Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Resembool Ninjas ❯ Rookie Ninja's ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Resembool Ninjas
by Chara-the-Heart
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto(Masashi Kishimoto) or Full Metal Alchemist(Hiromu Arakawa) but this plot bunny is mine so please don't plagerize my idea!
Chapter Two: Rookie Ninjas
Sakura never liked funerals. The first one she had been to was at the age of eight when the only other ninja in her family, her Aunt Katana, had died on some mission in the Rain Village. She had been Sakura's insperation. Kind, spunky and tough. She was a lot like Ino in fact. Sakura had cried for three days straight but when her mother offered to pull her from the Ninja Acadamy for being 'too sensitive to be a ninja' she had finally streigthened up and hid away her tears. And it always seemed the funerals that made her the saddest where on clear, beautiful sunny days...
The past two years had been beautiful ones. Trisha Elric was the kindest person Sakura had ever met in her life. Not even Hinata held an aura as peaceful as hers. Trisha boarded Sakura, fed her and allowed her to reaserch means of reaturning to her home in her traveling husband's study and in return simply asked for a little bit of help around the house. It was the least she could do to train her kids and their best friend Winry to protect the small farm village.
The fist thing Sakura had done all those years ago was make sure the three actually had developed enough chikara systems to learn ninja arts. It had been a simple test. All she had done was drawn three different seals and simply asked the kids to activate them by using their spirit power. To just feel the flow of their energy exit at their fingertips and activate the seal.
The reasults were wonderful ones. Edward activated his in less then a few seconds, Alphonse following a few moments later. Winry took a full minute to understand how to do it but she eventually activated her seal as well.
It quickly became obvious as to what types of techniques each of the kids favored. And amazingly enough each had two elements, just like she had two. Edward favored Doton and Raiton techniques, while Alphonse favored Fuuton and Doton. Winry specialized in Katon and Suiton, giving Sakura no end to amusement.
She was a pretty severe teacher at times and forced her students into daily physical training regiments that she developed for this particular use. She gave them weighted clothing to eventually make them faster, she taught them the Honor Codes of Konoha such as teaching them virtues such as mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak and the poor, and loyalty to their home, friends and family. It also gave them the idea of being willing to give their lives for eachother.
Physically speaking, Winry was the best at accuracy in weapons, Al was the strongest and Ed was the fastest and most adaptable to the surrounding enviroment.
Teaching the Elrics about hand seals had resulted in an interesting conversation with the Elric brothers. "So according to you all I need to do to change the ground into earth replicas of myself are a few hand symbols. No transmutation circle necissary?" Ed had asked.
"Yes. Think of Transmutation Circles as a different form of ninjutsu seals. You need a circle to complete an alchemic transmutation just like you need a hand seal to complete a chikara use technique." Sakura replied.
Ed looked thoughtful for a moment before a thought suddenly gleamed in his eye, "So that means in theory I could to alchemy with hand seals?"
Sakura glared at her student with a death wish, "In theory. But I wouldn't attempt it. If the energy flow is off you could seriously injure or kill yourself and that would make your mother terribly upset."
Ed heard Sakura's warning but decided to look into developing Alchemic Ninjutsu anyway. He let Alphonse help him with reasearch, but only on the condition of him keeping it quiet from Sakura and Winry. Eventually he was able to make a clay figurine of a dog, via alchemy by using the hand seal of the ram. Alphonse attempted a transfiguration as well and created a sandstone cat. Feeling rather proud of their accomplishment the two showed off their figurines to Sakura in glowing accomplishment.
"You little idiots! You could have gotten yourselves killed by mixing ninjutsu and alchemy! Surely you saw in equasions that if you were off by even a fraction when combining energy the clay and sand could have exploded in your faces! Don't you want to keep all your fingers?" Sakura couldn't help but scold them. Her sudents where becoming like a second family to her now and she worried about them and their reckless inqisitiveness.
She didn't want Alphonse and Edward to fall into the same grief that Winry went threw when her parents were reported to have been killed by a venshful Ishbalan they had saved from the brink of death. If one of them got killed it would crush the other.
More months past and Sakura's three studants where now at the level of a graduated acadamy student. Edward and Winry where now eight while Alphonse was seven. She figured the reason they were so 'advanced' compared to regular ninjas was she didn't bother teaching them the history of Konoha or random school things she and other students had been required to learn. So one afternoon she took the three into town and bought three bandana's the color of blue as well as three sheets of palm sized steel. These three would have to make their own forehead protectors.
Their only problem was deciding on a proper Resembool symbol. It couldn't be a gear because Ed and Al wern't into machines and it couldn't be a random alchemy circle because it didn't suit Winry so finally with Sakura's help the three decided to comprimise and have a combination. It was a cirkle with a gear on the inside. Everyone was happy that afternoon and it seemed nothing could ruin te day.
Unfortunately when Sakura and the two boys returneonding a horrible sight. Trisha Elric had collapsed onto the ground! The next month was very sombre and while Sakura tried everything she could to attempt to help Trisha the sad truth was she wasn't familiar with diseases. She could cure a poison attack and stitch together bones but she couldn't figure out how to help Trisha in time. The boys where disappointed in her but not as much as Sakura was dissappointed in herself.
Trisha's funerel was set on a beautiful sunny day. Sakura had a feeling Edward and Alphonse were beginning to dislike sunny days almost as much as she did. Shinobi Rule #25 says that a shinobi may never display any kind of emotion. She was glad she didn't teach her students this rule.
