Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ Chp.13 // Discussions - Counterpart ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N I am soooo hyper I'm drinking sugar induced tea. Yayyy two chapters in one nights.
Lets have a go, shall We?
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(…Yeah, you realize that you like, HAVE to review for this, right? Right?)
/~Edward's POV~\
Guilt Murmered something plainly incoherent, Edward and Alphonse struggled to grasp it. What ever it was mad Rage gasp in shock. Something that made Guilt stiffen, even as he himself had known it all along. But something clicked, in both alchemists mind, at Rage's Horrified whisper.
“The Stone…has a Counterpart?!”
“I've heard some rumors going around the military…” Ed said. “Apparently, some people have seen a strange, glowing book in the hands of a shadowy figure. Most say that they saw this figure as death, as he was dressed in a hooded black cloak and scythe.” Ed said, and returned to his book
“Surely that's not all?” Al asked. His brother shook his head, but this time didn't bother looking up from his book. “The book that this person…or thing, was holding was labeled `Philosophers stone: and its counter part'
Edward stumbled backwards, looking as if the wind had been potentially knocked from him. Alphonse froze, Watching Guilt's face go from understanding, to shock…to pain.
“The Rumors…It was you? You know that the philosophers stone…has a counterpart?”
Guilt nodded his head, his eyes suddenly serious.
“Not only that, but I'm positive that it was the potential to turn a humunculus back into a living human being.”
/~Winry's POV~\
Winry blinked her eyes open. She was in a room… on a chair…Akina's house?
Winry shook her head to dispel the remainder of sleep from her azure eyes. There was a crackling fire… and Clanking.' Oh, it must be Al ` She thought, and she finally let her eyes wander.
Edward, Guilt, Alphonse and a Woman were all sitting around the table, cold mugs of tea infront of each.
“Does anyone mind explaining this to me?” Winry huffed, even though it wasn't easy, as her throat was still thick with sleep.
Edward looked over in surprise, and then Laughed. Winry gave the most whole hearted scowl she could manage- it was a feeble attempt, and she would be lucky if she could intimidate a squirrel. Ed non-chalently motioned her to join them, and she did so, pulling up a seat. She could tell by the way that everyone was look at Guilt that there was to be an explanation.
A long…long explanation.
/~ Edward's POV~\
“So what your telling me is, that You stole this book from military records?!?” Edward yelped, clearly exasperated. Guilt looked at Edward in disbelief, Animosity clear in his eyes. He nodded once, confirming the theft involved in this little plot.
“ And you found out that the philosopher stone had an alternative?!?!”
Alphonse cut in, amazed by the sheer prospect of such an idea. Guilt gave another curt nod, indignation quickly joining the animosity.
“And Rage and yourself- you can be turned back using it?” Winry asked, happy at the idea of having her friend back to normal. Ed and Al where immersed in a talk about this counterpart whatever, they pouring over the stolen book as a traveler would to an oasis in a deserted.
When Winry tried to take a peek, they would hiss at her, drawing the book farther away from him. Winry would huff at them indignantly.
Rage and Guilt where having a conversation, though they didn't speak. Even that being the case, the moment was so private that Winry was compelled to look away.
Taka groaned from his bed, and Winry milled over there, fussing over him to keep herself distracted by the group at the table. He wasn't quite awake, his fever had returned and her murmuring incoherencies that where lost in a jumble. Winry managed to make out something about their parents. She smiled weakly at the young boy as he tossed and turned. One thing was repeated, though, amongst the mix of other things.
“I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…”
Sorry that this ones a bit shorter… <=D It's late…