Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ And The Sun Will Rise ❯ Visits and Worries ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: See chapter 1
Rating: Chapter 4 is rated PG. Highest rate will be NC-17.
Warnings: for chapter 4: some fluff, lingering lemon scent
OKami’s note: I love Fury. I really do. He’s so kind and obedient; he does what I ask from him. I need a Fury for my collection of anime-bishonens. *dreamy sigh*
Lenihan’s note:

Chapter Four: Visits and Worries

Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him
(Lisa Stansfield: All around the world)

Warm rays touched his skin. Roy lifted one hand and spread his fingers. The sun must be shining now, warming up Central and its citizens. It was a pity he could not see it. The last sunny day he had seen was at Hughes’ funeral.

The thought of his friend stabbed him in his heart, although the pain had become noticeably less now. Mustang doubted that the wound would ever heal, but the most important thing was that he didn’t feel guilty anymore for Hughes’ death. Gracia – dear, kind Gracia – and the Hughes in his dreams had taken care of that. He hadn’t had a single nightmare after that conversation and he was grateful for that as well.

Mustang pushed himself to his feet and walked slowly to the door leading to his garden. He opened it and inhaled the frail fragments of lovely scents deeply. Dew would still cover most of the leaves and petals and birds would hop between the roots in hope to find some nice fat worm or a crust of bread. Thinking about bread, the Alchemist realized his sandwich was still waiting for him on the small table. Sergeant major Fury felt it was his duty to feed the colonel regularly, but Roy had to confess he didn’t feel hungry at all. Maybe he’d better feed it to the birds.

Clutching his hand firmly around the sandwich with cheese and cucumber – he absolutely hated cucumber – colonel Mustang stepped into the garden. A cold breeze touched his cheeks and Roy shivered. Maybe it was colder than he had thought after all. He listened for a moment if he could hear Fury’s footsteps, but the small man was still busy in the bedroom. Smirking mischievously, the respected colonel lifted the top of his sandwich and began to tear the slice into tiny pieces and spread it through the garden. Then he deftly shoved the parts of cucumber from the cheese, stuffed the cheese in his mouth and crumbled the second slice of bread.

“What do you think you’re doing, Roy?” Fury’s voice cut sharply through the peaceful chirping of the birds. Mustang started slightly and glanced guiltily over his shoulder.

“The birds were hungry,” he exclaimed lamely as he held up the last remnants of his sandwich.

“I can’t believe, you’re this silly,” the smaller soldier fumed. “I didn’t make that sandwich for the birds, you know. You have to eat and get your strength back.”

Mustang blinked guiltily first, but then an irritation began to build up inside him. He didn’t need a caretaker who told him what he had to do and what he had to eat. With an annoyed frown, he began to divide the last bit of bread among the birds and threw it angrily in the garden. “I’m not hungry,” he declared loudly, “and I don’t need you to tell me what to do and what not.”

“Roy, please…!”

The two of them glared at each other – which meant Roy tried to glare at Fury. Then something cold and wet fell in the nape of his neck and Mustang jumped startled. This sudden movement caused a tree to shed a bucket full of water down on the blind colonel. Roy glanced angrily up at his tormentor.

“You stupid…” Fury’s laughter distracted him and with hurt dignity, he scowled at the small soldier. “Don’t laugh at me!”

“I’m sorry, Roy, but…” The rest of the apology was lost in a helpless laughing. Roy clenched his fists and started to walk towards Fury. However, a low obstacle blocked his path, and with a surprised cry, he fell to the ground.

“Roy!” A voice hovering on the edge of panic rang through the garden and Fury hurried over to him. “Roy, are you alright?” he asked concerned, placing his soft hands on the fallen colonel. “You didn’t hurt anything, did you?”

“N-no, I don’t think so. I’m just… surprised, that’s all. I didn’t expect this.” With Fury’s help, Mustang scrambled back to his feet and the small soldier guided him back inside.

“Let me get you some dry clothes,” Fury offered.

“Hmm. Thanks.” Mustang began to unbutton his shirt, then stopped. “Fury?”

“Yes, Roy?”

“What do the papers say about today’s weather?”

“Err…” A soft rustling of papers. “A nice, sunny day. No rain expected and only a very gentle breeze. It looks like we’ve got a wonderful day ahead of us. I think Central has seen enough rain for a while.”

Mustang smiled. “Good. Now, fetch those clothes. I don’t like walking around in wet clothes.”

