Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ My Training as an Alchemist ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Howdy! How've you been? Good I hope, if not I'm sorry I feel for you…sorta I guess…any way Here it is the second chapter of `Family' I think I should change the name I only have one review which is bad since its been up for so long, but I would like to thank the person who did review:
2SEXY4U: I'm glad you like it and I saw your sobs yes it is sad I was in a sad mood at the time when I wrote it and to think I sent it in for a class assignment and I got a perfect score on it too makes me happy! Yay! Well I hope you like this chapter too^0^!
Disclaimer: I own nothing concerning FullMetal Alchemist but, hey I can dream that's still legal right?
My `Training' as an Alchemist
Mia ages 11-12 (at this time Ed would be about 14)
“Oh Mia? Do you remember the code or will I have to find it again?” Asked the girl next to me she was roughly the same height as me only she had blue eyes and blonde hair, and she was fifteen. She always smiled, something I never did and doubt will ever do again.
“Yes, Kitty I remember. Why? Do you think I'm not good enough to be your partner?” I said sounding hurt though I really didn't care I just like making people feel guilty I found it amusing time after time, I never show my amusement though makes people think they're `getting through' to me, Ha yeah sure.
“No I don't think you're not good enough for me I just think you should lighten up you're way to…stuck up…”she said turning back to the door we were watching.
“Hmm suddenly it's all about you and suddenly I'm stuck up, that's interesting” I said looking at the door as she stared at me mouth wide open.
“Ya know just because you got knocked up a few pegs and are a favorite of the Heads it doesn't mean you can act all high and mighty and act like an ass. Tricking every one to think you're better than you really are is low and sneaking your way out of tests is just stupid and-”I interrupted her insults.
“One: I don't act better than I really am, I have no need to act that good when I am really holding back, Two: I take different `Tests' than you do, harder ones too and, Three: They're here.” I pointed at the door it was opening slowly and six boys and girls were trying to sneak through the canyon we sat on the edge of. The `canyon' that was set up as a practicing range for the students at the “Institute of Alchemy and Superior skills” was completely fake and every body knew it. Kids with amazing skills in alchemy or technology or literature were here but they found it a `school' when it was really a whole lot of scientist trying to make the perfect weapon out of humans. I thought it was stupid because it was. Not to mention Idiotic, the morons.
“Oh crap, hurry up enter the code!” she handed me a small keypad with a screen it was very simple like a calculator only it wasn't for Multiplication. It was built in the technology area of the `school' cool technology really is a great thing, I thought. I typed in a series of numbers:
“Well okay then let's get this baby rolling.” She said about to press the enter button.
“No wait not yet,” I held up my finger “they need to be in range.” I watched as the group walked through the canyon getting more confident as they went along, thinking they had won. I looked back at Kitty and nodded she pressed down grinning “Ooo baby work for your momma!” I looked at her and rolled my eyes. She had created it though so not bad actually. The ground began to shake and a giant circle started to form under the feet of the other team. It was no ordinary circle tough it was a transmutation circle. (That's a big word transmutation *crying*) Before the other team could figure out what was happening I jumped down off of the small cliff where we had been hiding. I quickly placed my hands on the circle and it glowed then a giant glace box was formed around the unexpected group of kids. I stepped back and pretended to admire my work.
“Okay Mia you got us now let us out. “ Said the lead boy he had short light brown hair and green eyes.
“Okay Max I'll get right on that.” I said sarcastically bending over and placing my hands back on the ground. The dirt around the front edge of the box was brought up into a cloud and the box seemed to disappear.
“Thanks now we can continue our winning streak without you.” He stepped forward only to be stopped by an invisible force.
I only looked at him and Shrugged then I turned a way and headed for the finish line, “Kitty you coming?” I called and she leaped from the cliff and ran after me.
“MIA!” Max shouted from the invisible box.
I yawned and walked down the canyon to the end and pressed the END button and the canyon walls disappeared to reveal a bland looking room with a set of doors on each end. The doors were to connecting `Environmental' rooms each one was different like layout and terrain they just had fake backgrounds. I left the other team in the box until I exited the room.
I know, most people would have laughed but, I'm strange. That's what everyone else says anyway, but you'd be `strange' too if you saw your family die. Gee I'm not being remorse at all. What are you talking about? That was sarcasm.
“Mia time for-” said a woman in a lab coat her name was Julie she was my guardian, yeah `guardian' what a load of bull.
