Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Strangers Like Me ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Strangers Like Me
Disclaimer: I make no claims to ownership of Fullmetal Alchemist, nor am I making any profits from the writing of this fanfiction.
In the end, humans are merely a composite of elements; water, minerals—bones and flesh. When these elements are broken down, we're no longer human. Some like to call this death. If death is the breaking down of elements, the reverse should be true. Putting these elements together and fashioning them whole with alchemy should create human life. But, as all things go, it never quite works like that.
In all cases, human transmutation has failed. Or has it? In the end, it does create life. Homunculi—beings superior, and yet also, less than humans—are fashioned by this act of alchemy. Twisted beings created from a humans weakness and forced to live without hope of ever joining the humans they so long to.
Only one transmutation has ever been successful in creating a true image of human life. Dante took great satisfaction in her work on Pride, because he could age; because he was very nearly human. But her work could not be called successful, nor anything more than slightly unflawed.
Because, to create a true human, one must be willing to sacrifice everything for their task. Dante wanted to live. Wanted to be forever young and beautiful. She feared death, and so human transmutation eluded her.
It was nearly seventeen years ago when he—my beloved brother, whom I never had the chance to love—committed a heinous crime against nature. But from that crime I was able to love my sister in his stead. She wasn't human, nor was she a homunculi. But I loved her and for many years, that's all she needed.
But she had something Dante wanted, something Dante needed. True immortality and a body that would never break down, or need to be exchanged. To Dante my perfect sister was indeed just that; perfect. Dante saw opportunity and because of it, our lives were never the same.
Dante was unprepared for our one trump card; the trump card I'd been following for years as he fumbled through the military's ranks. Edward Elric, a boy who could offer my sister the protection she needed, and the one person who could benefit from my sister's vast knowledge of the gate. He knew a lot himself, but I knew he lacked knowledge on the one subject he was desperate to understand.
The creation of a Philosopher's Stone.