Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ How to Eat a Reese's Cup ❯ Step 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Step 22

A/n: Here is number twenty - two! Thank you for reading and reviewing. Envy is going to be in control of this chapter.

Envy: (Purrs) I have the perfect victim.
Ed: Who?
Envy: Why should I tell you?
Ed: Um . . .
Sakura: Because he’ll give you a kiss!
Envy: Oh? Well in that case . . .
Ed: (Blushes) No, I won’t!
Envy: (Smirks) Then I won’t tell you.
Sakura: Eddd! Why did you have to go and say that?! Now he won’t tell us!
Ed: Sorry! You should have briefed me or given me a memo before pulling a stunt like that! Then I would’ve played along!
Sakura: (Sighs) Alright, fine. Enough arguing, Envy just read the disclaimer already please.

Envy: (Snickers) Sakura doesn’t own Chibi - san and me. Right now she doesn’t own this chapter either because I’m writing it therefore it’s mine.

Sakura: Envy! I do own this chapter!
Envy: (Grinning) Nope. All mine.
Sakura: Ugh. I give up. For now that is. Because I want to get on with the story.
Ed: Okay, here we go. Get started Envy!
Sakura: Yes, please do.
Envy: Both of you are really bossy, you know that? Why do I hang around you two again?
Sakura and Ed: Envy!
Envy: See? In perfect stereo too. You two should go on tour. Fine, I’m starting already. Put down the knife, Kitten.

Step 22

A woman with short black hair and cold, cruel violet eyes gave a sigh of annoyance at the phone that was currently still ringing despite her best efforts at ignoring it. She picked it up from its cradle and said. “Hello? May I help you?” “Why hello there! Do you know that you are our grand prize winner in the Reese’s cups contest that we’re currently holding?” A cheerful male voice asked over the line.

Dante found herself frowning but she had to admit she was curious. “Am I? No, I didn’t know.” She stated with mild curiosity. “Well, you’re in luck! All you have to do is go to The Lucky Shots bar at eight tonight and your prize of ten thousand Reese’s cups will be waiting there. I hope to see you there!” said the cheerful voice before the line clicked.

Dante let dark violet eyes take in the phone while thinking with disdain. “The Lucky Shots? What a boring and stupid name for a bar.”


Envy placed the phone back into its cradle before shifting back into his normal form. “Well?! Did she fall for it?!” asked a hyper Wrath who was basically bouncing off of the walls. Envy grinned and stretched languorously.

“Sure, runt. I am the master of disguises. The only one whose has been able to tell me apart beside you and the other homunculi is Chibi - san.” He stated nonchalantly but felt his grin become wider at the mention of the blonde. After all they were practically dating now in a weird way even if the alchemist hadn’t said anything.

Wrath was looking with an eyebrow raised at him. “What?!” He asked snappily but Wrath just shook his dark brown before turning blue - violet eyes toward the window. “What if Master finds out we played another prank on her?” He asked pensively. Envy gave a snort before replying. “What’s life without a little danger?”

Wrath gave the green haired sin a nervous look. “But Envy. . . You heard what she said last time. I doubt she’ll forgive us this time.” He said anxiously. “If she finds out it was us that is.” Envy said grinning evilly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Dante walked into the bar The Lucky Shots and gave a look of complete disgust. “What a horrible, filthy, miserable place. The sooner I get out of here the better. I’m killing my brain cells just by stepping into this worthless place.” She thought scornfully.

She heard a voice cheerfully say then. “Ah! Are you Ms. Lyra?” She turned toward a man that looked to be in his mid - twenties with brown and brown eyes. She slipped back into her careful mask and smiled. “Yes, I am. Nice to meet you. You name is?”

The man smiled brightly before replying. “Michael. I’m afraid there’s going to be a slight delay in getting your prize though. Because of the recent robberies at the factories, getting such a large amount of Reese’s cups in such a short amount of time has been difficult. But the factory assured me that they were almost finished with your prize, if you would just be kind enough to be a little more patient.”

She just nodded still smiling while she gave a mental sigh of irritation. The raven haired woman followed the quickly becoming annoying cheerful man to a table in the back and they ordered their drinks. Although she didn’t get anything alcoholic because she didn’t indulge in that particular human activity.

Then the man next to muttered to her something about using the restroom before getting up and disappearing but she didn’t care. She just wanted to get the Reese’s cups and get out there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Envy cursed in the form he currently was in as he entered the hallway that led to the bathrooms. The crucial factor was to get Dante drunk enough not to remember her own name. Now, things weren’t going according to plan and it had been going so well too!

“Wrath.” He called as Wrath stepped out from a corner where he was waiting it out. “Envy? Why aren’t you out there with Master?” He asked curiously, brows furrowed.

“Because we’ve hit a rock in the road. She’s not ordering anything that has liquor in it. Smart for her but bad for us. She’s ruining our plan and she doesn’t even know it!” He stated angrily. They both stood in silence for a few minutes before Envy grinned and a flash went over his body.

A blonde female waitress was in his place and she smirked before marching out of the hallway. Wrath just rolled his eyes before going back to his corner. He didn’t want Master to see him if she came down the hallway and he wanted to see the finale so he was hiding.

