Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Bleed Away Heart ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Bleed Away Heart

Chapter Two

Hey! This is part 2. It's my lame attempt at a Full Metal story, so don't kill me now.

The snow had finnally stopped, leaving a snow capped city in ruin. The three continued on the long walk. Nobody said a
word. This was quite unusual for the Elric brothers. They always had something to talk about.

"So," Shirou started, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Where are you boys from?"

Al's face shot up from the snow and looked at his older brother; who was right beside him. Ed sighed and kicked a helpless
rock to the side.

"A long ways from here." He mumbled.

Suddenly, the girl giggled and slowed down, so the boys could catch up with her. She then pressed down the front of her short skirt
and turned to Ed.

"I know what you mean." She sighed, "I wish I wasn't from here."

The girls head lowered, catching Al's attention.

"Oh come on now." Al growned, "You don't mean that."

Shirou turned to the metal suit and smiled half-heartedly. Al could see the sadness that whirled in her light green eyes. The
look on her face took his breath away.

"I guess your right." She whispered.

Finally, the gang came to a stop. The stop was at a towering ebony mansion. The windows were cracked and borded, and
it lacked a homey look, but it was home to the girl. The guys didn't protest, dispite how much the house made their skin
fall off their bodies and crawl away.

"I made tea." Shirou stated opening the door, "It's hot!"

Al nodded and entered. Ed looked at the girl suspiously, but entered just the same. The doors creaked closed, covering the
main room room with a blanket of darkness.

Suddenly, a lamp flickered. The light cascaded down the wall, leaving lines of rich light and warmth.

Ed yawned sleepily and took his seat on a dusty old couch, as Al took a seat on a ratty chair.

"I don't like the look of this place." Ed whispered.

Al snickered.

"Oh brother. You worry too much." He teased, "You need to loosen up."

Ed pouted and crossed his arms. A grown escaping as he did this.

"Here you go." Shirou said, offering Al and Ed a cup of hot tea.

"Thank you." Al said politely, followed by a gesture for his brother to do the same.

"Yeah yeah." Ed growned.