“Yes, s- Roy.” The small soldier hurried to the bedroom and opened the wardrobe. As he was looking for a pair of trousers and a fresh shirt, suddenly, he remembered something. He’d have the chance to see the colonel in underpants again. Fury felt his cheeks turning hot. He hated it, but whenever he felt embarrassed or excited, he always blushed and the red glow was like a warning sign on his pale skin. Thank Heavens, that Roy couldn’t see him now… Fury slapped himself mentally. That was a very evil thought, to feel happy about the colonel’s blindness.

But still… Since the sergeant major moved into Mustang’s house, he had wonderful but alarming dreams. In those nightly visions, the tall, handsome soldier came to him, embraced him, touched him, kissed him… and sometimes, they did even more. Fury felt the heat rising in his body as he thought back. In the past one week, his usually controlled body decided to revolt and the small soldier found its demands a bit too strong and too frequent. The mere presence of the Flame Alchemist was a turn-on and sometimes Fury had the distant feeling that either he should get laid soon by this smug bastard or he’d go crazy.

“Fury! I’m freezing here, you know!” The colonel’s voice wrenched him back into the reality and he grabbed the garments and hurried back.

“I’m sorry, I got distracted… Here, take these on.”

Roy obeyed and the sergeant major helped him gladly, never missing an opportunity to smooth out a wrinkle on the shirt or on the hips of the trousers. When Mustang finished dressing up, the small soldier stepped back and admired the view. Nearly anything looked good on the colonel. Fury sighed quietly.

“Okay, that’s better. Now, I have some work to do. We ran out of meat and vegetables so I have to go to the groceries. It’ll take about half an hour. Take care, okay?”

“Yesh, Mommy, I’ll be a good boy, I promish.” Roy mimicked the speech of a kid. He even batted his eyelashes and tried to look as innocent as he could be. Fury thought for a moment, if he should melt because of that cute act of should he get angry because of the “mommy”-part. Finally, he ignored both possibilities.

“That’s right, sweetheart. Be a good boy. You could practice a little with the piano or you could listen to the radio too. But don’t play with it and please, don’t set the house on fire.”

“Yesh, Mommy,” the colonel played along wholeheartedly. “If I’ll be a good boy, will you bring me shweetsh?”

“I’ll bake you a cake, okay?” Fury had a hard time sounding serious. The cake was a good idea though. “Goodbye.” And he leaned to the taller man and placed a light kiss on his forehead. Then he left in a definite hurry.

Once out on the street, Fury let out a deep sigh. Oh, God, the colonel was so very cute… The small man began to walk, dangling his basket. The sun shone warmly and the fresh breeze carried pleasant scents. The young sergeant major knew how it felt to be in love. Since he recognized it first time, he never forgot how warm, sweet and intoxicating it is. He had loved a few, who loved him just the same. And a few, who never knew about his feelings; or rejected him.

Being in love with Mustang was like a rollercoaster ride – in one moment, it was strawberry with whipped cream, but in the other, it turned vinegar and black coffee. When he thought about that perhaps Roywould never love him, the world turned darker. And when the colonel smiled at him, the sun began to shine twice as bright.

Fury needed the tall, dark man, both physically and mentally. He wanted to be there, to help him, make him feel better, to chase away the stress and worries. When the accident happened… as the small soldier noticed the blood on the ground, his first thought was that the colonel died. The pain lasted only for a moment but it was sharp and pure.

Would it feel the same, if Roytold him, that he did not wish to get involved with a subordinate? Fury shivered. He had to get the older man into liking him, even if it takes years. Fortunately, the sergeant major was a patient guy.

The small soldier sighed again and opened the butcher-shop’s door.


Roy stared into that black nothingness, his face set in a stunned expression. He could still feel the light kiss burning on his forehead, although he made no attempt to rub it away. Realization came slowly to him. Sergeant major Fury had kissed him. It was a decent kiss, of course, and could be easily explained that it had been all part of their play, like a mother kissing her child goodbye. But still… Didn’t he feel something more in that kiss?

He shook his head and found his way to the radio. Mustang listened to gentle music rippling through the room for a few moments, then he turned the radio off again. He simply wasn’t in the mood for that. Maybe the piano could offer a way to distract himself from what had just happened. Playing on the piano had ever been a way to leave all the worries and problems behind.

Mustang sank down on the chair and let his hands run over the black and white keys before they settled down to play his favorite song. But he quit after the first few chords and his hands rested on the keys again. The kiss distracted him more than he first thought; it was hard to concentrate on anything now.

He stood slowly up and moved to the small hall, completely lost in thought. Today would be a sunny day. Maybe he should take a little walk. He had been locked up inside from the moment the accident had happened. Some fresh air would do good. He could even visit Gracia, if she wasn’t too busy. Gracia could help him solving all the problems inside him.

