Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Teachers?! ❯ Cheesy Uncreative Boxes ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

disclaimer: we don't own anything sadly...
okami: *shoots random reader* YOUR SO MEAN! we worked so hard on that chapter, and you don't even fucking review! we shouldn't update, but we will because we know you will never make this mistake again. *glares at them*
Jessica: SO YOU BETTER FUCKING REVIEW THIS TIME!.....then you can go fuck someone afterwards...or during the time you are reviewing...
okami: so you better apologize in your reviews and beg for forgivness!!
Bianca ran down the stairs after Jessica. "Jessica! get back here! we need to plan how we're going to get more sesshomaru fluff!!" Once Bianca was all the way down the stairs, she froze as she came face to face with none other then....SESSHOMARU!!!
Jessica still completely ablivious to the fact that Sesshomaru was right there was desperately trying to kill the damn rabbit with her baseball bat and was wishing she brought her malet instead. "Shut the fuck up Bianca! Can't you see i'm trying to kill the inner mixture of y ou and Sesshomaru! You two better never have kids!"
Bianca was ignoring Jessica as she stared at Sesshomaru who was glaring at her hard enough to melt ice. "um...hey there...did I say steal your fluff? I meant....feel it...it just looks so soft and silky.....ah, um...bye bye!" Bianca tried desperately to run back up the stairs, but Sesshomaru grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder to run off after Jessica.
Jessica relizing something was wrong turned around just in time to see her friend crash and Sesshomaru heading towards her..".....Oh FUCKING HELL NO!" Was all she said as she threw her bat at Sesshomaru and made a run for it screaming at the top[ of her lungs completely abandoning Bianca. "HIEI FUCKING HELP US YOU JACKASS! YOUR PART OF THIS TO NOW AND IF WE GO DOWN SO DO YOU!"
Just as Jessica was done screaming, Sesshomaru Picked her up and threw her over his other shoulder, ignoring all her protests. he even ignored bianca who was licking his ear. He walked up to his dorm and shoved the girls into a bag, and then into a box. "stupid bitches."
"not a fucking dog you whore!" Jessica's muffled voice cut in. " and if your so powerful couldn't y ou have at least gotten us a fucking cage? this box is just so tack and uncreative! do something weird with squirrels or something! this is just boring you uncreative boob!"
Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow at Jessicas choice of words, then kicked the box over on its side.
"kyah!!" bianca screamed as the box rolled over. "my boob hurts!!"
"Damnit! you fucking idiot now i'm gonna have to listen to her wine about her boobs for a fucking our you just wait till i get my lawyers and then haave an assassin come after you and then you can go to jail after getting fucked by a hobo and take your sex up the ass for the rest of your life! and i'll be laughing the whole time!"
Sesshomaru just picked up the box and put it in the back of his car and then drove to the nearest whore house he could find. which happened to be The Purple Penguin.
"Hey were flying!" Jesscia exclaimed loudly from the back of the car.
Sesshomaru rolled his golden eyes at the girls antics and dropped the box off with the manager, explaining that Bianca and Jessica were girls that he raised to be whores and he was giving them as a gift to the manager if he would never let them go.
"whats going on? where do you think we are Jessy? I think I hear them talking about whores..." Bianca asked.
" I don't know a whore house, a gentlemen club, a strip joint, HOOTERS?" Was Jessica's answer as she went to kicking her side of the box open so she could bite Sesshomaru.
"Jessica, you dope. even if you get the box open, we're still in this damned bag." Bianca stated matter of factly.
"That's what i was forgetting! I have a dagger!" Jessica muttered as as look of complete shock crossed her face that she had forgot abou t it completely.
Bianca was just about to reply to that when the top of the box was opened and some old man opened the bag. "well looky here! we got ourselves some mighty fine young whores here!"
"Oh hell no bitch i know you did not just fucking call me a whore! a thieve yes a assassin yes but a whore is one thing i most deffinitely am not you fucking ugly idiot! how old are you any way? you look at least 100,000,000 Do you know a dinosaur personally? is that why you don't like musems? Well i'm leaving now and if you touch me i'll fuccking rip your hands off! now which way did the mother fucker that gave us to you go?" Jessica finished in an innocent and sweet voice.
Bianca smirked at the old mans shocked face. but her smirk faded at the stupid old man smiled himself.
"oh, I won't be touching you, but the costomers will." He pointed to a sea of old and perverted men.
"oh. my. fucking. god!!" Bianca yelled at the men swarmed her and Jessica.
""Let the slaughter begin! hey Bianca catch!" Jessica yelled as she threw a dagger at her.
Bianca caught the dagger and plunged it into the nearest guys chest. "take that you bitchbag!" She looked around for the door and sadly, it was at the other end of the building."Jessica! its this way! come on!" Bianca yelled at Jessica as she jumped over the old and perverted men, stepping on their faces, and other more sensitive body parts.
