Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Suprise! ❯ "I saw that...But what the hell led to it?" ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dinner was silent. To Roy and Al, it was rather compfortable, it was a nice, peaceful quiet. But Edward couldnt seem to sit still. 5 times within 45 minutes she had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and after that she would go outside, saying the room was warm and she needed air. Al began to worry that his sister might've been sick. Everynow and then she could spot her holding her stomach, as if in pain. She looked like she was absolutely uncompfortable.
"Edward, whats wrong?" Roy asked, lowering his fork. Edward shook her head.
"It's nothing...just not feeling well...." She swallowed hard and held her stomach."I'm gonna go to the bathroom..."
Roy grabbed her arm before she could leave."Seriously, something's wrong.Tell me."
Edward was hesitant, then she looked away."Really, I'm just not feeling well..."
Al looked to his sister with worry."You should stay here...just for tonight, then you leave in the morning...But I would feel better if you stayed and rested..."
She looked to Roy, who nodded, agreeing with Al. Again, she easily gave in. For some reason, she couldnt seem to disagree with either of them today.
Once they were done with dinner, they quickly made their way back to house. Roy carried Edward up to her room while Al went to go check on Winry.
"I was able to get her to come out after you all left.." Pinako began."But when she heard the door open and you guys talking, she bolted for her room."
Al sighed."She really is pissed..."
Pinako nodded."What's wrong with Edward?"
"She really wasn't feeling well..." Al looked towards the stairs."It's worrying me...she was acting as if she was..."Al swallowed hard.
"Was pregnant."
"How was she acting?" Pinako sat down, suddenly intrigued by their current conversation.
"Well..."Al began."She was up and in the bathroom every 5 minutes, she was sweating like none other, she looked like she was really hurting in her lower stomach.."
"that does sound pregnant." Pinako grinned, knowing it would cause Alphonse to freak out."But dont go jumping to conclusions."
Al nodded and sat down."Yeah..."
Roy had left Edward in her room to rest but that doesnt mean she did. Instead she was right back up-as much as it hurt- and was down the hall to Winry's room. She wasnt sure if Winry was still awake, but the small sliver of light creeping under the door indicated that she was. She knocked lightly.
"Winry...It's me.."
No reply.
Edward sighed."Please talk to me...I'm not leaving until you do.."
Again no reply. Edward sat next to the door."Winry I know you're mad...but it's only going to hurt until we talk it out...."
Silence filled the air. Hell, maybe Winry was asleep. Edward hung her head and stood up."You must be sleeping...so I'll go..."
She got three steps away before the door finally opened. Winry peaked out, her eyes pleading for Edward to come back and sit with her. Edward smiled, then made her way back to the room, happy that Winry had finally decided to talk to her and settle things.
Winry sat at the head of the bed, her legs crossed, hugging a pillow to her chest. She wouldnt look Edward in the eyes, and it kind of hurt her. Edward sat at the other end of the bed, her legs crossed as well. Not knowing how to start the conversation, she sighed and looked at her.
"Winry, I'm sorr-"
"Dont say it."She said quickly, her tone flat."I know you are."
"Then why wont you look at me?" Edward asked in a hurt manner."You know...it really hurts me..."
"Well you hurt me, it's only fair." Winry huffed.
Edward got to her knees and crawled to Winry, only to be shunned away by Winry hiding herself behind her knees and the pillow. Edward took the pillow in hand and gently pulled at it like a kitten with the need for attention. Winry hesitated, but after a few moments, let Edward take the pillow and put it aside.
"Please dont cry..." Edward smiled, wiping away the tears that stained Winry's flushed cheeks. The crying wasnt the only reason she was blushing. Edward's tank top didnt exactly cover everything, she could see right down it. She swallowed. Could she really be thinking this way about another girl? Maybe it was because this girl was Edward, the one she'd loved since the day they met. But still it was a girl...and to a point it was wrong.
Edward smiled. She grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and whiped Winry's face lightly."I like you...you're like family to me, and I dont like seeing you sad like this...and it hurts when you're mad at me...I was afraid today that you really wouldnt talk to me anymore...I wouldnt that. Winry...I love you...But not...that..."
Edward's sentence trailed off as Winry's lips lightly brushed against hers. Winry's eyes closed as her lips landed on Edward's, but Ed's eyes went wide. She wasnt sure what to do. Part of her was urging her to move away and kept reminding her that she had a boyfriend, but the other part was reminding her that Winry's feelings get hurt easily, and pulling away would definately cause problems. She squeaked as Winry's tounge entered her mouth. Edward could tell Winry was nervous from the way she moved.
Edward lost her balance, falling back. Winry landed on top of her betwen her legs.That's when everything became awkward, well, for Edward anyway. Winry only took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. After a long kiss she finally pulled away, panting. Edward looked up at her panting as well.
"W..Winry..."Edward closed her eyes, unsure of what to say or do.
Winry looked away, noticing her mistake. "I...I'm sorry..But i just had to do that..." She moved from on top of her, letting Edward sit up."You....should go to bed...it's late..."
Edward sighed shakily and nodded.She was to nervous and shocked to say anything, nothing would come to mind, and when something did, she couldt bring herself to voice it. But...Now were they going to act as if nothing happened? To a pint that idea sounded the best, but now the relationship between them was going to change completely. From now it on, everytime they looked at each other, it would be an awkward glance. Neither of them would be able to look each other in the eye.
Edward closed the door quietly behind her.
"What happened in there?"
Startled, she turned around to find Al staring at her with an expression Edward couldnt describe. Edward sighed.
"I saw that..."Al said slowly."But what the hell led to it?"
Edward shook her head."Hell, I dont even know...Al...I just wanna get to sleep, I dont feel good at all.."
Al nodded back in response and watched his sister trudge tiredly back to her room.
On the other side of the door, Winry could hear the faint voices convrsating. She hugged her pillow to her body again, regretting her actions deeply. Everything was going to change between them after today, and there was no way to patch it back up.