Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Envy ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist it belongs to Hiromi Arakawa. This was made for fun and was in no way to make money.
A/N: Ok so this is my first story on here and I hope you all like it. Oh! I don not take flames if you don't like my story KINDLY tell me why, I don want to see a commit that says, “You suck!!!!!” Thanks! Well enjoy the story.
Chapter one
It was a rainy day at Central. A short blonde teenager in a red cape stood staring at a door looking strongly irritated. Ed inwardly, was groaning. He, in no way, was in the mood to give a report to Mustang and the weather was only making it worse. He hated the rain. It had already affected his mood.

The day had started off bad. Ed had to go on some bogus mission which turned out to be of no help in location of the Philosopher's stone. Now he was standing, drenched, from the rain, in front of Mustang's office, the last place he wanted to be, especially when wet.

“Come in.” rang Mustangs voice.

Walking in, Ed flopped down on the black leather couch in the office. “Come on Full metal I don't have all day.” Mustang stated in his usual cold voice. “Where's your report?”

The elder Elric brother reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out a stack of papers, but instead of handing them over he held them up and asked innocently “Is this what you're looking for?”

“Yes Fullmetal. Give me the report.” Roy Mustang ordered.


Roy glared at Ed. He knew that Edward would rather cut off his good arm than cooperate with him. That made the whole thing a lot more interesting but much more annoying.

“Elric give me the papers, NOW.” Said a very ticked off Colonel Mustang.
“Why should I?” Edward asked.
“Fullmetal give me the report.”
“Give me the papers now… Shorty!”
That did it; Edward HATED being wet and he HATED being called short and right then he was both.
“You Fullmetal. Is there anyone else in the room Chibi-san?” Roy smirked smugly. He had given Fullmetal a nick name, and one that he hated at that.
“What did you call me?” Ed asked threateningly, his eyes full of anger.
“You heard me Chibi-san.” He smirked again “Don't you like your new name Fullmetal? All dogs have names, and you're no different. You're not a real dog, but you're a dog of the military and that's worse. Now give me the report before I have to send you to the farthest edges of this world or worse.”
Ed glared at the colonel. “You're an asshole Mustang you know that?” He stood up, chucked the report on the floor and stormed off, slamming the door behind him.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Edward swore under his breath. Today was really a horrible day.
“Elric! What's wrong?” asked a tall bald man.
“MUSTANG! HOW DARE HE CALL ME CHIBI-SAN! I'LL KILL HIM!” The short alchemist screamed.
“Smile be happy!” The older (and taller) man said, ripping his shirt off and flexing his muscles. “I, Alex Louis Armstrong, will-” He stopped and looked around. Edward was already halfway down the hall. He hadn't even heard Armstrong; he was too caught up plotting his revenge against Roy
(At central, Ed's house)
"Brother, please stop. No don't kill the colonel!" Alphonse said holding his brother back. The short blond had arrived home a few minutes ago and Al had asked his older brother what was wrong, which turned out to be a very bad move.

The minute Al had asked Ed exploded, cursing out Roy and screaming that he was going to get him back for calling him Chibi-san. Al didn't know what he was talking about.

(Ed POV.)

"How dare Mustang call ME short, I'm not short!!? Vertical challenged maybe, but I AM NOT SHORT!!!"

"Brother, please calm down."

I ranted for a whole hour and I was tired, so was Al.

I plopped down in the chair exhausted. I had finally decided that I wasn't going to
Kill Mustang slowly, I would kill him quickly instead. I was going to get him back for calling me Chibi-san.

"I'm going to bed." I said with a sigh to Al.

Al looked up "Alright brother, have a good sleep."

"You too Al"
Groaning Edward slowly got up. He was still in a sleepy daze. He dragged himself into the bathroom and turned on the facet in the bathtub.

When the water felt right he striped off his clothes and stepped into the tub.

