Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ For A Moment ❯ Ed's Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

For A Moment
Disclaimer: Oh, what I'd do if I owned Full Metal Alchemist. For starters, certain people who died would not (don't want to ruin the surprise for those of you who haven't seen episode 25), Roy and Riza would be married with children by now, Ed would have hooked up with Winry by now, Havoc would be in the 3D world so he can be mine, and other things I can't remember right now.
Summary: Rated for Ed (you know how bad his mouth gets). “For a moment, eyes as red as the blood I would shed looked back at me.” “Though he would never admit it, for a moment, absolute fear shone in his eyes.” “For a moment, he walked with the souls of the dead.”
Also known as Fullmetal vs. Flame: The Day Roy Showed Fear.
Edward's POV
It's raining. It would be raining. God's just doing this to spite me. He's probably laughing at me right now along with Colonel Sarcasm. “Doctor Marcoh…no, Doctor Marcoh…not here, damn it! Wouldn't you know it, he's been erased from all the record books! Clearly Mustang knows, but he's not talking! I'll have to beat it out of him.” I am seething. He knows I'm trying to find the Philosopher's Stone, why does he have to make it more difficult? It's already surrounded by myths and legends and now that I have my first good lead in a while, he won't give me any information. Al is trying to calm me down. “A fight? You couldn't get away with that!” Meow. My brother is the only suit of armor that can look embarrassed. I told him already to put that cat outside! “Your stomach purring?” “Yes, I mean no, I mean, you know it's still raining outside!”
Hughes comes strolling in, or maybe he was already here, it doesn't matter. “Ed, I forgot to mention something earlier, what with the pictures…” Can't he see I'm not in the mood to listen to him rant? I slowly turn and threaten, “Get to the point.” He winces and jumps back. At least he's getting to the point. “Fine, I will. Rude little… As I was saying, due to conditions your assessments will be held here, Ed.” “Assessments?” What assessments? “You mean to renew his State Alchemist certification?” I should've thought of that. I'm the one who's taking it, not Al. “I'll tell you later about all your options,” Hughes started, but I don't need to be told anything. “I've got it, Major!” “Lieutenant Colonel!” And he said Mustang was obsessed when he got that rank. “Seriously, I know the perfect way to show off my skills!” He looks intrigued. Good, I'll probably need him to help me set it up. “Right?” I grinned as I looked at Al, who probably was the only one who knew what I was thinking. “Oh no,” he replied. Oh yes. I'm going to kick that pompous bastard's ass.
A/N: The good part of the story is forthcoming, must find time between work, sleep, chores and family members who insist I "spend time with them" to actually write it. Will update soon, I promise!