Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ 45- A FMA songfic. ❯ 45 One shot. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My songfic. Romance/Angst... FMA fanfic. x.X
Well, heres a sonfic.. My first one if I do say so myself.
Its based on Shinedown's 45,
A fic in which somthing happens to Riza, and roy is going insane. Anyway...
Please read and comment!
Its a RizaxRoy pairing, so sue me. If you don't like the pairing, or romance, then don't read it.
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I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, or any of the charaters.
I also do not own the song '45', It belongs to Shinedown.
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"" - speaking
'' -thinking
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Send away for a priceless gift
One not subtle, one not on the list

Roy sat in his appartment, stairing at a blank wall.
Somthing had happend. Somthing that had changet the Colonel.
It had been a simple mission.
Just an inspection.

Send away for a perfect world
One not simply, so absurd.

Riza had went on it with him,
They had returned to Ishbal, only to find ruin. They looked for any suvivors, and were attacked by an isbalin. Roy had torched the attacker, and Riza had shot at him.
A woman ran to the man;s body, and began crying.
'You.. Killed my husband! Damn.. Dogs of the millitary!'
Riza blinked. Why did there have to be so much killing?
'I'm sorry..' She started. But was interupted by the woman's yelling.
'Sorry dosn't bring him back now does it?!' She pulled out a gun, causing Riza to instinctivly reach for her gun.
'He was all I had left!' The woman cried.

In these times of doing what you're told
You keep these feelings, no one knows

Riza took a step forward.
'Please.. put down the gun.' Roy had his hand ready to torch the woman. Riza held up a hand to stop him.
'no.' Was her simple reply.
Riza took another step forward.
'Please.. I don't want to hurt you...' She said holding out a hand, which was gripping a gun.
'No one cries when millitary dogs die!' The woman's eyes gleamed, and a shot was heard. Roy imedatly snapped his fingers. The woman went up in flames.

What ever happened to the young man's heart
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart

The woman lay beside the body of her husband. not a sound was heard.
Then, a soft voice.
'T-taisa... I'm.. s-sorry...'
Roy spun to look at riza, who had a hand over her stomach, blood everywhere. She fell to the ground.
Roy immeditaly fell to his knees by her side.
'Hawkeye! Riza! Wake up immedatly! Thats an.. order.. f-from a high ranking.. officer..'
He stammerd, not beliving what was happening as he stared into the blank eyes of the first lieutenant.
His first lieutenant.
His Riza. She was no longer breathing.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,
Swimming through the ashes of another life

Roy could not accept reality. She was gone, Riza was gone. HIS Riza. He held one of her guns in his hands, looking at the polished metal.

No real reason to accept the way things have changed
Staring down the barrel of a 45

After the funeral,
he had consiterd taking his life, many, many times. He had never carried through with it. He had been slacking off, more and more at HQ... Not accually caring anymore.
He had used to love his job. When asked why, He always replyed with,
'No real reason really...' And went on with his work.

Send a message to the unborn child
Keep your eyes open for a while

Roy tried to think. He had asked himself 'why' untill he couldn't ask himself anymore.
One thing still was killing him slowly.
'what could he have done to prevent it from happening?'

In a box high up on the shelf, left for you, no one else
There's a piece of a puzzle known as life
Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight

He thought it was his fault, and his fault alone that she was gone.
This wasn't true, for there was no way he could have blocked the bullet, and killed the woman at the same time.
But he couldn't accept that he had let this happen.

What ever happened to the young man's heart
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart

He had been drinking alot, since she had died.
Little by little, he stopped caring about the outside world.
Drinking could do this to people.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,
Swimming through the ashes of another life

He gripped the gun in his hands, regrets flooding his mind.
'why?' Was all he could think of. Even though he was sure he had asked that untill he could ask no more.

No real reason to accept the way things have changed
Staring down the barrel of a 45

He thought of Riza, he thought of Ishbar. All the deaths, All caused by him.
He hadn't wanted to kill people,
He had just followed orders.

Everyone's pointing their fingers
Always condemning me

As he had walked to HQ after the funeral,
he had been gettins strange stares. People whisperd in the halls.
Everytime he looked at people talking, he thought, no he KNEW they were talking about him.
And how Riza's death was his fault.

And nobody knows what I believe
I believe

At least, thats what he belived.
He always had, and always would. He hadn't cired at the furneral. He wouldn't loose his composure in frount of the millitary. He couldn't.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,
Swimming through the ashes of another life

He lifted the gun, the barrel redting on his forehead. He closed his eyes and sighed.
He couldn't take this anymore. He was going insane. He couldn't live like this, there was no point to life. No reason, no anything.
He would never have feelings for someone like he had for Riza. She had always been there for him, always saying that she would follow him to the end.
She was soposed to live. If anyone deserved to die, it was him. Thats what he thought, and there was no changing his mind.

No real reason to accept the way things have changed
Staring down the barrel of a 45&.

He put his finger on the trigger, he stoped thinking, feeling, and caring for a moment.
A single tear rolled down the once strong colonel's face.
'You followed me to the end, Like you said Riza. Now, I'm going to return the favor.'
A shot was heard, but the other people in the building disregaurded it.

The next day, when the colonel didn't show up at HQ, Some military personel were sent to check on him.
When they knocked, there was no answer at the door. They found it unlocked and went in. The colonel was slupmed over in a chair, facing the wall. There was a gun on the floor beside the chair.

'Colonel? Sir?' A woman asked. She walked in front of him in the chair, and imedatly jumped back, screaming, and shaking un controalably. Mustang's face was coverd in blood. Bullet through the forehead. Instant death.

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I was listening to Shinedown's 45, and this poped into my head. I was in a angsty mood... x.X It took around 45 minutes to write.
I cried. x.x I'm such a sissy.
Anyway, I'm proud of this one... x.x Even though it is REALLY short.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Please, leave comments!