Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Heaven ❯ REWRITE ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Lost Heaven
Disclaimer: I do not own any copyright to plots and characters from Fullmetal Alchemist , so pls don't sue me!
Warning: SPOILERS from manga/anime/game walkthrough. Slight yaoi at the end. Rating will go up.
Pairing in chap 2: Ed/Al brotherly love, Archer/Al, possible Ed/Winry
Summary: Post movie and OVA, Ed and Al went to live in the real world without their alchemist ability till year 2006. It was the end of the story after their lives ended in the real world, or wasn't it? Inspired after FMA OVA. Will update if there are reviews.

Chapter02: REWRITE
There was brightness everywhere, so glaring that Al could hardly open his eyes. Slowly, his eyes grew accustomed to the light around him and he began to make out chunks of what looked like the remains of a gate that resembled horribly that of the Gate of Transmutation. He felt himself landing on the ground.
"Hey, fancy seeing you again! You know, I kind of miss you since you got back your body some years ago. This is the first time we can communicate together since your body and soul have joined together." A strangely familiar voice called behind Al. He turned to see a shiny person who was so bright that Al could not see his face at all, except his creepy grin.
"Who are you? Have you seen me before?" Al asked.
"How heartless, you were staying with me for the whole 4 years within the gate and now you can't remember me!" The shiny person sniffed: "Anyway, the situation is, you and your elder bro had blasted this place. Do you both have any idea what kind of trouble you have caused to your own world??"
Al protested: "We've been trying to seal our world from the other world, what's wrong...." He paused, remembering the chucks of gate debris and several gate missing parts.
"Oh ho, now then you notice. Maybe I'll give you a bit of background information of what has happened. Instead of cutting off the ties between the worlds, the entire gate was blown up from the world you went to and its pieces had fallen onto the world where you came from! And if you think the wormhole between the two worlds are cut off, then you are terribly wrong. Don't stare at me like that, kid!"
"Don't call a 95 year old man a kid, mister!' Al protested and stopped short to see his hands smooth as a child's: "What-the?"
"Maybe you'll like to change your words now." grinned the shiny person: "Thought you'll love it a lot. You must be tired of being a sickly old man at the other side, right? Now here's a good change when you go back to where you belong and sort out whatever destruction you and your brother have caused."
"What have we done? What's wrong with destroying that gate?"
"Little boy," The shiny short person sighed like a weary teacher explaining one plus one equals two to a dumb student: "If you think a black hole can be destroyed with a blast, it'll only make the tunnel bigger, have you any idea what effect the pieces of the extraordinary gate can cause to the beings in your own world? Moreover, the balance of time between the two worlds are now disrupted and there was an intersection of different dimensions." The shiny person snickered at the thought.
Al frowned. From the conversation with this mysterious person, he obviously was happy to see chaos happening all the time. Somehow he reminded Al of Envy.
Al said: "You know, you are very weird. Do you have a name by the way?"
"Oh, some of you called me 'God', you can call me 'Truth' if you like."
"Is there anything I can do, Mr Truth?" Al asked.
"Of course, you can, little boy. You can do it by... blah, blah, blah.." Truth's lips moved. Al's eyes widened.
"And so, only you can do that." Truth concluded.
"Sorry, I can't catch your words earlier, can you repeat it again?" Al asked.
But Truth did not seem to hear Al's request, instead he grinned: "Enough say, I'll let you continue your way back! There'll be many interesting changes waiting for you! Hope we won't meet again!"
"No, WAITTT!! You haven't told me the way to revert my world back to normal yet!!!!" Al screamed as bright light glared before him and the shiny person was out of his sight.
The flash of light started to burn before Al. He put up a hand to shield his face and got to his feet. He was in the middle of the Great Desert.
"Stupid 'Truth', of all places, why must he send me to a desert?" Al complained.
"Gosh, this is hot, how did I land here?" A familiar voice groaned near him.
"Officer Hughes! I'm surprised to see you here!" Al cried out in surprise, wondering inwardly why a person from the other world was sent to his world.
"Officer? I'm a Lieutenant Colonel, for your information and for the last time I can recall. Hey, do I know you? You sound very familiar!"
