Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Arrogant Surrender ❯ Watch It All Dissolve Into A Single Second ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Arrogant Surrender
Chapter Two
Watch It All Dissolve Into A Single Second
- mirage -
“Ni-san's very upset! And Havoc is giving him cigarettes and beer!” Alphonse was furious inside his tent. Pacing and tossing his hands about while he sat slouched in his seat wearing his failure like a pig. “I want you to order him to stop.”
“Is your brother smoking?” He asked and Alphonse stopped pacing to nod.
“Yes and drinking too. Shots of something called...”Alphonse trailed unable to recall it.
“Edward is old enough to make up his own mind.” He replied simply. “Have you asked him to stop?”
“No I told him too. He's not listening to anyone. And he's not talking to me.” Alphonse growled sounding more upset than angry.
“Sir.” Hawkeye entered the tent. “Edward's not giving us a statement.” She report sounding exhausted. “The doctor has also relinquished his dosages of morphine due to a misunderstanding.” He made a face.
“What misunderstanding?” Hawkeye glanced to Alphonse and he turned to the boy as well.
“He spit at the doctor sir.” Alphonse admit looking guilty. Like he had done it. He brought a hand to his face and smacked it gently.
“So he's not allowed any morphine, because he spit at the man.” He sighed and they were silent. “Has anyone proposed the idea he apologize?” He asked looking up, but Hawkeye was quiet and Alphonse made a face. “Of course, of course we have.” He sighed pushing from his desk and heading toward his exit. Hawkeye and Alphonse followed first with their eyes before silently behind him. “Is he still in your tent Alphonse?”
“Yeah.” Alphonse picked up his pace to lead and they followed. Since the explosion the ground had dried up with the settling dust, and their tents sagged a bit holding up what had come from the sky. The Elric tent looked sadder however, and Alphonse entered quickly and he and Hawkeye entered next.
Havoc was inside, the man had brought a small card table and placed it between the two cots. The man was mid sentence before looking up at them with a slight grin. “Hey sir.” Havoc greet, but his eyes found only Fullmetal. The boy was sitting on his bed slouched into the card table bouncing his knee in only his white cotton boxers. Wrapped about his middle strips were tight stripes of bandages indicating the pain he was in. Fullmetal was rocking slightly, head tipped down right hand shaking where it held a cigarette, but the boy ignored him. “We're going to start some poker.” Havoc said working to brighten the mood and Ed peeked up a bit with the words and turned to Hawkeye. She bowed slightly and excused herself with the look, and Alphonse was more alive once she was gone.
“Ni-san.” Alphonse sighed walking to the boy and running his hand onto Ed's shoulder. “Come on ni-san.” Alphonse sighed but Ed ignored this and slowly brought the cigarette to his
lips and inhaled. Ed's body was scratched up and chiseled from life. His captivity scuffed him, but his own form marked him. Edward had boney knees, ankles and elbows. The boy's hips were prominent, jaw line powerful. Ed was a skeleton of life, and there was no part in which a pencil and paper did not crave. To capture the boy in the most mundane poses was brilliant, and beautiful.
“Havoc would you excuse us.” He said walking to the man wanting his seat. Havoc stood and slipped out with a wave to Ed. “You look terrible.” He said dryly sitting down across from the boy and gaining of him. Ed's face was tight. Lips thin and curled down, brow pinched, and all about in-between and over his nose and eyes was pink. Eyes filled with tears wanting to fall but never having permission. “Jesus Ed.” He grunt on sight of this picking up a playing card and tossing it forward. “How long has he been unmediated?” He asked moving his eyes to Alphonse and the boy thought this over for a minute before sighing.
“Few hours. Maybe four.” Alphonse said rubbing Ed's shoulder again.
