humming a little tune that if Bianca was awake would kill her for getting it stuck in her head again…
With Ed and Al that night
Ed slipped into bed only to notice that it was wet…sticky..and warm… “What the hell!”
“Brother! There's something not normal in my bed!” Al screamed. He threw the covers back and paled at what he saw.
What looked to be dicks were all over his bed. One of them suddenly started to squirt warm liquid out and it hit Al in the face. “BROTHER!”
Al jumped out of bed crying. “do you think they really did that brother?”
“I don't know Al….But I do know where not sleeping in there!” Ed stated as he went to the door only to be squirted in the face….
“Did you hear anything?” Jessica asked as she sat up in bed.
“no…” Bianca said quickly.
“uh huh….what are you doing…what do you have under the covers?” Jessica demanded.
“nothing! Just go back to bed! Your imagining things!” Bianca frantically tried to get Jessica to forget about it.
“uh huh…” Jessica got up and turned on the lights never taking her eyes off the form of the guy lying next to Bianca.
Hiten hid behind Bianca.
“Jessica, I waited for you to be asleep! Come on! I really like hiten! Besides, we can't be in his room because his room mate is Hiei! Come on Jess! I do all the dirty work for you!” Bianca sat pouting with Hiten behind her.
Jessica seemed to pause for a second thinking it over. “But I'm not being paid….”
“I'm her boyfriend! I don't have to pay!” Hiten yelled.
“yes he is!” Bianca cuddled with Hiten possessively. “don't be mean Jessy.”
Jessica looked at the door for a second. “I'll be right back….what's your dorm number again Hiten?”
Hiten looked at Jessica not sure he could trust her… “its 103, why?”
“you shouldn't have told her anything…” Bianca said. “she's up to something.”
“aren't I always?” Jessica asked with an evil smirk as she walked out and headed for the boys dorm.
“well, at least I'm dressed this time.” Hiten said.
“yeah…because she woke up before we could do anything.” Bianca laughed.
Suddenly the door was kicked open and Jessica stormed in dragging a chained up Hiei behind her.
“you two can have Hiten's room now….”
“aw, thanks Jessica! I love you!” Bianca hugged Jessica and dragged Hiten off to his room smiling happily.
Jessica was still twitching from being hugged but decided to unchain Hiei and lock them out so they wouldn't decide that having sex in their room was better….
With kaguraand Kuwabara
Kagura was sitting on her bed by the phone…okay, I can do this…that disgusting pig is only going to be next to me for a little bit…I can do this!
Kagura picked up the phone and called Kuwabara over to her dorm.
Kuwabara came running in with roses and a heart shaped chocolate. “Kagura my love! I knew you'd see we were meant for each other! Let's get married!”
Kagura rolled her eyes. “anything you want, your not going to be here long…” Kagura walked over to Kuwabara and took off her robe. She was wearing THE BRA.
Kuwabara was drooling like an idiot a huge lake had already formed from the little perverts drool…
Kagura was gaging on the inside but remained calm on the outside. “do you want me kuwabaka?”
“huh.. YES!” Kuwabara yelled as he rushed to her burying his head in between her chest. “I mean if I'm not rushing you my love.”
Kagura then shoved his head down one of the cups of THE BRA and he was sucked in and disappeared. “well, that was cool…” Kagura said.
The next morning
Bianca was walking back to her dorm in one of Hitens large shirts. Her hair was all messed up. Sex hair. She yawned and then yelped when she saw a passed out Jaken in front of her room with a box. “Jessica! Open up!” she yelled.
“huh….wha?” Jessica mumbled sleepily as she opened the door standing in her black slightly see through short night gown.
Bianca momentarily forgot about the disgusting Jaken. “what did you two do last night?” she had one of those perverted smiles on her face.
“pervert… we fought…” she mumbled sleepily as she walked back inside.
“fought eh? About who got to be on top?” Bianca was laughing. She picked up the box that was next to Jaken. “what are we going to do with him Jess?” she asked.
Jessica glanced at Bianca before continuing to the kitchen. “Not in the way your thinking…we were fighting over who got what bed since neither one of us wanted your bed….it still smells of sex…..”
“….I like my bed…” Bianca mumbled to herself….She glanced down at Jaken and decided it was high time he got a bath. She went into the room , putting the box on her bed and then got a pair of gloves and tongs. She picked up the smelly Jaken and walked into Miroku's dorm. She could hear the shower running.
She walked into the bathroom. “oh Miroku, I have something for you.” Bianca said in a seductive voice.
“well hello there lady, what could you possibly have for me?” Miroku asked in a eager voice.
“oh, just a little something I think you will enjoy. Now close your eyes.” Bianca was laughing to herself. She threw Jaken into the shower and ran as fast as she could out of the dorm and back to Jessica and Hiei.
“Hey Beinks! So you got rid of Jaken?” Jessica asked from her place at the table as she glanced at the still sleeping Hiei.
“him and Miroku are enjoying a nice shower together…” Bianca laughed after she said that.
