Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Homunculi gone wrong? ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 11
Maes held Mitsuko letting the child cry. She rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s okay.” He patted her back lightly trying to calm her down, but still allowing her to get it out of her system.
The red haired child calmed a little, relaxing her grip a little on him. “I... I’m sorry I lost it.”
“Sh.. It’s okay.” He smiled at her. “You needed to. If you need sleep, go ahead. We’ll carry you okay?”
Brenda popped a few more painkillers walking in sipping at the water he carried. “How is she?”
“She’s stressed out.” Maes said calmly. “The sooner this is over the better it’ll be for them.” He added as she clung to him. /For everyone really. / He added in thought.
Brenda went to them, “Hey, while we’re waiting you want some ice-cream kiddo?” He asked.
Mitsuko looked up at the chubby man then over to Maes.
“That’s a good idea. How about it Mitsuko?” Hughes smiles at her.
The young girl nodded letting them help her up. Hughes opened the door coming face to face with a gun. He let out a startled squawk.
Brenda saw the soldier and grabbed Mitsuko pulling her out of sight. She clung to him shivering.
Maes recovered and growled slightly pushing his glasses up his nose as he reached into a pocket for the most dangerous weapon he carried with him. “How dare you scare my little baby girl?”
The gunman yelped in shock as he came face to face with a photo of a little girl in pigtails. “What the...”
“Isn’t she adorable? She’s turning three this year and does the best rendition of ‘Marry had a little lamb’ that I've ever heard. I just know that she’s going to be a star on stage someday. Maybe she’ll revolutionize the world!”
The five men stepped back still unsure what to do.
“This wasn’t part of the plan... Boss just wants us to bring them in for questioning....” One mumbled as he looked at the father.
Brenda smacked his forehead. “We’ll die of old age and you’ll have to deal with them kid.”
Mitsuko was doing her best not to laugh loudly, listening to Maes go on. /Elyssia’s lucky enough to have a daddy who praises her so much. / She thought catching the happy father go on about his little girl’s skills.
“And she does amazing finger paintings. Such talent at such a young age. I just know she’s going to be wonderful when she’s older.”
“Sir, really, we were asked to escort you to the fortress.” The man had recovered from his shock and tore the picture from his hand.
Hughes gasped dramatically as if the picture had really been his daughter. “You ripped my precious baby girl!” He looked outraged. “You killed her!” He drew one of his knives. “Apologize to her.”
“It’s only a picture Hughes.” Brenda whispered watching the girl as she drew a strange looking array on the wall staying out of sight of the soldiers.
“Like Hell I’m apologizing to a damn picture. We have orders to bring you in.”
Hughes gave a small grin. “I’m lieutenant Colonel Hughes, and unless a Colonel gave the order, which I highly doubt considering the highest-ranking officer here is Colonel Mustang,” He started. “I would refrain from orders around me.”
“Fine, Sorry.” The man growled. “Now would you please? You’re making a scene.”
“You didn’t sound sincere.” Hughes exclaimed loudly.
“We don’t have time for this.”
“Then don’t deal with it.” A voice, Maes recognized as belonging to his sister-in-law, said calmly as a buxom blond woman knocked out the higher-ranking officer. Falmon dealt with the other one. “You just can’t seem to stay out of trouble can you Maes? Hope you don’t act like this around my little niece or my sister.”
Maes groaned. “Nice to see you Mal.” He sighed.
Mitsuko paled hearing the voice; she stepped back from her array and looked up. “Hughes sir... We’re in the same town that....” She paused seeing the woman was looking at her and hid behind Brenda.
Mallory looked at the girl. /What is she doing here? / Mallory shoved the thought out of her mind. “We’ll deal with this later. Come on, there’s more of them coming. I think you pissed off Nemda’s buddy by taking his pet.”
Ed woke in a jail cell. Envy pinning him to the floor.
“Good morning Shrimp.”
Edward groaned trying to get Envy off him, but his arms were pinned down above his head making it impossible for him to get leverage. /Shit. /
Envy licked his lips hungrily.
/Have to get him off me. / Edward Elric thought spitting into Envy’s eyes.
“Damn it.” Envy recoiled away, letting Ed go.
His metal arm swung out knocking the green haired shape shifter off him. Edward didn’t stop until Envy fell dead from head injuries. The small Alchemist clapped his hands together touching the floor. The hilt of a spear formed allowing him to draw it from the ground. Edward shoved it into Envy’s chest and through the floor under him. “That should hold you a while, freak.” He stumbled back a little looking at the door of his cell. “Now to get out of here.”