“I want to talk to him in private.” He made his voice firm and Alphonse hesitate before standing up slowly. “I'll be nice.” He reassured staring ahead at Ed who had locked eyes on him. He waited until the boy had left and the tent flap closed before sliding his hand to the middle of the table and letting it rest. “I don't think you're morphine strike is helping anything.” He said watching Ed's shaking hand. “I want to get you medicated.” He said plainly letting his slide over so the tips of his fingers brushed the boy's. Ed didn't respond to this and continued breathing in slow gulps, rocking ahead of him. “I'll speak to the doctor.” He said getting to his feet before sitting down alongside the boy. “This isn't good for you.” He whispered brushing Ed's hair back behind his ear and laying a soft kiss on the boy's cheek. “You know I like teasing you, but even in this much pain you're no fun.” He whispered kissing gently up the boy's temple and by the time he backed up by the boy's ear Ed was starting to cry. “You know that I am here now.” He whispered into the cold ear sliding his hand to the boy's. Ed's fingers were chilled, and rough. He took the cigarette away and crushed it. “Ed.” He whispered letting the boy turn to him. Ed kept his head ducked with thin blonde strands falling about his face and shoulders in wisps. Nothing but violent sputtered breaths choking from the boy as he cried. Ed's fingers curled into his shoulders and pulled at his clothes. The boy's face pushed into his chest and wet it. “It's alright to be upset about this.” He hushed rubbing his hand about the pink bandages. “I am going to close your tent down, I want you to rest. You don't need to see anyone.” He whispered rubbing at the boy's skin. Below his hands he felt the shoulders blades, the ligaments about the boy's neck.
“I...” Ed whispered into him, choked and muffed.
“I am going to order morphine for you.” He reassured moving to stand before freezing when Ed clamped down getting louder. “Edward, pull yourself together.”
“...Was blindfolded.” Ed choked into him. He nod bringing his hand to the boy's hair and running the strands which were tangled, and overlapped but not knotted. “The doc...” Ed huffed, voice nothing but breath as he cried. “Tried to put his finger...”
“Ed.” He gave the boy's shoulders a short jerk.
“..up my ass.” Ed choked, and he silenced. Ed pushed his face from side to side in his chest before upward as though to look at him. “Afraid-I was afraid of what...of what he'd
FIIIINNNDDD.” Ed cried, The boy's voice came with the last word. A sob into his chest to muffle it.
“What the hell are you talking about.” He sneered shaking the boy, but his fingers had tightened. His jaw had locked, when he felt it swell inside him. Anger.
“I neeever saaw the faaace.” Ed continued. “He did it....from behind.” He fixed his eyes on the tent over the boy's heaving shoulders and let Ed cry. His knuckles white fisting Ed's shoulders. His teeth on top one another, biting. “Over...and over....and over...and OOOOVVVEEER!” Ed screamed and the heat and vibration from the boy's voice blast into his chest. The sound scared him, and Alphonse burst in from outside
“What happened!?” Alphonse was horrified at the sight of Ed doubled into him crying.
“Get the doctor. On my orders!”
“Ni-san.” Alphonse came forward.
“NOW!” He barked and the boy backed up and disappeared. He turned back to Ed pushing the boy up. “Listen to me.” He ordered. “Listen!” He snapped shaking Ed and rocking the boy's head about. “We'll deal with that. We'll deal with that later.” He reassured holding Ed's wet eyes. “We'll deal with it later. Don't think about it now.” He whispered pushing his face to the boy's. “What does this change?” He asked quietly. “Are you hurt by it?” He asked and Ed's face buckled before wiping at the drool on his face. “Are you injured?” He repeat firmly.
“Fuck him-I-I-am not showing him any-anything!” Ed snarled, his anger bringing strength surging back.
“I am just asking. I am not saying-”
“Bullshit.” Ed cut him off glaring. His words were becoming lies. If the boy was injured he'd force the doctor on him. Ed knew it.
“I'd rather have you naked and spread, than bleeding and covered.” He spoke with strength.
“I'll punch him in the face. I'll-I'll kill him if he touches me.” Ed seethed, getting bigger in his arms and sitting up. “If he lays one hand on me.” Ed was wild. “If he-if he does anything!” Ed yelled and Alphonse tore back in out of breath and wrapped Ed in his arms.
“How did you get him to speak?” Alphonse asked pressing his face into Ed's and hugging the boy tight. “Ni-san relax.” Alphonse hushed rocking the boy as he stood just in time. The doctor came in with his bag looking angry before reducing that anger to irritation on sight of him.
“I have a bone to pick with this boy.” The doctor informed him motioning to Ed with his medical bag.
“Give him something for the pain.” He ordered firmly and the man's face tightened.