NOTE: The techniques mentioned are Doton (earth), Fuuton (wind), Katon (fire), Raiton (lightning) and Suiton (water). So Ed is Earth/Lightning, Al is Wind/Earth, and Winry is Fire/Water.
by Chara-the-Heart
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto(Masashi Kishimoto) or Full Metal Alchemist(Hiromu Arakawa) but this plot bunny is mine so please don't plagerize my idea!
Chapter Two: Rookie Ninjas
Sakura never liked funerals. The first one she had been to was at the age of eight when the only other ninja in her family, her Aunt Katana, had died on some mission in the Rain Village. She had been Sakura's insperation. Kind, spunky and tough. She was a lot like Ino in fact. Sakura had cried for three days straight but when her mother offered to pull her from the Ninja Acadamy for being 'too sensitive to be a ninja' she had finally streigthened up and hid away her tears. And it always seemed the funerals that made her the saddest where on clear, beautiful sunny days...
The past two years had been beautiful ones. Trisha Elric was the kindest person Sakura had ever met in her life. Not even Hinata held an aura as peaceful as hers. Trisha boarded Sakura, fed her and allowed her to reaserch means of reaturning to her home in her traveling husband's study and in return simply asked for a little bit of help around the house. It was the least she could do to train her kids and their best friend Winry to protect the small farm village.
The fist thing Sakura had done all those years ago was make sure the three actually had developed enough chikara systems to learn ninja arts. It had been a simple test. All she had done was drawn three different seals and simply asked the kids to activate them by using their spirit power. To just feel the flow of their energy exit at their fingertips and activate the seal.
The reasults were wonderful ones. Edward activated his in less then a few seconds, Alphonse following a few moments later. Winry took a full minute to understand how to do it but she eventually activated her seal as well.
It quickly became obvious as to what types of techniques each of the kids favored. And amazingly enough each had two elements, just like she had two. Edward favored Doton and Raiton techniques, while Alphonse favored Fuuton and Doton. Winry specialized in Katon and Suiton, giving Sakura no end to amusement.
She was a pretty severe teacher at times and forced her students into daily physical training regiments that she developed for this particular use. She gave them weighted clothing to eventually make them faster, she taught them the Honor Codes of Konoha such as teaching them virtues such as mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak and the poor, and loyalty to their home, friends and family. It also gave them the idea of being willing to give their lives for eachother.
Physically speaking, Winry was the best at accuracy in weapons, Al was the strongest and Ed was the fastest and most adaptable to the surrounding enviroment.
Teaching the Elrics about hand seals had resulted in an interesting conversation with the Elric brothers. "So according to you all I need to do to change the ground into earth replicas of myself are a few hand symbols. No transmutation circle necissary?" Ed had asked.
"Yes. Think of Transmutation Circles as a different form of ninjutsu seals. You need a circle to complete an alchemic transmutation just like you need a hand seal to complete a chikara use technique." Sakura replied.
Ed looked thoughtful for a moment before a thought suddenly gleamed in his eye, "So that means in theory I could to alchemy with hand seals?"
Sakura glared at her student with a death wish, "In theory. But I wouldn't attempt it. If the energy flow is off you could seriously injure or kill yourself and that would make your mother terribly upset."
Ed heard Sakura's warning but decided to look into developing Alchemic Ninjutsu anyway. He let Alphonse help him with reasearch, but only on the condition of him keeping it quiet from Sakura and Winry. Eventually he was able to make a clay figurine of a dog, via alchemy by using the hand seal of the ram. Alphonse attempted a transfiguration as well and created a sandstone cat. Feeling rather proud of their accomplishment the two showed off their figurines to Sakura in glowing accomplishment.
"You little idiots! You could have gotten yourselves killed by mixing ninjutsu and alchemy! Surely you saw in equasions that if you were off by even a fraction when combining energy the clay and sand could have exploded in your faces! Don't you want to keep all your fingers?" Sakura couldn't help but scold them. Her sudents where becoming like a second family to her now and she worried about them and their reckless inqisitiveness.
She didn't want Alphonse and Edward to fall into the same grief that Winry went threw when her parents were reported to have been killed by a venshful Ishbalan they had saved from the brink of death. If one of them got killed it would crush the other.
More months past and Sakura's three studants where now at the level of a graduated acadamy student. Edward and Winry where now eight while Alphonse was seven. She figured the reason they were so 'advanced' compared to regular ninjas was she didn't bother teaching them the history of Konoha or random school things she and other students had been required to learn. So one afternoon she took the three into town and bought three bandana's the color of blue as well as three sheets of palm sized steel. These three would have to make their own forehead protectors.
Their only problem was deciding on a proper Resembool symbol. It couldn't be a gear because Ed and Al wern't into machines and it couldn't be a random alchemy circle because it didn't suit Winry so finally with Sakura's help the three decided to comprimise and have a combination. It was a cirkle with a gear on the inside. Everyone was happy that afternoon and it seemed nothing could ruin te day.
Unfortunately when Sakura and the two boys returneonding a horrible sight. Trisha Elric had collapsed onto the ground! The next month was very sombre and while Sakura tried everything she could to attempt to help Trisha the sad truth was she wasn't familiar with diseases. She could cure a poison attack and stitch together bones but she couldn't figure out how to help Trisha in time. The boys where disappointed in her but not as much as Sakura was dissappointed in herself.
Trisha's funerel was set on a beautiful sunny day. Sakura had a feeling Edward and Alphonse were beginning to dislike sunny days almost as much as she did. Shinobi Rule #25 says that a shinobi may never display any kind of emotion. She was glad she didn't teach her students this rule.
NOTE: The techniques mentioned are Doton (earth), Fuuton (wind), Katon (fire), Raiton (lightning) and Suiton (water). So Ed is Earth/Lightning, Al is Wind/Earth, and Winry is Fire/Water.