It didn’t take much to change the bars from steel to aluminum and bend them. The golden eyed teen started looking for a way out of the building once he was free. Turning a corner he froze seeing Nemda and Jordan. /Shit that pervert’s still here? / He did a double take seeing Nemda.
Jordan smirked at the portly man. “Didn’t know you knew the brat.”
“He’s the one who ruined my operation before.” Nemda growled.
Edward clapped his hands dropping to his knees. Spikes grew from the floor near the two men, who both jumped out of the way.
Jordan rolled back to his feet and charged after the boy.
Havoc carefully knelt on the ground with Ritsuko. She moaned trying to get up.
“Hey, sit still okay? I want to make sure you’re going to be able to move.” He said brushing the hair from her face.
The small woman nodded letting him check her legs and arms. Her shoulders were okay if not a little strained. Her ankles were a little swollen, but nothing was broken.
/And I would have known already if they had done more to her. / He thought grateful that the woman was okay for the most part. The few wounds she had would heal.
“Bring Colonel Mustang here. I... I’ll tend to him.” She gripped Jean’s hand tightly, biting her lip.
Falmon and Hawkeye both backed up to where they were. “Havoc, have any rounds left?”
“A few.” Havoc said ignoring Ritsuko’s request. He wanted to get her somewhere she could rest. He knew that the Colonel wouldn’t want the civilian to be hurt more than she was already. /Even that’s too much. / Glancing up he saw they were completely surrounded.
“Give over the girl and come with us. The boss just wants to question her.”
/Yeah right. That’s why you had her bound and gagged. / Jean thought feeling the woman tremble in his arms. She was clearly trying her hardest not to show her fear.
“Havoc,” She bit her lip as she watched Roy being moved to one of the vans.
“We have orders to protect her.” Hawkeye moved to fire at them. “Falmon, get her back to Lieutenant Colonel.”
Jordan rolled out of the way of Ed’s spikes and ran after him.
Ed swore and ducked down a hallway, clapping his hands he touched the wall in passing, having no idea that the hall he was locking himself into was a dead end. /That should buy me some time.” Ed skidded to a stop, almost smacking into the wall. /Can only be closer to a way out of here.../ He peered around the corner to see if Jordan had followed him.
A few potshots told him that the man had an alchemist with him. Ed dove to the floor.
“You can’t dodge them all.”
“The fuck I can’t.” Ec screamed clapping his hands together touching the loor lightly. A wall sprang up between him and Jordan.
“Going to wall yourself in?”
Another flash of blue light filled the hall telling Jordan something else had crossed the boy’s mind.
Al found his way to the fortress. /Brother please be okay in there. / He thought trying to figure a way in.
Edward dropped down the hole he had created, breaking his fall with a roll. Once he was back on his feet he started running down the hall. /Don’t know if the exit’s down here. If I’m where I think I am, Last time Al and I were here, we didn’t have a lot of chances to really explore the place. / He thought figuring the way he had escaped before wouldn’t work this time. /I could realy use Al here now. / He thought realising how much he leaned on his brother when they got into trouble.
Jordan dropped down the hole landing in a crouch. When he had recovered he smiled hearing the way the boy had gone. /No need to run after him. He won’t be getting out. /
Ed ducked down another hallway. /Damn mazes! /
/The special room waits. / He grinned. /Seems we may still have some entertainment tonight. / “You don’t know where you’re going do you boy?”
/Shit, I’m lost. / Ed thought not bothering to answer the man. He continued down the hall glancing back to see where Jordan was. /I just don’t want that Bastard touching me again. / Ed skidded to a halt when he reached a room at the end of the hallway. “What the...”
Jordan smiled as he entered after him. “Nice little room isn’t it? Looks a little bigger than another room you’ve been in doesn’t it?”
Ed turned around sharply.
Jordan locked the door. “We brought her here before too. All the men loved playing with her.”
Ed growled and charged at him. “You sick fuck.”
Jordan jumped out of the way.
Ritsuko bit her lip. “Falmon, please, go. I will be okay.” She said limping more. Her ankles were killing her. “I can’t keep going.”
Vato Falmon turned looking at her. It had almost slipped his mind that she was a civilian.
Ritsuko yelped as one of the other military officers grabbed her, slipping a knife to her neck.
/Shit. / He thought drawing his gun.
“Just come quietly.” The officer said calmly. “Unless you want the last few days to be a waste of time.”