“This soldier-” The man began before stumbling when he snatched the man's coat sleeve and stomped outside of the tent. “Colonel Roy Mustang, this soldier refuses to listen to my orders. He refuses his reinstatement exam, and he's the most ill mannered soldier on this base.”
“He is a soldier am I correct?” He asked and the man's face faltered when he ignored all else. “Then treat him as I order, as the commanding officer on this base. Now administer something for his pain. I cannot talk to him in the state he is in.” He ordered dropping the man's sleeve with a shove toward the tent. The doctor shook him off and entered quickly depositing his medical bag on the table. Ed looked up with this and glared at the man as he filled a needle.
“You should thank the colonel for being such a generous man.” The doctor snort jabbing Ed's arm roughly with a smug grin. “Or else you wouldn't be getting this.” Fullmetal snort.
“Just do your job.” Ed spoke staring ahead. “And then get out of my tent.” Fullmetal add and the man seethed quietly pulling the needle back and turning to him. He gave a brief nod and the man yanked his bag from the table and stormed out.
“Ni-an you didn't have to be so rude.” Alphonse scold quietly.
“He's an asshole Aru.” Ed grumbled laying a hand over his arm before turning to him. Ed's mouth was quiet, but his eye spoke volumes. An apology for the behavior.
“No.” He said turning for the tent door. “I don't think less of you.” He spoke stepping out. Ed was left alone inside being coaxed into bed by his brother who wanted desperately for some peace to come to the elder, if only while in sleep.
* * *
“Mr. Elric has made his position very clear to me.” Dr. Crisnoph said sitting at his medical desk now free of blood. “He isn't to be examined, and anything I suspect him being victim of, I am to forget.” The man explained. “This was explained to me quite colorfully.”
“I am his commanding officer.” He said simply.
“His words were persuasive. As of right now he need only to recover from the wounds endured from the whip.” He sat before the man's desk quiet. Giving both of them a moment to think about this before bringing a finger to his nose and brushing at it.
“To a man of intelligence, I don't feel I need to assert my authority to you.” He said. “To remind you it's within my power to employ you, or dismiss you immediately. I can have a replacement in 17 hours.” Dr. Crisopoh soured with these words but remained silent. “His threats couldn't have been worse than that? Putting aside the fact they're all bluffs anyway.” He smiled and the man grunt shifting in his chair.
“While bandaging him I noticed some severe bruising behind his left knee. Five select indents, ones mimicking the strong grip of a hand. I began investigating that and was led up his thigh. He didn't take notice at first, due to the blood loss and severe pain. I found greater bruising on his buttocks and upon inspection of his anus the outer skin and muscles were sore. I didn't get much farther with my inquiry because he came to and promptly demand I....cease.” The man explained and he was quiet.
“What do these injuries mean to you?” He asked and he watched the man consider lying before answering honestly.
“Either a bowel dysfunction, quite common after hostage situations. A victim's stress level can cause irregular bowels, or diarrhea which can sore the skin. There's the possibility of an illness caused by poor water, or poor food which can result in bathroom habits being disrupted, but the possibility of sexual abuse is also present. I can neither confirm, nor deny this however, due to the fact my examinations would have required further advances which were prohibited.”
“If you were to continue with your exam, what would your advances entail?”
“Are you saying I will be permitted to?” Dr. Crisnoph asked sounding excited. The vendetta between Fullmetal and their physician was a long lived vendetta.
“I am asking.” He clarified and the man looked disappointed.
“I'd need to take a better look at his anus, proof of abuse will be present inside, and not outside as is the common misconception. For men as old as Edward he won't give us the common signs of those younger, but damage will be hidden and only visible to the trained eye.” The man informed sounding pleased.
“A further inspection, is that something you can personally account for, or is this more elaborate? Containing instruments and such?” He asked and Dr. Crisnoph sighed contemplating this.
“I am afraid it's a bit of both Colonel.” The man informed. “The man to form the hypothesis, and the instruments to prove it.” He rose from his chair. He'd heard enough. He did not dismiss or depart himself, but simply walked out.
