Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Aqua Tsunami Alchemist ❯ Meet Hannah Julianne ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ed was waiting in 1st branch library. The one that only alchemists' could get into. He was told to meet a new alchemist there and view their skills, saying he might have some competition. <i>right...</i> Ed thought to himself <i>they probably are they trying to stall me for what i am truly looking for.</i> A young girl, maybe around age 16 or 15 walked in. She had dark blue hair and her eyes were blue as well. Her eyes were very dramatic and one gaze could make you fall for her instantly, it was as if she could see through your soul. Ed was shocked and stunned at the same time. She looked very innocent, but also mature for her age. "Hello? Are you umm.. Edward Elric?" Ed grinned, "Yea tha-" She walked past him to a taller, more muscular man. "HEY! I'M EDWARD ELRIC!" The girl turned around, looking confused, "You are? Oh. I thought you were going to be taller." Ed was losing his temper but tried to cool down as fast as he possibly could. "Well hello Edward Elric or do you like to be called the Full Metal Alchemist instead?" "I don't care." "Well ok... I am Hannah Julianne. Im the Aqua Tsunami Alchemist. Please to meet you." "Aqua Tsunami? You're a water alchemist?" "Yes. I can capture water from the polluted air and use it for many reasons." "That's Unique." "Hmm? Really?" Hannah suddenly fell to the ground and breathed heavily. "Are you okay?!?!" Ed rushed to her side and helped her up. "Oh... yes. This happens quite often. I've learned to live with it." "Maybe you should see a doctor..." "No, no. That's alright." Hannah pressed a hand against her head and the other on her stomach. "I th-think i'll need some rest. Th-that's all." Ed thought this was a little strange. The fact this girl was suffering... With what? It seemed like asthma and a little bit of mixed nausea. But why...? This library was special and made sure it had nothing in it that could hurt or harm the state alchemists. Even allergic reactions. A few minutes later she came back out. it was as if she was more alive then ever. "Let's go." Ed hesitated for moment, "By the way... not to be rude, but do you know why that happens so often?" Hannah looked down, facing her feet, ".....let's go." Ed didn't bother to ask again. They left soon after that. "Listen..." Hannah began, "About your question... earlier." Ed stopped and looked at her. "Well, I do know what I have but... I know it can't be cured. The fact is i made myself sick. I did this to myself, in a sort. I wish I could have faced life before without him." Ed's eyes widened, "Are you saying... that... you performed a human transmutation!?!?" "I don't want it to be used against me, but yes. I'm telling you this, Ed, because i'm not blind. I know you wouldn't say a word to the military or anyone else about it. Considering... you have been through it too." "So you knew from the start?" "Of course." "I thought about it too, when you got sick." Hannah's pace got faster, "Let me show you how I perform alchemy." Hannah brought her hands together and hit the ground hard with both palms. Water began to swirl around her arms. She lifted her arms high in the air, the water then shot out like bullets. Each droplet speeding fast in the air. Ed was amazed. "Another person who doesn't need a transmutation circle..."