Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Equivalent trade ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

az: ^=^ Suddenly I felt so much as loved.... Wished I could tell me friend about this fic.... though it might give her da spoilers.. she had cosplayed as Ed on two of our M'sian Comicfiesta and CosMas.. ;p

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or Hagaren of either the anime or the manga. Well, I DO own a state alchemist pocket watch and Ed plushie and the anime dvds.... Though if I OWNED Hagaren... won't I really be able to transmute anything? Hmm...if I could.... then it would be so easy to transmute sum FMA cosplay costume... ^=^ lol.... Characters and original excerpts from the fic are copyrights of Arakawa Hiromu WARNING: If you don't like any normal pairings or the anime/manga, shouldn't you NOT be in here?

Memories.... The equivalent trade Written by Azzie/Az .. Alienna Azuani .. Yami Azzie


'This place---', muttered the person as he stared blankly all around him. 'Why— oh, silly me. Of course I am here...', he sighed again as he walked aimlessly along the busy road.

'Sensei!!Hurry... it doesn't seem so far now. Let's go... let's go!! Uncle Sig... please hurry!!'

The man swerved around as his eyes watched the threesome with amazement. He smiled. 'He really did it... but, where is he?', he wondered as he continued eyeing the child who had walked side by side with the odd couple. 'Hn... there's no more place for me to be with them...', he sighed as he started to turn around towards the opposite direction.

'Calm down, Al! I've just called them! Ed was still unconscious... there's no need to rush. Your brother will not run away...'

His heart suddenly turned to ice as he heard of those strings of words. He swerved around as the couples took the young blond kid towards another intersection...


Alphonse grinned as he skipped over the pavements. 'I'm just excited... sensei!! Nii-san's safe... and he's here in Central!!', he cried in glee, dancing around as his jolly heart could muster.

Izumi smiled at the excitement that was evident on his face. 'Okay... you got me. Come on...', chuckled the woman as her husband walked by her side, hardly noticing another person following them...


In order to create something, one must present a sacrifice of an equivalent value.

That was the Law of Equivalent Trade.

We believed that was the truth of the world when we were small...


Ed opened his eyes slowly as he noticed several shadows, and that he was in a white room. And then, the shadows took shape and resembled faces... familiar to him. He knew them... but, why is it... that he felt overwhelmingly glad? He had always been with them... isn't it? So why did it felt like...

I missed them... so much? So much... that it hurts? Why was it

Winryturned as she gave a cry.

'Mustang-san!!Hawkeye-san!! Edo... Edo's awake!!', she cried excitedly as Ed felt a sudden jolt and then he's up in a sitting position. He looked up to find the colonel (of course, he doesn't know that Roy's been promoted...) sitting by his side, smiling at him.

'Taisa—?Winry—? Hawkeye-san—?', gasped Edward in confusion as he muttered his question. 'Why am I here—? And taisa... what happened to that annoying left eye of yours?', he asked not expecting the reaction he received.

For without warning, suddenly he was glomped by the three; with Winry continuously kissing his cheeks without restrains.

'What the— Cut it out!!', cried Ed in panic as the three excited people released him. Winry chuckled as her face turned red from happiness. 'Gomen yo... I was so glad...'

Ed immediately reflected her reaction as he placed a palm on his cheeks. He blushed. 'You guys surprised me like that...', he said as he felt a hand, ruffling his hair. He turned abruptly, facing the brigadier general's face. 'You can't blame her to have reacted like this. Or either of us for that matter... All of us had missed you for so long...', said the man as Hawkeye grinned at him.

'It's because we loved you so much, Edward-kun...', said Riza as Ed scratched the back of his head, with embarrassment. 'Though... I don't get why all of you were so excited—', sighed the lad as he suddenly wore a lonesome look, '—or why did I felt the same... This strange feeling... as if I had been separated from you guys for so long...', said Ed as he clutched his heart with a tinge of sorrow.

Roy frowned at him. 'Edward... you didn't remember anything about what happened to you?', he asked as Ed just shrugged at him.

'My memories are all jumbled up together... there's some images of people... I couldn't recognize them, yet they felt... familiar. Then again... I already forgotten why was it that I became the State Alchemist...', muttered the lad before he glanced towards Roy with surprise. 'Eeh? Taisa... you called me by my name! Before this, you just... Hagane this... Hagane that... Why's the change of speech?'

Winrychuckled as Ed looked at her in irritation. 'What?!! Why did everyone found it amusing every time I talked?', cried Ed as the three of them laughed again.

Roy chuckled at him. 'Never mind about that...', he said as Ed noticed another person lying asleep on a nearby couch. 'Taisa... who's that guy?', asked Ed again as Winry looked at him puzzled. 'Edo?You don't remember Wrath-san? Or anything about the homunculus?', she gasped as Ed shook his head.

'I'm... not sure...', sighed the lad as images of a beautiful lady with a dark, curly hair... a chubby kid... a man with a strange scar... and another woman... flashed in his mind. Faces of them smiling at him... and holding their hands towards him...

Roy looked at him with concern as Ed suddenly looked up and smirked at him. 'Oii... Taisa!! You still haven't answered my question! What is it with your eye... and had you and Hawkeye-san officially got together?', he said with a grin as Roy looked at him with a shocked expression. Even Hawkeye, who had been draping her arm on Roy's shoulder, had pulled away in embarrassment.

Even Winry couldn't find anymore reasons to hate the one man named Roy Mustang. Any anger towards him... had been replaced by that sweet homely sense of a family...

And Roy found it hard to utter anything back at the lad as Ed continued to grin.

'When will you guys marry?', he asked as both Roy and Riza's face turned scarlet.



Roy frowned as he eyed him seriously. ‘Ed… you really don’t remember anything from these past four years??’, he asked as Edward shrugged. ‘—There’s some blurry images… and I remembered searching for something… and then, a painful feeling… all mixed together. Other than that, it’s just… blank…’, explained Ed as suddenly the door slammed open.

The four of them looked up as Ed suddenly was hit by something. He looked down towards it… err, him, as a small blond boy hugged his lean body. The kid looked up and grinned at him.

‘Nii-san!!Finally… I got to see you again!! Whoa… Nii-san was so tall!!’, cried Alphonse as Ed looked at him with a strange frown on his face. Winry smiled at the young boy as she smiled in greeting to the other newcomers. ‘Aa… Izumi-san, Sigu-san!! You guys really came! And so quick too!! I thought that you guys might arrived a little later…’

The woman smirked as she winked towards Winry. ‘Heh… don’t ever underestimate me…’, said Izumi as she noticed Wrath nearby, still asleep. Sighing softly, she glanced back towards Winry before something else caught their attention…


‘—nii-san? What is it? You seemed… strange…’, said Al as Ed continued staring at him. Roy, Riza, Winry and the Curtis couple also looked at the brothers with concern.

Ed frowned at the little brother.



‘—you?’, asked the lad in confusion…


Winry’seyes went wide as Al immediately let go of his elder brother…

‘Nii-san?’, said the boy helplessly…



  glomped- yes... I used the non-standard phrase. But well... I used to glomp 'deru too (the girl who c/p as ed)... online that is... ^=^

az: I seldom had any anon. reviewers that are so nice!! (^v^) but when I do... I accept the reviews gratefully. That's why I luv writing these anime fics...

toeveryone that had been supporting me....

::bowed politely :: Arigato gozaimasu! Yoroshiku desu... and I sort of became more japanese than malay. Even my way of speech had started to sound like it...O—O

az: Hehehe… completed 5!! A cliffhanger… yea!!