Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Caress Me Down ❯ And that's that lovin sound ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Roy was lucky to have an officer like Hawkeye. He could be appreciative of having someone he could talk to and trust enough to not use it against him later. For as much as he could joke around and rely on Hughes for inside information, the man was no good when it came to keeping personal secrets. Riza was his most dependable Lieutenant, her loyalty just as unquestionable as her aim. He could depend on her to keep anything said over a few rounds to be kept just between them, or shoot a man in the middle of the forehead if he so ordered. She was just as driven as Roy was to one day get him at the head of the military, and sometimes could read deeper into the political plots and make a better decision than he ever could. He didn’t know if he should call it a woman’s intuition, but tonight was no different as she casually drew Alphonse away, knowing that he wanted a minute to talk to the Full Metal Alchemist.

It wasn’t to apologize by any means, but just to make sure that his newest State Alchemist was physically okay. That was all. It had taken several bottles of whiskey to even get him this regretful, but he had no doubt most of it was due to Hawkeye listing off innumerable reasons why he shouldn’t have lost his temper. She hadn’t been the one to walk in on two soldiers piled on top of the boy like horny animals. Just thinking about what they would have done if he had been any later made Roy want to do it all over again. He was damn glad that he had killed those men, though now he was going to have to going to have to go through the trouble of finding out their names. Amazing how they could still manage to bother him after being turned into piles of ash. He had more pressing worries, like trying to deal with a twelve-year-old that thought he belonged in the military. Roy sourly knocked on the door, hiccuping before he could help it. He had almost had too much tonight, but thankfully Riza had been there to keep him from going overboard. She really was such a good woman- if only she’d wear a damn skirt once in a while. Why did the military have to take away the female’s right to an attractive outfit?

Roy eventually realized that Edward wasn’t answering the door, belatedly remembering what Alphonse had said about him being asleep. He only began to pound harder on the door, using the side of his fist in drunken repetition. He really could do this all night, swaying in front of the rundown barracks while he waited for the boy to wake up. He didn’t care if Edward was trying to get some sleep or not; he wouldn’t be in the mood to be somewhat gracious for a long time. Tonight was quite the exception, Roy determined not to leave until he had spoken with the youngest State Alchemist in history.

He finally heard that familiar, nasal yelling as Edward was awakened by the knocking. There was some fumbling around and garbled cursing, words that Edward really shouldn’t know yet pouring out from inside. A light turned on inside, spilling out through the front windows. Roy stopped pounding on the door as he waited for the boy to actually open it, adjusting his bag in frustration. He was only doing this because Hawkeye had insisted; otherwise, he would be working on all those dates he needed to go on to clean up this stupid sexual harassment business. There was no reason why a Lieutenant Colonel had to personally see to any of his men- so the damn Full Metal punk had better appreciate this. Roy firmed himself up with those thoughts as he heard someone approach on the inside of the decaying building. Bright, golden eyes were warm with welcome despite the sour expression on his face peeked through the opening, overwhelming Roy as Edward swung the door back. He had never seen such an unguarded and happy expression on the blonde’s face before, obviously expecting his brother and looking every bit of twelve.

"I swear, Al, how many times do I have to tell you to remember a key, y-…" Edward trailed off in the middle of his speech, blinking up in shock as he realized his brother wasn’t there at all. Roy could already see the swelling beginning to close up his left eye and inflate the cheek, Edward’s nose comically red from being hit, and an untreated cut on his chin. His usually neatly braided hair was damp and hanging around his face in tangled clumps; wearing nothing but a pair of boxers over mismatched human and mechanic legs, and what Roy recognized to be the plain white undershirt issued with every military uniform… except even the smallest size was too large for the boy. The sleeves covered up the tips of his fingers and the hem dropped down to mid-thigh, the collar sagging open with too many buttons undone. Roy’s eyes dropped there instinctively, to the shadows of muscles that one wouldn’t expect on a child. Edward caught the gaze, recognition slamming down as he glared hard, his real hand moving to start buttoning up the shirt… and tried heaving the door shut instead. Roy already had his foot braced against the frame, perhaps a little drunk- but he had dealt with more angry women than Edward would ever dream of. He knew what to expect when someone didn’t want to see him.

"Move your foot," Edward growled out in homicidal tones, trying to shove the door hard enough on Roy’s shoe to break bones. Military issue leather was a beautiful thing, Roy only grinning as he leaned against the door; more for his own balance than to force the matter. The poor kid could try all night long and he wouldn’t be able to get Mustang to move, the contest almost nonexistent. Roy was just too drunk and tired to get worked up immediately; usually reprimanding the punk for daring to take such a voice with him… but, he had already saved Edward from nearly being raped, after having Hawkeye chew him out for not taking that into consideration. Would she have preferred that everyone see just why they called him Full Metal Alchemist? The Military may have done some questionable experiments before in the sake of waging warfare, but Human Transmutation had never been looked upon with any favor. It was one of the unspoken taboos of Alchemy, just as natural as breathing. To think this child had stepped into the realm that went beyond scientific explanation, had already seen what awaited man after death, and was now doing his best to slam the door in Roy’s face. He was so immature and yet undeniably a genius- almost a monster. Roy almost couldn’t believe it of the partially naked youth in front of him now, beginning to flush red with either frustration or embarrassment. Roy could feel the heat in his own cheeks from putting down shot after shot in an attempt to drown the memories that wanted to surface after this afternoon.

"You already opened the door," Roy tried arguing, giving the blonde his best smile. He could be very persuasive at times, but that was usually when women were charmed stupid by his handsome face.

"And now I’m trying to close it! Get the fuck out of here," Edward cried out, starting to kick at Roy’s boot with his auto-mail. That unfortunately began to get him to move, so Roy just really put his weight against the door and walked forward. That was enough for Roy to blow the blonde backwards, not quiet enough to fall, but it gave him a chance to breeze into the barracks they had assigned the Elric brothers. Roy could almost feel bad about using housing that should have been torn down years ago, but he couldn’t have the Full Metal Alchemist out in plain sight, not when the boy was still so wild and disobedient. He hadn’t learned that you had to blend into the pack to survive, quietly waiting for the moment someone else would fall before showing his true colors and attacking. He wasn’t going to risk anything unless there was a damn good reason, working like a silent vulture while he gathered power and connections. Having the youngest State Alchemist ever, along with his ability to perform Alchemy without the array, had already brought him quite a lot of fame as the discoverer of this talent. The only problem was getting the boy to actually obey any of the rules the military had laid down for certified Alchemists- much less any orders he tried to give. He had meant to come here in somewhat civil terms, but it had only taken the walk in from the door and throwing himself into one of the old chairs at a rickety table to be pissed off all over again. He supposed Edward just had that way with people, something about that arrogant attitude of his that made Roy want to press all his buttons.