Falmon lowered his gun letting another man take it. Ritsuko was shoved at him.
“You okay?” Falmon asked catching her.
“I know you tried. Thank you.” She whispered back at him. The two were escorted to a waiting van.
“Get in.”
Falmon stayed close to her letting her use him as a shield. Ritsuko stayed close trying to stay calm. /Mustang and Hughes are both going to be disapointed. /
She felt him squeeze her hand a little and nodded. “Don’t worry, I trust you will be able to think of something to get us out of here.” She whispered trying to stay calm.
Falmon caught the leers of the four men with them and kept her behind him the best he could. /Right, Havoc probably got to the others. / He thought staying quiet. He caught Ritsuko rubbing her sore wrists and caught her arms trying to get her to stop.
“Come on girl.” One of the men grabbed her, pulling her closer to him.
“Leave her alone.” Falmon growled. Something hit him over the back of the head.
“Falmon,” Ritsuko yelped trying to get free as the man blacked out.
“You aren’t mean then? Mitsuko asked as she stayed hiding behind Maes.
“I’m not like the other military here.” Malory said hoping to calm the girl, still trying to figure out why the child was there. /If she’s here... Did the Military finally send someone to go deal with those two perverts? / She noted how the small child stayed near Maes, seeming to trust him.
“What are you doing here Mal?”
“Should say the same thing about you Maes. You’re friend around?”
She nodded hearing someone walking up behind her. Turning she saw an officer she didn’t know from the fortress.
“The others?” Havoc asked leaning heavily against the wall.
“You’re the first one back.” Maes said calmly.
“Shit.” He saw the child there and muttered an appology.
Falmon was sepperated from Ritsuko. The brown haired girl struggled to get free, stopping when she was shoved down a hall.
“Falmon!” She hissed recognizing it. “Falmon, do something,” She cried out trying to reach for him. “Don’t let them take me into that room.” She begged unable to get free from the man holding her.
Falmon broke free trying to get to her, only to be stopped with a gun in his face. The guards shoved them down different halls. Falmon tried to memorize the way he was going, hoping that he’d be able to get free and search for her. /The others would rather the civilian got out of here before they did. /
Roy groaned waking up. His wrists were bound above him. Listening he heard Riza struggling to get free from bindings holding her. He figured she wasn’t that far away.
“My, my isn’t she a fiesty one.” Jan’s voice came from a few feet away.
“Leitenant?” Roy called hopping that Riza wasn’t hurt.
“I’m sorry sir. They have Miss Ritsuko again.” She replied her voice showed frustration, though no pain.
/They didn’t hurt her then. I don’t think I could handle anyone else in my command getting hurt. / He thought getting distracted by a shadow moving closer to him. Glancing up he looked at the blond haired woman, her blue eyes looking wildly at him.
“I missed you little Flame.” She giggled. “Last time we had so much fun together.” Jan lifted his chin purring ever so slightly, her other hand running down his stomach as she knelt, her fingers just stopping before they brushed over the crotch of his pants.
“Let Hawkeye go, she’s not involved.” Roy said coldly, trying his hardest not to let his mask fall.
“Oh, I would, but you see, Jordan’s taken a fancy to her. You know how he likes his blonds.”
Roy noticed that the woman’s eyes didn’t lose their crazed edge. /She’s completely insane. /
Falmon glanced from the cell he was standing in over to Hawkeye. He stayed quiet, not wanting the Colonel to worry about him yet. With how the men were acting around Ritsuko, Riza was in more danger than they were.
Hawkeye nodded to him. “Sir, I’m okay for now.” She said keeping calm.
Jan pulled Roy up to his feet. “You want to keep your two officers here alive; you’ll behave pretty Flame.”
Hawkeye glared at the woman as she led Roy past her cell. Her eyes caught Roy’s.
The man’s eyes only showed anger. It was clear though he didn’t want to risk them or the other hostages.
/The Bitch is a coward. / Hawkeye thought growling slightly at the thought. She tried again to get her wrists free.
“The others should get here soon.” Falmon assured her.
“Hopefully before they can hurt the Colonel, Fullmetal, or Miss Ritsuko.” There was a click from Falmon’s cell and he lowered his wrists rubbing them to get circulation back.
“Give me a moment and I’ll get you out.” Falmon said picking the lock to the cell door.
“Thought that would be one of Havoc’s tricks. Not yours.” Hawkeye said as he worked on her cell door.
“Comes in handy when you’re hanging out with Colonel Mustang. His pet project does love trouble.”
