Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbows ❯ Mommy ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Don't own FMA.
Edward had always been good with children. Who knows why or how, he just was.
But Edward had never expected to have any children. He truly never would have thought that.
Ed watched five of his `children' played on the front lawn.
“Roy, why do we keep adopting kids?” he asked his lover, who was hugging his waist from behind.
“Because love, you always liked kids; a lot.” Roy answered back, nuzzling his chibi's neck.
Edward smirked, “No, I'm afraid your wrong hun, you're the pedophile in this house hold, not me.”
Roy pouted slightly for a moment before speaking again. “And you're damn glad about it too aren't you?” he asked in triumph, smirking once again.
Ed sighed in submission, caressing Roy's cheek with his hand.
Hey, if Roy hadn't been a pedophile, then they would have never gotten married now would they?
“Eww! Mommy(A/N: Edward is mommy because of his long hair) and daddy are being all mushy again!” screamed one of the children that had just walked in the door.
heh, don't know were that one came from. But it was ok right? Pointless but fun. Drabbles are good, a like to write them.
- newmoongirl