Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Once For All Time ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Once For All Time

Summary: The homunculi are on the move, growing closer to the creation of a philosopher stone, and, with a new promotion and ally, Edward is growing closer to restoring Al and destroying the homunculi.

Author: Manga Girl - MoonVeil

Foreword: I was inspired to write this story after reading, “Old Memories” by, Britni Fullmetal Otaku. Our stories will be nothing alike though, seeing as our plot lines are vastly different, that said, I hope you enjoy the story. Please review, not only do they help me know how I’m doing, they help to motivate me when I need to update.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, nor do I make any profits from the writing of this story.

Chapter Two

Important Note:
This story is both based on the Anime and the Manga. Spelling of names and certain characters may be from either one. So, if anything confuses you, email me and I’ll fill you in on who they are or how their name differs.


Riza stopped in the doorway, her eyebrows ticking in annoyance; Roy, who slept on, blissfully unaware of the danger that stood over his prone form. The blonde’s hand drifted slowly to her gun, her lips pulled into an angry sneer.

“Riza!” The hand dropped to her side and she turned, a shocked look spreading over her face, Amelia waved cheerfully from the doorway.

“Amelia? What on earth are you doing here? I thought you were stationed at Brigg‘s Cliff?”

The girl stepped into the warm embrace Riza offered her, smiling at the feeling of ease that spread through her as Riza hugged her. “Was, I’m now going to be under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Elric.”

“Ah ha, Mustang finally gave him the promotion.” The dark-haired girl pulled back, looking Riza over with an amused eye. “What?”

“You still call him Mustang? If you didn’t reject him so much you two would probably be married by now.”

Riza coughed a flush spreading over her pale skin. “I should think not, the Colonel isn’t one to settle down.”

Amelia snorted, “just wait and see. Speaking of Roy.” She pulled a large clip from her pocket, smiling broadly. Riza watched her warily, years of living with the two it wasn't unusual to see one or the other pulling some ridiculous prank.

“Amelia, don’t start a fight in this office; if you two want to fight take it outside.”

“Yes ma’am.” And with that she snapped the clip down over her elder brother’s nose, her hand flying to her mouth to catch the laugh that tried to fight its way into the open. Roy twitched, his hand batting the air as if to ward away the discomfort the clip caused. Even Riza seemed amused; a small smile tugged at her thin lips.

Roy breathed heavily through his mouth, sounding similar to a tractor. He batted his hand once more, his face twisted in discomfort. “Unn.” He opened his eyes slowly, not so slowly, though, after he saw Riza standing near his desk, gun still in hand. Springing to his feet Roy faced her with a guilty expression. “Riza I can exp--” He stopped, and Amelia doubled over with laughter.

Grasping the clip Roy pulled it form his nose, giving the abused flesh a gentle touch. He turned his smoldering gaze upon his sister, growling he raised his hand as if to snap his fingers. Riza’s gun was pointed his way in seconds.

“Mustang, what have I said about these sorts of things?”

He sighed, “outside.”

“Yes; outside.”

Roy grabbed his sister by the neck, ignoring her protests he dragged her from the office. “Riza, I’ll bring him back once I’ve kicked his ass!” Amelia told the older woman over her shoulder, waving happily once more.

“Watch your mouth!” Roy snapped, shutting the door behind him with a bang. Riza smiled and moved to Roy’s desk, her mood instantly going sour as she noticed the unfinished paperwork sitting upon his desk.


Amelia strode beside her brother (the elder finally having released her from his death hold), her blank expression mirroring Roy's as they walked through the halls to find a suitable place to blow things up--preferably each other. They looked good next to each other, Roy impressive with his striking good looks and high rank, Amelia with her innocent demeanor and a face almost identical to her brothers'. Roy stopped suddenly, Amelia almost crashing into his back, glaring at a man standing in the center of the hall. Amelia caught a patch of red hair from over Roy's shoulder. She peered over said shoulder, what had been one man turned out to be four.

The men talked animatedly, though a man with a cigarette hanging from his mouth less into the conversation than the others he stood with. Roy stomped to them, Amelia trailing behind him. All four went pale at the sight of Roy, the conversation dying on their lips.

“So this is where you've all have been hiding. And the party?”

The first to speak was a timid looking man, whose handsome face was hidden behind large black glasses, “we’ll be there sir!”