* * *
“I hope you're proud of yourself.” He scold the boy, but Fullmetal didn't even crack an eye. “You're refusal of your reinstatement exam will be highlighted. You won't be able to
ignore it for long.” He spoke but the boy didn't move. “As your commanding officer you know what type of position that puts me in.” He continued watching the boy, but Ed only shift a bit rippling the water.
Ed was relaxing within his tent. He'd closed it down and authorized an extension since it was better for Ed's wounds to have fresh air, and the boy was cold unclothed. A fire had been built and the boy was submerged in their four foot portable basin bathing. Ed was sprawled out with his feet pressed against the far side so only his toes poked over the side. Ed looked calmer resting in the warm water, head tilt back lazily on the rim with his hair damp and pulled up behind the bangs. Ed used those to hide, and they hung about the boy's eyes in fat clumps and single strands. The boy's knees protrude from the water casually, allowing him to trace down the boy's thigh and see all he had. Ed wasn't modest when he didn't have to be, and had explained his life as a series of dressing and undressing. At one time without automail, and then thereafter, with. Now the boy didn't care he was in the room, and when he entered cracked an eye and then ignored him as he sat talking.
“Edward.” He scold the boy's name to the stubborn silence and Ed made a face. A deep grimace of disgust which curled his lips.
“He's a dick.” Ed spit bluntly.
“He's our only doctor.” He correct.
“He can suck....my balls.” Ed emphasized before chuckling at his own joke and sinking down so the water line crept over his mouth.
“What if you let me.” He suggest, but Ed's eyes flicked open and stared at him. “All I need to do is say you were reinstated correctly. They will never bat an eye.” He offered. “He could tell me what to do.”
“No one is doing it.” Ed answered rising up enough to speak, and the boy was frowning above the water.
“You have nothing to hide from me. I've done it before.”
“You're not doing it now.” Ed retort and he was silent. Ed's eyes held power and were waiting on him, questioning to see if he'd force the issue harder than he had. He could tell Ed's fight was weakened, and even the boy knew if he was set on it, it would happen. He was presented now with a choice as to whether or not he'd let Ed have the win.
“So now it's come down to this stubborn pride.” He sighed running his hand over his face and
Ed said nothing. “The fact you contradicted him, and you'd be proving him right if subjected.” He moaned leaning back in his chair and chewing on this. Losing fights like this, especially to a man like Dr. Crisnoph would crush Ed hard, and the man would rub it in his face. “I'll slip your file through. When our audit happens this spring they'll catch it.” He said sitting up slowly, but Ed looked more relieved and sat up with him so the water trickled from the boy's upper half. “Then you'll be required to complete you're exam.”
“I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.” Ed replied and he nod watching the boy get up. Ed stood abruptly looking for his towel naked and dripping in the basin of water. Ed's body was chiseled and sketched with a ball point pen. Deep lines for muscle, and harder ones defining his thin and scrawny bones. With a petite chest, and thinner stomach the boy wound down to two chicken legs after only passing a thin and limp penis. “I am off the hook with the doc than?” Ed
asked stepping out of the water and walking toward his cot giving him a first class view of the boy's flat ass. Ed found his towel there and wrapped it around his waist before moving to the fire still dripping.
“Do you think…it was more than one individual?” He asked and Ed tightened where he stood. The boy's face showed no change staring into the fire, but he saw all the muscles lock up.
“I don't want to talk about it.” Ed mumbled softly. “I was in a mental state of distress.” Ed confessed. “You were the only one there.” Ed said turning to him and he was quiet. “I am thankful it wasn't Alphonse. I...don't want him to think of me like that.” Ed smiled before grimacing and turning back to the fire drawing his hands up his arms coiling together. “Bent over and weak.” Ed hissed and he was instantly on his feet.
“We're clearing through the city now. The blast took a lot.” He said walking up to the boy and sliding his hand up the soft neck to cup his face. “I want you on my team when we sweep it.”
“You want me to go back inside?” Ed made a face before laying a hand over his.
“Better you return to a place that scares you, and become tougher because of it.” He removed his hand and turned for the door. “Get dressed because we're moving out.” He ordered and Ed was quiet watching him go.
“Colonel.” Ed called to him when he opened the flap. “You said before...you don't think less of me.” Ed spoke, and he heard the boy's voice shaking. “Did you mean it?” Ed whispered.
