Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Black Silk ❯ Lith ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
one: Lith
She ran. She ran as far as she could from the hurt and betrayal. She ran far from the destruction, the destruction she had caused. But what she didn’t know was that all she was running away from was a city. No matter where she went, the guilt would fallow. No matter where she hid, pain would seep and ooze from her broken heart like blood from an open wound. No matter whom she met, they would see the destruction reflecting in her eyes. And no matter what, He would always be there, buried deep in the corners of her mind, watching. Always watching.Her name you ask? Lith. Lit, the destroyer, Lith the hart. In Egyptian her name meant peace, but she was far from that. And her name was beautiful, and she wanted to fill that beauty with her image, but everything was so confusing. What was right? Who was wrong? She would never know, after leaving Karinth, her birthplace.
Suddenly, her running was stopped when she tripped over a small stone sticking out from the earth. She gasped out in pain as she landed awkwardly on her leg. Pain, emotional and physical, coursed through her veins. Lith tried to get up again to run but her left leg wouldn’t move. A violent wave of pain hit her hard and she groaned once before falling back down and blacking out into the dark oblivious of unconsciousness.