Envy walked to the bar and told their waitress that he would get their drinks making the waitress look at him in relief and gratitude. Then he went to mixing them making sure Dante’s had the strongest liquor he could find, filling at least a third of the glass with it. He poured five special drinks for Dante and two beers for himself even though he doubted he would drink them. “I don’t want to be suspicious or otherwise she’ll notice that something’s off. Unfortunately Dante’s not stupid. If she were, it would make my life a whole lot easier.” He thought bitterly.

He gave Dante a cheerful smile as he sat the drinks down before practically bouncing off acting as if he had another customer. Then he snuck back into the hallway, shifting back into the brown haired male from before and walking out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Dante gave a slight grimace at the bitter taste of her drink when it was suppose to be sweeter. But she chose not to complain this time; she’ll just have Pride close them down next week. “Fools can’t even make a simple drink right. And their waitresses. Repulsive. If that waitress had kept smiling idiotically at me like that then I would’ve transmuted her.” She thought patronizingly.

She gave a look around wondering where that man had gone too before he suddenly just pop up smiling cheerfully. “Great! The drinks are here. Sorry I took so long.” He said sitting down again and she let a smile show on her face.

He glanced at her before reaching for his own drink and sipping it carefully. “Hopefully they will hurry and you won’t have to wait too long. Thank you for being so patient. I’m not sure another winner would have put up with this. But until they arrive with your prize just sit back and relax.” He said gratefully.

The violet eyed woman just nodded only half paying attention. She was already starting on her second drink and for some strange reason she was feeling a tingling sensation throughout her body. She let herself frown mentally but then shrugged mentally as well. “Maybe they did change the recipe. I haven’t had one in a long time.” She thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Envy couldn’t stop himself from grinning as he lead a drunker than a horse Dante along the streets with Wrath following behind shortly. He was basically carrying her because she was stumbling every few minutes.

The green haired sin was still in his brown haired disguise though just in case Dante remembered something after the bar. He ignored the raven haired woman as she slurred incoherently about something. He lead her up to a big house and opened the unlocked door before giving the drunk body jumper a push making her stumble into the entryway of the house. Envy then rang the doorbell and then turned around leaving with the other sin following closely at his heels.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Dante slowly woke up and immediately wanted to whimper at the huge pain that was currently burying itself inside her head over and over again. Then she wanted to glare at herself because she couldn’t believe she was in this state. She was the Master of the homunculi and the one who was actually running the military when she wanted too. Plus she was in the process of getting pathetic alchemists to make a philosopher’s stone for her.

The last thing she remembered was being in the bar and then that’s it. The first thought that came to her mind was. “I didn’t get my Reese’s cups!” Then she thought. “Where am I? I think I’m going to throw up.” She slowly sat up wincing at the pain in her head and then she realized she was naked making her pale especially when she saw the parts of her body already rotting.

A man came through the door at her right and she instantly recognized him. “Pride? Where am I?” She asked and wanted to wince at how tired her voice sounded. Pride had that smile he always did as he answered. “You’re in my house, Master. More precisely my bedroom, you came here last night drunk. You gave me very specific orders but once I got going I didn’t mind the orders at all. Of course if my wife had been here I wouldn’t have been able to follow them. Good thing she’s visiting her parents with my son.”

Dante felt completely confused and the pain wasn’t helping one bit but she was sure that Pride was almost leering at her. Then everything clicked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Envy was waiting outside of Pride’s house with Wrath wondering how long it would take for Dante to wake up. Wrath just sighed but slumped against the tree. They were far enough away not to get noticed but close enough to catch Dante’s reaction to what had happened the night before.

Envy had spotted Pride earlier walking to get the morning paper and had grinned evilly knowing the look on Pride’s face. The look had meant he was pleased with himself; he usually wore it after conquering a country. That said to the violet eyed sin that Dante’s reaction was going to be big and loud.

Just then a loud horrified scream echoed through out the yard and probably Central too. He looked down at Wrath who looked right back and then they ran. When they had made it a block away they burst out laughing. “See? That was definitely worth the danger.” He stated as Wrath tried control the snickers that wanted to escape.

Envy: It’s about time I got some revenge.
Sakura: I completely agree. So is this a Dante chapter or a Dante and Envy chapter because you showed up just as much she did.
Envy: So? It wouldn’t have been any fun if everyone only saw it from her side. And it’s a Dante chapter. Never put me in the same sentence with her again!
Sakura: Okay! Okay! Don’t have to bite my head off. Um . . . Where’s Ed?
Envy: He’s pissed because he couldn’t help with the prank. So he’s locked himself in your room.
Sakura: He does realize he doesn’t know Dante is your Master yet in this wacky messed up timeline.
Envy: Che. That’s what I said.
Sakura: Oh well. We’ll deal with a sulky chibi alchemist later.
Please read or review. Hope you like it.

Envy: Read and review or else.
Sakura: Envy!
Envy: I’m just motivating them. That’s all.
Sakura: (Sigh) Right.
Envy: Sakura is still taking requests so go ahead.
Sakura: Yep! Just tell me who you want to see.
Envy: She’ll get to them eventually.
Sakura: Envy!

~ Lady Sakura