"Got it!" Jessica yelled doing a backflip landing on the managers face and using it as a back board springing herself forward and past Bianca as she continued to use idiotic men as back board and springs to get to the door faster so she wouldn't have to touch and hopefully kill Elmo soon!
Bianca threw her dagger at some bald fat man that was blocking the doorway and got him in the leg and he effectly went down. She jumped over him and ran up to Jessica at the door. "lets get out of here...now."
"Works for me!....uh which way?" Jessica asked after opening the door glancing around the parking lot...."Let's steal one of their cars!"
"okeyday. Lets just get outta here." Bianca jumped into the nearest car and found a map as Jessica got into the drivers seat.
Jessica smirked evilly as her hand gribbed the wheel..." you know what i don't like this car....i think i'm gonna have some fun destroying it.." and with that she backed up right into the building killing millions of the old guys only stopping when she hit the manger on the other side of the building before speeding up again and hitting even more 'Horny idiots' as she so nicely put it blasting onto the road not caring that she was in the wrong lane!
Bianca screamed at Jessicas crazy driving techniques, but they somehow managed to find their way back to the school between Bianca trying to yell directions at Jessica and Jessica running over the elderly.
Bianca jumped out of the car before Jessica had even stopped and kissed the ground. "Jessica you crazy bitch! who the hell taught you how to drive?!"
Bianca was about to continue yelling at Jessica when sprinkles came up to her and then spazzed out and shredded her last pair of panties. "this is not my day..."
Jessica fell over laughing giving sprinkles a high five before relizing she was in a very short skirt and she wasn't wearing any panties and that there were a group of guys surrounding them...."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jessica peirced the air letting everyone know they were back...
"...pft....muahahahahaha!!" Bianca laughed her head off at Jessica before realising she was in a short skirt herself. "....oh well." Bianca got up and slinked off as if it was completely normal not to wear panties and have boys stare at your ass.
Jessica decided to take a different approach and just destroy the witnesses....
Bianca didn't even glance back as she heard the boys screaming and then an explosion. it was all in a days work.
back in the girls room
"so, how many semi-innocent boys did you slaughter this time? judging by all the screams, I'd say at least...13?" Bianca asked Jessica as she walked in the room.
".......um...I kinda blew up the boys dorm....so i'm not sure.." Jessica mumbled as she went to hide before Bianca realized what happen to Hiten.
".....my Hiten! you better not have blown him up! wah!!" Bianca ran crying to the blown up boys dorm and began looking for Hitens body.
"......I wonder if his body is even in one piece.....oh well! I got my own dorm now! YAY!" Jessica skipped around happily putting the room on lock down so Bianca couldn't bring Hiten back in! "I may get some sleep yet! WOOT!"
Bianca walked back into the room dragging a bloody Hiten behind her. "Jessica, you are so lucky he's alive." Bianca threw hiten in the bathroom. "I'll keep him there until I'm done making lunch."
Jessica Just stood there in complete horror "...............NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs before she got a better idea...."SOMEONE HELP HITEN"S TRYING TO RAPE ME!"
Bianca shot Jessica a dirty glance. "quit being mean." Bianca walked into the bathroom with a rag and began working on cleaning up her nearly dead lover. " Please Jessy! please just be nice for a while!"
Jessica just gave her a look that clearly asked if she had lost her mind. "Your an idiot.....I think i'll move in with Hiei or Sesshomaru or something...then i'll get to sleep!" Goes over to closet and starts packing completely forgetting about the rule that girls and boys weren't aloud to share dorms.
"okay, you have fun then........DON'T GO! i LOVE YOU JESSY!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE! I NEED YOU BECAUSE WHO ELSE IS GOING TO KEEP ME FROM RUNNING INTO DOORS!?" Bianca forgot about Hiten and ran over to Jessica.
"Oh shit....RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jessica Yelled as she grabbed her candy and soda and ran out the door...before running back grabbing her icecream and taking off again. "It's MINE YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY!"
Bianca stood in the middle of the room speachless. "what the hell just happened?....uh...." Bianca went back to taking care of Hiten when she heard him groan and fall over into the bathtub and began to drown.
(Bianca is at a total lost now that Jessica is gone)
-somewhere else?......-
"Please like stop like we're like tired like give us a break!" -leader prep
"Like yeah!" -followers
Horny boys start stalking toward them as the mutant rats do their nails outside the door waiting for the next orders from Jessica and Bianca...or to be taken home...
-with Biancaand Hitenin the bathroom-
Bianca looked up at Hiten with her green eyes. The man had his arms crossed over his chest. He wanted to do what she had asked, but he was somewhat skeptic. She wanted him to take off his shirt…to look at his wounds. A part of him believed she just wished to see him shirtless.
