Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Now ❯ Chapter 7
Ed sat in the office fidgeting. The door opened and he jumped to his feet as Lt. Hawkeye walked in. "Fullmetal? The Colonel is not on the grounds right now . . ."
"I know," Edward interrupted. "He's at the library. I wanted to talk to you." A faintly arching eyebrow was the only indication he had surprised the efficient officer. He went and closed the door, then began speaking in low, hesitant tones. "It, uh, it is a matter of paperwork. A matter I would like to keep confidential." Again the eyebrow arched. He sighed and scratched his head, and began pacing with restless energy. "I've found out that when you are in the military, and you uh, die, that there is a uh, provision made for the surviving family . . ." his voice died off.
Edward closed the distance he had put between himself and Hawkeye. "Lieutenant," he spoke in low tones, "I want to register someone as being the person who gets the provision if I die." He looked up, meeting her gaze with a pleading look. Speaking quietly he explained his situation, and watched as a compassionate respect appeared on her face. "And you understand, I don't want anyone to know, it could be dangerous. . ."
"I understand quite well, Edward Elric. You leave it to me and I shall see that it is done, and not even the Colonel will know. Unless it need be invoked." She paused. "Are you sure you want it that way? I think you misjudge the Colonel." Her face softened as she spoke of her commanding officer.
"No, the less people who know, the better." He backed up, and grinned at her, a rougish sharp-toothed grin, "And it is one less thing for him to tease me about!" He paused, then bowed. "Thank you for your help, Lt. Hawkeye!"
As Hawkeye watched him turn and leave, she suddenly felt old. And alone. But you are not alone, young Edward, and I can help you make sure that she won't be either. If something does happen, she won't just get the pension. I will help protect her, if need be. I promise.
Hawkeye finished the paperwork. As she turned to the window, and saw that it had begun to rain. Rain, he's worse than useless in the rain . . . She grabbed an umbrella and ran to the library, not realizing that she too, wasn't alone.