Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ Chp.6// Automail rehabilitation ;; Enter Lust ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: okay… I am so tired…Sorry about the italics in the last chapter, I can't seem to fix it. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! PUH-LEASE!!! I need you guys to do that. At least every three chapters, if not less. =^^= Muffin, I am WAY to attached to this fan fiction to stop writing. You ought to start on about Hinata or what ever! -Nods- -Nods-
Akina: Do you EVER leave your computer…?
Kiki: OF COURSE I DO!! How else would I keep up my reputation??
Kiki: shut up, dammit.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Unless it has something to do with the plot line: In that case, forget it.
Boom, I'm sorry about you're cousin. If you don't mind, I'd like to send my regards to him/her. Family is more important than fanfics, even If you've left all your readers with a cliffhanger…T.T
/~ Winry's POV~\
Winry looked around before she heard Al shout from behind her.
“Winry! Get Inside!!!”
Winry saw something black dart towards him from behind, just as he hurtled into the house, and slammed the door shut behind him. Something about the size of a human slammed into the door, making it rattle. Al, if he had been human, would have been clenching his teeth in frustration as another slam echoed through the house. Suddenly, something shot through the doorway, catching Al head, and throwing it from his shoulders.
Black claws. Elongated black claws.
Winry heard a feminine growl from the other side of the door, almost a purr. Winry saw through the keyhole a shapely woman, her nails embedded in the door. A strange tattoo lay In the middle of her collarbone, in the middle of her chest. Winry recognized it instantly, as it too, glowed deep purple. Just like that green haired boy's. These things weren't human, and somehow, Winry knew, that she and her friends where in the middle of their plans. Winry shivered as the claws retracted, and the woman, again, threw herself into the door. Winry scrambled over to Al's head, placing it back onto his shoulders.
“Winry…” Al grunted. “Go and hide, I can't keep her off much longer…”
Winry nodded quietly, and ran towards the guest room. Something glinted o the floor. Winry picked it up in curiosity. A bolt. A metal bolt. Winry scowled. This looked a lot like… A piece of Ed's AUTOMAIL!!! Winry glared daggers out of the window, as if Ed where standing there. His automail was still broken, but it seemed like all she had to do was re-screw the bolts in, and the automail would be functional. Winry grabbed the screwdriver, and cast a shuddering look down the hallway. That woman would break in any minute…she had to move fast. Winry hopped from the window, and stuck to the wall. She didn't want to even risk a glance around the corner, in case she was seen.
Winry finally gathered up the courage, and darted into the forest. She was clutching her favorite driver.
“Ed had better not get into trouble before I get to fix him.”
/~Akina's POV~\
Akina stood frozen in shock as the familiarity of the face began to sink in. why HIM? Why was he here? What was with the scythe? Did Envy mean to kill him? Was he one like Envy…was he even human? `Guilt' turned his face to look at her, and smiled grimly. But the look in his eyes weren't that like Envy had given her. It wasn't a greedy look, like he wanted something. The look in Guilt's eyes made it evident that the only thing in the world that he wanted right now…was to protect Akina. Akina knew in the moment, that he was her protector.
Maybe even her savior. Akina gaped at the figure in black, the slow smile that he gave her deadening her senses. It was that same smile he had always given her. Everyday they had met secretly at that food stall. Everyday they had exchanged little in words, but the looks they had given where hard to miss. Many people had given them blank looks in the street as they purchased what they need. Somehow… Akina had never caught his name. Maybe this was why. Maybe it was because he was tied into some psycho plot, unwilling to drag her into it… or maybe he just didn't like her? It was hard not to melt under his gaze, even if the latter was more probable. Everyday she would wait by the stall, just to catch a glimpse of him, listen to him exchange a few words in his deep, soft voice,.
Something In `Guilt's eyes flashed as he moved a threatening, jolting step towards Envy. Envy flinched mockingly, as If he was actually afraid. Akina bit her lip uneasily, as a low rumbling sounded caught in Guilt's chest. She realized that he was growling.
“Don't make a move. Don't you dare touch her.” Guilt growled, and he actually looked furious at the prospect. Akina would have been flattered, if the growing unease in her stomach hadn't told her that this was not the time for a schoolgirl crush to arise. She saw Guilt's hand grip his scythe and his jaw tense, gritting his teeth. He finally released a low, indecisive snarl as Envy made move towards Akina's throat. She shuddered, as if reclaiming her breath and senses, and struggled away on her hands and knees.
