Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Blood, Sweat, and Worry ❯ Here Comes The Sorrow ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Here Comes the sorrow-chapter 2
Ed looked up at his brother as he staggered to his feet. Alphonse was still fighting back the hold on sloth.
“Alphonse dear, if you struggle it just makes you punishment even harder to bear.” Said sloth as she held Al's fist to Ed's face. She reared back, and then plummeted towards Ed's face. Ed flinched before Alphonse stopped the fist before it made contact with his brother's face. Edward opened his eyes to see a fist in his face. He stepped out of the way and the fist subsided.
“What do you mean by punishment?” asked Ed as he looked at Envy.
“It's very simple chibi-san. I want you dead.” Said envy with a devious smile.
“But why my brother!? Please kill me instead! Just please leave my brother alone!” Said Al, his voice clearly filled with worry.
“Al you don't know what your saying!” said Ed struggling to stay standing.
“Shut up chibi!” Envy turned and looked at Al. “You don't seem to understand. I am getting my revenge on you both. You both carry his blood, and you will both pay for it. You will both suffer before becoming our human sacrifices. You can't stand to see your brother in pain can you? In fear that he may die? He can't stand to see you worried about him you know. Thus I have come up with this wonderful solution, to torture you both until you die, first your brother, then you.” Envy said looking at Ed first then Alphonse. “I sure hope you and your brother have said your goodbyes, because you are about to prepare your brother for the afterlife.” Envy said snapping his fingers signaling sloth to make her move.
“Wait! I have one question.” Said Ed as something just occurred to him. “How is it that sloth is able to control Al's movement when she couldn't before?” Envy looked at the bloodstained youth and said “You really want to know, fine. Our master created a little device that fused with sloth's composition allowing her to control whatever being she `possess'.” Sloth stuck a portion of her body to show her arm sleeve. On the sleeve was a red looking jewel.
“You see Edward, this device acts like a transmutation circle that is apart of my being. While I am inside of your brother, I cover the circle that you created to affix his soul. This over powers the circle causing me to have complete control.”
“But how I thought homunculi couldn't use alchemy?” asked Al.
“We can't, you're the one using it.”
“But how can that be!?” asked Ed.
“Simple, it feeds off of the energy being used to strengthen the one that is already there.”
“What!?” said Ed and Al in unison. “But…that means the circle I had already drawn is weakening. Meaning—“
“Meaning that your brother's soul will eventually fade!” said Envy interrupting Edward. Ed became furious.
“Get your filthy homunculus body out of my little brother!!!” said Ed raising his blade.
“Why don't you come and force me to, Edward dear?” said sloth mocking the severely annoyed Edward.
“As a matter of fact, I was waiting for an invitation.” Edward ran towards his brother baring his blade. Wait how exactically am I gonna do this? What if I hurt Al? He thought to himself. He stopped mid-run in front of Al. Although just because Edward stopped, didn't necessarily mean that Sloth was going to stop. Al quickly drew a transmutation circle on the ground and activated it. Ed realized he was in trouble when a giant fist cam up from the floor and smashes into his face as he heard his brother screaming his name. Ed flew at least 20 feet into the air and then fell to the ground and landed on his back. He wasn't moving, his head a thin stream of blood flowing down the side of his face. Al looked on in horror, hoping that his brother would get up and bounce back into action, but it didn't happen. He probably had a concussion and some broken bones. He watched Envy walk towards his brother, he grabbed him by the collar and pounded his fist into Ed's face.
“Stop! Stop! Please Stop it!” screamed Al.
“You should watch carefully child.” Said Lust in an uncaring tone. “This is what happens when people break the taboo of alchemy.” Once envy felt as though he caused sufficient damage while Edward was unconscious, he threw Ed across the floor. Alphonse screamed out for his brother, but still no movement. Sloth decided to come out for a moment, she slithered out a crevice in Al's armor. Al could freely move wherever he wanted, of course he ran to his brother's side. He turned Edward onto his back noticing blood dripping from the side of his head, forehead, and lip. He looked pale from the immense loss of blood from the wound he had sustained from Lust. Al, as he cradled his brother in his arms, made small noises that if he was human, would sound as if he were crying.
“Oh brother. Please let me know that your still here with me. Don't leave me here with theses maniacs.” He held his brother close listening for any signs of breathing. He could barely hear it, but his brother was still alive. Although he was extremely fatigued and injured, Al thought he pushed himself way too far. Al softly tried to call his brother back to consciousness. “Ed? Ed please wake up.” A moment passed, yet Ed had heard his brother calling for him. Al…he's calling…my little brother needs me…he sounds afraid. Edward thought. He moaned slightly and opened his eyes.
“Brother! Thank God your alright.” Al said gently hugging his brother. Ed smiled slightly before looking over at envy.
“Yes brother?”
“I don't think I am going to be able to continue fighting like this. Even now I can barely see the face of your armor, everything is pretty blurry.” Ed stopped and thought a moment. “Al, hold still.” Al nodded and Ed clapped his hands and placed them on Al's breastplate. A hole opened up to show the transmutation circle, almost completely disappeared. He took his left glove off, dipped his finger into his wound, and began to retrace the circle. It glowed as Ed traced over the intricate design.
“There. Now she can't control you.” Ed said flinching in pain after clapping his hands together closing the hole. Ed tried to stand, although he couldn't with out some help from his brother. Al helped him up gently, but that didn't ease Ed's pain. He winced uncontrollably as each movement sent convulsions of pain through his entire body.
“Does it hurt much brother? You must have some broken ribs and maybe even a concussion.” Al asked worriedly. Ed ignored the question.
“Awww…brotherly love, too bad it hast to end.” Said envy as he began to walk towards the brothers.
“Oh Edward. Why did you have to go and ruin my fun?” asked Sloth. Lust also joined in the march toward the Elrics.
“What are we going to do Ed?” asked Al.
“I'm thinking Al.” said Ed without any result of an idea. The homunculi got closer and their smiles even more sinester. Ed finally had an idea, he motioned for Al to lean down. He whispered something to him and with the remainder of his energy he ran right, while Al ran left. The ran opposite from each other circling the homunculi.
“What's this!?” asked envy. The two alchemist preformed a simultaneous transmutation, Al drew the circle and Ed clapped his hands activating the circle on the other side. A serpent's cross transmutation circle appeared underneath the homunculi. Each had a face of sheer terror, caught inside the circle. Both the brothers placed their hands on the circle to activate it, the floor glowed blue and everything was pulled into the array.
“What's this!?” asked envy. The two alchemist preformed a simultaneous transmutation, Al drew the circle and Ed clapped his hands activating the circle on the other side. A serpent's cross transmutation circle appeared underneath the homunculi. Each had a face of sheer terror, caught inside the circle. Both the brothers placed their hands on the circle to activate it, the floor glowed blue and everything was pulled into the array.
Once the light disappeared and homunculi gone, Alphonse looked around to see his brother laying face down on the floor.
“Brother!” He ran toward his brother, praying he was still alive. He gently lifted Edward and held him in his arms.
“Al. I can't…I have no more strength left. Just leave me here.” Said Ed not bothering to open his eyes due to his immense pain.
“Shut up Ed! I am not leaving you here to die. I am getting you to a hospital and I am going to tell Roy the tip he gave us was a fluke.” Al said in a stern voice. He noticed Ed trying to smile.
“Sure Al. Do what makes you happy, if you want to take me to a hospital I won't fight you this time.” Edward said drifting off into a painful and deep sense of sleep.