Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ chp.11 // Unkown Anger, Hidden strength ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N yeah…. Umm…
“…What am I?”
/~ Guilt's POV~\
Guilt stood frozen over Rage's huddled form. The ground seemed to shudder under him. Edward glanced at Al, trying to decipher what his brother was thinking, though he didn't have the help from facial expressions. Alphonse hunched his shoulders, almost as if he were straining against a weight. It was likely that he was struggling with the fact that it was his fault that `Akina' was being put through such pain. Edward almost made a move to comfort him, but seeing how that would blow off, he stopped, and held himself in his place.
Guilt knelt by the trembling Rage, trying to comfort her, but finding no words. All that he could think was this.
“…I don't know.”
Edward lowered his head, his bangs shading his eyes, so that no one could see how much this affected him. He could hear Al quietly sobbing next to him.
Guilt knew that they were humunculus'…but how could he tell her that with out her running away from him? He had very nearly killed himself when he had figured it out. He would be dead if it weren't for his regenerating powers. Guilt winced visibly at the memory, still shying away from it internally. Alphonse moved beside him, shifting his weight uncomfortably. Edward shuffled his feet, and looked up, desperately trying to break the tense atmosphere.
He looked up - to get a face full of Envy
/~Envy's POV~\
Envy charged forwards, grinning madly. Edward yelped, stumbling backwards. Guilt whirled about, stunned by the sudden attack. Rage cried out, leaping towards Guilt instinctively. Guilt threw himself in front of Rage, Drawing the curved scythe in front of him. Envy twirled, stopped with one foot, and stood in the middle of the clearing, smirking that damnable smirk. Edward shifted readily, tensing and untensing in anticipation. Al flexed his hands, curling them into tight fist, and then uncurling. Guilt Looked at Envy with that `What the Hell was that' look on his purty little face ^^.
Envy shrugged his shoulders, still smirking. “Hey, I'm not my fathers messenger boy…”
He looked right at Rage, making her tremble in fear.
“I'm a delivery boy”
/~Rage's POV~\
Rage Curled against Guilt determinedly, as if sensing the wrong doing in Envy. Guilt ground his teeth together audibly, only half suppressing a snarl of anger. From the corner of her eye, Rage could see Edward suddenly tense, every muscle strained and ready to spring. Guilt stealth crept forwards, and giving no warnings, leapt at Envy. Envy Recoiled and immediately lashed out with a predictable round-the-house swing. Guilt dusked fast, sweeping forwards with his leg to knocked Envy backwards. Flipping, Envy caught himself and flashed his hand forwards.
Rage cowered against Alphonse, whom she had run to in a moment of desperation, seeing as he was the biggest. Ed would not have been much shelter (AN: Hah hah XD poor Eddo)Rage rung her hands nervously as Edward pitched into the fray.
“Hey! No fair, you cheaters! Two against one.” Envy mocked as Lust came hurtling out of the greenery to attack Edward. Ed swing around, his automail sword at the ready, and Lust's claws shot out, towards Ed's shoulder. Edward dodged, and Rage felt herself break into a sweat.
“…Stop…” She pleaded in a silent way, looking about wildly for a way to help her friends. “Please…stop…” She said, louder, trying to assert her. Al looked down at her, putting a hand on her shoulder to stop her from moving.
“No! … I…I have to help them…” Rage cried in despair. Al's hand held her back from doing anything rash, and the thrashed against it, sending her angry tears flying everywhere. Alphonse had to use both hands to retain the girl, as she was losing control, trying to throw herself into the group of fighting men. Alphonse growled.
“Akina, No!” He cried, before he had realized what he said. Taking advantage of his sudden shock, Rage broke free, hurling herself at Envy, screaming. Feeling inside of her welled up, threatening to bubble over. She trembled as she slammed into Envy, ramming him to the ground with her shoulder. Envy landed hard, not bothering to roll. He stared up at Rage in horror, and seeing that expression on his face sent rage tumbling into confusion.
Was he afraid of her?
Hah hah, I end it HERE.
I know that I'm sick, you just have to wait `til I write more. ^^
Ta ta, Cheerio.