Maes held Mitsuko letting the child cry. She rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s okay.” He patted her back lightly trying to calm her down, but still allowing her to get it out of her system.
The red haired child calmed a little, relaxing her grip a little on him. “I... I’m sorry I lost it.”
“Sh.. It’s okay.” He smiled at her. “You needed to. If you need sleep, go ahead. We’ll carry you okay?”
Brenda popped a few more painkillers walking in sipping at the water he carried. “How is she?”
“She’s stressed out.” Maes said calmly. “The sooner this is over the better it’ll be for them.” He added as she clung to him. /For everyone really. / He added in thought.
Brenda went to them, “Hey, while we’re waiting you want some ice-cream kiddo?” He asked.
Mitsuko looked up at the chubby man then over to Maes.
“That’s a good idea. How about it Mitsuko?” Hughes smiles at her.
The young girl nodded letting them help her up. Hughes opened the door coming face to face with a gun. He let out a startled squawk.
Brenda saw the soldier and grabbed Mitsuko pulling her out of sight. She clung to him shivering.
Maes recovered and growled slightly pushing his glasses up his nose as he reached into a pocket for the most dangerous weapon he carried with him. “How dare you scare my little baby girl?”
The gunman yelped in shock as he came face to face with a photo of a little girl in pigtails. “What the...”
“Isn’t she adorable? She’s turning three this year and does the best rendition of ‘Marry had a little lamb’ that I've ever heard. I just know that she’s going to be a star on stage someday. Maybe she’ll revolutionize the world!”
The five men stepped back still unsure what to do.
“This wasn’t part of the plan... Boss just wants us to bring them in for questioning....” One mumbled as he looked at the father.
Brenda smacked his forehead. “We’ll die of old age and you’ll have to deal with them kid.”
Mitsuko was doing her best not to laugh loudly, listening to Maes go on. /Elyssia’s lucky enough to have a daddy who praises her so much. / She thought catching the happy father go on about his little girl’s skills.
“And she does amazing finger paintings. Such talent at such a young age. I just know she’s going to be wonderful when she’s older.”
“Sir, really, we were asked to escort you to the fortress.” The man had recovered from his shock and tore the picture from his hand.
Hughes gasped dramatically as if the picture had really been his daughter. “You ripped my precious baby girl!” He looked outraged. “You killed her!” He drew one of his knives. “Apologize to her.”
“It’s only a picture Hughes.” Brenda whispered watching the girl as she drew a strange looking array on the wall staying out of sight of the soldiers.
“Like Hell I’m apologizing to a damn picture. We have orders to bring you in.”
Hughes gave a small grin. “I’m lieutenant Colonel Hughes, and unless a Colonel gave the order, which I highly doubt considering the highest-ranking officer here is Colonel Mustang,” He started. “I would refrain from orders around me.”
“Fine, Sorry.” The man growled. “Now would you please? You’re making a scene.”
“You didn’t sound sincere.” Hughes exclaimed loudly.
“We don’t have time for this.”
“Then don’t deal with it.” A voice, Maes recognized as belonging to his sister-in-law, said calmly as a buxom blond woman knocked out the higher-ranking officer. Falmon dealt with the other one. “You just can’t seem to stay out of trouble can you Maes? Hope you don’t act like this around my little niece or my sister.”
Maes groaned. “Nice to see you Mal.” He sighed.
Mitsuko paled hearing the voice; she stepped back from her array and looked up. “Hughes sir... We’re in the same town that....” She paused seeing the woman was looking at her and hid behind Brenda.
Mallory looked at the girl. /What is she doing here? / Mallory shoved the thought out of her mind. “We’ll deal with this later. Come on, there’s more of them coming. I think you pissed off Nemda’s buddy by taking his pet.”
Ed woke in a jail cell. Envy pinning him to the floor.
“Good morning Shrimp.”
Edward groaned trying to get Envy off him, but his arms were pinned down above his head making it impossible for him to get leverage. /Shit. /
Envy licked his lips hungrily.
/Have to get him off me. / Edward Elric thought spitting into Envy’s eyes.
“Damn it.” Envy recoiled away, letting Ed go.
His metal arm swung out knocking the green haired shape shifter off him. Edward didn’t stop until Envy fell dead from head injuries. The small Alchemist clapped his hands together touching the floor. The hilt of a spear formed allowing him to draw it from the ground. Edward shoved it into Envy’s chest and through the floor under him. “That should hold you a while, freak.” He stumbled back a little looking at the door of his cell. “Now to get out of here.”
