Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Metal Wings ❯ Glimpses ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Metal Wings
Happy Halloween! Here is a treat for you. Sorry for not updating in a while. I have been pretty busy with school and sports and haven't had much time to write. This chapter is short but if you can be patient, I promise the next chapter will be longer. I just wanted to get something out there.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist
He fell into a restless sleep….
Chapter 3: Glimpses
He couldn't breathe. He was struggling under a pair of strong arms as they held him up against a wall. A small stream of blood ran down his cheek from a gash in his head that mixed with his salty tears. His vision started to darken as the dark figure in front of him gave a maniacal grin. His eyes started to slip close. Another pair of arms grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, yelling something incoherent. His lungs burned from lack of oxygen and consciousness was slowly eluding him. The shaking became faster, more forceful. He started to make out some of the words - `...up…Hiro… Wake Up….WAKE UP HIRO!'
Hiro's eyes snapped open with a startled yelp. A dark shadow towered above him, hands on his shoulders. Hiro immediately recalled his dream and started to squirm under the light pressure. The figure pressed a little more forcefully as his voice drifted through the room.
“Hiro, it's me! Ed Elric! Calm down. You just had a dream, that's all.” The figure moved forward and his face was illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window. Worried golden eyes gazed down at the younger boy's tear-filled ones. The boy was clearly shaken as his eyes were constantly wandering around the room and sweat slowly dripped off his brow. Finally, his gazed settled upon Edwards. For a moment, Ed was stunned at how many emotions were reflected in his eyes- pain, betrayal, fear…but he quickly dismissed them and went on to comfort Hiro.
Ed lifted his hands off the boy's shoulders and brought one up to move the hairs plastered to Hiro's face and used the other to help him sit up. Propping him up against a couple pillows, Ed asked Hiro “Do you want to tell me about it?”
“No.” Hiro replied with a shake of his head.
“You sure?” Ed questioned.
Hiro nodded his head. Ed replied with a half-hearted `ok' and went to grab a glass of water on Hiro's request. After helping him drink, Ed laid Hiro back down and made sure he was comfortable.
“Ya know,” Ed said as he stood up, “we aren't going to hurt you. We just want to help. If you need anything, just tell me or Al. Ok?” Ed was answered by a short grunt of acknowledgement. Turning and moving toward his own bed, Ed said a quick `good night' to Hiro and tip-toed past Al, who was sitting down in the corner. The rest of the night was mostly peaceful with Hiro only waking up on a few more occasions. In the morning, Ed and Hiro woke up to the smell of pancakes drifting through their room. Ed dragged himself out of bed and into the kitchen to help Al make them. Hiro just laid there with his head turned toward the window, watching as the sunlight filtered through and illuminated the room. His eyes widened suddenly as he remembered something….
“Where's Fayt?” He questioned, looking toward the kitchen. The brothers glanced at each other before looking in Hiro's direction.
“Fayt?” They asked in unison.
“He's my dog…” Hiro answered, going on to explain how he had had the dog since he was little and how it was always with him. After Ed had explained that they left the dog in the alley, which left an unhappy Hiro, he asked Al to go retrieve Fayt after they ate. With an enthusiastic `sure', Al finished cooking the last of the pancakes and piled them onto a plate.
Ed poured two cups of water as Al grabbed another plate and walked over to Hiro's bed. After propping Hiro up against some pillows, Ed sat down at the edge of the bed and put a few pancakes on the extra plate. Grabbing a fork, he cut off a piece and went to feed Hiro. Of course this was not only embarrassing for the boy, but he also did not completely trust the brothers yet, and at first he refused to open his mouth. However, after some coaxing from Ed, and the pain in his stomach from not eating, he allowed himself to be fed.
Soon, Hiro was done and Ed ate his breakfast. As promised, Al went and got Fayt from the alley and snuck him back into the inn. Once they were in the room the dog immediately jumped onto Hiro's bed and started licking his face. He brought the stump of his right arm, which ended a little above where his elbow would be, and patted Fayt on the head.
“Hey, boy. I missed you.” Hiro whispered into the dog's neck. Fayt answered with a small bark, as if saying `don't worry.'
“He's a nice dog.” Ed began, “Mind if I pet him?”
“Yeah, me too?” Al followed.
Hiro shook his head as he said that he didn't mind. The brothers walked over to the bed and patted the short, soft hair. It was a light tan color with some white and dark brown mixed in. Its ears were pointed and Fayt's long tail waged happily.
I know its short, but please review.