"What are you doing? I didn’t let you in here," Edward screeched, pointing back at the open door like he could rewind time. Roy just kicked his feet up onto the table, sighing in relief at sitting down. It had been such a horribly long day, and Edward was doing very little to make it better. He tossed his hat off, letting it land carelessly on the table along with the paper bag- after Roy had taken out his own personal item of an unopened bottle of whiskey. He didn’t know when he had taken a liking to the stuff, but if it got him drunk, then it was good enough for him.

"I have something for you, Mr. Elric," Roy pointed to the now-safe bag he had thrown on the table. Edward still hadn’t moved from the door, staring at him with a stunned expression that he had been so easily ignored. Just because most of the female officers fell all over themselves for the young and undeniably cute, baby-faced Full Metal Alchemist didn’t mean that he would. Roy had no such interest in other people for that; just liked the occasional bout of stress-relieving sex with whoever was available at the moment. He barely associated with his men outside of work and had few personal friends to speak of, but that was more because Roy didn’t like to waste time on such trivialities. Usually people would be grateful when he paid them an actual visit; anyone who knew him also was aware of how tight his schedule was. He could be actually trying to sleep right now, an activity that he missed far too much of. At least he was already ripped enough to know he would be able to sleep peacefully tonight, no flashbacks in his dreams no matter what had happened today.

"I don’t care! Leave!" Edward demanded, even though he slammed the door shut angrily afterward. He could already tell that Roy meant to stay here a while, determined to get a thank you for this if it was the last thing he did. They were both stubborn like that, which only made it harder to argue with the boy. It wasn’t fair that he was reminded so much of himself, of those foolish dreams he had when he was too young to know better- just like Edward was. He didn’t have any reason to particularly care for the boy, but he knew that he didn’t want anyone else to end up like him, having to follow orders that went against everything that made up a decent human being. Sometimes Roy couldn’t hold his finger still, pulling on an invisible trigger that he wished he had never fired.

"Get me some glasses," Roy demanded, hoisting up the bottle in peace offering. It was the way he usually went about it with his men, when they were stuck on the field and there was nothing left to do but drink until the fighting began again. They were so lucky to be in this temporary lull of peace, but Edward would never know how to appreciate it. He was too young to have been there during the recent conflicts of their time, hadn’t really seen warfare yet. Roy didn’t want any of the men under his command to have to fight and kill against their will, and something about Edward made him all that more determined. He couldn’t have children going out into the battlefield just to die- not ever again. He wasn’t like the old men still clinging to tradition that were in power now, wasn’t about to hold onto his pride when he could keep men alive… He was drunk tonight, to be so caught up in justifying himself. There was no reason to question the path he’d taken, uncapping the bottle and waiting impatiently as Edward slowly approached.

"Get it yourself. I’m too young to drink anyway," he spat out smartly, crossing his arms and landing hard into the other open chair. He clearly wasn’t going to get up again, leaving Roy there with one eyebrow raised. He only chuckled at the pointed return, no stranger to drinking straight out of the bottle. Glasses had been a foreign luxury when you were squatting down in a muddy trench at the front lines. And to think if he only had the skill in Alchemy that he had now back then… just a shred of the experience he’d gained in the years following… he couldn’t help but laugh at what a damn fool he’d been. Edward made an irritated noise when Roy swallowed down what was in the neck of the bottle in his first try. It was a wonder that he had managed to get past Alphonse while so inebriated, but that hat had seemed to hide most signs of intoxication. There was no need for it now, with Edward frowning openly at him across the table.

"Well, take it," Roy snapped, irritated with the silence that was almost ready to become uncomfortable. He wasn’t about to let a child make him nervous, shoving the bag hard across the table. The contents fell out halfway; the bright red of Edward’s coat appearing as suddenly as blood. The boy looked down at in shock, obviously surprised to see the clothing that Roy had found partially shredded on the floor of that storage closet.

"You wouldn’t know it, but Lieutenant Fuery is rather good at sewing," he explained. He had thrown it at the man before leaving with Lieutenant Hawkeye for a few drinks, and it had been predictably folded and waiting on his desk when he returned. He knew that Edward was still too small for a military uniform, the shirt he was wearing now only proving Roy right. The blonde tentatively grabbed the coat, pulling it out to find the sleeve and collar repaired. Fuery even had the decency to not ask why it had been ripped so, just brought out a set of needles, string, and promptly got to work. Roy reminded himself that he was going to have to go easy on the other man after this

"…sanks," Edward mumbled out in a whisper that barely reached his ears.

"What? I’m afraid I didn’t quiet catch that," Roy’s voice was perhaps a bit louder than necessary, but it was humorous after Edward had been so timid. He knew very well that the boy had been offering his gratitude, which Roy was no doubt deserving of, but certainly wasn’t expecting. At least not for some stupid coat. Roy was waiting for the important admittance that he had saved Edward from whatever those two shits had been trying to pull with him in the closet. It wasn’t every day that he lost his temper, but the consequences were always such a pain to deal with. It would be a lot simpler if Edward would just be a good boy and use the manners someone must have taught him at some point. The Elric brothers weren’t complete savages, though there were times when Roy would wonder.

"I said ‘thank you,’ you jerk! Are you happy now?" Edward snapped out at last, his mouth twisted up in a tight line of disapproval. It really was amazing that the blonde hadn’t tried to explode him with alchemy or such by now. He could only imagine it was because the stubborn idiot had respect for his skills as an Alchemist as well, even if Edward wasn’t going to say such aloud.

"I’d be happier if I had a glass," Roy replied honestly, hoisting up his bottle in clarification. The military called for few manners, especially when it came to eating and drinking, but Roy had never been a fan of drinking straight from the bottle. Not when he was sure there were glasses in the vicinity and a perfectly good lower-ranking soldier to order around like a maid… besides, it was humorous to see a vein on Edward’s forehead pop as the boy fell forward in shock that he would be dealt with so brusquely.

