Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Are we still human (fma ) ❯ a word they wish to never to hear again ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: lostjackal Jessie walk along the narrow streets of Bella muetra ed and al fallowed not far behind jess only did what she did to piss jard off that old jackass was always trying to get her to leave town he hates jess with everything he has jess would have killed the little lip fucker and left this town if it wasn’t for bryana she loves it here the cemetery tailian style house now that she thinks about it no one really like her here well there was the lil girl of the man who owned the motel but she was a little weird herself but it seemed that ever one liked bryana but when she did go out of the house which was not often she was quite and sweet if they knew her like jess then they would be scared of her of what jess made her do in the pass bryana has never really for gave her for that *hey when are we going to be there*(ed) mmhm*yeah what oh want were here* Jessie turned to the it was a two story wood house expose to be hunted but it wasn’t it look it though ed and al walk up to a hunted looking house problem was ed thought jess open the door there stood a girl with blonde hair with purple tips about 5’7 she looked at jess smile *about time you got back hey who are they* * oh they **hey you never told me your names** sorry im al and this is my broth ed*(al) *oh well any way their going to be staying with use for a bit*(jess) *what but the house is a messy omg what to do oh well screw it come on in* (bry) walk inside with jess ed al fallowed they went to the living room and sat down bry looked from one to a other *sooooooo what do you do for a living* (bry) *ed is in the military and I just trial with him*(al) *um that’s nice* jess looked at bry they were thinking the same thing this cant be good* so why are you her * *are train broke down*(ed) *oh noth to do with military bussin here in town* (jess) *no why*(ed ) *nothing just wondering here alone show you your rooms* ed and al fallowed jess up stair ed wasn’t sure but something was up with them after al said military I wonder I think ill look into this but first a nap ok so got to go write tomorrow bye review please I want to know what you think
Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction | Genre(s): | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.05.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 448 | Visits: 159 | Status: Completed
Jessie walk along the narrow streets of bella muetra ed and al fallowed not far behind jess only did what she did to piss jard off that old jackass was always trying to get her to leave town he hates jess with everything he has jess would have killed the little lip fucker and left this town if it wasn't for bryana she loves it here the cemetery tailian styla house now that she thinks about it no one really like her here well there was the lil girl of the man who owned the motle but she was a little weird herself but it seemed that ever one liked bryana but when she did go out of the house wich was not often she was quite and sweet if they knew her like jess then they would be scraed of her of what jess made her do in the pass bryana has never really for gave her for that *hey when are we going to be there*(ed) mmhm*yeah what oh want were here* Jessie turned to the it was a two story wood house expose to be hunted but it wasn't it look it though ed and al walk up to a hunted looking house probloe was ed thought jess open the door there stood a girl with blonde hair with purple tips about 5'7 she looked at jess smile *about time you got back hey who are they* * oh they **hey you never told me your names** sorry im al and this is my broth ed*(al) *oh well any way their going to be staying with use for a bit*(jess) *what but the house is a messy omg what to do oh well screw it come on in* (bry) walk inside with jess ed al fallowed they went to the living room and sat down bry looked from one to a other *sooooooo what do you do for a living* (bry) *ed is in the miltery and I just trial with him*(al) *um that's nice* jess looked at bry they were thinking the same thige this cant be good* so why are you her * *are train broke down*(ed) *oh noth to do with milary bussin here in town* (jess) *no why*(ed ) *nothing just wondering here alone show you your rooms* ed and al fallowed jess up stair ed wasn't sure but something was up with them after al said military I wonder I think ill look into this but first a nap ok so got to go write tomorrow bye review please I want to know what you think