“What have I told you.” He scold turning sharp eyes to the boy. Ed tore his away instantly irritated.
“That you always say what you mean.” Ed snapped. “But then you lie to me.” Ed's eyes returned
“I never lie.” He correct. “I say one thing, and you hear another.” He stepped out and left Ed digesting his words. Edward Elric was a fine man, and a brave boy, but to all those categories of life to which the boy struggled, he had not yet grown up entirely. Despite his best and proudest attempts, and loudest convictions.
* * *
They arranged to sweep the city, three sets of thirty, running down the middle street, one moving forward with that on either side to ramify outward. It was a tactical maneuver and he would be in the front middle group of thirty. “Men you know the drill!” He called standing in place and watching them align with Havoc and Hawkeye issuing directions on either side of him. They were armed as soldiers, those who were alchemist mingled in and armed as soldiers. The
lack of alchemy is what made this trip so special. The military did not want its name soiled by adapting long ago exaggerated tales of its ability, and more so its desires to quickly squash public outcry, and uprising using a tactic no force could stand against. It was said by
many, that it was unfair. The military was bullying the people. On the battle field, they paid the price for containing their best weapons and enduring mud which they did not have to. “Order
Alphonse out of my regiment.” He sighed running over the soldiers and catching the two brothers together.
“Sir?” Hawkeye turned to him moving along side and following his gaze. Edward and Alphonse were side by side and waiting with the rest of the men. “Separate them? How about we order Edward back to camp. He's recovering.” She suggest.
“I want Edward on this mission. I want Fullmetal in my regiment. Order Alphonse out.” He correct and she didn't contradict him again. She raised her arm and moved forward.
“Right Flank! Further to the side! Alphonse Elric! Move to the right flank!” She yelled and he saw Alphonse snap up alarmed and Ed's eyes found him and hit like knives.
“Permission to-” Alphonse began at once.
“To the right flank!” Hawkeye interrupt and he saw the boy speak quickly to Ed before moving and he turned to face front. They entered the town then, the uprising had ceased and the remaining citizens had surrendered. Those who were alive were now scared. They believed trying to bomb soldiers should enrage them enough to use alchemy. This would be breaking protocol however. A protocol the citizens never knew existed. They believed their restraint was goodwill, and after the murderous intent no goodwill should be left.
Truth be told there wasn't much. He watched his men handle the villagers roughly when discovered. Men received the butts of guns, and harsh swears, women were ignored with a sort of disgust. He watched his ground troops infiltrate about him, dissecting buildings one after another, with his alchemists watching lazily, and joining only when interested. Edward was one of these soldiers, hands in his pockets watching the people emerge from the debris. The boy's
face saturated with contempt for the suffering villagers after undergoing his capture, and public humiliation. At one point he saw the boy help a child, but Ed turned his hands and face from any
man or woman in need and spit at the first one to talk to him.
“Perhaps we should have given you a name more reflective of a camel.” He chuckled watching Ed wipe his chin turning from the small crowd of villagers.
“I want to leave.” Ed snapped, and he wasn't aware of the hate and brooding disgust Fullmetal was hiding until he spoke. “I want to go. I don't want to be part of this damned operation.” Ed hissed walking to him and then pushing past heading to camp.
“You'll stay when ordered. You're a dog trained to sit.” He snapped firmly stopping the boy in his tracks. “Don't forget that.” He said turning to Ed, but the boy sighed down to the ground
balling his hands into fists and breathing. “You will not practice alchemy here.” He ordered watching the boy's hands fidget, Ed was stressed and wanted an outlet. “Move ahead over there.
Help those men move that debris.” He ordered pointing to the collapsed Inn which had its upper wall slide down to block the bottom entrance. Ed turned to it disgusted, but with one glance of his pointing hand stalked to the men. Moving heavy items would be good for the boy, and Ed conversed quickly before joining a group of three struggling to push the large brick chuck from in front of the door.
He stood center road perfectly safe with the buildings being infiltrated on either side, before there were shots far to the left and buried in the city. “Shots sir!” Hawkeye called emerging from a building and pointing. They were all looking toward the sound, and there was an active shoot out opening up. “They must still have some resisting.” Hawkeye supplied before watching the flare raise to the sky with the rest of them. A long bright light being shot up, before exploding to a soft blue color. “Havoc's regiment.” She supplied.