It didn’t take much to change the bars from steel to aluminum and bend them. The golden eyed teen started looking for a way out of the building once he was free. Turning a corner he froze seeing Nemda and Jordan. /Shit that pervert’s still here? / He did a double take seeing Nemda.
Jordan smirked at the portly man. “Didn’t know you knew the brat.”
“He’s the one who ruined my operation before.” Nemda growled.
Edward clapped his hands dropping to his knees. Spikes grew from the floor near the two men, who both jumped out of the way.
Jordan rolled back to his feet and charged after the boy.
Havoc carefully knelt on the ground with Ritsuko. She moaned trying to get up.
“Hey, sit still okay? I want to make sure you’re going to be able to move.” He said brushing the hair from her face.
The small woman nodded letting him check her legs and arms. Her shoulders were okay if not a little strained. Her ankles were a little swollen, but nothing was broken.
/And I would have known already if they had done more to her. / He thought grateful that the woman was okay for the most part. The few wounds she had would heal.
“Bring Colonel Mustang here. I... I’ll tend to him.” She gripped Jean’s hand tightly, biting her lip.
Falmon and Hawkeye both backed up to where they were. “Havoc, have any rounds left?”
“A few.” Havoc said ignoring Ritsuko’s request. He wanted to get her somewhere she could rest. He knew that the Colonel wouldn’t want the civilian to be hurt more than she was already. /Even that’s too much. / Glancing up he saw they were completely surrounded.
“Give over the girl and come with us. The boss just wants to question her.”
/Yeah right. That’s why you had her bound and gagged. / Jean thought feeling the woman tremble in his arms. She was clearly trying her hardest not to show her fear.
“Havoc,” She bit her lip as she watched Roy being moved to one of the vans.
“We have orders to protect her.” Hawkeye moved to fire at them. “Falmon, get her back to Lieutenant Colonel.”
Jordan rolled out of the way of Ed’s spikes and ran after him.
Ed swore and ducked down a hallway, clapping his hands he touched the wall in passing, having no idea that the hall he was locking himself into was a dead end. /That should buy me some time.” Ed skidded to a stop, almost smacking into the wall. /Can only be closer to a way out of here.../ He peered around the corner to see if Jordan had followed him.
A few potshots told him that the man had an alchemist with him. Ed dove to the floor.
“You can’t dodge them all.”
“The fuck I can’t.” Ec screamed clapping his hands together touching the loor lightly. A wall sprang up between him and Jordan.
“Going to wall yourself in?”
Another flash of blue light filled the hall telling Jordan something else had crossed the boy’s mind.
Al found his way to the fortress. /Brother please be okay in there. / He thought trying to figure a way in.
Edward dropped down the hole he had created, breaking his fall with a roll. Once he was back on his feet he started running down the hall. /Don’t know if the exit’s down here. If I’m where I think I am, Last time Al and I were here, we didn’t have a lot of chances to really explore the place. / He thought figuring the way he had escaped before wouldn’t work this time. /I could realy use Al here now. / He thought realising how much he leaned on his brother when they got into trouble.
Jordan dropped down the hole landing in a crouch. When he had recovered he smiled hearing the way the boy had gone. /No need to run after him. He won’t be getting out. /
Ed ducked down another hallway. /Damn mazes! /
/The special room waits. / He grinned. /Seems we may still have some entertainment tonight. / “You don’t know where you’re going do you boy?”
/Shit, I’m lost. / Ed thought not bothering to answer the man. He continued down the hall glancing back to see where Jordan was. /I just don’t want that Bastard touching me again. / Ed skidded to a halt when he reached a room at the end of the hallway. “What the...”
Jordan smiled as he entered after him. “Nice little room isn’t it? Looks a little bigger than another room you’ve been in doesn’t it?”
Ed turned around sharply.
Jordan locked the door. “We brought her here before too. All the men loved playing with her.”
Ed growled and charged at him. “You sick fuck.”
Jordan jumped out of the way.
Ritsuko bit her lip. “Falmon, please, go. I will be okay.” She said limping more. Her ankles were killing her. “I can’t keep going.”
Vato Falmon turned looking at her. It had almost slipped his mind that she was a civilian.
Ritsuko yelped as one of the other military officers grabbed her, slipping a knife to her neck.
/Shit. / He thought drawing his gun.
“Just come quietly.” The officer said calmly. “Unless you want the last few days to be a waste of time.”