“Really, Fuery? I’ll hold you to that.” Amelia moved around her brother, noting with amusement that the man had nearly swallowed his cigarette at the sight of her. The man her brother had called Fuery resorted to pointing, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

Amelia ignored the finger smiling brightly. “You must be Kain Fuery?”

“Uh--Er, yes?”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard much about you.” She turned her head to the man standing beside him, trying to give his face a name using only her brother’s descriptions. ‘Old-looking with gray and black hair’- “And Warrant Officer Vato Falman?” The man nodded and she gave him a small smile in return. ‘Fat and ugly’ She had smacked Roy upside the head for the rude comment, but it was true (though it was grudgingly admitted)- “Second Lieutenant Heymans Breda?”


“And that leaves you.” She turned to the choking man, who held his cigarette before him as he hacked away. “Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc.” He waved a hand still coughing and bent double. Before she could say any more Roy’s soft voice took over.

“This is my younger sister, Second Lieutenant Amelia Mustang.”

“You never said you had a sister!” Breda said, eyeing Mustang the younger with open interest.

“You never asked.” Roy explained, his face deadpanned. “Now, you will come to the party tomorrow. Second Lieutenant and I have something that remains unresolved.” Amelia gave way to something sounding suspiciously like a snort. With a short incline of his head, Roy’s hand was once more on the back of his sister’s neck as he dragged her from the building.

Twisting her body around awkwardly she waved over her shoulder calling back to them. “Nice to meet you!”

Always polite, Kain replied with an enthusiastic wave, “you too!” Amelia turned her pleased expression onto her brother. Roy ignored her for the most part.

“Are you still angry about the clip?”

Roy looked at her from the corner of his eyes, “are you still angry about your hair?” He was referring to the time (almost ten years prior) when Roy had gotten angry at Amelia; in a childish fit of rage he had cut her hair. Amelia had never been angrier in her entire life, only Riza shooting at Roy as he screamed and ran down the lane into town seemed to sate her anger.

It had taken years to grow back, and until it had she had barely spoken a civil word to her brother. Roy, never one to have his precious baby sister hate him, had done everything he could to please her. And for those two long years he was as close to her slave as one can get. But that was over and he was back to his impish ways.

The only person Roy had ever listened to was Riza’s father, all the man had to do was look at Roy and he would become silent, his posture going rigid. Maybe it was the fear that, without the man, he and Amelia would be back on the streets that made him so obedient. But with time, Roy had come to love the man like his own father.

Riza had taken over her father’s place in Roy’s heart, when the man had died. But for Roy, it was loosing a parent all over again. And, only months later, Roy entered the military, Riza following close behind, her only hopes that she could protect him.

“No, but that was years ago, this in now.”

“Alright, yes." Roy told her, smiling when she blew a small raspberry at him. "I am a little mad.”

“Why? ‘Cause Riza was there?” She used a higher tone-- the one she used when teasing Roy about his and Riza’s love life.

Roy’s brows met in annoyance, “I don’t like Riza.”

“Mmhmm and birds can’t fly.”

“Penguins can’t.”

“...” Amelia rolled her eyes, shoving her brother’s hand away from her neck. “You really are a moron, Roy, you know that? What, do you think Riza will just wait forever for you? I should think not!” Roy frowned. “What I mean is, one day she’ll fall in love...Get married, and maybe not to you. Could you live with that?”

Roy weighed her words, unable to even imagine Riza not being at his side. Amelia nodded, her unasked question answered.

“See, now. It’s time for you to stop being stupid, oh. There’s Edward, gotta go!” Roy watched her leave, only realizing that she was escaping when she turned and blew another raspberry. Cursing under his breath Roy turned and walked quickly back to his office, his thoughts on what the younger girl had said.


“Edward!” Ed stopped looking over his shoulder, Amelia ran towards him, her long hair flowing behind her. Ed turned around fully, offering her a small smile.

“Amelia, what are you doing here?” Ed had been going to meet Al, after looking around the horror that was his office.

“Mm? Hiding from Roy.” She was so blunt; Ed nodded slowly, wondering just why she was running from her older brother. Since she had left the building her posture seemed less tense, her words loose and easy.

“I see.”

Amelia suddenly stiffened up more than she had in Roy's office, Ed, seeing where her gaze lay, followed her example. Offering the Fuhrer a polite bow. “Ah, Fullmetal! I hear you have been promoted.” It wasn’t a question, as if the thought that Edward might refuse his promotion had never crossed the man’s mind.

