Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I sit in the tree, quiet as a mouse. I was resting with my eyes closed, not asleep, though. A song kept running through my head. Just as I'd figured it was safe to sing, a herd of nurses decided to sit under my tree. Of course, there could be no singing now. If I were caught, they'd take me right back to my room. It's too dark in there though. My window faces north, so I get no sun, and as soon as the temperature starts to cool, the breeze turns into a harshly cold wind. I silently cursed those nurses.
I never thought my life would come down to this. Just you and me. Me, looking for a temporary escape from `solitary confinement' and a place in the sun, and you, somewhere just beyond my vision. I believe you're real, and out there. I have to, or I really am crazy enough to be here. In case you haven't guessed, this is a mental institution. Who am I? That doesn't matter. What matters is the story I have to tell. It's the story of a teenage automail mechanic, and the man she loved, the man known as the Full Metal Alchemist.
Sometimes the most amazing things can happen. Sometimes snow falls in June. Sometimes the sun will orbit the moon. Sometimes, no matter how well you think you know a person, he or she will manage to surprise you speechless. And sometimes, no matter how loosely or tightly you hold onto him or her, your love, your dream, he or she will slip through your fingers.