“nice! And Sesshomaru still has no ideal that we're to blame for his tail and the octopus!” Jessica said happily going back to her ice cream.
“lovely. Ice cream for breakfast….” Bianca got a spoon and stole some of Jessica's ice cream and then ran to the couch and stared at Hiei sleeping. I want to poke his nose
“BIANCA! You bitch! You stole my ice cream!” Jessica yelled as she tackled Bianca.
Bianca yelped as Jessica tackled her. “owwie!” then Bianca got an evil thought. “oh, Jessica! We mustn't! Hiei is right there! What would we do if he woke up!” Bianca yelled as loud as she could.
“YOU PERVERT!” Jessica yelled hitting her over the head with her textbook for Geography that she never planned on using not noticing that Hiei was awake….
“ow!” Bianca yelled through her laughing.
“….baka…..”Jessica Mumbled as she got up and went back to her ice cream…
“oh yeah, Hiei, me and Hiten had sex in your bed.” Bianca watched Hiei's reaction.
Hiei's eye twitched in annoyance as his jagan eye glowed under his bandana thingy as Bianca was lifted up and thrown into a wall. “Don't joke with me onna.” Was all Hiei said not even giving her a passing glance as Hiei went to the freezer and took out a huge tub of ice cream….
Bianca did a flip in mid air and managed not to crash into the wall. “your not fun…”
“so what should we do with the fluff?” Bianca asked as she opened the box and laughed.
“Oh I know! Let's make a demon the will represent Sesshomaru's inner self!”
Meanwhile Hiei was starring at them in shock at the fact that they were actually able to plot out a plan like that and not get caught….
“oh good idea! Then we would have like a little pet killing machine!” Bianca was twitching evilly at the idea.
“But of course! I love killing machines…that work for me….” Jessica said her eyes glazed over as she plotted the demise of this world….well for after they got bored with ruling it….
“alright then…I'll set up the magic circle…want to help us Hiei?” Bianca asked.
“Hn.” Hiei answered.
“I'm gonna take that as a yes….do you even know what your doing Bianca?” Jessica asked cautiously, remembering what happened the last time….they ended up with a pink mouse that was in love them and was all lovey dovey and touchy feely…I really hated that thing….i'm so glad it got ran over!
“yes! I've studied since last time!” Bianca pouted. “you don't trust me…meanie…” She began to draw the circle on the table with a piece of chalk.
“our you sure it won't become your inner self? One Bianca is enough!” Jessica continued to look at her with untrusting eyes as she hid behind Hiei in case anything should explode or lunge itself at her….
“I'm positive! I even tested it on Kuwabara! I got a rock!” Bianca glared at Jessica. “it will work.”
Jessica and Hiei looked disturbed at this little tid bit of information knowing that she'd have to actually get close to the thing to get the hair sample…..
Bianca glared at them both. “some friends you are…” she finished drawing the circle and put some of sesshomaru's tail fluff in.
Bianca began to mumble the spell, activating the magic, not noticing one of her hairs falling into the circle.
There was a huge flash of light as the spell was complete. When Bianca could see again, on the table was a black bunny. “what…the fuck?” was all Bianca could say.
“I got a bad feeling about this…there is no way that that is Sesshomaru's inner self!” Jessica exclaimed deciding it was best to remain hidden behind Hiei for now…
“well…you have to admit he's kinda cute…” Bianca picked up the bunny… “I think I'm going to name him….sprinkles.” Bianca walked to her bed and put the bunny down. “now we need to find out what went wrong…”
Bianca turned around to see the bunny shreading her favorite pair of panties. “WHAT THE HELL!” she yelled and pulled her ruined panties away from the rabbit. “…wha?” Bianca was in shock.
“….ok then…remind me to keep my panties in a vault……What the hell did you do BIANCA!” Jessica yelled as she started shaking her to get her out of her state of shock.
When Bianca could talk again, the first thing she said was, “I don't know! Maybe this is just the inner part of Sesshomaru that no one sees?”
Jessica gave her a blank stare as she said “Like hell it is! It's closer to you! Now we have to go steal some more of Sesshomaru's fluffy tail…AND I PROMISED NOT TO TOUCH HIM AGAIN! LIFE ISN”T FAIR!” Jessica yelled the last part as she started to `cry'….meaning she started destroying everything…
“calm down! He never said I couldn't touch him… you'll just have to be the distraction….now quit destroying things.” Bianca said.
“I'm not playing the whore….”Jessica stated stopping everything she was doing.
“I didn't say you had to. Just distract him somehow…” Bianca replied.
Just as Bianca said that, Sprinkles ran over to Jessica and ripped off her panties and shredded them.
“……” Jessica was in shock…but it didn't last long…
“THAT'S IT! THAT DAMN THING IS GOING DOWN!” Jessica yelled as she picked up her bat and chased the damn thing out the door and down the stares running right past Sesshomaru...
End of chapter 4...we got kicked off the computer.