Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Views of Alchemy ❯ Grocery ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

alDisclaimer: I do NOT own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the characters for that matter. I am just merely...er, borrowing them as my muses at the moment. Do not sue me for anything but my imagination, which will not get you far in the courtroom. If there are any similarities between my story and another, I apologize but all I have to say is, I guess great minds think alike after all. Ja na! Enjoy!
Author: Tiasha
Title: Grocery
Word Count: 525
She had never really understood the looks that would pass over her mother's face. Pleased, yet tinged with regret and sorrow. It was usually the same look her mother would wear when her father was ever mentioned, or at least some variation of the look. Her mother also wore that look when her Uncle would come to pay a visit. She knew that her mother had loved her father very much and that that was why she was always so…sad when her father was mentioned.
Yet, those looks would always drift across her mother's beautiful face at the oddest moments or during the strangest circumstances. Shopping was one of those quirky times when her mother would be…depressed. Even weirder was when they were at the grocery store of all places. Granted, her mother did not break down and cry or get all hysterical, but there was always this sorrowful aura that clung around them…or at least around her mother.
“Momma, can I ask you something?” she finally asked during one of their trips to the market and grocery store.
Her mother smiled brightly, her mood not yet dampened by that sorrowful aura. “Of course dear! Why would you think that you couldn't?”
She hesitated, not wanting to ruin the happy mood her mother was in. She knew that the moment she asked her question, that look would pass over her mother's features. She just had this inkling that if she spoke what was on her mind, the rest of their shopping would be done in a gloomy atmosphere.
“Something wrong dear?” her mother asked, pulling the shopping cart to a halt. She stared at her mother for a moment before turning, grabbing a bundle of strawberries and placing them in the cart.
“Why do you always get sad when I do things?” she finally asked, staring at the strawberries.
“What do you mean?”
“Like last time we were here. They had that ice cream I like and I got all excited. You seemed sad after that.”
She peeked up at her mother through her somewhat spiky bangs to gauge her mother's response. Her mother seemed to be deep in thought, which was not unusual per say but that sorrowful look was underlining it.
“You have many mannerisms the echo your father's, even though he is not with us, God rest his soul.”
She frowned at that, not really understanding why her mother would be sad by such a thing. “But why?”
“They're bittersweet, Elysia. You'll understand someday.”
She frowned still not fully comprehending why everyone always told her that she would understand someday. She did not want to wait until someday, she wanted to know today…
A brightly colored box of cereal caught her attention and her face lit up. “Mommy! Look! They've got my favorite cereal! Look Mommy! Look!” she exclaimed, dashing over to pick up the box. She turned back to her mother who was pushing the cart over to her, a slightly different look on her face this time. Disappointed but grateful.
Elysia supposed she would understand that look someday too. But what it had to do with groceries she would never know.