Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Left without a Word ❯ could it be a new begining? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
chp. 4- could it be a new begining?

“ Push winry! Keep pushing!” was all I herd over and over.
I felt a sharp pain in my lower tummy and my legs were numb. My child was finally going to be born.
“AHH!” I screamed. The pain was unbearable and I couldn't take it much.
“It's ok we're almost done!”
I felt very weak and the room began to spin. All I saw was the pale room surrounding me.
Suddenly I herd a silence followed by a baby's cry. I slowly opened my eyes and to my amazement a small child was being held in front of me.
“it's a boy” I herd the doctor say proudly and he handed me the crying baby.
He stopped his crying and opened his eyes.
He looks just like him … like Edward
As I saw his little eyes starring back into mine I couldn't help but cry. Tears ran down my cheeks.
“but winry, why are you crying?” grandma pinako asked with confusion.
“I'm crying because I finally have him with me” I whispered.
Grandma pinako smiled “he's beautiful … looks just like him”
I looked up at her but she was already making her way to the door.
I herd a gentle sound and looked at the baby cradled in my arms.
He's all I have left from you, how I wish you were here with me and him … we need you so much right now… but I can't brake the promise I made…
“I'll name you Edward” I whispered to my child as I held him closer to my face and kissed his forehead ever so gently.
“I'll never leave you” I whispered to him.
I finally had the child I waited for so long and I would never let anything happen to him. He was everything I had left from ed.
I knew that one day he would come back, come back to find his child. But he would never know the truth about him. Not because I wish this life for him, but I don't want my child growing up with a father that's never home. I don't want him to get the feeling that his father doesn't love him.
I want him to grow happy along my side.
“winry?” I herd my name. it was grandma pinako.
“so have you thought about a name?” she asked
“yeah… Edward” I said with a fading smile.
“just like his father huh?”
“yes.. If that's ok?”
“of course it is” she smiled and came closer to look at the baby asleep in my arms.
“it fits him perfectly” she smiled.
That night I couldn't sleep my head was lost in thought.
I looked over to the cradle on my right and sighed.
It would be hard raising a child by myself but I would get through it. I sat up and stepped over to the cradle. There he was sleeping silently in the moonlight. How much he reminded me of his father.
I reached in the cradle and picked him up slowly. I watched him sleep for a while until he awoke.
“hey there” I whispered to him “go back to sleep my baby”
I walked around my room to get him to go to sleep just like my mother did to me when I was a child. Fortunate for me he did fall asleep. I stopped at the window and looked outside into the dark sky. Then down onto the road, but as much as I wished it I didn't see him walking on the road heading my way.
“Edward no!” I yelled playfully as he threw his food at me.
My little Ed was now 10 months old, time had gone fast and it erased so much pain.
“Ok Edward eat your food” I smiled at him and he returned the warm smile.
He looked so much like Ed; he was like a mini version of him.
Ed?--*sigh* how much would it shock you to come back home and find me with a child?
I could hear Ed (Jr) laughing in the background as he played with his food.
“oh my little ed!” I said as I picked him up and tickled his tummy.
“winry, you're going to spoil that child” said grandma pinako with a smile as she entered the room.
“grena!” lil ed shouted as grandma entered the room, he could barely say her name.
“hello my little prince” she smiled and kissed his cheek.
After ed finished eating I picked him up and took him upstairs to my room.
I set him down on a blanket while I finished some work.
I didn't notice but he stood up slowly and walked out the room, yes he was learning how to walk now, he made his way out to the hall.
“ok ed let mommy finish and we'll go play outside” I said but as I turned to smile at him I didn't see him.
“Edward!–where are you?!” I was afraid for him even if he had just left the room.
I ran out the room and looked to the left side of the hall but he wasn't there. “Ed?!”
I looked to the left and found him at the end of the hall.
“Edward!” I ran to him with a sign of relief. He was parched upon a door with one hand against it-trying to open it- and the other hand in his mouth.
“Edward no!” I ran to him and picked him up “don't you ever go in there” I said firmly to him but not to strictly.
“ba!” he said with one fist in mouth
There was only one reason why I didn't want him to go in there–because that was Edward's room. It still contained all his things, his alchemy books, his pictures, and every thing he had left behind.
I glared at the door and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.
~~~~~ok well this chapter was long! Hope u enjoy!!~~~~~~~~