The water cascaded down his back. He grabbed his braid, and untied it letting his hair drop to his shoulders.

Nothing like a
shower to relieve his stress.

Damn Mustang” Muttered Edward. “What the hells his problem? I don't mind any of the work or the missions. Damn. It's just going back to Central that ticks me off.”

“Brother?” A voice asked outside the door.

“Yeah Al?” Edward replied.

The door swung open and in stepped Al.

“Al, what the hell? I'm taking a shower!” the short blond screamed hysterically. Ed took everything he could get his hands on and started to throw them at Al.

As he was being bombarded with the various bathroom appliances Al stuttered “Brother I- I...”

As the shampoo hit him in the head, he stepped backwards, onto the soap that had been thrown only seconds before, slipped and landed in a heap just outside the doorway.

"What is it Al?!" Said Ed coming out of the bathroom, with only a towel around his waist.

“I just came to remind you that you have a meeting with Colonel Mustang today. You need to pick up your new assignment.”

“Alright Al. Thanks.” He mumbled. He walked back into the bathroom and shut the door soundly behind him.

As his little brother was walking down the hall. He was sure he heard his brother yell something about a “sunny beach”
(At central, Roy's office)

“Paper work, paper work, and more paper work! That's all I ever do.” Mustang complained to the blonde standing in front of his desk.

“You wouldn't have so much if you actually did some once in a while Colonel.” The blond said.

Roy looked at the blonde and stated defensively, “Hawkeye, I do work.”

She rolled her eyes. Suddenly she pulled out her guns and shot at his head. Two hairs floated slowly to the ground. He looked down at the hairs, then back at Riza.

“Get back to work now Colonel.”

He laughed nervously. “He he…Okay.”

She watched him work for while before asking “Colonel. Do you think you could behave yourself for the rest of the day? I've got to go across town to pick up some paper work.”

“More paper work?” he sighed. “Sure. I'll be good.” She raised one eyebrow questioningly. “Really,” He replied.

First lieutenant Riza Hawkeye nodded quickly. She quietly got up and opened the door to leave. Remembering something, she paused and looked behind her towards Mustang, “Don't forget, Edward is supposed to come by today and pick up his new assignment.”

“I know.” The colonel stated nonchalantly. “I'll be waiting.”

Riza gave another quick nod, and then left shutting the door firmly behind her. The colonel she could handle. Edward AND the colonel though? That was a different story. She sighed. Hell was about to occur and she was hoping to get as far away as possible before any thing started.

At the Elric's house things were a lot more restful.

Ed had gotten over the bathroom mess and was now more focused on sleeping. “Brother,” Alfonse said interrupting Ed's dream about being a 60ft tall giant stomping on Mustang.

“Eh? Al? What time is it? Go away.” Edward mumbled groggily.

“But brother you have to see the colonel remember? He's supposed to give us our new mission.”

“Uhhh.” Ed groaned as he slowly got up and walked to the door of the room stretching. “You're right. I'd better go.”

“Brother... Do you want me to come with you?”

He shook his head. “No Al, I'll be fine. It's not like anything's going to happen to me.”
(Out side Ed's apt. complex)
Envy had been assigned to keep track of the Fullmetal pipsqueak, He just saw his chance to have a little fun, Edward was unprotected and right there. With out a second thought Envy prepared to knock him out when he came around the corner of the Apartments.
Envy could hear him approaching his hiding place, it wasn't very hard considering he had a metal leg and you could hear him far away.
(Edward's P.O.V)
“Damn,” I silently cursed under my breath. Today already sucked almost as bad as yesterday, almost.
Suddenly a hand covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. `What the hell.' I shouted mentally. Than the person who grabbed me said “Well, Fullmetal it was quite easy to catch you.” My Eye's widen in fear, “Envy,” I mumbled “Yes, my pet.” He laughed menacingly “What-” I didn't have time to finish my sentence, because He knocked me out.
(Out side Ed's apt. complex)
Envy had been assigned to keep track of Fullmetal by Lust. He had argued against it but his demands had gone unheeded.