"Is that so?" Edward asked far too politely, one eyebrow twitching between pleased and furious as the blonde tried to keep a smile on his face. "Would you leave after finishing that stuff?"

It wasn’t so much a question as a very fierce suggestion. Roy just shrugged his shoulders ambiguously, figuring that he would be able to wrap up his business here along with what was left in the bottle. Edward seemed pleased enough with that, standing up from the table and moving over to the dirty kitchen. It was strange too see one real leg and a second one made of metal taking such even steps, Roy a little fascinated at the process. He could stare openly now with Edward’s back facing him, no stranger to auto-mail after serving in the military for so long; but, it certainly was strange to see it on someone so young. Roy couldn’t pry the whole story out of the older brother even if he used a set of clamps, but apparently he had lost his leg in the first transmutation of their mother and gave up the second to bring his brother back. To willingly give up an arm, to have it taken while you were still alive and awake to feel it… the thought was enough to make a man like Roy shudder when he had a wet-behind-the-ears punk actually living it. The Elrics had already been through so much in their relatively short lives, and they didn’t need help either. Roy had to admit that the brothers had done well for the few days they had been stuck in this place, much more independent than any other children their age. Though the house had been provided, all the furniture, food, and repairs since had been done entirely by themselves. He supposed it was easy enough to get along when one of them didn’t even have a body. Roy wondered how either of these boys got through an entire day without crying their little hearts out.

"You know, it would go faster if you had some too," Roy hinted when the boy only picked out one glass from the shelves. Edward almost completely ignored him, hurling the cabinet shut and stomping right back to the table in a way that would have made any woman jealous. It was almost humorous that a mere kid in an oversized shirt could make him feel so out of place just by slamming the glass down hard on the table with his real hand, glaring at him pointedly.

"I hate that stuff- and I’m underage even if I wanted to," Edward sniped out, suddenly caring for the rules when they worked to his advantage. He shook his hair back over one shoulder, the wet and knotted mess looking longer than normal when it was allowed down. Roy glanced up at the boy, who was for once looking down on him while Roy remained seated, studying the frustrated line Edward’s mouth was making. His lips definitely were bruised, no doubt smacked around a couple of times for talking back like he usually did. His whole face was turning pink with swelling, golden cat eyes going wide as Roy continued staring. Edward leaned back, meaning to cross his arms and sit down in the opposite chair again, but Roy caught him by the auto-mail first. It didn’t really feel like he was holding a human wrist, more like a lead pipe as he forced the Full Metal Alchemist to stop short. Edward turned around on him fiercely, mouth open to say some no doubt cutting and sarcastic remark- and all Roy had to do was sit up straight to met the boy right in the eyes, their noses close enough to touch.

"Haven’t you taken care of these yet?" Roy demanded, grabbing the boy underneath the chin with his other hand to jerk Edward’s neck back, checking the extent of the damage. Really, it didn’t take much to bruise a child up like overripe fruit; Edward no different despite his foul mouth. He hated to see one of his officers so badly injured… hell, he was drunk enough to admit that some part of him was just outraged at the violence, a protective steak coming to life that Roy didn’t even know he had in him. He usually only felt this way about lonely women and stray dogs wandering out in the rain, but Edward called up that little human piece of him that had always wanted to be a father. Roy had more than missed out on his chance, outright denied it in favor of a career in the military. There weren’t very many women that could deal with that kind of life, and Roy hadn’t had the luck to find any of them either. So, there had been nothing left but to brush the dream of a family life aside and dedicate himself completely to work… then, this little punk had to show up out of nowhere and land himself in the middle of the armed forces. Roy was beginning to understand why those female officers were so crazy about the boy; he was still just young enough to need a parent, and the women were all more than ready to take care of a child that they couldn’t have for themselves. It was nice to play house, but when it came down to it, barely anybody in the military had the actual time.

"Don’t touch me! I’m fine, damn it," Edward snapped out at last, ripping away his mechanized arm in a loud creak of turbines and metal. Roy wouldn’t have even been able to hold onto that auto-mail sober, shocked at the pure power behind that limb. Edward was going to truly grow into that strength one day, and the thought was downright terrifying. Until then, he was still far too young and short to think that he could take care of himself; and Roy had no choice but to make sure that Edward matured into his potential gracefully. That was it. Nothing more than a professional interest, since Edward’s future accomplishments would ultimately reflect back on him.

"No, you’re not. Don’t you have a first-aid kit around here?" Roy asked, turning his attention back to the whiskey like nothing had happened. He could hear Edward grinding his teeth together behind his back, simply unable to play the part of a beaten victim. He would never be intimidated into anything, a fascinatingly stubborn attitude that Roy couldn’t help but wonder how long Edward would be able to keep.

"You can get it yourself this time," Edward grumbled out irritably, no doubt making a face or some rude gesture at the back of his head. He could hear it in the way the air moved, fabric rustled, and the creaking of mechanic muscle. Roy grinned, flipping the glass upright and pouring himself a real drink at last. It was a cup meant for water, not alcohol, but Roy didn’t care either way as dark liquid filled it from top to bottom.

"I don’t have a problem digging through your things, but if you don’t want me looking in every drawer…" Roy drawled, unable to keep a grin from his face at the underhanded tactics. This was what being in the military was all about- other people doing the work for you. He could heard Edward cursing as he stomped off to the bathroom without any more argument- at least, not to his face. Roy knew that everyone had something in their drawers and cabinets that they didn’t want others to see. That was why it wasn’t out in plain sight, after all. It was so easy to work Edward that Roy could almost feel guilty about it; none of the boy’s stubborn antics compared to women screaming at him in public and spreading the most vicious lies behind his back. At least Edward was somewhat obvious and up front about it, like children tended to be. He definitely cursed loudly enough and threw some things around unnecessarily in the bathroom before coming back carrying a small white box with a red cross painted on the front. Roy was thankful that he had been taking a quiet sip from his glass instead of leaving it on the table for when Edward dropped the case down hard. The whiskey nearly fell to the floor, but miraculously regained its balance on its own as Edward took his seat again; crossing both arms and legs in a way that said he wasn’t standing up again until Roy was leaving. Roy frowned down at the tanned, muscled leg swung over a strange, metal assembly of parts that resembled a human leg. All that he could see of the other auto-mail were metal fingers poking out from underneath the cuff of Edward’s oversized shirt to wrap around the real flesh of his other arm. He might as well have forgotten what he had just brought to the table, sullen and mute with that bruised face. Roy kept on absently sipping on his drink, slowly finishing off the whole glass without even realizing it as he kept on staring. Edward was poignantly keeping his gaze locked on the wall toward his left, even though it was completely bare. Roy didn’t care, since it gave him a chance to study the partial profile and unique yellow eyes. Riza had the same, but hers were more of a dulled, well-worked gold, not the bright and faultless shine of Edward’s still-naïve gaze. She had simply been through more and it showed on the lines of her face, the color of her hair, eyes, and skin; and she would also pistol-whip Roy if he stared at her like this for as long as he was at Edward now.