“My `check-up' yeah I know. Let's get it over with so I can go back to bed.” They wake me up at three o'clock in the morning to test my `readiness of something or another'. I wasn't listening and I don't care. I'm not functional at that time of day and the next time they do it I'll be sure to put an unbreakable wall around my bed. What we were doing was an exercise to test cooperation, team work, skills in each student's area of expertise, and how we would act in a different environment, what to do with a two person team or six person team, blah blah blah, that crap. Oh and how older students get along with younger ones, me: eleven, the other guys: fifteen to sixteen. I'm not “special” What gave you that Idea? I'm just a human with a purpose. First step: Getting the hell out of here.
We were walking down a hall with no difference from every other hall in the facility. Julie talking her mouth off me only listening to half of what she's say, wait not even that much.
“For only being here for eighteen months you've come a very long way,”
Wow has it been that long since I first came to this hellhole? I thought not saying it out loud.
“Compared to when you first tried alchemy here, just amazing,”
Well I was traumatized and, Who'd want to I wonder?
“All of the doctors and Guardians are so proud!”
Right and I'm a purple flamingo.
“They told me themselves,”
“Well here we are. Hi John.” She opened the door to a regular doctor's office only it had mechanical body parts scattered all over the place. No it's not creepy its just a regular ol' automail mechanic's workshop. Why am I here you ask? Well you'll see.
“Ah Mia How are you doing?” John asked I'd say he was the only sane person here but that means nothing because he's still one of them.
I shrugged.
“Okay let's see how she's doing,” I sighed and kicked off my right shoe and pulled my pants up to my knee. And there it was my foot to just above the ankle was made completely out of automail. I'm not quite sure how it happened all I know is that it was painful because that's all I remember: Pain. And lots of it. They told me it happened on my way here somehow my foot got caught in the door of the car I was in and it closed and chop! But I highly doubt that, unless our cars are made of stainless steal blades. And I know one thing for sure: It was no accident. And I'm pretty sure that whatever happened to the other fifteen kids here with automail were no accidents either. That's why we have John here.
“So how is she holding for you?” he asked.
“Like crap.” I said. He rolled his eyes.
“I know the material isn't first class but it works maybe if the Headmasters gave me more funding it'd be better but they haven't even given me a second thought so it'll just have to do. At least you're not running around on a stub okay? Now go catch up on your beauty sleep.” He grinned.
I slid off the chair grabbed my shoe and went out the door going to the dorms. Lucky for me I didn't have to share a room I had it all to myself something I was glad about. It's kind of odd though, they want me to open up and yet I have no roommate to open up to. I notice that most of the friend grouping has to do with dorm housing, I find it interesting. I opened the door to my room to find it exactly the same as it had been this morning: dark lonely and plain. Great decorating I know. It's a place I sleep that's all anyone needs to know. I kicked off my other shoe and collapsed on my bed. I had my eyes closed for three seconds when there is a knock at my door. I roll my eyes and shout “What!”
“It's me Kitty I was supposed to ask you something.” I got up and opened the door.
“What kind of cake do you like-” I slammed the door in her face. They were planning a birthday party for me just like last year only last year I found out about it before it was too late. I don't like social activities especially when they're centered around me. I could hear her talking quietly to more people.
“Uh it's not what you think it's an um survey of all the students favorite cakes mine is German chocolate.” Yeah sure whatever you say.
“And how often have you had German chocolate before hmm?” I said disbelievingly.
“Um my Mom makes it for me all the time really.”
“Oh so this has nothing to do with my birth day being next week?” I said waiting for the `Oh is that so' thing to happen.
“Oh Really is that what everybody's been going on about? Well at least tell us-me your fav cake for that grand occasion.” I opened the door slightly and glared at her.
“I don't like cake.” I then slammed the door again and said “Be sure to make a note of it, all of you before I decide to burn down the kitchen!” I grabbed a pillow and shoved it to my face as I fell back on my bed.
What I had said about cake was a lie I loved cake. I had grown up on my mother's delicious desserts my favorite cake being her dark chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate frosting and chocolate shavings on top of course it wasn't my all time favorite out of all of her deserts, I liked her chocolate chip cookies the best. At least they hadn't asked about cookies it brings back to many memories of time I'd spent with my family. It makes me cry knowing I'll never be able to share food that I love again with the people I love, and I'll never be able to help her in the kitchen again. I shook my head, being sentimental was not who I was. I decided to go to the library I usually found something interesting there.