“Raise a flare!” Hawkeye called lifting her arm and in a second they shot up a red to answer the call and locate themselves. “MOVE FORWARD!” She gave the command pointing toward the left before turning to him. He hadn't issued that order and she looked startled, but he was only smiling. She read his mind now. He no longer had to communicate.
“Men ready your weapons! Remember the cease fire and alchemic protocol we're operating under!” He ordered stalking ahead with her, and he watched his men draw out their rifles and cock them. Fullmetal among them. The boy cocked the gun like a pro, but they knew the boy's aim was terrible. Ed could hit anything with any form of alchemy, but raise a gun and he were more likely to shoot himself than any type of target. “IF YOU MUST, AIM TO MAIM! THERE IS TO BE NO KILLING BY ORDER OF CENTRAL HEADQUARTERS” He command waving for his troops to move. They did sweeping forward into the buildings and allies as they broke into a run. Soon enough the four way intersection to the left of the city was visible. Shots were in motion from all three corners, two taken by the villagers, and one by Havoc's regiment. The buildings about them were crumbling and brittle from the flames, now flaking off with the misfired bullets and popping more smoke into the air.
“Set up support fire.” He ordered to Hawkeye.
“SET UP SUPPORT FIRE!” She announced and his men filed in front of him. The Soldiers dropped to their knees with more standing behind. They opened fire at the surrounding buildings, and surrounding ground to scare the villagers backward. His alchemists lingered, like older children having to wait until the younger have had their fill. There was a small collective behind him, Fullmetal among them watching calmly, waiting to see if they'd be given a chance to fight.
There was a sudden explosion on the second enemy street, Havoc had apparently launched a tactic to take them out from behind. Due to the villager reinforcements who had shown and completely taken over the Western side of the roads, this had not gone well. The men within the surprise ambush were cornered, and the shooting was happing from both in front and behind enemy lines. However, the ammunition provided by those who had snuck behind would not last long. “That was a poor decision.” He sighed watching the fire with Hawkeye.
“He couldn't have known the resistance would have more in hiding.” Hawkeye offered.
“But he should have anticipated it.” He scold and she was silent. He knew she thought he was being too harsh, but he had trained the man better. Taught Havoc to think ahead, this was a botch decision which shouldn't have been made.
“Sir.” Falmon ran up to them and stopped to salute. “Havoc asked me to report. A small infantry division was sent to ambush the-“ Falmon stopped when he held up his hand.
“What is the damage?” He asked calmly.
“We're not going to be able to get them out. Too much of the resistance was still intact sir.” Falmon report and he frowned.
“Want us to make a move sir?” One of the alchemist called but Hawkeye held her hand up to silence them.
“They should have known better anyway.” Ed second irritably and he bit his tongue. Now was not the time to head into a screaming match with the boy.
“How many?” He asked.
“Four soldiers and two alchemists.” Falmon report and he growled audibly.
“Havoc was not under orders to send State Alchemists anywhere.” He scowled.
“They volunteered sir.”
“Can the rest of us go back to base then!?” Ed yelled.
“Edward.” Hawkeye turned and gave the boy a look causing some irritated mumbles.
“We are going to move our flanks forward and corner them. We'll squeeze our men out of them if we have to. I am not losing anymore in this ridiculous crusade.” He scoffed extending an arm
and taking the rifle that was placed into it. “I want to return to base tonight, with everyone I left with.” He ordered and Falmon gave a nod before pinching his lips. “What is it?” He
note the reluctance. The man wasn't forwarding all information. “Spit it out.” He ordered firmly and Falmon nod before stepping up to him.
“Alphonse Elric was one of the men to volunteer.” Falmon spoke and Hawkeye gasp a bit before turning with him to the crowd behind them and looking for Edward. The boy was nowhere to be seen, and so most likely had not heard.
“He is not to be informed.” He ordered sweeping his waiting men with his eyes looking for that angry hateful expression and golden hair. Hawkeye started agreeing before her voice was cut off with a great explosion.