"Well?" Edward finally prompted him, breaking the silence like a rock through a church window. Roy shook himself into a more upright position, straightening out his shoulders and spine as he forced himself to attention. Edward was frowning at him full on, no place to hide when the boy’s complete attention was being directed at him. And why would he need to escape, when he was a Lieutenant Colonel and Edward was nothing more than a puppy that had managed to get into the den of the military. Roy set his glass down and used his teeth to pull the fingers of his gloves off, a little to drunk to mange it with his hands alone. Edward watched this quietly; one eyebrow pulling up higher than the other as Roy rolled his sleeves back and finally opened up the first-aid kit the boy had brought out. It had nothing special in it, the usual assortment of bandages and medicine that one would expect to find. Roy had done his own share of patch-jobs on the field with worse; when a man was bleeding to death from shrapnel in his stomach and there was nothing left to do but tie it up so his guts wouldn’t fall out and hope a real medical team would be there soon. Edward didn’t have any such injuries, not even a broken bone to speak of after everything he had been through today, but the swelling on that baby-face demanded to be taken care of. Roy picked up his chair, sliding close enough to the blonde that Edward stiffened up his chair and obviously tried to back away.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Roy was sure that the question was meant to come out fiercely, but Edward’s voice ended up squeaking with age- still a little too young to keep that deep and arrogant tone up forever. Roy smirked at that, remembering back when he had been that old; when he had been going through that awkward phase of puberty himself. It had passed rather quickly though; leaving him with much more sculpted and aged featured than his friends. Having a ready lover had never been a problem when he was so positively handsome. The tricky part was finding someone interesting enough for an actual relationship to start. Roy was old enough to have a family of his own, but he had nothing other than an empty, one-bedroom apartment waiting for him at home. He had left behind his own family in favor of the military and lost contact with them all long ago, his parents nothing but distant memories now. He knew the same went for the Elric brothers, since Hohenheim had been missing for a decade plus now, according to military files. They had barely been old enough to walk to school by themselves when Edward and Alphonse had attempted a Human Transmutation with their own mother. ‘Family’ was such a vague word to invoke, and Roy could probably blame it all on the burning liquor in his stomach if he remembered this in the morning… but he felt strangely comfortable pulling out a cotton ball and soaking it with disinfectant, almost fatherly as he brushed it against the open scratch on Edward’s chin.

Immediately there was a screech of protest and Edward shoved him away, his auto-mail hand clamping over the cut and large tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

"That burns!" Edward made it an accusation, like Roy had somehow made the ointment sting worse than usual. He sighed and rolled his eyes at the fussing, knowing men that had taken bullet wounds better than Edward over one swipe of medicine across an open wound. It would fight off infection and feel better in the long run than if Roy let Edward continue to neglect it.

"Hold still for a moment," Roy insisted, carefully putting a hand to the side of the boy’s face to hold him there; not quite hard enough to make him think that Roy would really force the issue. Edward was still free to throw him out of here any time he really chose to, with that explosive Alchemy and temper of his. He had already promised he’d leave when he finished his bottle, which was halfway done now. Roy just ignored the hand that halfheartedly tried to push his hand away, knowing that if Edward had chosen to use his auto-mail, he could have easily blown Roy off. Instead, he was allowed to dab at the cut a few more times before deciding it was clean. He let Edward grumble and complain under his breath about the treatment while Roy opened up a Band-Aid, slapping it on with little grace. Edward made to say something, but Roy shut him up easily enough by leaning in as close as possible without actually touching the boy. Roy could feel the warmth of his body, the sharp breath that was drawn in apprehension and let out against his cheek. Edward flushed at the proximity, eyes desperately searching for something else to stare at, but Roy was too close for the blonde to look anywhere else. Roy knew exactly how to get someone’s attention when he wanted it- and he was a little too drunk and off-balance to pull away.

"Just what did you say to make them hit you so hard?" he demanded, sure that even the worst of scum they could find in the military wouldn’t do this to a child without good reason. Take away that obnoxious attitude and equally irritating voice, along with the bruises he’d gained today, and Edward was as pretty as any girl was. Roy was a man of very few morals, admittedly, but he liked his women of a legal age. That didn’t mean that he didn’t look at some girls and appreciate them for the beauties they were going to mature into. Edward was the same, he just had the sort of face that Roy couldn’t help conceding a ‘cute’ too despite himself. If the female officers were swooning over him now, just wait until Edward was actually old enough to drink. He would be rather stunning then, probably the kind of face that could turn both female and male heads around. Edward did it now without even knowing it… the little bastard. It was probably all that long, blonde hair.

"Nothing," Edward snapped out sourly, summoning together the courage to look Roy straight in the eyes and just glare hatred. Roy would have better luck trying to physically pry the answers out from the jaw clenched shut, Edward looking ready to bite him if Roy dared to question him further. It only made him want to start actually shaking the boy, so frustrated and not really even sure why. He could blame it on the whiskey, grabbing the blonde by the shoulder hard enough to make him wince in pain.

"I don’t kill men for ‘nothing.’ Don’t try to fucking play this off, Full Metal. I want to know just what the hell happened in there," Roy made it an order, his voice hardening up. It was true- he usually had a little more value for his fellow man, except when they were in the middle of the most inhumane act possible. He hadn’t been able to hold his temper in then or now, sick of Edward’s lip.

"What do you want to know? That I couldn’t defend myself? That I was too scared to fight back?" Edward yelled, spittle flying into Roy’s face with the pure fury behind those words. He had to lean back out of self-preservation while the miniature State Alchemist raged in front of him.

