Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Metal and Tears ❯ Burning Bridges ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The train pulled out of the dry station, leaving Alphonse, Edward and Kiri with their luggage on the platform. Kiri stretched and then picked up her bag to follow her companions into the town. As the group got farther and farther in, they began to notice Military vehicles rolling down the back streets on patrol, guards were everywhere and the people were almost silent. Kiri felt the eyes of everyone on her back as she passed. She moved up to the front to stand near Edward.
“Ed, I feel like I’m getting stared at.”
“It’s only your uniform. This town is only a few hundred miles from Ishbal, and after the massacre, it became a Military outpost. The people here don’t appreciate any new soldiers.”
“That’s not it, I’m even getting looks from the Military personnel. Let’s hurry and get off the street before--“ Kiri’s words were cut short as a rock came out of nowhere and struck her between her eyes. She felt something warm slide down her face and heard Edward curse under his breath. Kiri could barely make out shapes from her blurred vision, but she made out Alphonse well enough when he stepped in front of her to take several more hits from rocks that seemed to get bigger and bigger each time they were thrown.
“Are you alright?” He asked now shielding Edward and Kiri both. She nodded and stood with Edward as he pointed to an old building.
“Look, Al, I think we can make it to that hotel if we run fast enough.” Grabbing their luggage, Kiri and Edward raced toward the hotel with Alphonse close behind. They flung the door open and crowded inside, closing the door just in time to stop a hailstorm of rocks outside. They stood there panting for a moment as Kiri looked over to Alphonse and saw all the dents he’d taken. Sadly she looked away to study the crumbling walls. The brown molding was peeling away from the paper-thin walls whose wallpaper looked no better than a tattered sheet. There was a single oil lamp resting on the desk that lay right in front of them and since the tattered and dusty curtains kept out most of the sunlight, it seemed to be the only thing illuminating the room along with some sparsely placed electrical lights on the walls.
“I’m sorry.” She said at last breaking the silence.
“For what? “ Edward and Alphonse looked up at Kiri from where they had sunk to the ground.
“It’s my fault you were hurt Al, I should have done something to lessen your damage.” As she looked away, Alphonse began shaking his head.
“No!! Don’t worry, I’m fine!”
“But you’re not! Please, let me make it up to you somehow.” Kiri then looked over to the receptionist’s desk.
“I know, let me buy your rooms for tonight.” She glanced out the window and sighed.
“I’m afraid it will have to be here though, everyone else seems to be waiting for us outside.” It took much coaxing, but finally Edward and Alphonse gave in and let Kiri pay for their rooms. All three walked to the desk and Edward smacked the dusty, silver bell in front.
No answer.
Edward tried again, still nothing. Again and again he pounded the bell until a shrill voice called from the back room.
“Who keeps dinging that bell!! I heard you the first time!” Out of the door to the left, Edward saw a small bent old lady with silver hair tied in a bun that reminded him all too well of Pinako Rockbell. She shuffled over to the counter and glared at Edward from behind her glasses that rested comfortably on the bridge of her nose.
“Definitely looks like Granny Pinako.” The thought shuddered through him as Kiri moved him aside digging in he bag.
“Two rooms please…” She smiled slightly embarrassed but before she could hand the money to the elderly woman, Kiri’s hand was grasped in withered limbs and she was hauled close to the woman’s face. The pair of glasses fell from the woman’s nose and fell with a clatter onto the dusty wooden countertop.
“My…God…if it isn’t the young’n that was with the Ishballan! Last two customers I’ve had in years.” The lady let go of Kiri and came out from behind the counter to get a better look. Kiri stood there baffled, a look of confusion on her face, but when the old woman caught her around the waist in a hug, a flash of remembrance lit up her face.
“Granny!” She cried, returning the embrace. When the two had parted, Kiri still held fondly onto the old shoulders.
“You’ve gotten old….” The old woman laughed heartily.
“Yes, and I see you haven’t changed at all! Exception to the uniform, but I suppose you had your reasons for joining the Military.” Kiri smiled and turned to the Elrics.
“Guys, this is my Granny, she was the only one that knew Aniki was an Ishballan while we were hiding from the Military after the Massacre.”
Edward stared as Kiri and the old woman talked about times past.