In one swift move, Envy darted towards Akina, His stiff fingers closing around Her throat. There came an eruption of movement from the bushes as someone screamed in pain. Akina couldn't recognize the voice, but at that moment, it didn't matter. Guilt darted towards them, but a flurry of movement from the other side of the clearing stopped him dead in his tracks. Akina's eyes widened in pure disbelief, and shock. Her body went limp, and she barely registered the renewed pressure on her windpipe. A boy was standing on the other side of the clearing; His eyes clouded over, guarded, while other children his age gathered around and behind him. His hair was a messy, dusty brown, and his deep blue eyes where bottomless, and expressionless. Even without Envy gripping her throat, all she would have been able to manage was the same, choked whisper.
/~Ed's POV~\
Gazed at the scene that was slowly unfolding in front of his eyes. He was paying no attention to the sound behind him. Ed jumped a few feet into the air when a sharp rustle from the bush behind him sounded. He whipped around to face behind him, teeth bared, to see that it was just his mechanic. Ed un-tensed gave her a look that followed a short-lived sigh. Winry smirked at him, her lips drawn. She held up her truty screw driver menacingly.
“ I'm fixing you here, and now, so be ready for pain.” She grinned. Ed noted that she wasn't watching what was happening in the clearing. Somehow, she had also stolen his attention, and he didn't see the figure throw back his hood. Winry drew a few screws and bolts from her pocket, and shot around his arm and leg, screwing in various parts. She paused for a breath over his arm, the last screw clenched tightly in her hand.
“This last one will re-connect the nerves old-fashioned way, so be ready”
Ed gave a slight nod, tensing up.
The shock that ran down the length of his body was visible as Winry tightened the screw back into place. Ed gave a sharp cry of pain before biting his lip, so hard that It hurt, and warm blood trickled down his clenched jaw. He didn't have time for this! He had to go and help Akina. The sudden thought sent another jolt threw him, and a stifled gasp came from beside him. It looked as If Winry was realizing that Akina was in the clearing. Ed struggled to open an eyelid as another flash of pain shook his frame. Akin was in the clearing… But this time, Envy was choking her. Ed Gaped at them through his pain, before realizing that Taka had just passed through the trees
His eyes where clouded over, and other children in the same state where joining him. Ed struggled up to a standing position, Even though he saw the concerned glance that Winry shot him. Ed staggered forward, leaning heavily on a tree, but never the less determined to get to that clearing. But when a strong arm wrapped around his torso, and gently pulled him backwards, he couldn't even find the strength to resist that. Edward groaned and sat in a jolt, wincing at the sudden contact, but the strength had drained from him. All he could do was turn his eyes back to the clearing, and watch in devastated horror.
/~Al's POV~\
Al gave a shocked cry as the door burst from its hinges, shattering into pieces on his metal arms. Lust darted forwards through the dust that had risen due to the broken door. Al threw his arms up in defense, subconsciously looking at them to find little dents and nicks from the wood. Lust lashes out with elongated claws, leaving a long gash in the armor. It was clear that she wasn't trying to actually hurt him, as she wasn't aiming for the blood seal. Al realized that she was holding him off from… Akina! It suddenly occurred to him that Akina had left with winry, But Winry was alone now.
Al turned on his heel and ran towards the room. Lust darted after him, leaving scars on the walls of the hall from her constant attack. Al burst into the room to find it empty, The window open, The curtains wafting dreamily in the breeze. He turned, looking up simultaneously. Al was in luck, as he found what he was looking for. The arch above the door way was fashioned so that he could grab onto it and swing, though that wasn't what he was planning. Lust came plunging around the corner, intent on not letting Al escape. Just as she came under the doorway, Al pulled down hard, and the entire arch of the doorway buckled. The planks of the ceiling came smashing down on lusts head, pinning her to the floor. She managed a weak growl, but made no attempt to get up.
Al turned, and launched himself from the window.
A/N: I think this is a good time to stop. I'm writing more. Sorry that It took way longer than expected, I stopped in the middle, and couldn't bring myself to finish it. REVIEW! `kudos'