"Why do we have to go over this again? You wanna hear me go on about what a fucking hero you were? I was just about ready to kick their asses," Edward declared foolishly. It made Roy wonder if the boy even understood the exact danger he had been in. Edward had been about ready to cry when Roy had gotten there, doing nothing worse than screaming while they gagged him. He already looked like he had been on the losing end of a schoolyard fight, so fucking naïve that it was hazardous for everyone around him. Roy didn’t like risking his office in the main building because the Full Metal Alchemist had gotten involved with two soldiers he should have known better than to even talk to.

"Would that have been before or after they got your pants off?" Roy asked coolly into that furious face, too intoxicated to think better of it before the words had already come out. Edward blinked at him, freezing up with his mouth hanging open. There was nothing left to say after that; Roy still human enough to feel regret but not about to apologize for speaking the truth. If he hadn’t gotten there when he did, something would have happened to Edward that should happen to no child. Perhaps he had come in like a hero, but that wasn’t what he wanted to hear. What he required was Edward admitting that he had actually been in trouble, to recognize where his limits were before someone physically beat them into the insolent blonde. Roy didn’t need any stubborn and unreliable personalities underneath his command... didn’t need a child with tears in his eyes that had nothing to do with pain.

Roy slowly came to the appalling realization he’d finally managed to make Edward Elric cry.

"I’m-…" the apology stuck in his throat, being so long since he tried that Roy had honestly forgot what he was supposed to say. He rarely tried to excuse his own behavior, determined to act the best way he thought fit, be it military brass or whining women. He usually didn’t let himself get this drunk in front of his men either, Hawkeye and Hughes being the only exceptions to that rule. Roy hated the nauseating feeling in his stomach that had nothing to do with the liquor, but the knowledge he had made a mistake. He’d entered with the intention of patching up lines of communication, if not their disputable relationship, and he’d managed to rip it apart even worse than before. Even he had to call himself a bastard right now, wishing he could somehow take back that last little bit of poison he’d spit out. Despite how much Edward could piss him off, Roy was still the adult. Edward wasn’t quite ready to deal with a grown-up’s sarcasm and wit, that necessary level of social fortitude lacking.

"Get out of here! I hate you!" Edward railed at him like any child would, clenching his eyes shut angrily like he could just block Roy out and stop the tears. He made to wipe his eyes with the long sleeves- then, Roy recognized he was going to make an array. He wasn’t going to let this be solved with Alchemy either, though any way was easier than trying to talk it out. Roy had already done a magnificent job of screwing that up, and he’d be damned if he left the place feeling like he was the asshole. He already had his fill of being guilty and responsible for things he had no power to stop. Edward, however, was one person that he could actually help this early in his career; might have even kept from knowing just how horrible the army really was, until today. The boy’s cheeks were bruised because he’d been too late, and wet with tears from Roy saying too much. He surprised himself with his own coordination, grabbing the boy by his real wrist and yanking him off balance. Edward stumbled, auto-mail banging into Roy’s knee in smarting pain before he truly fell… a surprisingly soft weight over his chest and shoulders. Roy was ready for a fight, grabbing Edward by his upper arms to keep the blonde from trying to make an array or take an actual punch at him, and finding them firmly locked around his neck. The old chair creaked beneath their combined weight, Edward’s auto-mail heavy enough to make it dangerous. The boy was an awkward load between his legs with arms hooked over his shoulders, damp hair teasing his chin and the metal limbs bitingly cold even through his own uniform, Roy not quite sure how to dislodge the blonde.

"I couldn’t do anything," Edward finally admitted, something wet brushing against Roy’s ear and collar. He frowned at that, certain that Edward was going to stain his clothes with snot and tears from this little outbreak. He could feel the boy crying with his body covering his own, lungs heaving and arms shaking- even his auto-mail. Roy tried pushing at the boy one more time with a soft ‘come on,’ like he was trying to coax an animal to move.

"I miss my mom," Edward whimpered out in a small, broken voice; someone who had lost his beloved parent far too soon. Roy’s shirt tightened as the boy dug his fist in, clinging to him in outright desperation. Roy was certain that it hardly mattered to Edward who he was right now, beginning to notice the warm solidity that was unique to the human body… He actually couldn’t remember the last time he had hugged someone, not just an arm around a woman as they walked down the street or lay naked in bed together. It was quite a different thing to slowly let one hand rest on Edward’s back, the other starting to smooth out the boy’s hair almost instinctively. There was a choking gasp, a moment’s pause, and then Edward let it all out.

Huge, gulping sobs, nothing but pure human agony coming out from his mouth. Edward was too damn young to have this kind of sadness inside him. It seemed like another lifetime, a completely different person that could remember when his mother would comfort him from nightmares. Then, he’d finally grown old and hardened. When he did have nightmares now, they were horrible flashbacks that left him in a bed soaking with sweat and a woman sporting a new bruise on the floor. He’d lost good men before, but his mother was still alive- and refusing to die of old age along with his father. They were going to rot out in the peaceful countryside, his father’s martial medals so old that they had begun to rust. Roy didn’t much care for his own family, but to have them all simply gone was another matter entirely. He had grown up with more than his share of kisses, hugs, and pinched cheeks in the short period of youth where he’d been too small to defend himself; never lacking in relatives that wanted to show him a little affection. Roy’s natural good looks had been a curse until he’d turned the tables and became the one doing the seducing, now always having someone ready to be intimate on any night he chose. Edward didn’t quite have that luxury, even though he had a face that might mature into something handsome, if someone finally did him the courtesy of nailing that foul mouth shut. Edward couldn’t have strangers or mere acquaintances getting physically close to him without discovering his auto-mail, as Roy was already finding out for himself. The heavy machinery pressed against the inside of his thigh was already causing a cramp in the poor muscles underneath it, Roy wishing that he could tell Edward to move… but he’d given up on that a while ago, determined to ride this out until the end. He couldn’t just pull away when Edward was crying like this. Even he couldn’t be that big of a jerk, asshole, or whatever other nickname they chose to give him behind his back. Roy Mustang could be a big softie if he wanted to- and he was certain Edward wasn’t about to go around talking about how he cried on the Lieutenant Colonel. That was probably the best thing the boy had going for him right now, that and the eight shots too many he had at the bar with Hawkeye.