Falmon lowered his gun letting another man take it. Ritsuko was shoved at him.
“You okay?” Falmon asked catching her.
“I know you tried. Thank you.” She whispered back at him. The two were escorted to a waiting van.
“Get in.”
Falmon stayed close to her letting her use him as a shield. Ritsuko stayed close trying to stay calm. /Mustang and Hughes are both going to be disapointed. /
She felt him squeeze her hand a little and nodded. “Don’t worry, I trust you will be able to think of something to get us out of here.” She whispered trying to stay calm.
Falmon caught the leers of the four men with them and kept her behind him the best he could. /Right, Havoc probably got to the others. / He thought staying quiet. He caught Ritsuko rubbing her sore wrists and caught her arms trying to get her to stop.
“Come on girl.” One of the men grabbed her, pulling her closer to him.
“Leave her alone.” Falmon growled. Something hit him over the back of the head.
“Falmon,” Ritsuko yelped trying to get free as the man blacked out.
“You aren’t mean then? Mitsuko asked as she stayed hiding behind Maes.
“I’m not like the other military here.” Malory said hoping to calm the girl, still trying to figure out why the child was there. /If she’s here... Did the Military finally send someone to go deal with those two perverts? / She noted how the small child stayed near Maes, seeming to trust him.
“What are you doing here Mal?”
“Should say the same thing about you Maes. You’re friend around?”
She nodded hearing someone walking up behind her. Turning she saw an officer she didn’t know from the fortress.
“The others?” Havoc asked leaning heavily against the wall.
“You’re the first one back.” Maes said calmly.
“Shit.” He saw the child there and muttered an appology.
Falmon was sepperated from Ritsuko. The brown haired girl struggled to get free, stopping when she was shoved down a hall.
“Falmon!” She hissed recognizing it. “Falmon, do something,” She cried out trying to reach for him. “Don’t let them take me into that room.” She begged unable to get free from the man holding her.
Falmon broke free trying to get to her, only to be stopped with a gun in his face. The guards shoved them down different halls. Falmon tried to memorize the way he was going, hoping that he’d be able to get free and search for her. /The others would rather the civilian got out of here before they did. /
Roy groaned waking up. His wrists were bound above him. Listening he heard Riza struggling to get free from bindings holding her. He figured she wasn’t that far away.
“My, my isn’t she a fiesty one.” Jan’s voice came from a few feet away.
“Leitenant?” Roy called hopping that Riza wasn’t hurt.
“I’m sorry sir. They have Miss Ritsuko again.” She replied her voice showed frustration, though no pain.
/They didn’t hurt her then. I don’t think I could handle anyone else in my command getting hurt. / He thought getting distracted by a shadow moving closer to him. Glancing up he looked at the blond haired woman, her blue eyes looking wildly at him.
“I missed you little Flame.” She giggled. “Last time we had so much fun together.” Jan lifted his chin purring ever so slightly, her other hand running down his stomach as she knelt, her fingers just stopping before they brushed over the crotch of his pants.
“Let Hawkeye go, she’s not involved.” Roy said coldly, trying his hardest not to let his mask fall.
“Oh, I would, but you see, Jordan’s taken a fancy to her. You know how he likes his blonds.”
Roy noticed that the woman’s eyes didn’t lose their crazed edge. /She’s completely insane. /
Falmon glanced from the cell he was standing in over to Hawkeye. He stayed quiet, not wanting the Colonel to worry about him yet. With how the men were acting around Ritsuko, Riza was in more danger than they were.
Hawkeye nodded to him. “Sir, I’m okay for now.” She said keeping calm.
Jan pulled Roy up to his feet. “You want to keep your two officers here alive; you’ll behave pretty Flame.”
Hawkeye glared at the woman as she led Roy past her cell. Her eyes caught Roy’s.
The man’s eyes only showed anger. It was clear though he didn’t want to risk them or the other hostages.
/The Bitch is a coward. / Hawkeye thought growling slightly at the thought. She tried again to get her wrists free.
“The others should get here soon.” Falmon assured her.
“Hopefully before they can hurt the Colonel, Fullmetal, or Miss Ritsuko.” There was a click from Falmon’s cell and he lowered his wrists rubbing them to get circulation back.
“Give me a moment and I’ll get you out.” Falmon said picking the lock to the cell door.
“Thought that would be one of Havoc’s tricks. Not yours.” Hawkeye said as he worked on her cell door.
“Comes in handy when you’re hanging out with Colonel Mustang. His pet project does love trouble.”