"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes...?" Al scratched his head: "I think I used to meet you before many years ago when I was an armor..."
Hughes reached forward, almost touching Al's nose with his: "Hey, you look like Edward Elric. Don't tell me you are his younger brother-Alphonse Elric. As far as I remember, you are supposed to be an empty armor. Can I presume your brother has managed to return your body back to normal?"
Al's grin instantly turned into a frown and walked away: "The effect of heat must be too much for me, I'm actually talking to someone who's supposed to be dead."
Hughes ran after him: "That's my question too, the last time I remember, I was killed by a homunculus in disguise of my wife and the next moment, I ended up here! YOU MUST BELIEVE ME!!"
"Yah, yah, I understand, I know." Al quickly said, having been shaken by Hughes like a ragged doll. Inwardly, he wondered why Hughes appeared so tall from his point of view. He was like, at least a head taller than Al who was usually proud of his height whenever he met other people in several occasions.
Al pondered to himself and collapsed on the hot sand, feeling exhausted. He changed the topic: "I miss my wife-Azmaria, my 6 children, my 8 grandchildren and my 3 kawaii great grand children and most of all, nii-san. I wonder how are they now."
Puzzled, Hughes examined Al: "You don't look more than 14 years old, Alphonse, how did you managed to have a child?"
"I'm a 95 years old man in the other world before I died... Wait, I look less than 14 years old, did you said??" Al groaned.
"Around 12-13 years old to be precise, blond hair with ponytail, red hooded coat..." Hughes elaborated.
Wasn't that how I had looked before I went to the other world? What's going on here? Al thought.
_____________________________________________________________ ________
Roy Mustang could not understand it. He had followed Edward Elric's plan closely to destroy the Gate of Transmutation the moment he and Alphonse Elric went over to the other side on a rocket. He was expecting to see the dark opening vanishing, revealing a clear blue sky as what many happy endings were supposed to happen whenever the worst was over. Instead, firy sparks flew from the opening all over the sky like burning sparks from burning city turning the colour above into blood red before regaining back to normal with the hole gone. In an instance, Roy felt something bad about it, but he could not put his finger to what exactly went wrong.
"Is there anything wrong, Colonel?" Riza asked behind him.
"I'm no longer a colonel, First Lieutenant." Roy sighed.
Riza smiled: "An instruction and letter from the top earlier, Sire, you are restored back to Colonel." She handed him the authority letter.
Roy Mustang could not believe his luck. Just when he started to go back to his usual work with the same subordinates under him, the first problem started to pour into the headquarter.
Within a week after the attack from the other world, there were signs of strangely transmuted chimeras attacking people. Several times, Roy and Armstrong had to dispatch their men to fight the creatures. Another bad news reached the military, there was rumors that the nation of Drachma which was in the North of Amestris was developing weapons to attack Amestris anytime. The chimeras were rumored to be products from Drachma and country of Xing as they were sometimes sighted coming from the Great Dessert. People in Amestris were mysteriously disappearing almost everyday.
"There is a few more coming towards our border." Armstrong reported as he sighted a few combinations of elephant/scorpion creatures moving towards their station. He cracked his muscles.
Suddenly, there was a huge typhoon, rolling all the creatures into the air and slumping them further away.
'This alchemy....' Armstrong thought and sure enough, he heard a familiar voice talking probably to someone besides him: "See, I've regained my alchemy ability! There's some people over there. We can seek for their help ..."
"I want to see my beloved Elysia again!" sniffed the second familiar voice.
"Are my eyes deceiving me?" Armstrong gasped in disbelief as he saw a supposedly-dead Hughes and the supposedly-disappeared-to-the-other-world Alphonse walking towards them.
"Armstrong-san?" Al's eyes almost budged out: "You're still around after so many years?"
"It's been barely a week since you've left, Alphonse. Have you finally remember me?" Armstrong smiled and turned to stare hard at Hughes.
"Hello, long time no see, I know it sounds crazy, but it seems that I've come back to life. Al has told me everything." Hughes scratched his head and laughed uneasily.
"You... you... you..." Armstrong burst into tears and hugged Hughes like a bear: "We all MISS YOU!!!!"
Hughes choked in his grip: "Arghh, same here, same here, let me have a breath, won't you?"