He didn’t say anything while Edward continued to cry with all of his heart, the sheer stamina it took to keep up those tears impressive. Roy kept on petting Edward’s head like a dog that had done something right for a change, surprised as the damp knots in the boy’s hair came out easily. Roy got caught up in the texture of it, expecting the blonde strands to be ragged and thick, since it was always put back in a braid. Instead, it was parting like silk, finer than most ladies’ with their expensive shampoos and time-consuming care. Roy couldn’t help it, telling himself that it was simply something he needed to do to keep himself entertained while Edward continued to cry like this, but that excuse sounded weak even inside his own head. Having the Full Metal Alchemist flip from screaming insults at him to clutching at him like a lifeline was a change Roy was still trying to catch up with, too buzzed to think about implications and allegations and goddamn sexual harassment reports. ---  

"Do any of them have names?" Alphonse asked as the kittens prowled about, mewling in a chorus of different feline voices as Miss Hawkeye opened more cans for them.

"Well, that one is definitely the leader, so I call him Chief," she explained, pointing back at a large, black cat hanging out by the building. Alphonse could tell that the cat was old and tough with a visible scar over one eye, tail beginning to swish about threateningly as he stared for too long. Alphonse gasped and looked back to Miss Hawkeye, creaking loudly and startling one of the smaller kittens that had dared to wander closer to him. It ran back underneath the stairs of the main building where they all had taken residence. There was a small hole that allowed the cats into the crawl space underneath the foundations, and they had obviously made it into a little palace. Alphonse could guess that there were at least three families here, the roles of mothers, fathers, and children all filled out with kittens to spare. Lieutenant Hawkeye was just confirming their stay with regular food, working open a full bag of wet cat food with her army knife and setting the cans out on the ground. Alphonse would have never guessed that there were cats living in such a busy spot, even though he had spotted a few roaming around the grounds sometimes.

"What about this one?" Alphonse asked as the same kitten that had run off before decided to come back for a second try. Even in the military, it was strange to see someone in full armor during peacetime. Alphonse felt out of place, usually, but being alone with Lieutenant Hawkeye was actually quite nice. The fact that she knew he would like cats made him so happy that Edward would probably laugh at him for it.

"Orange Unit 04," she answered, and for a moment he hoped it was a joke. But, her expression didn’t change, horribly dead serious about it. Alphonse would have grimaced at her naming sense, if he had a face. To think that there were probably three other kitties wandering around with that same name was even worse. He was better off knowing the rest of them, secretly promising to come back and think of something to call them all. Miss Hawkeye gave him a judging glance, like she knew just what he was thinking of, and then went back to petting one particular loud cat that was vying for her attention.

"Ah, thanks… for showing me this," Alphonse struggled for something else to say. It really was almost magical to see this many cats gathered together, some brave enough to come up and start sniffing at his armor, but he was beginning to get worried about Edward. He didn’t like the thought of leaving his older brother alone for this long, even if Edward had wanted his privacy. He seemed pretty upset about everything, though he had been doing his best to pass it off like nothing had happened. Alphonse hated that excuse most of all. When ‘nothing’ had gone on, he could rightfully assume that the worst had occurred. Besides, Edward was still covered in bruises and scrapes that he likely hadn’t even treated yet and wouldn’t treat until Alphonse got back. One of Edward’s biggest failings was his complete and utter inability to take care of himself. If left alone to study or search for clues on the Philosopher’s Stone, Edward could easily go days without eating or sleeping, too busy reading and cross-referencing to stop for anything as silly as his own health. The few times they had ever been separated for more than a few hours, Edward had always come back with trouble and broken bones, sometimes even no limbs at all. He didn’t understand Edward’s horrible, bad, bad luck, but it wasn’t that obvious whenever Alphonse was with him. He could think of himself as a good luck charm, or the one mature enough to be the older brother at times. He just took care of Edward, slowly began doing the things their mother had always done for them. They had learned to fend for themselves very young, Alphonse always able to find some food or shelter for Edward while they traveled, since his body didn’t require such any more. Edward was his only family left… and Alphonse wasn’t about to desert him for some kittens when the Lieutenant Colonel was probably yelling at him again. Alphonse didn’t like Roy Mustang any more, didn’t like how he’d been shaking his brother before he’d gotten there. The more he thought about it, the more he didn’t think he could trust the man to just drop off whatever package he’d been carrying.

"I really should get back to my brother, I’m sure he’s-…" Alphonse started, beginning to stand up to leave even though he would have really liked to stay. He just couldn’t be happy with all these cats when he could imagine Edward getting yelled at by that awful Mustang. He was stopped by Miss Hawkeye putting a hand on his arm- not actually feeling it, but seeing the movement and the sad smile she sent up at him. They both seemed to pause in time, the cats mewling around them as she managed to suddenly banish all coherent though.

"Just give them a while longer," she suggested softly. Alphonse couldn’t help staring at her, Miss Hawkeye’s head tilted just so, her eyes closed, and her mouth smiling in a way that was so much like his own deceased mother that it actually hurt.

"I knew he wasn’t just dropping off a package!" Alphonse was able to break the spell rather easily just by remembering that his older brother was in serious trouble right now. He wasn’t going to give Roy a little while longer so that he could do worse. Edward deserved a little peace and quiet after a day like today, not another lecture from his most despised superior officer.

"Please, Alphonse-kun, wait. It may not seem like it, but the Lieutenant Colonel was really upset about this afternoon. He wants to apologize," she reasoned with him, with a look on her face that was just as pleading as the cats that were still hungry and begging for more. She didn’t want them to be angry at Mustang; she wanted them to just be blinded by his rank and skill as an Alchemist and happily ignore the fact that he was a disgusting excuse for a human being.

"He didn’t seem very apologetic when he was yelling at Edward," Alphonse snapped right back, surprising himself with the venom in his voice. He was just so angry with the man for hurting Edward’s feelings. Alphonse didn’t care if he was lacking details or explanations to why Roy and Edward had both been in that storage closet, didn’t care if he had gone to the Lieutenant Colonel first asking for help. If he had known that it would have ended up with his older brother crying, Alphonse would have taken care of everything himself from the very beginning. Another large, orange tabby yowled its agreement with him, rubbing its head against his knee for a reward.