Five minutes later, Mustang was outside. He moved in a slow pace to avoid bumping into other people or tripping over unseen obstacles. He was surprised to find out he could find his best friend’s house even in his current condition. Turn left here, walk for five – no, eight – minutes straight, then turn right and then…

His fingers encountered the low wall that surrounded Hughes’ house. Suddenly Mustang stopped. Would it be alright to demand some time from Gracia? Surely she had many other things to do than entertaining a blind man. He didn’t even buy a present for Erysia.

He was about to turn around and walk away again, when he heard from beside him, “Erysia! Time for lunch!” A short astonished pause, in which he could feel those green eyes looking at him. “Ah, colonel Mustang. I didn’t know you were here.” The smile on the blond woman’s face lay in her words and a warm hand touched his arm.

Mustang recoiled startled from it, then recovered. “I… I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to disturb you, Mrs. Hughes. I was just passing by.”

“Oh, it’s alright. Come in, come in. Would you like a cup of tea? How are you feeling?” Gently, she led him inside the comfortable security of her house. “Please, sit down. I was about to make lunch. Perhaps you would like to have some as well?”

“Ah, no thank you, Mrs. Hughes,” he smiled. “Sergeant major Fury might skin me alive if he finds out he has prepared lunch for nothing.”

“Sergeant major Fury? You mean that small man wearing glasses? I doubt if he would have the heart to do that, colonel.” Gracia laughed. “From what I’ve heard, he’s a very nice and patient man. You are lucky that he looks after you.”

Roy thought of the kiss. Was he really lucky that Fury had been selected or had it been the sergeant major’s own choice? If it was the last option, then why did the smaller guy want to look after him?

“Here you are, a nice cup of tea. Be careful, it’s still hot.”

“Ah, thanks, Mrs. Hughes.”

“Gracia, okay? You never called me Mrs. Hughes when Maes was still alive.”

“Then, call me Roy. After all, it’s not even sure if I’ll be able to keep my rank as colonel.” Mustang smiled resigned and took a sip of the hot liquid. “But as my overly protective caretaker always says, anything is possible, so just hope for the best.”

“And he is right as well,” Gracia said fiercely. “You shouldn’t let yourself get down by such thoughts, Roy.”

He laughed. “Alright, I give up. With two people saying that, I have no choice but to listen, right?”

“Yes, you should. Ah, excuse me for a moment; I’ll have to make a sandwich for Erysia.” Sounds of footsteps departing. Mustang listened to it as he took another sip of his tea before he put the mug down and rose to his feet. It had been quite some time since he had been here. He tried to recall the colors of the living room, of all the small treasures and photos. Hughes was a genius when it came down to taking pictures and for as far as the colonel knew, his friend loved each and every one of them.

Roy suddenly stopped when his hands met the smooth and warm structure of wood. He didn’t know there was a table here. Curious, he explored it. There were many framed pictures and even a vase with flowers…

“What is this, Gracia?” he asked surprised. “I feel many photos, but…”

“Those are pictures from Maes,” the blond woman replied softly.

Mustang froze. How could he have been so stupid? A finger traced of the glass, knowing now that behind it would be a photo of the man he loved most. “What’s on this one?” He was barely able to utter the words.

“That one has you and Maes on it, when you both had entered the military.”

“Ah…” The chiming of a clock saved him. “… One o’clock already? I really have to go, sergeant major Fury doesn’t know where I am.” He placed the photo back to where it belonged, wishing he could look again at that handsome face of Hughes. But that was something reserved for his dreams alone.

He bowed slightly to the blond woman. “Thank you for the tea, Gracia.”

“You are welcome, Roy,” Gracia smiled. “Are you sure you’ll be fine on your own? Erysia and I could take you back home as well, you know.”

“No, thank you for the offer,” Roy declined. “It seems that I can find my way even blindly from here to my house.”

“Come visit us again,” Hughes’ wife told him when he stood outside. “And you can take sergeant major Fury as well then. I’ll make a pie then for you.”

That’s right as well, Mustang thought. Fury would also bake a cake. “I’ll let you know when we come, then,” he nodded. “Goodbye, Gracia.”

“Goodbye and take care of yourself, Roy.”

Only on his way back home he realized he had forgotten to ask her about the kiss Fury had given him this morning. Maybe it was better this way. He shouldn’t bother her with little problems, after all.


