Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Left without a Word ❯ The unknown Child ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Part 9- The unknown child.
“So winry who is this child?” Edward asked his face mad with fury. You knew better then to lie to him, but you had no other choice.
“And don't say he's “The neighbor kid” because I know he's not”
Winry glared at him. Ed looked at Edward wondering why he wanted to know so much who he was.
“Answer me winry”
Winry kept quiet and tried to ignore his question once more.
“Winry!” Edward snapped.
“I don't know what you're talking about” winry refused to respond his question.
“Ok let me try to refresh your memory” he said with annoyance.
“Who is that child!” he demanded as he pointed at ed. Ed's eyes widened and he stepped back a little. Winry stood her bandana coming loose from its position.
“I don't have to explain anything to you Edward!” she scowled.
“Fine I guess we have to do this the hard way” Edward said.
“Brother no! Not in front of him” al shouted as he stood from his chair.
“Then you better take him somewhere else, because to me it don't matter if he stays or goes” Edward said with anger his vision set on winry.
“Take him al” winry said looking away from Edward and to her child.
“But mom-“ed whined softly.
“Ed please”
Ed looked from his mother to his father. He watched Edward standing there, with a frown on his face. Is he really the fullmetal alchemist?
“Ok” Ed said softly and left with al to town, were nothing could be heard coming from the house.
(Winry's p.o.v)
There he stood before me, thinking of the worst. Why did he have to come back now? Why? He left us all behind and now he wanted my forgiveness. I don't think he'll be getting it that easily.
But he looked at me with anger and disappointment. Did he really think that Ed wasn't his child? Ha how could Edward be so blind to miss his own son? It's so hard to miss something like that; I mean Ed looks just like him.
Oh Edward how blind and stupid you can be? Of course I wasn't going to tell him the truth unless… unless if he found out himself.
“So winry are you planning on telling me who he is or not?” Ed asked his glaring eyes beginning to reason.
“No. I don't think I will…”
“Damn it winry!” he yelled smashing his fist against the wall. “What the hell do I have to do to get you to talk?”
“Edward… I don't know… I don't know what to tell you” I sighed madly.
“If you don't know I'll tell you” he said getting closer to me, walking away from the damage he made with his metal fist. “Why don't you start with your son, ed I believe his name is?”
(*) (*) (*) f
(Regular p.o.v)
“So ed how old is you?” al asked the small boy at his side as they walked to town.
“Six…” Ed responded keeping his eyes on the ground.
“Six huh?”
“Al? Who was that man?” Ed asked looking at al.
Al hesitated for a moment “he's my brother”
“He's your brother?” Ed asked amazed “the full metal alchemist is your brother”
“Yup…wait how did you know he's the fullmetal alchemist”
“Uh?–oh! Did I say that?!” Ed asked innocently.
“Yes. Yes you did, come on you can tell me”
“Well?....ok…” ed said beginning to explain “there's this room upstairs, where my mom doesn't allow me to go in. one day when she was in her workshop I went in and found a picture of him with my mom” he said taking out the picture from his pocket.
He went into brother's room…
“But please don't tell my mom! She'll be really mad!” Ed begged.
“Don't worry” al chuckled “I won't tell” he said taking the picture.
“Thanks” Ed sighed. “But what I don't understand is why do they look so happy in that picture and now they're mad at each other?” he asked.
“Just wait Ed, you'll find out sooner or later”
“Ok…” Ed sighed
“So? Does your father live with you?” al asked even though he knew the whole truth about Ed.
“No…I don't have a father” Ed sighed again trying not to sound sad about it.
“Oh don't worry Edward and I don't have one either” al sighed as well showing no emotion.
“You don't?” Ed asked.
“So where pinako?” al asked changing the subject.
“Oh grandma went to the city to visit an old friend whose sick” ed explained “she'll be back in 2 weeks tops.
“Winry! Answer me now!” Edward demanded.
“Edward, I'm sick and tired of you” winry said her voice cold and meaningless.
“ Winry all I want to know is who that child belongs to?” he asked getting closer and pinning winry to the wall. “Who is the father of that child… I'll rip his throat out” he hissed with disgust at the thought that another man had stolen winry from him.
“Go ahead Edward, but I don't think you want to kill you're self in such a miserable way” winry commented back showing no fear as Edward pinned her tight to the wall.
“Why would I want to kill myself?” he asked his brows narrowed.
Winry shook her head. “Oh Edward, how could you be so blind” was the only thing she said.
Edward said nothing, still confused by winry's words. “You know your not going to get away with what you did” he said with a devilish smile.
“You can't change what I did” winry scowled.
“No. I can't, but I can change the way things are going to be” Edward said and he landed his lips violently on hers.
~~~~~Bwahahaha!! Enjoy it while it lasts! Please review and I'll update soon”~~~~~~