Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Cobalt Red ❯ Ch 3, Intervention ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Keiyou- My mind had taken a major must draw more dojinshi break, and I found absolutely no time for typing out any stories!
Up until now, that is. Thanks to all my reviewers, I'd mention them if FF.net hadn't banned the review response thing! (Garr)
Any what, let's continue with the usual introduction.
Brief intro-“It's just; no offense, Colonel. You just aren't the greatest cook…”
Like I said before, enjoy!
Ch3. Intervention
Weekends were defiantly Roy's leisure time. He could nap all he wanted, without having to dive for cover from bullets riddling the area around him, no annoying office buddies threatened to light their cigs in a non smoking area, nor did they try to sneak around him, which Roy had been suspecting they were doing, but for reasons unknown, so he ignored it.
Yeah, relaxing with absolutely nothing to worry about is the life pool of every working adult, but a blond `not a child' was at the moment questioning what the purpose of doing nothing had that made the man like it so much.
“I don't see how you can just lay around on a couch doing absolutely nothing!” Ed pouted on while sprawled out on the floor holding up an open book in the air above him.
Roy looked where Ed had confided himself and noticed a lot of his good books in a pile around the boy.
`did he read all of those already?'Ed had only been there a week and he'd already
gotten the hang of how things worked in the household of Mustang,
For instance; the kid had figured out that Roy actually didn't mind if books were left out of the drawing room,
As long as they were sat in a neat pile in a corner, the bedroom he slept in didn't have to
look perfect as long as it was approachable, and he wasn't kidding when he said stay out of the basement, no living creature could manifest itself down there.
“You know,” Roy said sitting up on the sofa “if you took your time and actually read the
Books, you wouldn't be complaining about having nothing to do.”
“humph…” Ed muttered sitting up and taking hold of a red leather bound book and
started making a small pile with the rest of the books.
`Ignoring me again…' also in the small time Ed was there, Roy found that when Ed made small cranky noises that he was going to pretend that his higher up at work was a piece of cleverly decorated furniture.
Roy decided since he was already sitting up he might as well move into a real sitting position and turned towards the coffee table where a scattered set of playing cards littered and gathered them up.
“We could just play cards again.” Roy suggested.
“Nice try,” Ed said looking at Roy in annoyance “Awhile ago when we played cards you kept winning!”
“Only because I stopped you from cheating.”
Ed fixed his eyes on Roy for a moment… then he donned his cocky attitude smile.
“I have a better idea,” the boy said “Let's play house!”
Roy cocked an eyebrow
“You'll be the door, and I'll slam you!”
Roy dropped the cards on the coffee table as if to say `I give up on you' and got off the sofa. “Alright, Alright…” he said moving away from the living room “I think I'll get us a lunch started.”
“JUST A MINUTE!!!” Ed suddenly yelled, running past him with an expression like he was a puppy told he was getting fixed and stood ground between him and the archway to the kitchen
One other thing Ed learned while there was that not only was his higher up at work deadly with his ignition cloth, the man could also kill a crowd with his cooking.
Roy acknowledged the boy's strange behavior with mild interest “What are you doing, Ed?”
“You're not cooking!” Ed said blocking Roy when he tried to go past him “Why don't you do the sensible thing and go to a restaurant!”
“Fullmetal.” Roy said fixing Ed with an angry stare he usually reserved for the second lieutenant “I'm not leaving this house, so either move aside or I'll move you!”
Ed stood where he was.
“You think I'm joking, don't you?”
“Will that be all, sirs?”
Roy looked up dejectedly at the waitress, who would've qualified for Roy's `must hit on then ask out' list, but lieu to the situation; he just wasn't in the mood.
“No, this is fine, thank you.”
She nodded and left, leaving Roy to glower at Ed, who sipped his coffee gingerly across from him.
“What?” Ed asked after a good deal of silence ensued “Are you still mad?”
“That depends” Roy said
“on how willing I am to avoid incinerating you where you sit.”
“Gimmie a break,” Ed said setting his cup down “You yourself have to admit that lunch here was better than at your place.”
As much as Roy would've liked to continue hating Ed for enticing him with the thoughts of grilled steak when they were still at his house, he couldn't ignore the fact that the Fullmetal bullhead was right in suggesting an outing.
“Perhaps, but pissing me off to the point I almost felt like tearing out your arm wasn't the wisest way to insist on eating out, Fullmetal.”
“If you say so...” he replied, spooning outrageous contents of sugar into his coffee.
“Do you really need all that?” Roy asked warily, the last thing he wanted to take home was caffeine induced State Alchemist that could possibly end up wreaking mayhem within a ten mile radius.
“Am I questioning the way you like your coffee?” Ed said in an irritable tone, adding two more sifts of sugar, before laying the spoon aside.
“All I asked was why you needed so much, I don't remember criticizing you”
“Hmph…” Ed muttered sipping his coffee again.
Taking the kid's intention of ignoring him, Roy thought a little about Ed's week there, and realized that the last time he made coffee; Ed had been putting heaping amounts of sugar into his cup at the barstool.
While Ed sat there, coffee in hand, eyes closed in spitefulness, Roy began wondering if all the sugar he threw in his cup was an attempt for the kid to make up for something else he was lacking.