Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Left without a Word ❯ Never coming Home ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey told ya I would update soon!Part 2- Never coming homeIt felt as if the world had gotten of my shoulders and I had finally entered life.My love for him had raced out of me in just one night. Everything had happened so fast but I'm glad it did."Edward?" I quickly awoke to find myself in my room. As I looked around I did not find him I climbed out of bed and ran downstairs."grandmother! grandmother!""yes my dear?""Where's Edward and Alphonse?!""winry?...they already left"As I herd those words "already left" my heart tore in two. I couldn't believe that he left me behind like that. I couldn't believe he left without saying anything."..winry..Are you ok?" my grandmother pinako asked."Yes...but I can't believe they left without saying goodbye" I answered."Well you know those elric brothers; they just don't want to cause any more pain"I could feel my eyes tearing up and I had a bad feeling in my stomach.They left, he finally left"winry..Will you be ok?" grandmother asked.My hands clenched into fists and I burst out crying."winry!" she cried as she ran to my side."NO!" I yelled and ran out the house in tears. I ran as fast as I could, as fast as my legs could go and as much as my lungs could take until I finally reached the lake.I stood there on the sandy floor until I collapsed in tears."EDWARD! NO COME BACK! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I cried "I LOVE YOU ED PLEASE!"I cried all I could but that didn't bring Edward back, NO, crying did nothing it just made the matter worse.As I looked out into that wonderful horizon I thought about how he had held me last night. I thought about all those kisses and words.Ed?, please come back safe this time.I waved my hands in the soft warm sand, despite that it was the worst day in my life the weather was sunny and warm as if it was the greatest day ever, but no, it wasn't."winry!"I herd my name being called out from behind me, it was grandmother, but I was in no mood to reply to her calls.I could actually feel my broken heart pounding inside my worthless body. I did nothing I just listened to the birds chirping in the sky and my heart pounding in my head.I myself couldn't do anything to bring Edward back. It was almost impossible, he was...never coming home.TO BE CONTINUED-Well sorry this chapter was so short but the next one will be better! =] please review!! ^_~