Envy saw his chance to have a little fun. Edward was unprotected. He was going to walk right past Envy without even realizing it. A plan was forming in Envys' mind. A devious plan. Without a second thought he prepared to attack Ed once he came around the corner of the Apartments.

Envy pressed up against the wall, listening to the sound of Ed's automail clinking. Closer… Closer…

(Edward's P.O.V)

“Damn,” I cursed under my breath. “Today sucks almost as badly as yesterday. What can get worse?”

I walked past an alley way and kicked a stone in front of me.

Suddenly a hand wrapped its self over my mouth. An arm held my arms behind my back.

`What. The. Hell.' I shouted mentally. I was slammed into the ground and someone sat down on my back.

“Well, Fullmetal it was easier than expected to catch you… not that I expected it to be hard.”

That voice, I know it. I twisted my head to look at the person sitting on me. “Envy,” I whispered through his hand.

“Yes, my pet. I have great plans for you.” He laughed menacingly.

I struggled against his hand on my mouth. It slipped off and I had the chance to ask. “What the hell?”

There was pain in the back of my head. I saw stars in my vision and the edges of my sight began to fade to black. I was fighting to stay awake.
“Have a good sleep my pet.” I heard him whisper before the darkness claimed my mind and I slept.

(At central, Place unknown. 2 hours before the feudal Era)

When Edward woke up he moaned aloud.

His head was pounding, his chin felt as though it had been bleeding and his shoulders were sore.

“Al can you-“He opened his eyes and stopped talking. There was no light except for a tiny sliver under a door. He made to get up to go toward it but he couldn't. His hands were stuck over his head. He jerked his hands. Chains rattled. `What the-` He thought. Then he remembered.

He listened carefully to see if Envy was there. He heard voices. He slowed his breathing in an effort to hear. All that could be made out, at first, was faint mumbling. As listened, however, the voices grew louder and Ed could hear footsteps coming closer.

“What are we… him?”

“… problem. Wrath can… him”
“… no fun… me?!”

“…check … wake.”

The footsteps stopped and there was a hushed conversation. Ed took a deep breath in and let it out. The pounding in his head was getting harder, due to lack of oxygen.

The door in front of Ed suddenly burst opened.

“Augggh!” Ed said. He looked around blind for a moment. When his eyes had adjusted finally he got a good glimpse of the room. The floor he was sitting on was covered in dirt, and the walls were crudely made out of white rock. The chains holding him were attached to the wall and spread apart.

Ed's eyes traveled to the doorway, where Envy was standing watching him.

“Well, well, well, Edo-pretty has woken up.” Envy said walking over to the short blond.
Edward stared up at Envy. “What the hell do you want?!” He demanded firmly. Envy didn't answer, he just grabbed the chains holding Ed's arms up and detached it from the wall. He hit Ed in the stomach, winding him, picked him up and threw him over his shoulders.

“Put me down!” Edward breathed out, Envy just laughed demonically.

“WHAT PART OF PUT ME DOWN DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!!” Edward's demands fell to deaf ears. He beat on Envy's back with all his might and shouted as many insults as possible, but he received no reaction. “THAT'S IT! YOU'RE GETTING IT!” He slammed his hands together and tried to do alchemy. It didn't work. “W-what the…?”

“You shouldn't waste your time my pet. Those chains? They stop you from doing any alchemy at all.”

`Shit' Ed thought. `How am I supposed to get out of here if I can't use alchemy?

Envy stopped walking when they reached a large door. Envy pushed the door open softly. “Do you like my room Edo-pretty?”

“Y-your… room…?” Edwards's eyes widened. Envy's room… Edward with him… all
alone. `Oh shit, this is not good.'
A/N Ok well that's the end. Hope you liked it. Read and Review, PLEASE