In the library I looked in the alchemy section to find something new, there wasn't any thing new. Big surprise. The alchemy section wasn't really a section it was more like a shelf it was incomplete and most of the books were incomplete too ripped out pages blacked out pages or words…kind of annoying really just as something good was about to come up-black or the page would be missing. I huffed and grabbed `Alchemy Through the Ages' I'd read it before along with all of the other books. I had a feeling it had most likely been ripped off of `Technology Through the Ages' which was in the technology section and it was about eight times bigger than the alchemy section but three times smaller than the literature section. Lots of books yes but on the subject I need yeah sure. I sat at a table and began to read but before I knew it, I was asleep.
The next thing I knew clearly was someone was tapping me on the shoulder telling me to wake up. I lifted up my head to see who it was and couldn't tell because it was too dark. I was still in the library only it was a lot later in the evening. I had been asleep a long time.
“Hey you're Mia right, the alchemy wiz kid?” It was a boy. My eyes had started to adjust and I could see he was tall and had dark hair but that was it.
“It depends, who wants to know?” I said resisting the urge to yawn.
“I'm William and I'm- you know it's better to show you. Follow me and be quiet.” He said starting to walk. I was bored so I followed. He led me through many shelves of the library when we came to a dead end. William looked around and then opened a door that was hidden in the wall. He ushered me in then closed the door behind himself. We walked down a small passageway for about thirty feet when it opened to a large room with a low ceiling there were chairs and tables in it, I thought it looked cozy. Sarcasm. There were also other people in it I counted fourteen not including William. A girl stood and walked towards me.
“So you're Mia. Nice to meet you I'm Chase,” She held out her hand and I shook it still half asleep.
“Sure nice…” I said swaying a little.
“Anyway we've asked you to come here because we need your help. Will you?”
“We?” I said.
“All of us,” she indicated the other students in the room.
“Okay, Why do you need My help?”
“Well you're an alchemist and you're smart. And we need to get out.”
“Out? You mean escape?” I said starting to get interested.
“Yes we all want out of here, this place is centered around lies and corruption,” She clenched a fist and others nodded their heads in agreement.
“Well I'm glad I `m not the only one who thinks so, but why me? I mean there are a lot of other alchemists here that are smart.” I said looking at three other students who I knew to be alchemists.
“Yes but we need you too we need everyone here, else we wouldn't have asked them and we all have something in common.” She lifted her left pant and I saw she had an automail leg. I looked around and saw everyone else they all had an automail limb.
“Oh I see….” I thought for a second. “….I wonder were any of you…brought here…against your…choice?” I asked, shaking from cold or sadness I couldn't tell.
“Well I don't know They came and took me out of school and said my parents knew about it, I believed them until…” Chase looked down at her feet.
“My parents sent me here saying it was a Private school I didn't really care but this one isn't any thing like the private schools I've been too before and none of the others have cut of my arm before.” William said grinning.
“I was taken in the middle of the night.” Said one girl.
“Me too” said others.
They had all gotten here one way or another and I'm sure they were planning to get out by the same means. And it seemed that all of them had somewhere to go after they got out.
“What about you?” asked a boy.
I shook my head not wanting to think about it.
“Well however you got here I'm betting you want to get out, right?” asked William.
“Yeah I do…”
“So what do you say want to help us?” Chase smiled and held out her hand.
Hate to leave you on a cliffy…okay not really but that's all for now I do have another fic to do and not to mention a life to live.
Mia: Well why don't you get a new life this ones boring…
Writer-kun: Why You…*fist shaking*
Mia: Hmph.
Well I'll update soon I promise to all of my lovely fans….*looks at a one person audience* well to my one lovely fan I make that promise…*tear drop*….Thanks again 2SEXY4U you light a spark in my very dark day…..Ouch man that hurt….Why am I so hard on my self? Oh right people don't like my ideas…Hmph!
PS: Okay so ya know the code that Mia types in the keypad? Well I have hidden a date in it my birth date in fact and if you can guess it I'll um do…something…like put your name in my story or something like that…yeah…um sure just try and guess and review while you're at it….oh and its in the order month, day, year to make it easier…
Oh and Miz-chan you're not aloud to guess cause you already know.