Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ On The Wings Of An Angel ❯ Getting A Mission ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On The Wings of an Angel
Chapter Two: Getting A Mission
Author: Yami No Kaeko
Warnings: AU, AT, lots of bad language.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist
Alphonse looked at Jean and smiled. He had finally talked the wolf chimera into going drinking. Jean smiled a wolfish grin and grabbed his beer and drank half of it in one drink.
“You're good at this, I think beer tastes bad.” Alphonse said taking a sip of his beer.
“Well I've had plenty of practice, with Roy steeling all of my girlfriends and all.” They both laughed at that. They both agreed that they both were bisexual because Al liked Winery at one point and time and well Jean had went on a few dates.
“Was he really mad at me?” Jean asked Alphonse and Al just smiled at him.
“Yes he was, but he's not now, be glad he don't carry grudges.” Alphonse told him. Jean pulled a cigarette out of its pack and lit it.
“Were you really gonna hurt the Colonel?” Jean asked him.
“What do you think,” Al said with an evil tone. They both laughed. Jean finished his drink and looked over at Alphonse.
“What do you say about getting out of here?” Jean asked him and Al smiled.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Al told him. They got up left the money on the table and left. The ride to Jean's house was quiet. Al new he wasn't that drunk, he'd only had a beer and a half. Jean had only had, well Jean had four but who's counting anyway. Jean opened the door to his apartment and Alphonse followed him in.
“Phoenix the eagle has landed I repeat the eagle has landed.” Come a voice from a walky talky.
“Edward stop spying on your little brother and come back to bed.” Roy told him through the mouth piece. The radios squeaked at the close proximity and Edward threw his Walky Talky to the floor.
“Ah comon I was having fun,” Edward said as he climbed into bed with Roy. Roy raised an eyebrow and smirked at the teen.
“Am I that boring?” Roy asked as he faked a pout.
“Now your starting to act like me, and no you're not boring.” He kissed him to punctuate the fact. Roy chuckled and turned the lamp off.
The next morning everyone was staring at Ed and Al. They wondered if everything was cool with their brother's boyfriends because if it wasn't there would be a Elric disaster at Central Headquarters. Roy had left early for work and now Ed and Al decided to come in and it was about an hour later than he was supposed to be in. Again. Alphonse pushed his brother through the door to Roy's office and the day began.
“You will be please to know that I have found some clues as to where your father might be hiding, here is the report.” Roy said as he handed Edward a thick folder. He quickly opened it and scanned through the summary.
“Xing? I'm not going to Xing,” Edward told him.
“No not Xing per say, there is an embassy in the East just past Yuswell [1], I'm sure you would like to go and take a look wouldn't you Ed,” Roy told him.
“You know the answer to that…coy bastard.” The last part was growled and Roy had to laugh.
“Your train leaves at nine am. Dismissed.” Roy told him. Edward walked over to him and sat in his lap.
“Brother!” Alphonse shouted and Ed paled. Then he went scarlet and fell off of Roy's lap. Roy all the time laughing.
“Bastard!” was all he could get out. He got up and grabbed the Colonel by the shirt and kissed him roughly. Then he fled the room with Alphonse in tow.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
I'm sorry to disappoint everyone when I changed the story from Yaoi lemon to just plain Yaoi…(No sex)… I don't have the nerve worked up yet and I haven't read enough to truly feel confident enough to write it…sorry. I'm also sorry this chapter is so short, wanted to save all the action for the next chapter…Yami No Kaeko.