"Barely a week since I left? What's going on here?" Al put his hand to his chin and pondered deeply: "And Lt Hughes coming back to life? Does it mean that the time here has slown down compared to the other world and the dead have come back to life? Maybe..." His eyes shone: "Maybe I can see Mother again!" Al turned to tag at Armstrong: "Take us back to Amestris, please, my mother might have come back to life!"
"Hmm? All right." Armstrong nodded. A voice suddenly interrupted him behind: "Sire, what are we going to do with those dead chimeras? Send them for examination as usual?"
It was a 20 plus years old female state alchemist. She turned to look at Al: "I say, aren't you Edward? You look so different since the last time we met."
"I'm Alphonse Elric." Al said wearily. When did his nii-san get to know so many girls behind his back?
"Al? It's me! Cony! Do you remember me? We used to work together in a mission with Ed together!" The girl-Cony pointed at herself excitedly: "I remembered you were an armor that time!"
"Hm? Sorry, but I really can't remember who you are." Al replied delicately, searching his brain for anyone resembled her, but failed.
"I'm Corniche R. Royce! I can't believe you've forgotten about me! We've met four years ago and you both had helped me to become a state alchemist!" Cony retorted in disbelief.
"I've some accident when I got back my body, I might have lost some memory about you, I'm so sorry." Al lied, knowing fully well that his 4 year memory with Ed had been restored after he went to other world. 'Maybe I still have some scattered memories, I do not know.' Al thought uneasily.
Cony's frustrated face relaxed: "Oh... Hey wait, do you wish to become a state alchemist too? We're no longer fighting civilians. The military needs plenty of state alchemist right now."
"OK, let me think about it." Al said carelessly and he caught Armstrong's disappointed look: "Oh, I will really SERIOUSLY think about it, I promise."
Armstrong broke into a smile. Besides him, Al had a strange feeling that he was like... turned into a character within a children fairytale storybook which he used to read to his grandchildren at night. Just like some characters in the story, he had reverted back to his younger self after he returned to his own world from other world where he aged and died. Somehow, this so-called 'bedtime story' seemed to have gone horribly wrong.
Secretly, Al took note the 3 main strange circumstances:
1) Dead people came back to life
2) The time had stopped or slows down after he left for the other world
3) There were some people/events that he had completely no collection at all (He would confirm with other people again later).
_____________________________________________________________ ______
Winry thought her head was going to be exploded with so many sudden incidents. The day the Elric brothers left her to the other world, she had promised herself not to wait for them anymore. The next day, Izumi and Wrath turned up at her door step. Initially, she thought there was some mistakes until she went to Izumi's tomb to find it had disappeared as though it did not exist in the first place. Three days later, Al and the supposed-dead Hughes turned up at her doorstep. Hughes was hugging his daughter almost everywhere except his office where he was reaccepted as part of the military. Much to Izumi's disapproval, Al went for the state alchemist examination and joined the military. Al was given a title-Soul Alchemist and was put under Roy's team.
"Your father is the Fuhrer?" Al asked in awe and Armstrong nodded while they were walking along the corridor.
"I'm very proud of him. I know he can do it and will be better than the previous one." Armstrong sniffed with more sparkles in his eyes.
"Soul Alchemist," Roy called as Al entered the department: "We have a mission now."
_____________________________________________________________ ___
In a ruined city within Amestris
"Is this heaven or hell, why does it look so familiar to me?" Edward Elric pondered when he found himself lying among the ruins of an unknown city.
Flashback 2006 in Tokyo, Winter
The doctors shook their heads as they examined Edward Elric's heartbeat: "His depression has worsened his condition. You have to prepare for the worst, Mdm."
"First, Al and now Ed, Ed must be thinking of joining my husband in his after life." Ed heard Azmaria sobbed as he laid motionlessly on his sick bed. But he did not care.
In his mind eyes, he saw the younger Al smiling and waving at him.
Maybe I'll be seeing you soon, Al. Wait for me.
That night, Ed passed away peacefully. Shortly after darkness descended him, his eyes were met by flashes of light and he ended up on an isolated street in his 18 year old body.
Back to current circumstance
"Fullmetal, I can't imagine seeing you here again." An unpleasant sneer suddenly interrupted his thoughts.