“She was here at the time of the Massacre?” He thought.
“That can’t be possible, she only looks sixteen at most…what are you hiding Kiri?”
The old woman sighed then smiled, snapping Edward out of his thoughts.
“Tell you what.” She started, going back behind the counter and retrieving two keys.
“For making an old woman’s day, your rooms are free.” The travelers bowed and picked up their luggage, the lady handed Edward one key and he signaled Alphonse. Then she handed Kiri the other key as she winked and smiled.
“You’re old room dear.” Kiri’s eyes widened as she raced up the stairs. When the Elrics reached the top of the staircase, they found her at the threshold of an open door.
“Kiri?” Alphonse asked concerned. She jerked and turned towards them shaking her head as if to clear a memory.
“It’s just like I remember it…” She looked up and seemed like she had just noticed her two companions.
“Oh, sorry…” She pointed to the door to their left, right beside her own.
“If I know Granny, your rooms are right there. I’ll see you guys later…” With an absent-minded wave, she then walked into her room, quietly shutting the door behind her. The Elric brothers then made their way into their own room, noting with relief, the adjoining door that connected the two rooms.
“Brother,” Alphonse said worriedly.
“Did you notice it too? The old lady said that Kiri hadn’t changed since the Ishballan Massacre. Do you think…?”
“Al, I’m going to try and sleep before we have to change trains in the morning, are you going to be alright by yourself?” Alphonse hung his head and nodded slowly. Edward rolled over onto his side, his back facing away from his brother. He heard Alphonse sit back into one of the corners and he turned onto his back.
“Al, I don’t want to think about it. I just hope it’s a coincidence.”
“But what if it isn’t?”
“Then we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it.”
Edward couldn’t sleep, he’d lain awake for God knows how long and each time he would close his eyes, something would tell him to get up. The night was coming on and it had begun to rain. Edward rolled over and got up to move to the window across the room. He glanced over at Alphonse.
“Are you alright Brother?” He asked noticing Edward’s gaze.
“Yeah,” Suddenly they heard the sound of glass shattering come from the other room. Edward transmuted his arm and inched his way over to the adjoining door. Alphonse rose but Edward waved him back.
“Stay here.” He opened the door and slipped inside closing it behind him.
When he passed through the entrance, Edward saw Kiri sitting on the windowsill, her hair loose about her shoulders, knees brought up to her chest, wearing a knee length white sundress. She also held, in a gloved hand, a long amber bottle. He glanced over and saw five more like it lying broken or overturned on her nightstand.
“You’ve been drinking.” He said coldly.
“So what if I have!?” Kiri demanded.
“It’s not like I can’t sober myself up.” She clapped her hands and placed one over her mouth. When she opened it a ball of amber liquid about the size of her head came floating out in a stream.
“See?” She said holding it out towards him.
“And the best thing…” She started as she downed half of it again.
“Is that I don’t get hangovers.” Edward narrowed his eyes.
“What’s wrong with you?!” He cried.
“The Kiri I know isn’t this pathetic!” Suddenly Edward saw a bottle fly towards him. He blocked it with his right arm and felt it shatter, pieces flew around his face and land in his hair.
“The Kiri you know is a LIE!!” Edward looked over and found she had curled around into a ball on the sill and was facing the window.
“My existence is a lie, everything even my name.” Edward stared confused.
“What are you –-“
“My name isn’t mine, my life isn’t mine… nothing is mine!” Kiri leapt off the sill and strode, staggering, to where Edward stood. She leaned her face in next to his and he could smell the alcohol on her hot breath.
“It’s just like back then…” She said laying her hands on his shoulders. She hung her head and stood while pulling all the beer out of her system. She poured it all into a basin by her bed as she turned back.
“So you won’t think that what I’m about to tell you is because I’m drunk. Edward I’m--“
“An Homunculus?” Kiri stepped back her eyes fearful.
“When did you…?”
“When you’re grandmother said you hadn’t changed since the Ishballan Massacre. I had my suspicions but what you just told me confirms it.” He flopped back onto her bed head hanging low held in his hands.
“Homunculi are the result of an alchemist's sins when he tries to complete a human transmutation. What idiot’s sin are you?”