"You have to understand, Roy is an officer of the military. That’s just his way," Miss Hawkeye attempted to justify his actions, using his choice of employment as an excuse. Alphonse glanced over at her, knowing that he couldn’t really make any sort of face, something to express his complete disagreement with her words. She was a military officer, and Lieutenant Hawkeye was one of the nicest ladies he knew; in fact, she was one of the only women that he knew, besides Winry and her old grandma. But, if all military personal were like Roy Mustang, Central City would be nothing but a large scorch-mark across the earth. Alphonse had been surprised to find so many different people working for the government, as well as so many Alchemists gathered together. It was amazing to think that he could talk about a six-point array and everyone would know exactly what he meant here. He’d been so used to Edward being the only other person he was familiar with that even comprehended Alchemy, and now a day didn’t go by where he didn’t see someone else performing a transmutation.

"He’s used to giving out orders, so it’s hard for him to admit when he’s wrong. All I ask is that you give him enough time to try and talk with Edward," she explained in a soft voice, one full of sadness. He could tell that Miss Hawkeye cared a lot about her Lieutenant Colonel, no matter what kind of horrible, selfish jerk he was. She was trying to reach out to them when Mustang couldn’t but, Alphonse rather thought that was because the man was a complete loss as a human being. Just who would keep yelling at someone who was already naked and crying? Alphonse didn’t understand why she was trying to bargain with him, scooping one gray and black striped cat off the ground and hoisting it up between them. Alphonse stared at the feline that glared back, clearly not pleased with being held but unable to look around at its current captor.

"Please- meow?" Lieutenant Hawkeye did a fair impersonation of a cat’s voice, shaking the poor thing softly as if it were speaking. The absolutely enraged scowl on the feline’s face deepened, not pleased with this indignity but putting up with it for now. Alphonse wasn’t quite sure how to answer that, really wanting to go back to his brother in case the Lieutenant Colonel decided to reprimanded Edward outside of his office and military working hours… but, he also wanted to laugh aloud. Miss Hawkeye made him feel cared about, actually trying to cheer him up. Even if it was all a plan to distract him from going back home immediately, Alphonse loved all the attention.

"Well, just for a little bit, I guess," Alphonse finally agreed, holding his hands out to try taking the cat from Miss Hawkeye. The animal noticed this and immediately took action; leaping out from Lieutenant Hawkeye’s grip and scrambling up the smooth armor of Alphonse’s arm. It managed to make it to his shoulder and sat down promptly with a warning hiss at the woman that had dared tried to hold it. They both stared at the cat’s behavior in shock before it lifted up a paw and began to meticulously clean itself- clearly ignoring them. Alphonse couldn’t understand why this one would want to stay on him when all the other cats were scared of his loud, empty body… but, he began giggling with delight, probably the happiest he had been in years. Miss Hawkeye was quiet for another moment, something that resembled grief passing over her face before she began chuckling along with Alphonse, one hand held up to her mouth politely as she hid the emotion. It reminded him of how Mother was whenever they talked about Father.

The cat on his shoulder meowed and ran its nails against the hard metal, demanding more of his attention while Miss Hawkeye kept laughing, the sound beginning to sound more and more honest. ---  

Edward certainly knew how to kill a man’s buzz, crying so loudly for so long that Roy actually started feeling a little burn at the corner of his own eyes. But, Roy hadn’t cried in a damn long time and he wasn’t wasted enough to do so now. He had wanted another glass long ago, but had waited until Edward was finished…which had taken longer than Roy had first given credit. It seemed like it had been hours before Edward’s cries finally broke down into simple tears. By the time he’d worn himself into an exhausted sleep, his hair had been straight and dry while Roy’s shoulder was soaked with cooled saltwater. Roy had attempted to pull the blonde off and found him sticking. Edward had settled in for the night on Roy, regardless of whether he said the boy could or not. He was warm but heavy, small parts of his body gone numb from having the Full Metal Alchemist lay on him for so long. Feeling sober and tired himself, Roy dragged Edward’s legs up despite the sleepy murmur that was made in protest and managed to get into a standing position.

Roy was damn glad he had decided to just carry Edward through the door and into the next room, because he honestly wouldn’t have been able to make it any further unless he slung the boy over his shoulder like the awkward load he was. The auto-mail wasn’t so heavy that Edward couldn’t move, but he certainly had more muscle than most kids his age. Roy was honestly sweating and panting a bit by the time he got Edward in the bedroom, dumping the blonde hard on the bed and trying to regain his breath. The little snot didn’t even wake up at the rough handling, so at ease that he heard snoring. Roy twisted his head down to glare hate at the oblivious State Alchemist, snorting at the lax and open expression on the boy’s face. It made him look even younger than usual.

The small, vindictive streak in him couldn’t forgive how sweet and undisturbed Edward looked right now, loose hands and long hair spread out on the pillow. Roy took the chance to get up and snatch the first-aid kit from the table…after taking one stiff drink to refresh the wonderful alcoholic numbness he had gained before stepping foot inside this damn place. He would be able to finish the bottle before he left, but he couldn’t leave before making sure that Edward had been properly treated for all his injuries. And, besides, this way the boy wouldn’t cry out when Roy used the antiseptic. He wasn’t exactly careful about the handling of it, not particularly concerned with whether Edward woke up or not, wetting a cotton ball and applying liberal amounts of that burning disinfectant to more cuts on Edward’s face, a scrapped elbow, and several other little abrasions that Edward had managed to gain. All in all, he was rather lucky. Roy had only seen two of the victims from many others that had been killed from such severe military initiations, and it had been more than enough to sicken him. He was rather relieved that this was it, that he still had a State Alchemist in one piece… because he was going to need a full and healthy body to scream at when Edward recovered. He could let the childish foolishness and stubbornness go for tonight, opening up Band-Aids and pasting them over the open wounds until he was satisfied. Roy left the wrappings on the floor along with the first-aid kit, leaving the cleaning to someone else. Edward should be thankful that he had even taken the time to do this favor, but he knew the smart-mouthed punk would never do so. No one had taken the time to teach the brat manners, and now he was too old to learn any better. It seemed the task was starting to fall on him by default, the superior officer directly responsible for the Elric brothers, and the only adult in this establishment that could make a decent role model. He leaned down, working the covers out from underneath the small frame and drawing them back over, making sure to tuck Edward in up to his chin like his own Mother always had.