In the end he decided to comply with her desire. He pushed his armor and shirt over his head and pulled his arms out from the sleeves.
“See? It's not too hard,” Bianca said with a small smirk.
The girl picked up the washcloth and rubbed it against the scrapes that had blood leaking from them. Hiten did not flinch, he was too distracted by the girl's eyes. Bianca noticed this and her smirk grew. She really could take this to the next level with the thunder yokai, she thought.
“Hiten,” she stared. The demon focused on what the girl was saying while still staring into her eyes. “We should have sex.” He blinked. “You're already halfway naked I mean…”
He gave a small nod. “If you're sure.”
“I'm sure!” In any other case she would have said `It's no big deal', but Hiten truly meant something to her.
Bianca then decided it would only be fair if her shirt was absent as well. She took it off, causing a small shade of blush to go onto Hiten's face. He could already tell that she had a nice body. His hands busied themselves with ridding the girl of her lower garments as Bianca unclasped her bra.
Hiten licked the nape of her neck, trailing downwards to her breasts while his hands busied themselves with other things. One hand he used to strip himself of the remainder of his own clothes, and the other he used to pleasure the girl. A pair of fingers entered her and rubbed her clitoris.
Bianca shuddered at the touch. Sure she was not a virgin, but Hiten had a way with his hands. His tongue flicked out against her right nipple. He then used his other hand, having finished with stripping, to tease her other.
The girl pressed against his fingers as Hiten added a third. The thunder demon smirked against her flesh. This seemed to be a good idea to take his mind off the minor injuries he had received.
Their lips met in a passionate kiss, tongues fighting for dominance. Hiten rightfully won. He moved to where Bianca was on the ground below him. She let out tiny mewls and occasional moans from the pleasure his touches were bringing her.
Soon his face was between her legs, his tongue probing her entrance. Bianca blushed when it started to move in and out of her. The speed of the organ was something she had not expected, something she had never experience before. And she loved it more than anything else.
“Hiten,” she moaned out. Her voice was growing raspy when panting became necessary for her to get enough air.
The girl's eyes flashed between their natural green and exotic violet colors. When she grew closer to her orgasm they remained the shade of purple. Her fingers had tangled themselves in the man's hair and she moved with the tongue.
Bianca shuddered and moaned the man's name when she experienced her orgasm. Hiten drank up all her juices greedily before moving to her lips once more. Blush clouded her face at the taste of herself. It seemed erotic coming from Hiten.
Deciding it would be only right to return the favor, Bianca moved them to where Hiten was sitting against the wall. Her head moved down to his erection and she flicked out her tongue in a teasing manner. It hit the tip for only a moment, leaving the cold air to touch it after. Hiten clenched his teeth together and suppressed a shudder.
Bianca then lowered her mouth onto the organ, teasing it with her tongue once more. She ran her fingers gently against the man's gonads. Whatever she could not take into her mouth, which was not much by the way, she touched with her hands.
Hiten moaned, massaging the girl's shoulders and neck as a way to urge her on. His hips bucked up which made it to where Bianca deep-throated him. The thunder yokai enjoyed the feeling of vibrations that the girl's humming was creating. He groaned out his release.
The girl smiled as she swallowed the flood in her mouth. She wiped her chin before moving to claim his lips once more. The couple returned to their position on the floor where Hiten was on top.
Neither one of them could neglect the oncoming arousal beginning to form once more. The close contact of their skin and their tongues, the sweat coming off their bodies, called for them to do more to one another. It was almost hard to move with the sticky sweat, but it also created more friction between them. Both loved the friction.
Hiten's right hand moved to spread her legs more, allowing himself better access. He then led his dick into her tightness. They both moaned into each other's mouth as more friction was experienced. Hiten adjusted his position to allow for a better speed and movement.
They moved against one another with every thrust. Their breaths eventually fell synchronized which only bettered the experience. It would have been a horrible first time if neither one of them could get the high of truly feeling as one with the other.
Hiten buried his face into the crook of the girl's neck to suck on the exposed flesh. He nibbled until a mark was left. The demon the moved to a new spot on the girl, her earlobe, and began to suck there.
Bianca giggled at the feeling, returning to gesture. She assaulted his neck with her teeth and tongue, determined to make him have a hickey as well.
Their speed increased and their movements grew more frantic as the two grew closer to their second climax. Again did their lips meet in an intense passion neither of them could seem to fulfill. Their tongues danced against every crevice and against each other.
Hiten's hands groped her breasts, squeezing them gently. His thumbs rolled her nipples until they puckered under his touch.