"Archer? I can't believe I'm seeing you under this circumstance too." Ed turned to glare at the person whom he detested behind him.
There was low rumbling on the nearby buildings. Frank Archer looked up: "Looks like we have some company." Around 10 or more wolves with strangely deformed human-like faces growled and saliva dripped from their gapping mouths.
"So this is how Hell looks like, huh? I'm simply amused. Should have put them in my movie scripts." Ed said sarcastically.
"Damn those humans, they are messing up our rights to survive!" The leader of the wolf chimeras growled and leaped at them.
Ed automatically clapped his hands together and sent shooting rocks to slump at them.
"Looks like my fire is not put to use, Fullmetal. Welcome back." The familiar voice of Roy Mustang said as he merged from a dark corner: "Your brother was back 2 days ago, for your information."
"Al is here?" Ed echoed: "Hey, wait, what the hell is going on here? One moment I was dying of old age in bed and the next moment, I'm performing alchemy in a ruined city? And I'm seeing dead people talking to me?"
"You are still as short as usual, Fullmetal." Roy said loudly, ignoring Ed's cries of "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT???!!!!" "Maybe you can check with Soul Alchemist, I mean Alphonse, later." Roy finished.
"Al has joined the military?" Ed asked after a while.
"Yes, but I lost sight of him. This is his first mission, I'm hoping he's not getting himself into a fix." Roy said and turned to meet some bewildered officers who saw Archer and Ed.
_____________________________________________________________ _______
Al had lost sight of Roy whom he had been following closely when some chimeras got into his way and he swept them off in his wind. Along the way, he could hear moans and cries of victims who had been attacked by the chimeras as he walked along the debris. Cony was dispatched to heal the injured, but like Roy, she seemed to have disappeared somewhere else within a short time. Al sighed and tried to help any victims out of the destruction whenever possible.
Just then, he heard some growls and looked to see more wolf chimeras leaping down to attack the victims. Al clapped his hands, extending a piece of the ground and hit the attackers. Some ran off, but more came, lured by the blood of the victims and the lack of soldiers in the area. Al transmuted a stone pole out of the ground and hit them away from the injured people, but they kept advancing.
"Why can't those chimeras just go away? If only I'm still in my armor form, but there's no armor around!" Al grunted and hissed in pain as one chimera closed his jaws over Al's shoulder. Burden by the weight, Al fell off onto the ground. More chimeras sneered and jumped at him. Al clapped and slapped his palms onto the ground. Bright lines zip-zapped from his hands to the monsters. The thirsty gleam in their eyes disappeared and they collapsed onto the ground, dead.
"What..." Al panted: "Kind of alchemy is this?" He walked up to the corpses and examined them. No wounds, no injury, just dead as dolls.
"Soul elimination or soul absorption, I presume, State alchemist." A deep familiar voice said.
"I think so too, this is the first time I've ever seen that." A feminine familiar voice replied.
Al turned to see the familiar form of Scar and Lust standing behind him, watching him with interest. Somehow, Al found Lust looked a bit different, but he could not identity what it was.
"You are alive too, Scar-san." Al said numbly.
"Who are you?" Scar's face remained cold.
"Alphonse Elric." Al said: "Ed's younger brother, we have met before."
"ALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ed called from afar.
Scar took a look and together with Lust, they disappeared into a dark alley.
"NII-SAN!" Al called and ran to his elder brother. Ed suddenly threw his arms around Al and pulled him into a tight embrace before Al could hug him. “Nii-san?” Al asked uncertainly.
“I finally see you again, Al. I can hardly imagine life without you for a year since your death.” Ed choked.
“A year? A year had passed over the other side since my death?” Al repeated. Ed nodded.
“How are my kids, wife, grandchildren and my great grandchildren? Are they doing fine?” Al asked.
“They're ok, your wife was a very strong willed woman and she lived well as usual. She recovered the fact of your death within half a year.” Ed said and he pulled Al back
His grin suddenly widened with satisfaction. "What?" Al asked and immediately knew the reason. Ed was slightly taller than Al as Al had reverted to his 13-year-old self. Ed used to complain how tall Al had grown whenever Al visited him in the other world.
