Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Trapped!(Please save me!) ❯ Chaos ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Note:Okay, I felt I needed to do this because.......well......I'm much better at funny stuff and I needed to get this out my system. You'll can tell characters just by the way the victims of their plight are calling them.......if you're a total anime and manga fan.
Alrightly then, here's the lowdown. We had a few people from Naruto, InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist and Pokemon on a cruise ship. Only thing was they were all separated to their sections to keep from major fights, and then, whoopdidoo......Team Rocket busted a hole in our ship's hull. Me and my friend Mimi were hired to take pictures of this cruise and present them to magazines. However, we lost all our supplies to the sinking ship and we all somehow managed to make it to a tropical island. (Alphonse Elric didn't make it any easier.)
OUR STORY THUS FAR...................
"Wow! Hey, look at this guy, he has dog ears," Naruto says jumping on Inuyasha's shoulders and pulling on his ears.
"What the-! Get off of me! Ow ow, stop that hurts you little pipsqeak!"
"Who just called me a pipsqeak?!"
~Oh great. Now Edward Elric thinks Inuyasha called him a pipsqeak.~ (My dialogue^-^)
"Brother, please stop. He didn't mean you!"
"Oh. Okay then,"Ed lays back on the sand.
"Hey, you know I just fixed that automail today! You're gonna get sand in it," Winry yells.
*Oh you little baby faced-*
~Mimi! Stop! Don't! He'll kill you!~
I push Mimi out of the way as she is about to pinch Gaara's cheeks. (Yeah......she's that crazy about Gaara.....and Mitsuru from the manga Cresent Moon, but I won't go into the whole situation.) And I push her out the way just in time. Gaara was gonna kill her.
efefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef efefefefefefefefefefefefef
Alright! Just two friggin' hours and I'm going crazy! All the Anime guys are fighting and us girls are already talking about the guys.........except Kagome, she's awfully quiet. Pinako Rockbell is making stew and Rin, Konohamaru and Pikachu are playing. We've seen Naraku and a few homunculi in the forest but they haven't done anything yet. Gaara just sits there and stares at nothing. Mimi, well has slightly grasped the concept that he doesn't like her but she's still at it. She thinks all he needs is a hug and he'll be nice. Pfft, if that'll ever happen.
Now we're just getting the stuff together like building shelters, we even got Scar to help. He even smiled once but alas, that had disappeared all too quickly. Ash and his crew are asleep, well...except for Brock. He's flirting with Sango. Miroku looks jealous, too. Mimi looks kinda sad. I know why, though. Sesshoumaru left for the forest to look for a food source for Rin. But he trusts us enough to take care of her.
Earlier we, as in Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi and a big surprise, Inuyasha, slipped some Tabasco hot sauce in Naruto's food. He still hasn't found out who did it.
Ugh.........I'm so tired. I'll give the update soon.
Author's Note:This is my comedic side. Usually I stick some funnies into my more serious fanfics, but I had to do something like this and stick characters from a few different animes together. Well later I got more chapters to write for other fanfics.