“Roy? Roy!” Fury shot a frantic look around. Where’s the colonel? God, where’s the colonel?? Possible answers ran through his mind – some of them quite real, some seeming ridiculous even to him. What happened? Well, it’s true, he was chatting a little with the greengrocer lady and he got distracted by that adorable puppy near the park and he had to talk a to it’s owner a few words too but… Okay, the colonel probably got bored being alone. But where did he go? He’s blind, for God’s sake!

The small soldier leaned on the table and tried to calm down himself. His heart was beating so fast, it nearly broke free from his chest. Okay, the colonel is a reasonable man; he wouldn’t run into trouble, would he? Maybe he went to the headquarters. Where’s the phone? Fury launched at it and dialed the office’s number.

“Central City Military Headquarters, Colonel Mustang’s office.” Hawkeye’s calm voice soothed his inner turmoil but the small soldier’s voice trembled as he greeted the woman.

“Good afternoon, Lieutenant Hawkeye, I’m Fury. The colonel… err, disappeared from home… isn’t he in…?”

“Disappeared? Didn’t he leave a note?”

“No… Do you have an idea, where he could be?”

“Well, maybe he just went for a small walk. He’s been locked up inside since the accident. Or… he could have gone to the Hughes house.”

“That’s possible… I’ll phone to Mrs. Hughes to ask if she knows anything.”

“All right. And sergeant major…”


“Colonel Mustang can take care of himself. Don’t worry, he’s surely all right.”

“Aa… Thank you, Lieutenant. Bye.”

After five more minutes, Fury was rushing down the streets towards the Hughes residence. He looked up the number in Roy’s notebook, which lay next to the phone. Gracia told him that Roy had indeed been there but he left just a minute ago. Fury thanked the information and dashed out to meet Mustang on the way.

Said man was quite surprised, when about hundred pounds of worry launched at him. Fury couldn’t contain his feelings; he threw his arms around his colonel and buried his face into his shirt. Roy just stood there for a minute; then he smiled and hugged the small soldier back.

“You bad, bad boy…” Fury sniffed. “Don’t ever do this again! You nearly scared Mommy to death!”

Roy laughed embarrassed and put a hand behind his head.

“Eeh, I guess, it was stupid indeed… I’m sorry.”

“I was so worried! You didn’t even leave a note! I thought something happened to you! Young Edward is kind of right; you’re a stupid colonel…”

“So this means I won’t get the cake?”

The smaller man blinked up at the wishful face and he couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

“You don’t deserve it but I don’t care. Come, let’s go home. Will a chocolate cake be okay?”

“Mmm, chocolate…”


That weekend, Mrs. Hughes had four guests: a tall, handsome colonel, a small-framed, blushing sergeant major, Warrant officer Farman and Mrs. Young, an old friend of hers. Fury suspected, that the scene was kind of set up by the otherwise angelic Gracia; Farman bore some resemblance to Major Armstrong now, concerning the sparkles. Mrs. Young was adorable and pretty too and she seemed to like the silent soldier.

Erysia was kind of shy around Mustang but she just wouldn’t stop squealing in delight, when Fury gave him a piggyback ride. The adults too had a really good time. Farman brought a bottle of delicious wine; Fury made some sweets and Mrs. Young proved to be an excellent cook as well.

The youngest soldier accompanied Gracia in the kitchen to help. The woman smiled on him.

“I’m stunned by your cooking skills. You must give me the recipe of that cinnamon-apple pancake!”

“I’m happy, that everybody likes it.” Fury blushed a little but his smile was bright. Gracia patted him on the shoulders.

“You’re an excellent caretaker. Roy seems so happy and contented now. Your kindness helps him a great deal. I suppose that’s because he likes you and you like him.”

The sergeant major blushed like an especially beautiful sundown.

“Mrs. Hughes, I’m just… I’m just doing my job… and it doesn’t matter if the colonel likes me or not, he needs some help and…”

“Sure, sure.” Gracia’s smile was warm and understanding. “I’m sure you don’t care but… maybe you should. Royneeds emotional support as well. It’s your choice if you give him that or not though. But… If you accept an advice from me… As much as I know colonel Mustang, he rarely loves but those, who manage to earn his friendship, can be sure that he will love them truly and deeply.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Hughes.” Fury’s voice was quiet and thankful.

Then, it turned late and Mrs. Young headed home. Farman volunteered immediately to escort her on the way and Fury smiled on the older man, as they shook hands. The Warrant officer was almost swooning. Erysia gave Fury a big hug and made him promise, that he’ll visit her soon. As Gracia watched the two soldiers to walk down on the street, arms locked, she smiled knowingly. Somebody, who had his or her fair share of happiness, likes to make others happy as well. Today was a nice day indeed.