Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Boxers or Briefs? ❯ Boxers or Briefs? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Boxers Or Briefs?

Pairing : Roy/Ed

Disclaimer : I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist and do not make any money what-so-ever off of this.


Hot breath caressed his neck and tiny, but strong hands grabbed at broad shoulders. Roy pushed Edward back into the solid desk of his office, gathering the boy close but in the process spilling a long forgotton mug of coffee all over the floor accompanied by a pile of equally forgotton paperwork.

Hot, hard hands brushed slightly damp golden lockes from a flushed face. Wide, uncertain eyes contemplated him, swollen lips stolen in a kiss. Edward yelped into his mouth as Roy lifted the teen to sit on the lip of his desk. The dark haired man slid off his bulky, military issue jacket and unbuttoned his white dress shirt, a sliver of his muscular chest exposed to hungry golden eyes. All the while, slowly undressing the small alchemist seated in a heated mess before him. Harsh, panting and whining breaths clouded the air and sounded like music to Roy's ears.

" Roy...don't tease," Ed pleaded as Roy kneaded the front of his pants. " This is my first time, you bastard."

Roy smirked and kneeled before the boy, tongue running a trail down his taunt abdomen til the man came to his knees in front of him. Nimble fingers went to the heavy belt buckle and slowly undid it as Roy delved his tongue into Ed's navel. Ed clutched at Roy's shoulders, trembling slightly with exitement, anticipation and anxiety about his first sexual encounter. Roy decided to ligthen the mood for the boy's sake.

" Ah, the infamous question is about to be answered, by me no-less," Roy mused, running a soothing palm across Edward's quivering tummy. He looked at him quizzically, the look all the more endearing to Roy with his face warm and flushed.

" What do you mean?"

" Does the Fullmetal Alchemist, Hero of the People, Edward Elric wear boxers or briefs? I'm hoping it's briefs, got 50 bucks riding on it."

Ed's face turned crimson in embarrassment and anger. " People are betting on what kind of UNDERWEAR I WEAR?!?"

Roy laughed at Ed's (now) commonplace violent reaction and kissed him soundly to quiet him. Ed squeaked in surprize but enjoyed the kiss none-the-less. " Of course Edward. The ladies down the secreterial pool are all very, curious little gossipers," Roy chuckled, meeting Ed's eyes and holding his gaze there. " Everyone wants to know what you wear under those tight, leather pants..." The man's voice deepened to a husky, seductive purr. " Especially me at the moment."

Roy continued his task of baring Ed, taking his sweet time to enjoy each new, unexplored inch of the boy's exposed skin. Roy slipped the leather off completely and truely appreciated every inch of Edward.

Still red in the face, one of Ed's golden brows raised to question the Colonel's shocked reaction. " Surprized?"

You don't wear underwear at all?" he asked, clearing his throat. That was hottest thing ever, Roy deliberated.

" Yeah. How else do you think those leather pants look so damn good? Nothing worse than underwear lines if you ask me." Ed smirked, still embarrassed about bieng completely naked and vulnurable in front of the Colonel and trying to be brazen about it. Roy's charcoal black eyes met his then, smoldering in what Ed would guess animalistic lust. It was his turn to clear his throat.

Roy smirked. " You're such a vain, little creature aren't you?" Then Roy proceeded to ravage the boy alchemist on his desk. Ed let the "little" comment slip.


The next day, Master Sergant Cain Fuery was a small fortune richer.