Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Black Silk ❯ Kurayamino ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
2: Kurayamino
Kurayamino climbed deftly up to the top of the roof. She sat on the slippery thatched roof and watched as the last rays of the sun disappeared. Bright beautiful stars popped up in the dark sky, and her strange gold and silver hair swing around in the slight night breeze.“If only you were here,” she whispered to the stars. Then her fist curled into an iron ball of fury and she pounded it onto the roof. “…Then you could see how much pain you’ve caused me!”
“There you are Kura! We’ve been looking all over for you!” A booming voice called from below, fallowed by a lot of snickering. “After all…you do owe me an apology for the rude comments you made about me earlier.” The voice continued, yet again fallowed by snickering.
Kura took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, she needed to stay calm. “No,” she finally said, loud enough for the man to hear.
“Well now, the rules do state-”
“Ha! Rules! Don’t pull that one out on me! You’re the one who jostled me up at the market today! Not the other way around. If anything, you owe me an apology!”
“Kura, you must understand. I saved you. Everyone now thinks your humbled before our lord. You can go on doing altimcy, or what ever it is you do, without him knowing.”
In cold fury, Kura swing down and punched the speaker in the jaw. Her brother. “It’s alchemy!” she spat. “And no use saving me! I’m boarding the nest train to central!” Kura turned then, and began to stalk off. But, before she could get two steps she was caught by a blow in the back.“The you won’t mind if we detain you a bit sister dearest.” Kura’s brother said coldly, walking back and joining the circle his followers had started to make.
Recovering quickly, Kura stood up and took a fighting stance. “Ten against one. Hardly seems fair…for you.”
Her brother stopped and stepped forward to her. “if you use alchemy, the father will have your life! He no longer banishes people Kura.”
“Oh and how do you know this? You his little pet?” Kura snapped back, carefully scanning the circle for an opening.Kura’s brother did a florescent bow. “We are merely servants.”
“Ha! Yeah right! More like paid killing machines! I saw your research on these Elric brothers! Have you been paid to kill them too?” Kura snapped again.
“And I saw your research on alchemy and the Elemental Dragon Scales. Look at it this way Kura.” Her brother idly twirled a knife in the air. “you’ll get to see dear old alchemy using mummy again. I can’t believe you miss her! She’s the one who persuaded you in trying to get dad back! She died and you got some kind of creepy metal arm! Are you happy with that stupid thing?”
“No!” Kura’s first, the real one, shook with rage. “Are you happy with your dead girlfriend? Tell me, when’s the wedding?”
“Kura! Your dead!” Her brother reared and charged at her with the knife. One of the cronies swiftly came up and held her in place as the knife blade came closer and closer. Struggling was no use, he held her tight.
“Hey! Leave her alone!” someone yelled. Everyone looked swiftly from the knife blade to another boy running towards them all. He had a tight braid of auburn hair flying behind him, a red jacket of a black shirt with black plants, and white gloves.
“Fullmetal!” Kura’s brother cursed under his breath.
Kura struggled once more and the corny let go from some reason. Kura dodged behind the house she had been sitting on earlier and watched her brother and this “Fullmetal” converse.
“I’m sorry sir, but she’s my lousy sister. I can’t allow you to interfere with our business.” her brother said stubbornly.
“She maybe lousy, but that doesn’t give you the right to stab her!” Fullmetal yelled back.
“She’s dumb and deaf. She tried to stab herself with a knife and I was going to teach her that that’s not good.” Kura’s brother lied quickly.
Kura noticed something glint in the light of the moon. It was the knife. He’s going to throw it! Kura realized. Kura ran out of cover and past the cronies. “Watch out!” she cried, tackling her lying brother. She grabbed the knife and stood beside Fullmetal, ready to use it if she hat to.
“Kura…that was awfully naughty of you.” Her brother growled dusting himself off. “Now I’ll have to teach you and Fullmetal a lesson.”
Fullmetal stepped protectively in front of Kura. “What’s your problem? She’s your sister! Why would you want to hurt her?”
“Don’t tell me,” Kura’s brother chuckled evilly. “You’ve fallen under the Vixen’s spell.”
Kura growled, everyone had called the Vixen ever since her mother had died. “Beautiful but deadly,” “Clever and tricky,” “forbidden but sought after.”
“Maybe I have, do you wanna make something of it?” Fullmetal replied quietly.Kura looked at him sharply, What was that supposed to mean? Kura thought. And where have I seen him before? She asked herself slowly, recognizing him from somewhere…
Then she gasped aloud. The picture! She suddenly realized. He’s Edward Elric! One of the Elric brothers! Her brother had had a picture of the Elric brothers. She had found it and had committed their faces to memory. I was going to warn them! But instead of me saving them, Ed’s saving me! Kura uttered an unlady like oath.
Ed glanced over his shoulder at her. “What’s your problem?” he asked slowly.
“Erm…you might want to run. My brother is highly a dangerous person.” Kura emphasized brother with heavy sarcasm.
Ed chuckled humorlessly. “Don’t worry, I can take him.Kura placed a small and slender hand on his shoulder. “Please, he’s been paid to kill you. And besides, if you kill him first, I won’t be able to get my sweet revenge now will I?” Kura hoped fervently that this would make Ed back off. She didn’t wan her brother spilling anything to him that would make him kill her too.Kura’s brother raised his fist. “Enough, wench! You’ve been nothing but an eyesore since mum died!” he raced towards Ed and Kura, thoroughly angered.Ed caught his fist with his left hand and kicked Kura’s brother in the stomach, sending him flying into his group of followers.
“Lets’ go then!” Ed grabbed Kura’s hand and ran off into the night.