Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Are we still human (fma ) ❯ the attic ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: lostjackal Ed sat in a red room it was a deep peaceful red but he had much more on his mind he was going to find out these girls secrets he got out of bed and out the door it was 2 in the morning so no one should be up the first place he was going to check is the attic because when jess was showing the house and there rooms al ask if they can see the attic her head snapped around her eye like coal *no* she said simple *why not* I ask * because unless you wish to be kick out you will not go near the attic * whats in it*I ask this seem to piss her off * that’s for me to know and only me heres your damn room shut and go to bed * she stormed off and now ed was staying on the attic stair he started to clime he was at not top the door was locked but not for long the door blow open he walk in a was stop to steer billions of books alchemist books lined the walls a desk in the center ed went and sat down there was a diary on it old leather dusty book he open to a page it read ~
I know im going to regret this but its the only way I have to get her out of that place but the only way to do that see to make her join the military the war to make her kill people I have done it before killing is my job my passion my life since I was 10 till now but bryana she already messed up in the head if she would to kill im afraid I might lose her for good the damn dog only will let me get her out because they want my help in the war ~ ed flipped the page and stop he started to read again ~ sorry got to go
oh yeah the next one well tell the plott some what
Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction | Genre(s): | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.08.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 366 | Visits: 142 | Status: Teaser
Ed sat in a red room it was a deep peaceful red but he had much more on his mind he was going to find out these girls secrets he got out of bed and out the door it was 2 in the morning so no one should be up the first place he was going to check is the attic because when jess was showing the house and there rooms al ask if they can see the attic her head snapped around her eye like col *no* she said simple *why not* I ask * because unless you wish to be kick out you will not go ner the attic * whats in it*I ask this semm to piss her off * that's for me to know and only me heres your damn room shut and go to bed * she stormed off and now ed was staying on the attic stair he started to clime he was at not top the door was locked but not for long the door blow open he walk in a was stop to steer billions of books alchemist books lined the walls a desk in the center ed went and sat down there was a diary on it old leather dusty book he open to a page it read ~
I know im going to regret this but its the only way I have to get her out of that place but the only way to do that see to make her join the military the war to make her kill people I have done it before killing is my job my passion my life since I was 10 till now but bryana she already messed up in the head if she would to kill im afard I might lose her for good the damn dog only will let me get her out because they want my help in the war ~ ed flipped the page and stop he started to read again ~