Al sighed: "Looks like we are back to our old times."
_____________________________________________________________ ________
Ed could not remember how he survived the day when Winry cried and hugged him when he entered the door behind Al. Izumi pulled a long face when Ed mentioned Al's joining of the military. He was caught unaware when she suddenly pulled them both into a motherly hug. Wrath appeared oddly different. After some observation, Ed noticed that Wrath was having proper limbs (including Ed's one leg and arm) again. Late in the night, Al explained the situation of the world after his death, based on words from 'Truth'.
"What else did that 'Truth' guy told you?" Ed asked: "I remember he's a bit funny when I first met him..."
"You've met him before, nii-san?" Al gasped.
"Yeah, I met him twice whenever I performed human transmutation." Ed put his arms behind his head and thought of the far away past.
"Err... Then do you know Cony before we went to the other world?"
"Sure I do, we helped her to find her missing elder brother in a mission to investigate the running chimeras matter with Colonel Roy, Lt Hawkeye and Armstrong, remember? Al, you look a bit funny."
Al covered himself in blanket: "N..nothing, I think I'm feeling sleepy." He completely forgot to tell Ed about the revival of Scar and Lust.
"Oh, ok, night." Ed turned to sleep.
Behind the door, Winry smiled tenderly at the brothers' sleeping form, she whispered: "Welcome home, Ed."
_____________________________________________________________ __________
With the return of Archer and Hughes, there was a reshuffle of manpower in the military. Cony was placed under Armstrong, Ed under Roy and much to Ed's fury, Al was put under Archer's command. He did not like the way the man glanced at his younger brother.
"If you dare to bully my younger brother," Ed hissed at Archer when he passed the Lt Colonel along the corridor: "You'll have ME to answer to."
"Is this a threat to a superior, Fullmetal?" Archer grinned darkly and continued his way without a backward glance.
_____________________________________________________________ __________
"So what's your conclusion, Colonel?" Lt Hawkeye asked.
Roy scratched his chin: "It seems that there's a drastic change after the collapse of the gate. Looks like the destruction of the gate brings the dead to life and our time in our world has slow down compared to other world where Fullmetal came from. I'm afraid things are not going to be as easy as they look, First Lt."
Lt Hawkeye gave him a questioning look.
"'That person' could be back by now." Roy said: “I'm afraid this is only the beginning of the disaster.”
“Hi, guys!” Hughes suddenly interrupted as he swept into the room.
Roy said quickly: “If it's anything about your daughter, give my ears a break. I've been hearing your daughter's compliments almost every hour ever since your return.”
“No, it's something else.” Hughes said seriously.
_____________________________________________________________ __________
Al was carrying a stack of reports to his assigned department when Archer blocked his path.
"Yes, sir?" Al looked up at the stern face.
"Follow me." Archer said shortly and led Al along another corridor that was more deserted. Al sensed something amiss when he saw that there was no one inside and turned to walk out, but the door was closed. Archer snickered at him and pinned him to the door.
"Is there anything, sir?" Al forced himself to stay calm, scolding himself for the slight shiver in his voice: 'It's not as if he is going to eat me up, he's just my superior, what's the problem with me? Besides, I have 95 years worth of life experience, what else have I not face before compared to him?'
Archer snickered, reached forward and started attacking Al's lips with a harsh kiss. Al froze; his grip on the files loosened and the documents fell onto the floor with loud thump.
_____________________________________________________________ ___________
_____________________________________________________________ ___________
Corniche R. Royce-a character from FMA Gameboy 'Stray Rondo'
'Truth'-a character from FMA manga
Frank Archer-a character from FMA anime
AUTHOR NOTE: This chapter might be more disappointing due to its lack of angst as compared to the previous chapter and it is not as touching. Some parts might remind you of Inuyasha and some other animes, but I just can't help it due to how the chapters go.
The part about Ed and Truth's meeting was in FMA manga #13 and after he & Al attempted to resurrect Trisha Elric in the manga version. The mission about meeting Corniche was taken from a game walkthrough in FMA Gameboy 'Stray Rondo'. There'll be more characters crossover from FMA anime, FMA manga and FMA game. I was pretty confused with all the differences in the contents between manga and anime.