“Yes, sir.”

“And the Light Alchemist, I hadn’t expected to see you here in Central.” The Fuhrer turned his uncovered eye on Amelia, who met his gaze with hard black eyes.

Amelia smiled up at him, motioning her head towards Edward, “I’ve come to serve under Lieutenant Colonel Elric, sir.”

The man laughed, “I see, I see! Such a pair you two will make!” A tall dark-haired woman stepped up beside him, her face empty. Edward stiffened instantly looking down, his eyes searching the ground below his feet. “Juliet. Has the meeting begun?”

“Not yet, sir,” she murmured in an almost silent whisper, her dark violet eyes searching Ed’s stricken face. Smiling in an almost cruel way she turned to the boy, “congratulations, Fullmetal. I hear you’ve been promoted.”

Ed opened his mouth then shut it quickly; Amelia frowned leaning closer towards him, feeling protective. “Yes.” Amelia finally answered for him, drawing the woman’s intense eyes away. “It's Lieutenant Colonel Elric now.”

“Hmm, moving right on up, aren’t you? You’d make your mother proud.” Bowing she turned to leave, an amused Fuhrer following after. At the word mother Ed’s pale face had gone blue, the life seeming to have been sucked from him. As soon as they were gone from sight his legs gave out from under him, he hadn’t thought...He had promised Al he’d be strong. Even around her!

“Edward, sir?” Amelia placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes worried. “Do you need a medic?”

“...Amelia?” His voice was hoarse, the girl kneeled beside him.


“What were your parents like?”

Caught off guard Amelia stuttered for an answer. “Well...Roy and I...” Amelia sighed, casting her eyes to the ground. “Our parents...I never really knew them. When they died I was only a baby and Roy fifteen." Seeing that he was slowly calming Amelia rambled on. "Riza’s father took us in; he taught us all we know about fire alchemy.”


“Sir...Edward, are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

Edward brushed away her worry with a casual wave of his arm. “Of course, I’m fine- er, just a bad memory.” Amelia offered him a hand, he took it gratefully, allowing her to help him to his feet. Once righted Ed managed to offer the girl a small quirk of his thin lips. “I--”

“Brother!” Al cried, clanking towards them, his movements graceful despite the large bulk his body.

“Al.” Edward turned to face his brother, sighing. “I’m sorry, I got preoccupied.” Behind him Amelia’s brow rose, her lips twitching. Al stared past Ed, looking at Amelia who stared back. “Oh yeah-- Al, this is Second Lieutenant Amelia Mustang,” Edward ignored his brother’s shriek. “Amelia, this is my brother Alphonse Elric.”

“Hello Alphonse, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard much about you.”

Al gave a jerky bow, his voice breaking in a high pitched squeak, “y-yes! Nice to--to see, ah! Nice to meet you!”

Ed rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his hip, “Al, are we going?”

“Oh! Right, sorry brother!” He bowed once more to Amelia, she replied with a copy bow, hiding her smile.

“It was nice meeting you, Alphonse. Sir, will you be in tomorrow?”


Ed ignored his brother, “yes, by twelve at the latest.”

“Very well, until tomorrow, sir, Alphonse.” She gave Ed a small half salute, almost mocking.

Ed and Al watched her leave, when she was gone Al turned to regard his older brother, “what did she mean, sir?”


Roy pressed his back flush to the wall, clenching his eyes shut. The all-too familiar sound of a loaded gun clicking into place filled the empty room. Riza hummed softly, spinning the revolver into position. “Mustang.” She called, lifting her gun to eye level as if for inspection.

Roy said nothing, only pressed harder into the walls. “Mustang, come on out.” Roy nearly whimpered, sliding slowly along the walls behind him, inching his way to the doors; his only hope of freedom. “Mustang, why, pray tell, after I gave you two weeks to finish your paperwork is it still lying on your desk?

“Uh, I got er--distracted?”


Another chapter finished! Banzai! Review, review, review! Like any writer, I feed off them and without them I grow despondent and full of angst, and that, let me tell you, is never pretty. So, let’s keep it gay, leave a review!

Manga Girl -- MoonVeil

Preview of Chapter Three:

Edward sighed kicking a box away, stirring another cloud of dust. Amelia looked at him for but a second before turning back to the messy pile of papers before her. “Hey Amelia...About the party...”

Beta Love: MagenKyotenChiten