Soon their hands met just as their tongues did, fingers entangling themselves. Hiten returned to her neck, continuing to thrust in and out of the girl. Both nearly yelled or screamed out the other's name when their release came. Their lips clashed together one last time, and Hiten reluctantly pulled out of Bianca. There was a ghost of a smile on either pair of lips. (thank you to L.E. Death who wrote this wonderful lemon for us! )
-Back with Jessica-
Jessica sweatdropped from her place outside her dorm room as the sound of moans and screams filled the air.
I really don't want to see what there doing but i really want to go to sleep...but where else can i go all the other dorms are full except for Hiei's...suddenly something clicked in her brain.
-five minutes and many dead horny idiots jessicafinally arrived at the door to Hiei'sdorm-
Bang BangBang
"Damn it! Hiei! open this door! Your damn roommate is fucking my room mate again and so i can't get any fucking sleep and if you don't open this door i'll have to go to Elmo and tell him how you were involved in the creation of sprinkles! So that he might let me sleep in his dorm!....Damnit Hiei! are you even there?!" Jessica paused in her rant as she remembered that she could just pick the lock...instead of waking the whole dorm,......
And so while everyone was watching she....kicked down the door...(you gave no review no picking lock!)
"Hiya Hiei! Ya don't mind me crashing here for the night right? Great! I need to barrow a shirt to sleep in i didn't have time to grab a spare shirt.." Jessica said in a rush and she put the door back up leaving everyone out paralyzed in shock....
"Baka onna get out." Hiei stated from the other side of the room not even looking at her.
"....Why didn't you answer the door?" Jessica asked innocently...
more silence
"you were trying to get rid of me you ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
and so Jessica went on another rampage...again....
-the next morning-
Bianca grogily rolled over on her bed and looked up at the man sleeping next to her. She smiled at Hiten and promised herself she would change. thats right, Bianca would no longer act like a whore, and would remain faithful to her Hiten. Bianca cuddled into his chest and smiled even wider when his arms tightened around her. he smells nice.
"I'm back!" Jessica yelled after kicking the door down.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NAKED PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jessica Yelled as she packed up her suitcase again and made a run for Hiei's dorm again. "I'll never be able to set foot in my own dorm again!" Jessica cried!
Bianca laughed at Jessicas reaction to finding her and Hiten naked in bed together. "well, I guess you better go back to your dorm...Jessica will come back soon and if she sees you here still, she might try and kill you again." Bianca kissed him. "go get dressed."
Hiten smiled at Bianca and got dressed as quickly as he could and left, giving Bianca a quick kiss before running out the door before Jessica could come back and kill him or something worse....like throw him into some old ladies bedroom. he shivered remembering the disgusting principals wife.
Jessica crashed through the window still screaming at the top of her lungs about ho's and pimps....
Bianca gave Jessica a strange look. "uh...so how was your night with Hiei?"
Jessica tripped over a chair and looked up at Bianca nervously.."uh...nothing?"
"I thought for sure you would have murdered him....but I guess you were in a better mood then I thought." Bianca began to get dressed. "damn....I need more panties..."
Jessica sweatdropped before sitting up.."we did almost kill each other...but i had ice cream! so it's all good!" does victory sign.
"thats nice." Bianca yawned. "I had fun last night too! oh yeah...you kow what I was thinking? we should put all the perverted guys in a petting zoo. It would be funny. and then we could charge people to go pet the pretty boys. We're kinda low on cash, and I want that new flat screen T.V. they just came out with. its so big and sexy." Bianca drooled thinking about the shiny tv.
"don't fuck it...like the last one..." Jessica stated as she went to the bathroom to take a shower....
"I didnt' fuck the last t.v!" Bianca whined. "....I just peed on the computer because it froze..." Bianca went off to pout and plot the capture of the male population. Besides her Hiten. she was going to be nice to him.
".....so that's what happen to the computer....i killed the neighbors for that....oh well!" Jessica mumbled as she closed the door behind...completely forgetting about Bianca...
"...." Bianca was in shock for a few seconds trying to remember what happened in the bathroom. "oh shit! Jessica! come back! DON'T KILL HIM! PLEASE!......Jessy!!!" Bianca chased after Jessica crying and whining about how unfair life was.
End chapter
Fucking review!
Jessica: we got no reviews last time so we're not gonnaupdate again until the little review thing says we have 18 reviews since we already have 8. :glares: evil meanybutts....
okami:thatsrig ht! we were so crushed! we almost didn't update. and just so you know, your being punished. we didn't write a whole lot. this is only half of the amount the original chapter was supposed to be. *takesout a gun*so you better reivewor there will be hell to pay.
Jessica: :takes out daggers, swords, and gun, and a bow and arrows: yeah you better or i'mgoing to have a lot of target practice....
okami:oh, and we thank L.E.Death once again for writing her lovely lemon for us. *nods*we are very grateful! <3