He could never imagine actually being given the chance to have not just one son, but two, and then just abandoning them. The government had an ongoing search for the Hohenheim of Light, and had for years. Roy had barely thought about the man after he’d gone missing, never close in the first place. It had been a shock to receive a letter from the Elric sons when their mysterious father had never been known to take a lover, much less a wife. He hadn’t even known how they would have gotten his address, the envelope beaten and worn from travelling so far, but the large, shaky handwriting and heartbreakingly simple grammar inside had made such details unimportant. Mom was really sick, and they needed Father to come home and see her. Roy had known damn well that Hohenheim of Light would likely never return in time for his wife’s death, stuck imagining two boys left without any parents, any explanation why their Father wouldn’t come back for his sons. He had to go answer the letter in person, and when he’d finally arrived… the Elric brothers had already become half a person; a boy without an arm and a leg, his younger brother without his original body. It was horrible circumstances to meet under, but Roy had known from the moment he laid eyes on Edward that the boy was going to be a great Alchemist one-day. It was best to get him under the leash of the military as soon as possible- which he was still doing his damnedest to accomplish. Edward was too headstrong and spirited for his own good, practically begging people to tease and fight with him. Roy had to admit that he derived a certain pleasure out of seeing Edward get red in the face and start screaming out the most amusing curses and insults because he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

It was truly amazing that he could be so quiet, such a heavy sleeper that it bordered on unconsciousness. Roy might as well have left him on the floor and Edward wouldn’t have cared. He had barely even lived so much as a portion of his life, but he’d already been through so much. He’d lost his mother, his father had been missing almost since he was born, he’d attempted the most taboo act known to man and Alchemists alike, lost his brother’s body, half his own, and still had yet to loose the baby fat around his cheeks. How could Edward manage to be this peaceful when he slept when he had enough bad memories to make anyone wake up screaming every night? Roy put a hand to the side of Edward’s face, even though there were no injuries to tend to anymore. His skin was soft and plushy, having yet to be stretched and sagged by age. Roy brushed ragged bangs aside, enveloped in his study. Edward hadn’t allowed anyone to get this close before, at least, not to Roy’s knowledge. He hadn’t bothered to push the point, the tantrum the Full Metal Alchemist would throw not worth the effort. He had tried to take the time to get to know the boy, rather curious how he had ever been able to perform Alchemy in the first place, much less his near-miracle acts of Human Transmutation and transmutation without an array. Unfortunately, the only way Roy could be sure that he talked to Edward was to schedule him in an office appointment. So far, they had always seemed to land on a bad day when he was pressed for deadlines and could be better off spending his time signing papers than listening to an arrogant brat try to take a sarcastic tone with him. Edward should act a little more humble based on his height alone, still needing his giant of a brother to reach books from the upper shelves for him. How could someone so short have such a huge attitude and severe problem with authority? It was practically a crime that he could seem so harmless and innocent now, sleeping on like an unkempt angel. Roy finished smoothing back Edward’s hair, telling himself that now was the time to leave, not to stare at the snub nose and parted lips. Roy was leaning down before he knew it, his body moving before his brain could kick in and call himself a complete fucking imbecile…but, it was already too late.

Roy found himself giving the most chaste kiss of his life, a gentle and short press of his own mouth to Edward’s forehead. He had somehow managed to divert at the last minute, reminding himself just who he was and how old Edward was and how damn drunk he must be to be doing this. It was a mistake to apologize in the first place. Roy liked to appreciate others fully; but Edward was far too young and the wrong sex entirely. It didn’t make sense for him to get so worked up over the little fuck, but Edward had a way to get right underneath his skin with only a few words. Very few people had the ability to piss Roy Mustang off, but the Full Metal Alchemist had been able to do so on a daily basis. He couldn’t decide between wanting to slap the blonde stupid or something darker, something much worse. There had been times when there hadn’t been any women to find on the battle lines and trenches they were hiding in. Sometimes men had been dying and wanted a little bit of comfort before they died. Roy’s pretty face had helped some soldiers go easily, no worries about his reputation being ruining when his partner died soon after. Gay relationships were a strange thing of necessity in the military, since all they had was each other when they were being ordered to fight to their deaths in a strange land. Roy hadn’t actively engaged in anything worse than a few last kisses for men that didn’t want their final moments to be full of agony but, damn if the eldest Elric couldn’t make him think twice. Sadly enough, no matter what kind of thoughts were trying to take root in his head at last, Roy would do no more tonight. He had a few more years before he could even legally have these sorts of musings… frowning as he found yet another reason to hate Edward Elric. The little bastard had to start making him fall in love on top of everything else.

Roy decided to take his own thoughts as a cue to leave. He truly hoped that he blacked this all out in the morning. Why did he always have to have serious realizations when he was completely trashed? It was rather quick business to wrestle himself back into his coat, pull his gloves on, and find his hat; leaving the glass and bottle behind in the effort to escape the building. He had been suffocating underneath Edward’s presence, even though the kid had been sleeping. He somehow demanded full attention all the time, because Roy was sure that if he glanced away for even a single moment, Edward would wind up doing something amazing yet again… or getting ass-deep in trouble. Roy had no reason to feel protective, to worry about the serious sort of danger that might not be ended so nicely next time, but after having his Full Metal Alchemist attacked and soundly beaten, Roy had gotten Edward’s vulnerability and true age shoved in his face.

The moment he stepped off the porch and out into the crisp night air, Roy reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the pack of cigarettes there. He wasn’t an active smoker, but he kept them on hand for his sporadic, somewhat frequent cravings. Right now, it was an outright need for the tobacco and nicotine. Roy didn’t have to look for a lighter, snapping his fingers and the end of the stick flamed to life. He took one deep, steadying drag from cigarette and began walking back home, not glancing up at the magnificent, starry night sky above his head even once.

AUTHOR’S NOTES: Many thanks to Cutelikabu and Iie Nome for beta-ing.

On those rare days where I –do- have the free time to read, I decided I was in the mood for Full Metal Alchemist… and found myself with a conundrum. There wasn’t Roy/Ed shooting forth from the fanfic rectum.

This is a crime.

So, I tried to do it myself… and then realized that there is no possible way to get them together and keep true to the fma timeline. Hell, I already fucked it up halfway without even realizing it, so please, nobody ride my ass about continuity. I swore I would one-shot this, but if I want my smut there’s only one solution…

Write a REAL One-shot PWP with Edward nice and legal instead of jailbait.

That would really be a crime.

(nods like I’ve done something right)