Up ahead of them, Ed appeared before the smoke with a hand resting on the wall source of his transmutation. It ran from his feat into the Western part of town collapsing the ground beneath the enemy's barricade violently. With this development Havoc's men had run forward firing, and were quickly claiming ground. He saw his plan to corner the enemy coming into play as Fullmetal brought his hands together in another clap, and he realized at this moment he was running for the boy. Full speed as fast as he could go and Ed was bending down to touch the ground as if in slow motion. He saw the boy's bangs slide forward, his gloves reaching toward the soil, his figure shrinking lower before he threw himself at the boy, and seconds before Edward's palms met his momentum threw them violently into a heap. Alchemy was not to be used in this operation.
“Colonel!?” Ed cried coughing on his back.
“I gave you an order!” He yelled climbing to his feet just as quick as Fullmetal. “There is to be no alchemy in this mission!” He snapped stomping to the boy and grabbing the lapels of his
jacket. “Do not force me to punish your disobedience. I can't hide you with the Brigadier here Edward.”
“Get off me.” Ed growled tossing his face aside and shoving his hands away. “I won't let them have him. Or do what they will to him!” Ed cried and the boy was running toward the cross fire violently.
“SIR!?” Hawkeye cried running to him alarmed.
“Stop him.” He ordered and she pulled her pistol and aimed.
“My bullet would ricochet too close to us!” She yelled aiming for automail and he growled.
“I AM TAKING DOWN THE LEFT SIDE!” Ed yelled raising an arm to Havoc's men, and the
foot soldiers, and the alchemists did not care orders were being disobeyed while in the heat of
foot soldiers, and the alchemists did not care orders were being disobeyed while in the heat of
battle. They were the men on the front lines. They were the ones being shot at. Edward was an acting hero running astray. To the alchemists he was the one who dared use his talents when all
others were suppressed, and to the soldiers he was the one who would stop the bullets. Bring them a victory.
“If we have one casualty...” Hawkeye trailed there and he nod yanking her pistol from her and aiming it at Ed's shoulder before to his leg. The back of his knee. The top of his thigh. Back to the arm. The wrist. He wanted to disable the hand.
“Damn him.” He growled firing but Ed moved too quickly and clapped missing the bullet by a second. He dropped the gun and start for the boy. Edward made his transmutation, and sent a tremor from his body into the West side, and second street of enemy resistance. This destroyed the ground, and the building to their right began collapsing. “What do you think you're doing!?” He yelled grabbing the boy's wrist and hair and yanking him to his feet.
“ALPHONSE!” Edward screamed oblivious to him when sight of the cornered flank Havoc had sent became visible. “I'll get him out!” Ed cried launching forward but he held the boy still as his men ran by him and into the chaos with Hawkeye leading them. “STOP! Let me go! Let me GET TO HIM!” Ed was wild in his arms, kicking and struggling. The boy was strong and hard to handle so he kicked in the back of his knee and forced him down. “COLONEL!” Ed cried outraged when he pushed the boy's face into the dirt and held him. “BREDA! GET MY BROTHER!” Ed screamed when a familiar face ran by. “TELL HAVOC! PLEASE!” Ed begged where he was on his knees, face panting into the soil. “You're so cruel to me.” Ed muttered into the sand lying still unable to break this hold.
“You have no idea what you're doing.” He hissed eyes up into the mess, and Hawkeye was firing rapidly placing bullets where they needed to be like firecrackers. No one was to be hit. “If we have one casualty...” He trailed. “You have no idea what the orders are.” He growled.
“To save him.” Ed whispered and he looked down to the boy. Edward's face was covered in sand with eyes half open unable to move. “I'd disobey everything.” Ed muttered and he was quiet. “I won't let them hurt him.” Ed muttered and those golden eyes slid to him quietly. “Like they did me.” Ed confessed and he gasp. Suddenly, it all made sense.
Well here's Chapter Two everyone! I hope you liked it! Thank you SO much for reading!! Please take a quick sec, and leave me a review! It takes so long to make fiction.
Chapter Three:: One Desire Sacrifice will be posted (I've redesigned posting for this story)
next Friday 01/25/07
Sorry everyone! I thought this story was about my average length, but actually it's much shorter. Usually my chapters are like 20 pages, and these are more like ten. That said, I apologize and will post every week, every Friday…like a tv show I guess. Thank you so much for reading!